Wednesday, October 28, 2015

To My Readers

I apologize for disappearing once again. If you follow me on Tumblr or Twitter you've seen my posts. I am going thru a personal hell right now & honestly, I'm horribly depressed. Trust me when I say you don't want me to write when I feel like this.

I don't know what to tell you. I'm trying to get myself in a better place emotionally & spiritually but I'm in a seriously deep rut right now. Good wishes, happy thoughts & even prayer would be greatly appreciated. I haven't given up & still have a lot of stories to tell, so please be patient with me, okay? Love you all!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Welcome to My New Project

Hi, everyone!  Well, it's finally here.  The thing I've been planning, designing, etc. for the last seven months.  If you had told me that I'd be writing a series back when I started this blog, I would have laughed.  And now, here I am. 

This isn't something pretty or fluffy.  It's not sweet.  It's dark, twisted and messed up.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I hope you enjoy! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Can't Be Friends (VIXX Leo)

All righty!  Well, this one kind of came out of nowhere.  Um...hmm...what do I say?  Be prepared to flail, make awful noises and then get ice water and a fan.  You're welcome.

Also, happy birthday!  Your birthday was last weekend, but I...yeah.  I suck.  I hope you enjoy Taekwoon.  Your BFF is set to kill you.  Just FYI.  :)  

Day 2: So Close

So close

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day 6...Are You Ready?

So...remember when I told you I had something big to reveal?  Well, this is just a tiny part of it.  I hope y'all enjoy.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

WiFi Sucks

So no post at the moment, but to make up for it I'll be doing a drabble on twitter in about ten minutes. If you're on Twitter, message me! My handle is htjwhs_vixx and I do these when I can't do actual posts. I'm currently typing this on my phone. Hit me up!!!!! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Quick Update

Hello!!! I'm sorry for not posting. I've been working up to 10+ hours a day, my job is super physical and it's been hellishly hot for a few weeks now. So I'm wiped out. BUT this doesn't mean I'm not writing. I'm working on some things that will make you REALLY happy...I hope anyway.

But...I have a question. I am very, very curious how you found my blog. Was it word of mouth? My tweets? Just something random? I would really like to know. If you could comment and tell me, I'd love to know. If you don't feel comfortable revealing your name, do it on anonymous.

I honestly have no idea how many people read my blog. My stats don't give me specifics like who's new or who's reading a story for the millionth time. I have made ways for people to follow my blog but that doesn't seem to work. So I wish I could figure that out. My curiosity is rather persistent.

Lastly, my little timer is counting down! A week from Tuesday, y'all will be getting a huge present. It'll be my birthday and my gift to you is this massive project I've been working on for the months. Eep! I hope y'all like it. I'll give more details as the time gets closer. Just...anticipate. :)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Noona Killer (VIXX Hyuk)

Oh, Sanghyuk, you are definitely a noona killer.  *sighs*  All I can say is I love writing Sanghyuk so much and it always makes me sad that people don't read his stories that much.  I hope y'all like this one.  I love it!  :)

And if any of you missed the lovely reveal of ManHyuk, look it up.  You'll thank me later.  :P

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Just a Quickie (Ha!)

Hey, y'all!  Just letting you know a couple things.  As you can see in the right hand corner of this blog, there is a countdown timer. because of something big that's coming up here on the blog.  But, I'm in a conundrum.  Because this is so big, I'm wondering if I should have it on this blog where I have all of my one-shots or if I should have another blog linked to this one.  Seems like a lot of work, but it's that big.  For me it is anyway.  :)

I have two stories in the works at the moment.  One is a Sanghyuk and one is Jaehwan.  I hope to have one up tomorrow.  I was going to have it up tonight but I've got a horrible headache and don't feel like writing. 

