Sunday, October 4, 2015

Secret Night Part 1 (VIXX Hongbin)

This is a combination of prompts & my dirty mind at work.  Enjoy!

When you first moved to Korea, you didn’t think about the loneliness you’d feel.  Instead, your thoughts were on the new adventure you’d be having and the amazing things you’d be seeing.  It wasn’t until you’d been there for close to a year that the loneliness kind of reared up and smacked you in the face.  You had made a couple of friends, but they were closer to being acquaintances than friends.  

You sat in front of your computer staring at the ads that covered the screen.  You were ready to dig up your contacts on your phone and text random people just to find someone to talk to, but a random ad caught your eye.

‘Are you tired of quiet nights alone in the dark?  Wish for some companionship?  Then look no further.  Secret Night is at your service.’

Without thinking about it too hard you picked up your phone and dialed the number.  A woman with a pleasant contralto answered the phone and you found yourself stuttering as you explained what you were looking for.  You must not be the only nervous client they had because her calm demeanor never faltered.  

“So you’re just looking for companionship?  Someone to talk to you?  Take you out?”

“Yes, I’ve lived in Korea for almost a year and I haven’t really made any friends here.  I just want to feel like someone wants me here.”

“Ah, I see.  Do you prefer male or female?”


“Do you want them to treat you as they would a girlfriend or as just a friend?  The prices vary depending.”

“I don’t know.  In all honesty, this isn’t anything I ever planned on doing, but I’m lonely as hell.  I need to feel desired, to feel attractive, to feel wanted.  I’m just so tired of being alone.”

“Ah, yes, I understand.  What is your email address?  I’m going to send you dossiers of a couple of our men that I think would suit you.  Look them over and then email me with your choice.  I will also include a price list; things we offer and things we frown on.  If you have any questions please feel free to communicate with me and let me know.”

“Thank you so much for your assistance.  And I’m sorry if I’m coming across as an awkward duckling.”

“It is all right.  I’m happy to be of assistance.”

You rattled off your email address and after saying goodbye you hung up.  You sat there waiting with bated breath and when the email popped up twenty minutes later, you had it open in seconds.  The woman hadn’t lied.  She’d sent you dossiers on four men who at first glance were all ridiculously good looking and had that certain something you liked.  As you read through the descriptions, there was one in particular that really stood out to you.  

The head-shot on his profile showed someone with sharp bone structure, sleepy looking eyes with the most ridiculously long lashes you’d ever seen.  Lips that were full without being obscene and dimples that popped on either side of his mouth.  He was tall without being too tall and seemed to be someone you could see yourself hanging out with.  

You read through the price list, snickering at some of things they offered.  You’d never really taken into consideration some of the kinks people had, but some of them were so far out of your comfort zone they made you squirm.

You decided to start simple.  You made a ridiculously good salary at your job and you had quite a bit saved.  If you couldn’t spoil yourself now, what was the point of saving up all that money?  You chose the hang out option, with dinner and conversation.  Nothing crazy, nothing to make you uncomfortable.  You wanted to test the waters first to see if you actually had chemistry.  If you jumped right into sex without knowing if you’d click, you had a horrible feeling it would be an absolute nightmare.  And now you were contemplating sex.  You really were lonely.

You received a response with a date and the name of a local restaurant close to your apartment.  You responded with an affirmative and then had to sit there to get your wits about you.  You were really going to do this.  

Two days later you were at the designated location sipping a glass of wine, wondering if you’d made a terrible mistake.  You hadn’t known what to wear and had decided on something between casual and dressy.  You’d put on makeup and done your hair, but you knew this wasn’t a date.  It was nothing close to a date and you needed to keep telling yourself that.

It got worse when someone cleared their throat behind you and you turned around.  His picture did not do him justice.  Seeing him live and in person made the breath catch in your throat.  How could he be so beautiful?  His hair was styled differently than it had been in his picture; slightly off part with a small chunk of bang hanging in his eye.  He smiled at you, flashing the dimples that had first caught your attention.

“Have you been waiting long?”

You shook your head, struck dumb.  He sat down in the seat across from you, his casual air making you relax.  You settled back in your seat and smiled at him.  He smiled back and it was like the awkwardness just completely disappeared.

Conversation flowed as food was served and you found yourself laughing harder than you had since you’d moved to Korea.  He made you feel so comfortable it was like you’d known each other forever.  His voice was deep and had a soothing timbre to it that made goosebumps pop up on your skin.  And you had to remind yourself, once again, that this wasn’t real.  That he didn’t really like you.  That you were paying for his services.  As you said goodbye and watched him walk away, it hurt more than you thought it would.