I hope that you will be happy & excited with this huge project I'm doing for y'all.  I've had this idea for years, but it's only since I started this blog that things have started to gel.  It's a huge project and I'm super stoked about it.  I'll be revealing things as the countdown gets closer.  Just...anticipate, will ya?  :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Innoncence Found Part 2 (VIXX N)

Welcome to Part 2!  First off, I'll say it's a thousand times hotter than part 1.  I couldn't help myself!  The idea of Hakyeon teaching you how to love yourself was just too delicious not to go really, really hot.  But it's also super sweet.  *sighs*  Why can't these VIXX boys exist in reality?  

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Intriguing Discoveries (VIXX Leo & Ken)

Okay, first of all, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes while I've been going thru this block.  If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know where this story idea came from.  I'll warn you, it's not like anything I've written before.  I still don't know where it came from, but I'm not complaining.

I hope y'all like it.  And as always, comments are always greatly appreciated

Monday, August 3, 2015

Writing Mojo

So, in hopes of finding my writing mojo again, I've decided to do a new prompting.  This doesn't mean I'm going to ignore the ones I already have.  They're all good ones & I'm sure I'll come up with something, but I honestly need something fresh.  Something that will jar my brain.

I've been trying to figure out how I should do this.  I don't want to overwhelm myself & end up with 40 more prompts I can't finish, so I think I'm going to set a limit.  I will take 15 requests. Please be creative like you always are!  This is why I love you all so much!  *hugs*

As always up to 3 letters & one or more members.  I know you're all probably frustrated & annoyed with me.  All I can do is bow my head in apology.  :(

1. Hakyeon

2. Taekwoon

3. Jaehwan

4. Wonsik

5. Hongbin

6. Sanghyuk

A. Teen VIXX

B. Tattoo Artist VIXX

C. Song Prompt (Give me artist & title)

D. VIXX (no romance, just interactions between the members)


F. Friends with Benefits

G. College AU

H. Lifeguard AU

I. VIXX w/ their families

J. Location Outside of bedroom (give me a location, I'm begging you!)

K. First time (kiss, confession, sex, etc...please specify)

L. Coffee Shop

M. Retail AU

N. Girl VIXX (VIXX as women...Lord help us)

O. Monster High VIXX AU (brilliant)

P. Period VIXX (Pride & Prejudice?  Sense & Sensibilty?  Is a thought)

Q. Restaurant/Bar AU

R. Random object (ice, silk scarf, chocolate (sauce/bar/whatever), fruit, bubble bath...tell me what you want to see)

S. Royal VIXX AU

T. Hybrid VIXX (Half human/ or dog or whatever...tell me)

U. Surfer VIXX

V. Marriage of Convenience (why?  Someone please choose this one)

W. Shifter VIXX

X. X-Rated (why do I even bother putting this one?  Almost all of my stories are NC-17 at least)

Y. Artist VIXX

Z. Author VIXX

As always, have fun!  And...GO!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2015


I'm trying to figure out what my issue is.  I know I haven't written on here in a month.  Trust me, I know.  Honestly, it feels like I'm stuck in this giant black hole & no matter how hard I try to dig myself out of it, it keeps sucking me right back in.

I had almost an entire one-shot done, but when I came back to finish it, Blogger decided it was better that it be deleted.  The entire thing was gone.  There are times I wonder if I should continue on with this blog.  As much as I love to write, sometimes it can be a frustrating endeavor.  I want to write for you all.  I really do.  But I've received some rather unpleasant messages from anons that I never posted because it wasn't worth the effort. 

This blog is a hobby.  It is something I do for fun when I have time.  I work a full-time job, have a lot of outside responsibilities and as much as I would like to write full time, I can't.  That is why there will be gaps in between my writing.  Sometimes I can't write even once a week.  Or once a month.  My tendonitis flared up to the point where I couldn't use my left hand at all.  On my way back from Chicago I got sick.  Real life sucks and sometimes it takes me away from the one thing I really, really want to do.  I wish I could write all the time.  Sadly, I can't. 

So, I hope y'all will be patient with me.  I have so many ideas, but every time I sit down to write, it sucks balls.  It's not worth putting on paper let alone actually publishing.  I'm in a funk & it sucks.  It honestly has me so down in the dumps that I don't even want to look at my computer.  I need something to get me out of this, but I have no idea where to even start.  Should I do a new prompt?  Limit it to fifteen?  See if that will jar my brain?  I don't know anymore.

Any suggestions?  Please help me get out of this funk I'm in.  I can't stand it anymore.  *sighs*

Saturday, July 25, 2015

BTS Part 2: The Red Bullet Concert Review

So obviously this isn't a story (sorry for the long delay, y'all), but yesterday was my BTS concert & holy crapdoodles, it was the most amazing experience of my life.  *sighs*

Since this was my first KPOP concert experience, I had no idea what I was getting into.  At all.  My wonderful friend let me stay at her house, which allowed me to afford this trip.  :)  I got here on Thursday and we spent the day driving back to her house and hanging out.  Yesterday we drove into Chicago with the idea that we would spend 99% of our day there before driving to the concert venue.

Downtown Chicago...well, Chinatown in Chicago was where we spent most of our time.  My friend took me to the most amazing KPOP store where I spent a ridiculous amount of money.  *sighs*  I'm not surprised I spent the money, cuz we don't have anything like it in Michigan.  I got some amazing stuff & at some point I might take a picture of it all.  It was ridiculous.

Since my friend had press, we had to get to the venue a little early so she could get stuff figured out.  I was sitting with one of her friends who I met at the venue.  Even though it was assigned seating, the line at the venue was absolutely ridiculous.  The line basically circled 2/3 of the building.

My friend met up with the others who had press, so I spent most of my time leaning against a wall watching some of the kids dance to random KPOP songs.  When the doors opened at 7, there was a long wait before I could finally get inside.

All I can say is thank goodness the Rosemont Theater actually understands good seating for concerts.  My seat was WAY in the back, but my view was completely unobstructed  There were no seats in front of me, so I had a crystal clear view of the stage.  The others sitting around me were great and we had some great laughs before the concert started.

The houselights dimmed and the bright lights over the stage came on about ten minutes before 8.  The crowd went completely ballistic, because they knew when those lights went off, the concert was going to start.  The chants of BTS, BTS, BTS! were insane.  The girl behind me just went completely insane & I think she blew out my ear drums before the concert even began!  LOL!

The lights went off and I could see the boys as they went out onto the stage.  The screams were so loud that they stood there for a good five + minutes waiting for us to chill a bit before the concert actually began.

They started with N.O. and they killed it  From there they went into We Are Bulletproof Pt 2, We On & Hip Hop Lover.  After that they did their first talk where they introduced themselves.  The screams for Jimin & Taehyung were so loud you couldn't even hear them when they were talking.  Whoops!  LOL!

Right after their first talk, they jumped into Let Me Know & I about died.  They completely killed it.  Completely.  It's my favorite song by them, but now it's probably my fave KPOP song ever.  Their harmonies and the rapping were so on point it's ridiculous.  *sighs*

They then went into Rain, Blanket Kick and Just One Day.  Just One Day slayed me.  Jin had a rose through his part and the front row was going insane because they thought he was going to throw the rose into the crowd.  Thankfully he didn't or all hell would have probably broken loose.  LOL!

Look Here, Propose, No More Dream were all wonderful.  Jimin's abs were on display, but what really caught me was his hair.  Since I was so far back I couldn't see everything super clear, but that intense red in his hair kept catching the light and he just shone.  *sighs*

Then they jumped into Tomorrow and I'm not kidding when I think every fan girl in the crowd about died.  Their body rolls were so on point and the choreo for that song is just pure sex.  I'm still in pain thinking about it.  :-P

Miss Right, I Like It, If I Ruled The World...all amazing.  BUT...what completely slayed me was the Cyphers.  Oh.  My.  Lord!  Those three just completely & totally killed it.  They were so into it I'm amazed they didn't break anything.