You held out for a week before breaking down and requesting his services again.  This time you chose to meet at a club for dancing, since it was something you loved to do.  When you arrived you found him already there, leaning against the wall outside of the club.  You bit your lip when you saw what he was wearing, since it looked ridiculously good on him.  It made you bite back a sigh as he stood up straight, smiling at you as you walked up to him.

Skin-tight, well worn jeans, a simple white t-shirt and boots should not look that good.  But when they hugged a frame that was toned and in shape, they looked phenomenal.  He took your hand after paying to get in and led you out onto the dance floor, where he pulled you snug up against him and began to move.

You loved to dance, but you hated it when your partner wasn’t any good.  You could not say that about him.  The way he held you, his hips moving just so, made you very aware of your femininity and you couldn’t get your mind off the fact that if he moved that good on the dance floor, he had to be phenomenal in bed.  Which automatically made you think of him naked and in your bed.  God, you had it bad.  You needed to stop this before it went too far.

But when the beat changed and he spun you around, your back pressed against his front, you forgot everything but the music and the way he felt pressed against you.  The way he smelled; a combination of his aftershave and male sweat.  The way you could feel he wasn’t unaffected by you being pressed up against him, his hard cock pressed against your backside.  You wanted to turn around and kiss him, but that wasn’t what you’d paid for.  Instead you closed your eyes and let the music take you over.

A month and three more “dates.”  Enough time to realize you’d made a horrible mistake in pursuing this.  You still didn’t know his name, because you’d requested that names not be used.  That anonymity made it palatable for you to do this.  If you knew his name there was a higher chance you would establish feelings for him and you didn’t want that to happen.  Sadly your body had other ideas and it had reached the point where you really wanted to have sex with him.  

You thought about it more than you’d care to admit, trying to decide if sex was something you could honestly handle.  Would your emotions let you do it or was it too much to ask for?  You wished you were the kind of person who didn’t attach emotions to sex, but unfortunately you were.  But your body was adamant and you needed to fuck him like you needed your next breath.  Setting up that appointment was one of the hardest things you’d ever done.  You received the email with the date, time and location; this was real. 

That day you were a nervous wreck and also full of anticipation.  You hadn’t been with a man in well over a year and you craved it.  You needed to feel his hands, his lips, his body on yours.  His cock sliding inside of you, filling you up in a way that your vibrator just couldn’t.  That it was with someone who didn’t care about you sucked, but by this point your body didn’t care.  You just needed to feel wanted.

You dressed simply, knowing your clothes weren’t going to be on for long.  You packed your bag with trembling fingers, making sure you had everything you needed.  Taking a deep breath you locked up your apartment and headed downstairs.  

The drive went by in a blur, your thoughts on the night ahead.  When you reached the hotel, you walked up to the concierge who smiled at you while handing over the key card. You walked to the elevator and on the ride up your head was playing a mantra of keeping calm and collected.  But you were a nervous wreck and no matter how many times you told yourself to calm down, you just couldn’t.  

By the time you’d reached the room you were trembling so hard your knees were knocking together.  Your fingers could barely get the key card to work and it took a few times before the light turned green and the lock clicked.  You pushed the door open and stepped inside.  The lights were on dim, barely illuminating the room.  You kicked off your shoes and dropped your bag next to the door.  Your feet moved slowly as you walked into the main room, not sure if you were ready for what you’d find.  

He was laying on the bed, fully dressed in jeans and a fuzzy sweater, but his feet were bare.  Lounging on his side, his head cupped in his hand.  The smile on his lips when you walked around the corner should have been illegal, the dimples putting on a show.  You stopped in your tracks, your body completely frozen as you stared at him.

“Like what you see?”

He sat up and beckoned for you to join him, but you shook your head, your teeth biting into your lip.  Now that you were there your limbs were completely frozen, leaving you immobile.  He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up.  His movements as he moved towards you were slow, like he was facing a wild animal and trying to keep you from bolting.  He stopped right in front of you, his hands coming up to brace your shoulders.

“Are you okay?”

You nodded, your eyes downcast as you tried to get yourself under control.  The feeling of his hands on you had a calming effect, allowing you to take a deep breath and look up into his eyes.  He smiled at you, the encouragement in his eyes enough to get you to relax slightly.

I don’t think this was a good idea.”

His head cocked as he looked down at you.

“What makes you say that?”

You shook your head, not sure how to answer without offending him.  When he just stared at you, you let out a sigh.

“I know you do this for a living, but sex isn’t a casual thing for me.  I had to put a lot of thought into deciding to do this.”

“Would you like to cancel?  We can just sit here if you’d feel more comfortable.”

“No, no, I’ve made this decision.  I’m just a little nervous.”

He chuckled and leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on your forehead.

“What can I do to help you relax?”
You shrugged, gazing over his shoulder at the bed.  