That segued directly into War of Hormone and Danger.  I Need U & Boy In Luv finished off the main set.  The boys went off stage and the crowd just went completely ballistic.

As we were waiting for the encore, they played a video that just pulled the heartstrings.  All about them predebut up to now and it was beautiful.  When they came back, they went into Road (Path), Dope and Boyz with Fun.  The last song was Attack on Bangtan (Rise on Bangtan) and they were bouncing off the walls.  It was like once the encore started they said screw choreography & just did whatever they wanted.  And it was great!  LOL!

The opening video & the parts that connected it through the whole concert...whoever filmed it deserves an award.  They looked so good it's ridiculous!  I'd seen the behind the scenes of that, but seeing it live and in person just blew my mind.

My Thoughts:

Rap Mon needs way more kudos than he gets.  When he raps, he gets so into it it's like he forgets he's in front of people.  He's very charismatic and his English was great.  And his dancing.  When he's in formation with the other six, he completely & totally holds his own.  And some of his moves were enough to make my head explode.  LOL!  And when he said he was so excited to be in Chicago, that it had been his dream since he was a kid, you could tell he really meant it.

Suga is...adorable.  He is so pale in person that some of the lighting made him literally glow.  With that blond hair he just shines. Suga & aegyo do not mix, but man was it funny when he did it.  And that boy needs a mixtape ASAP!  Hearing him rap in person and that he doesn't get breathless when he's going off just blows my mind.  He is...phenomenal.  And his dancing is so underrated.  So underrated.  He more than held his own.

Jin was just so cute.  He hurt himself somewhere along the line so he wasn't bending down as far as the others, but his legs were fine, so he was keeping up with the rest of them.  When they did Just One Day he was so cute.  He kept wandering around his area with the rose and you could tell that he was flirting with any girl he could see.  :)  And his voice IRL is stellar.  He more than held his own with the other vocalists.  And he really, really loves Chicago-style pizza!  LOL!

J-Hope...where do I even begin with him?  First of all, that boy more than deserves the title of Sunshine.  He had a huge grin on his face the entire time.  His eyes just shone and he kept giggling during the speeches.  But when he danced, his body moved in ways that were just beautiful.  All fluidity and charisma.  And his singing voice.  Egads!  I don't even know what to say!  And he more than held his own during his rapping sections.  So beautiful.  *sighs*

Jimin is just a flirt.  Kept making direct eye contact with anyone he could see and played the crowd like a pro.  His voice is gorgeous live.  Absolutely gorgeous.  And he was having a blast.  Running around on stage.  Flirting with Jungkook  & Taehyung.  Just being the little ball of sweetness we all know him to be.

Taehyung is absolutely stunningly beautiful in real life.  Like...take his pictures & videos and times the hotness factor by a million.  He took my breath away.  And his voice!  Good Lord!  When he was singing Let Me Know, his tone was so perfect.  And he was also having too much fun.  When they came out for the encore he was just bouncing around like a bunny.  And he was just pure adorableness when he was speaking in English.  So cute.

Jungkook is illegal.  Pure and simple.  He's the other one who is ten thousands times more beautiful in person than he is in videos.  Like...I can't even.  Everything he did was perfect, which was a bit ridiculous.  Even his turn doing aegyo when he lost was adorable.  LOL!  His voice is stunning and yeah.

So my final conclusion is that you can't go to one of their concerts without falling head over heels for them.  They are so talented and so full of energy it's ridiculous.  They're all beautiful and they know how to work the crowd.  They gave their all and then some.  At the end when they said their final goodbyes, they got super emotional.  Rap Mon, Jimin...they all cried.  I think they could feel the love of the crowd.  How could you not?

The crowd fed them that love.  Just about every song we were singing our hearts out to the point where you could barely hear them.  As they walked off stage, I Need U began playing again.  We began to sing it as they walked off.  Jin and Taehyung were the last two off and you could tell they didn't want to leave.  Waves high over their heads and huge smiles on their faces.

And I had a moment with Rap Monster.  At the end before they left, the lights went on and the boys were all standing at the edge of the stage looking everywhere, not just down at the pit.  Where I was standing there was nothing blocking me from view.  I had my hands over my head, waving and he looked directly at me.  His eyes went down to my feet and up to my hands and I saw him mouth Wow!  The girl behind me smacked my arm and was like "Girl, he was looking right at you!"  I think my height blew his mind!  LOL!

All in all it was the most amazing experience of my life.  I almost cried at the very end as we were all singing after they walked off the stage for the last time.  It honestly broke my heart that it was over.  It went by so fast my head felt like it was spinning.  Everyone I met was amazing and the genuine love you felt from us to BTS and from BTS to us was just the most precious thing ever.  I am so very thankful I was able to have this opportunity and I will never be able to forget it.

Thank you BTS for being so amazing.  You've made a fan for life after last night.  *bows*

Monday, July 20, 2015

Just so you know, I haven't forgotten or given up on this blog. Real life is playing interference with my writing. My tendonitis is also flaring up really bad which makes typing excruciating for me right now. I promise I'll have something up very soon. I just ask for your patience & understanding. :)

Friday, July 3, 2015

Accept Me (VIXX Leo), this one came out of nowhere.  Personal experience mostly.  Except I've yet to find a guy with this much patience.  Still, real life has a way of creating the best stories, doesn't it?  I hope y'all enjoy.  And boy howdy, this one isn't remotely Ramadan safe.  But, something to look forward to!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Love Me Like You Do (VIXX Hongbin)

Wow, this is an epic.  LOL!  I didn't plan on it to go this long, but in the end I'm really happy with it.  I fell in love with Hyuna's character from the moment she was introduced in Pure Devil.  I've wanted to write her story for a long time, but couldn't figure out which one of the VIXX boys would do her justice.  I hope you like this one!  And no, it is not remotely Ramadan safe.  :(  I'm sorry!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Pure Devil Pt. 2 (VIXX N)

So, a ton of you have been asking me for a continuation of Pure Devil because of how I ended it.  I usually don't write sequels to one-shots, but with this one I actually planned to write more.  This time I'm writing from Hakyeon's perspective and I hope you like it.  This is a bit of a prompt & something I saw on Tumblr.  Stupid Tumblr!  *shakes fist*

And yes, I am writing another scenario!  Too many days have gone by since I've written anything & I'm jonesing.  So, enjoy!  This one won't be Ramadan safe.  I apologize.

Also, if you're from Seoul and you've been to Incheon Airport, I'm so sorry if I got details wrong.  I try and do as much research as I can, but I admit I make mistakes.  :(  Hopefully you can forgive said errors & enjoy the story as it was meant to be. :)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Missed Opportunities & Second Chances (VIXX Hongbin)

Hello!  I know, it's a miracle, but I AM alive!  Whoo-hoo!  *happy dance*  I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever be able to write again.  It seemed like the real world was out to get me.  First my WiFi went out & then I got hit with a terrible bug.  *sighs*  Thankfully I'm feeling much better AND I have my WiFi back! 

So, this story is a combination of a request and something I saw on Tumblr.  I couldn't help myself.  The idea was just too cute.  And it's Ramadan safe too!  So, my followers who are fasting and such can read it without worry.  Yay!