"It's a little hard to relax with that thing dominating the room."

He glanced over his shoulder at the bed and then back at you with a grin.

"How about we use the bed to help you relax?  I can give you a massage."

"I didn't pay for one," you said, stepping away from him, your fingers twisting nervously at your waist.  You appreciated the care he was taking with you, but at the same time you almost wished he'd just jump you so you could lose yourself.  Instead he was being patient and a sweetheart, which made it worse.

"You paid for a night of sex, which a massage can be part of.  I want you to enjoy yourself."

You continued twisting your fingers together as you thought about it.  A massage would definitely relax you and Lord knows you needed it.  You finally nodded and he grinned

"Excellent!  I'm going to go into the bathroom for a minute so you can take off your clothes.  I'll be back."

He did as he said and disappeared into the en suite bathroom, leaving you alone.  You pulled your shirt over your head and tossed it on one of the chairs.  Your bra followed behind soon after.  Jeans pulled down your legs and kicked aside, leaving you in your panties.  Your fingers in the waistband as you contemplated taking them off, but you chickened out.  

Stretching out on your stomach, you reached down to pull the sheet up until it covered you from the shoulders down.  You heard the click of the bathroom door opening and then rustling as he moved into the room.  You heard as he tsked under his breath before his weight shifted the bed.  

"I don't bite, you know.  Not unless you ask me too."

His voice was soft as he settled over you, his butt resting on your thighs.  You could feel the warmth of his body through his clothes and the sheet.  It was a comforting feeling, but you were still nervy.  You felt his fingers brush over your skin as he pulled the sheet down to your waist.  

As he shifted, his hands coming to rest on your lower back, you let out a sigh.  You wished you weren't such an awkward person.  Someone who could take your sexual needs in stride.  You were trying, but this was so far outside of your comfort zone it was ridiculous.  

"Just close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax, all right?  We won't go any farther than you're ready for."

"Why are you so patient with me?  Wouldn't it be easier if I just laid on my back with my legs spread?"

He chuckled softly and pinched your shoulder gently.

"I'm patient with you because I want you to enjoy your time with me.  I'm not here just to fuck you.  I'm here to make sure you have pleasure.  A lot of pleasure if I do my job right."

He began to massage your shoulders, his hands giving just the right amount of pressure to have you moaning into the pillow as he found knotted muscles you didn't even know you had.  He began humming softly under his breath, a song you didn't recognize, but the tone itself was relaxing and you found yourself sinking deeper into the bed.  

It honestly felt like he was taking care of you and on one hand that was thrilling, but on the other it was maddening, because you knew it didn't mean anything.  You were having a hard time turning off your brain, getting into the right frame of mind and it was driving you insane.  As much as your brain wanted to worry about this, that and the next thing, your body had had enough.  

You rolled over, sending him tumbling to the side as a squawk of surprise escaped his lips.  He sat up, his hand coming up to push his hair out of his face.

"What's going on?"

"What's going on is that I can't do this.  I can't turn my brain off and I'm to the point I want to scream.  I want you to fuck me so I can't think."

He gaped at you, his mouth and eyes wide open.  A smirk then crossed his lips as his eyebrow cocked up.

"You want me to fuck you until you can't think anymore?  All right, I can do that."

Without another word he pounced, pushing you back into the sheets.  His mouth was on yours, his tongue sliding past your lips as he deepened the kiss.  You whimpered into it, taken over by his exuberance. His hands slid down your body, cupping your breasts, his fingers tweaking your nipples.  You arched up into him, pulling back, your head falling back at the sensation.  It had been so long since someone had touched you, made you feel desirable, made you feel wanted.  To feel his hands and lips on you, his tongue flicking against yours made you want to shout in joy.  

He rolled onto his back, pulling you over him, his hands sliding around to your back and pulling you closer to him.  You could feel how hard he was, pressed up against you.  He thrust up into you, grinding you against his cock.  You whimpered, your head arching back.  It felt so good; better than anything you could do to yourself.  

"You're so fucking sexy.  Look at you all flushed and breathless, your pretty little nipples hard for me.  I want to bite you.  Bite you and leave a mark so you won't forget about this night.  You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

As the dirty talk poured from his lips, he sat up, his hands sliding down to cup your ass and squeeze.  He was still fully clothed while you were in just your panties.  There was something particularly decadent about the moment as he shifted you so he could pull your panties down your legs and toss them aside, leaving you naked.  

His gaze skimmed down over your body, down to your sex.  You were wet for him and you knew he could see it, a blush staining your cheeks.  He grinned as he reached between your legs, brushing his fingers along the lips of your sex.  When he lifted his hand and stuck his fingers between your lips, you didn't know what to do.  

"Suck my fingers, baby."