Saturday, June 13, 2015


I'm sorry everyone. I hoped to write tonight but this bug is making my life hell right now. I've got a horrible headache & I'm just...ugh! So, don't give up on me! I'm here, I'm alive & I'm really, really wanting to write. I've got two great ideas brewing. Just cross your fingers I feel better tomorrow. *sighs*

Monday, June 8, 2015

Hey All

I had all these grand plans to have at least two stories up this weekend but I'm down for the count with a virus of some sort. My brain is so fuzzy I can't think.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dreams Come True (VIXX Leo)

So, I’ve been thinking about VIXX with kids, which is never a good idea.  It always gets me right in the feels.  I’ve wanted to write a one-shot of their futures for a long time.  It feels kind of weird, but I just see them all as being insanely amazing fathers.  This one is Taekwoon, but you’ll see the others as fathers too.  I hope y’all enjoy and that the feels don’t kill you.  They’re going to kill me as I write this.  And this is also a really old scenario request.  To the person who requested, I hope you like. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Naughty Boy (VIXX Ravi)

I really shouldn't be allowed on Tumblr or anywhere else.  Seeing other prompts makes my head explode.  So, this is a combination of a prompt I saw on Tumblr and one that was requested.  I hope y'all like it.  All I know is writing it had me in a constant sweat.  I'm thinking that's a good sign, no?  :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

I'm Alive

I disappeared again. Sorry about that. I'm still here, still writing & will be posting this weekend. Things have been a bit chaotic lately, but that's all calming down, so yay!  I was hoping to have something up tonight but I'm exhausted. So, have a tiny bit more patience with me & I hope to have something up tomorrow. :D

Monday, May 11, 2015

Ultimate Distraction (VIXX Ken)

So, last night I was on Tumblr and saw a prompt someone had sent someone else for Yoongi from BTS.  Since I don't write for BTS, I thought...HMMMMMMM...LOL!  I've changed it up some so it's not a literal translation, but enough.  I'm hoping it'll be hot, sweet and funny.  *crossing fingers*

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Welcome to the Family (VIXX Ken)

I love this story!  The end makes me laugh every single time.  This is the last of my old stories.  Everything from this point forward will be new.  Thank you for your patience.  I'm battling either a hot flash from hell or just yucky hot weather.  I'm melting & my brain is too.  :(

Fever (VIXX Ravi)

Aw, yes, jealous Ravi.  Booyah!

Expendable Targets (VIXX Leo & Ravi)

This one went places.  *shakes head*  Have fun!  :D

Firsts (VIXX Hyuk)

I love this one.  Virgin Hyuk.  So cute.  Aw shucks.

Pure Magic (VIXX Leo & Ravi)

Menage.  Have fun.  Heh

Hello There, Mr. Kim (VIXX Ravi)

Ah, yeah.  The start of the CEO sexiness.  Booyah!  Have fun, y'all.

The Gift (VIXX Leo)

One of my favorites.  Dom Leo just can't stay submissive for long.  Heh.

The Heart Wants What It Wants (VIXX N)

This one went places.  Boy, did it go places.  I still have no idea what prompted me to write it.  Have fun with it.  LOL!

Perfect In My Eyes (VIXX N)

Some would say this is my most...controversial scenario.  It's still one of my favorites and still makes me sniffle when I read certain parts of it.  I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Quiet Protector (VIXX Leo)

Okay, first of all, let me just say thank you Lord Jesus, the dry spell seems to be over.  *cries copious tears*  Writer's block sucks big hairy balls & I'm so thankful it seems to have gone away.  Let's hope it stays that way.

Secondly, this story...went places.  Trigger warnings maybe?  It definitely gets dark there for a bit.  It's also really, stupid long.  I couldn't help myself.  I needed to prove I could still write.  Yay for you, I suppose.  :)  Anyway, enjoy!  As always, comments are definitely appreciated.  :D

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Virgin Territory (VIXX Hongbin)

Pure sweetness from beginning to end.  Aw shucks.  

Private Dancer (VIXX N)

My first Hakyeon.  Hard to write, but turned out well.  So, yay!  

Game Changer (VIXX Hyuk)

Still one of my favorite Hyuk stories.  Makes me go "Ah" every time.  :)

A Healing Time (VIXX Ken)

Still one of the hardest stories I've ever written.  I hope you enjoy it again!  :)

Voyeuristic Tendencies (VIXX Ravi)

People have been asking me for this one.  Here you go!  

Jealousy Sparks (VIXX Leo)

So, since my brain doesn't want to work for me...*cries*...I'm going to re-upload some of my old stories for your viewing pleasure.  I admit I'm horribly frustrated & sick of this block I seem to be stuck with right now.  Blaming everything else & not myself is just dumb, so I won't.  I'll just say I'm doing my best to push past it.  Please have patience with me.  Words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.  Right now I feel like just walking away.

I'm putting up Taek, Jaehwan and Hongbin tonight because those are three of my favorites.  I hope you'll enjoy seeing some old favorites.  :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hey, y'all. Just letting you know I'm still alive. Dealing with a really bad case of writer's block at the moment. Everything I've been writing is just...terrible. I'm not giving into it though. I'm determined to work my way thru it. Just have patience with me.

99% of my problem is just crap going on in my real life. A lot of work drama, family health issues, and just life in general. I'm very stressed out & overwhelmed. Sadly, this is affecting my writing which is how I usual unwind. To say this is stressing me out is an understatement. *sighs* patient with me. I promise I'll be back soon & hopefully stronger than ever. *crossing fingers*

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Pure Devil (VIXX N)

So, I finally have a chance to sit down and write!  Yay!  Let me tell you, when I can't write during the week, it sucks.  This is how I unwind, which might seem weird to some of you, but that's how I'm wired.  :)

I'm sitting here looking at my list of prompts and honestly they're all so good I can't decide which one I want to write next.  Oh, what a dilemma!  A happy one, but still!  I'm going to just eanie-meanie-meinie-mo and see what happens.  LOL!

And on a side note, I'm going to be at the BTS TRB in Chicago, if any of my readers will be there.  I honestly don't know how you'll miss me since I'm probably going to be one of the tallest people there.  LOL!  I'm so excited I could scream!  So, if you are going to be there & want to meet me, just drop me a line and let me know.  That could be super exciting or really embarrassing, depending.  :D

On to prompt #3!  Hurrah!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Quick Flyby Post

Hello!  *waves* 

I had all these great plans to write this week, but that didn't happen (obviously).  I'm working anywhere up to 12 hours a day this week, plus I'm coming down with something, so I'm pooped.  That being said, I'll have a new story up this weekend for sure.  Hold me to that.  If I don't, you're allowed to chastise me.  :{

I'm also in the middle of setting up a new website.  I wanted to create a place where people can congregate, talk about VIXX, share art, have conversations, etc.  I also wanted a place to put my old stories where you can access them easily.  But, since I've never actually created a website before, it's all trial and error on my part.  I should have that up sometime next week?  Maybe?  LOL!

I'm also working on the series I hinted at before.  There's a lot going on behind the scenes at the moment and I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get it up and running.  This is what happens when you're creative but have to work a real job to support said creativity.  LOL!  I am trying to get it done soon so I can share it with you.  I'm super excited and am working with some extremely talented people to bring this to you.  I hope you'll be happy with it when it's ready.

I've got a lot of prompts to work through as well, so I'm a busy, busy girl.  Yay for productivity!  *throws hands up*

Again, I love communicating with you.  You can email, contact me on KKT, twitter, tumblr, etc.  I'm pretty easy to find.  And I always respond to comments too.  I've made it super easy for you to stay up to date on my stories as well.  You can add me via google, email, etc.  All of the links should be on the right side of this page.

In the meantime, I'm going to go pass out now.  Colds suck.  :(

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Beautiful Seduction (VIXX Leo)

Hoo-boy!  33 amazing, wonderful prompts.  Y'all are awesome!  This is prompt #2 and it is about as different from last night's prompt as night is from day.  All I can say is I did not choose this one.  I had someone choose a number & this is the one they landed on.

I hope I do this one justice.  If it all works as planned, it should be hot, dirty and oh, so much fun.  Yay!  On to the prompt!

And I know the requester said not to make it 50SoG, but since I've never read that, I have no idea if I'm close or not.  I hope not 

Saturday, April 18, 2015

First Love & All Its Splendor (VIXX Ravi)

Ah, to be writing again!  It feels amazing!  :)  I wanted to say thank you again to everyone for being so supportive during this turbulent time.  I haven't written anything in 2+ weeks and I need it!  So, I'm going to start on one of the prompts tonight.

As you know, the requests are now closed.  Thank you for all of your requests!  They're all amazing & I can't wait to start working on them.

This is a cute prompt, but it might not be 100% what was requested.  I guess I have some residual anger to work through.  Still, it should end up being cute, sweet, funny & sexy.  If I do my job right, anyway.  I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

To New Beginnings

Oh, where do I even start?  In all honesty, this last week has been an absolute nightmare.  I have to say thank you to everyone for being so supportive of me during this turbulent time.

Obviously, this is the new blog.  I'm still tweaking and fixing things to make them as perfect as I can. As I've been going thru this...thing, I've been doing a lot of thinking.  I really, really want to start fresh.  I've saved all of my previous works and at some point I believe I'll put them back up, but for now I want to start anew.

Sadly, this means that I will not be writing any more of the prompts I hadn't finished.  It's not that I don't want to.  I think it's because I want it to be completely fresh & new.  So, what does this mean?  I'd like to do a new prompt list.  New ideas.  New...everything.

That being said, I'm still planning on the two series I'd talked about before.  I'm super excited and can't wait to show you everything.  I appreciate your patience while I've been dealing with this nonsense.  I hope (Please God) that things have finally settled down and that I'm safe to write what I want now.  *crossing fingers*

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll notice I'm locked down.  I don't foresee that changing anytime in the near future.  If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I'm not that hard to find.  I'll also be creating a new Tumblr account as well, deleting my current one.

I hope that you'll be happy with the new blog, the changes, and all.  I hope you'll forgive me for not continuing with the first batch of prompts.  Below you'll find a new list of prompts.  If you're interested either comment, email, tweet or message me on Tumblr with your choices.  Just like last time, the members will be listed 1-6.  You can choose up to three prompts with one or more members.  Have fun with this one.  And again, thank you for all of your support.  You are all amazing & I love you dearly.  In a totally platonic way, of course.  LOL!


A. Firsts (kiss, sex, confession, etc.  Please specify your choice)
B. Holiday (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's, etc. Plz specify)
D. Favorite song/lyrics (give me song title or favorite lyrics & I'll post something with that in mind)
E. Teen VIXX (I like this prompt.  It's...innocent. Or not.  Depends on you.  LOL!)
F. Flirting
G. Guy on guy (since some of you want OTP...but specify which 2 members you want)
H. Heartache
I. Virgin VIXX (Heh)
J. Foreigner
K. Sex in a public/semi-public place (where?)
L. Love sound (moaning, swearing, panting, laughing, etc.  Specify which one)
M. Marriage (convenience or love...tell me which one you prefer)
N. Doing the dirty.  Is there a position you'd like me to write about that I haven't yet?
O.  Orgasm denial (o.O)
P. Passion, pure and simple
Q. Quiet time (reading, watching a movie, sitting in front of a fire, etc. Tell me your choice)
R. Romance...pure romance
S. Submission/domination (you or him top...specify)
T. Trust issues
U. Ultimate fantasy (Is there a specific fantasy you have you'd like to see in writing? Tell me!)
V. VIXX-centric.  No sex, just the six of them interacting.
W. Happy ending
X. Hot button (something that's maybe taboo, but you think needs to be written (as in healing/dealing with it in a positive sense)?  Tell me what it is.
Z. Friendship

Please have fun with this!  I'll be closing the prompts at 8 PM EST tomorrow.  I'll start writing this weekend.  Thank you again for all of your support.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.  You're all wonderful, amazing people & I'm so happy you found me.  :)