You did as he requested, running your tongue over his fingers, licking your juices off of them.  Your taste tangy on your tongue and you moaned.  He pulled his fingers from your mouth and leaned forward to kiss you, brushing his tongue over your lips, tasting you.  You whined into his mouth, your hands coming up to cup his head and pull him closer.  He obliged, his body shifting until you were straddling his lap, your bare sex pressed up against his denim covered cock.

"Roll your hips for me.  I want to see how you'll ride my cock."

Your hips began to move, rolling over him, pressing against the denim.  He grunted, his hands coming down to grasp your hips, holding you snug against him as you dry-humped him.  Your eyes closed as your head drooped forward, your entire focus on the sensations between your legs.  

"Jesus, you're so wet I can feel it.  I'm going to eat your pussy until you scream.  You're going to cum on my tongue until you can't cum anymore."  

With those words he flipped you over onto your back, your legs splayed wide as he moved down, his lips brushing over your skin.  Wide shoulders holding you apart as he delved between your legs, his focus on your clit.  Tongue flicking over the sensitive nub before his lips suctioned around it and he went to work.  Your body arched up, your feet flat against his back as he licked at you, his tongue flicking so fast you couldn't hold back the scream.  

Your hands flew down to grasp his head, your fingers tight in his hair, holding him in place.  He knew exactly what he was doing, his long fingers sliding inside of you and curling up just so.  You cried out again, your head arched back into the pillows as your hips tried to move.  You wanted to ride his tongue and his fingers, your hips wiggling until he clamped his hand down on your stomach, holding you flat to the bed.

"Please let me move.  I need to move.  I need to cum!"

He hummed around your clit, the vibrations making you squeal.  Your thighs clamped down around his head as you fought to reach your peak.  You needed to cum, the feelings so intense they were almost painful.  His lips suctioned around your clit, tongue flicking over it at a pace that was making you curse, fingers sliding deep inside of you, making you see stars.

You couldn't breathe, your heart beating so hard in your chest it felt like it was coming up through your throat.  You wanted to scream, to beat at him as he brought you up higher and higher without letting you go over.  Your hands gripped his head so tight you wouldn't be surprised to see strands of it wrapped around your fingers later.  

He pulled back, his tongue stopping its relentless torture, making you whine in the back of your throat at the loss.  Why was he stopping before letting you cum?  He ran his tongue gently over your clit, soothing your sensitive flesh before sliding down to lick around his fingers that were still knuckle deep inside of you.  As he pulled his fingers out, you could hear how wet you were.  Embarrassment stained your cheeks, but he just pulled back and stuck his fingers in his mouth.

"You taste good," he whispered when he pulled them out.  


He chuckled before standing up and shucking off his clothes.  There he stood, naked and proud, his cock standing at full attention against his lower belly.  He reached down, grasping it, giving it a few good pumps as he walked over to the nightstand and opened the drawer.  He pulled out a strip of condoms and ripped one off.  He tore it open and began to roll it over his cock, making you lick your lips in anticipation.  You wanted him inside of you, desperately.  He'd brought you up so high and you needed that final deep fucking to get off.

Once he was ready, he reached for your legs, pulling you around until you were facing him.  Your hips hanging over the side of the bed as he positioned you how he wanted you.  Legs up, feet at his shoulders as he slowly slid inside of you.  Your hand came up to cover your mouth as you moaned.  It felt so good to be filled, to have that connection.  

As he began to thrust, arms hooked around your knees, pulling them close to your chest, you just let yourself feel.  You couldn't move as he took you, but at this point you didn't care.  You just wanted to cum, to feel him cum deep inside of you. 

"You feel so good around my cock.  I can feel how wet you are, how much you like me fucking you.  You want to cum on my cock, don't you?"

"Yes!  God, yes!  Please, for the love of God, stop teasing me and let me cum!"

He stopped thrusting, his head cocked as he looked down at you.  You were bent almost in half, his powerful body pinning you to the bed.  You knew you looked a sight, your hair mussed and sweat dampening your skin, but you could tell he wasn't looking at that.  His gaze was focused on your face, on your eyes as you looked up at him.  A soft smile played over his lips before he began to move again.

Each thrust was deep, hard and powerful.  A litany of curses flowed from your lips as he fucked you into the mattress.  Your hands gripped the sheets under you as he pounded into you, his arms wrapped around your legs.  You knew you'd be sore in more ways than one tomorrow, but you were okay with that.  You were getting everything you'd wished for.  Everything you'd paid for.  Everything you could have ever wanted.

He pulled out, flipping you over and getting you up on your knees.  You hadn't asked for doggy style, but when he slid into you from behind, going deeper than he had before, you just keened into the blankets, your back arching.  Each time he thrust in, he pulled you tight against him.  He was balls deep inside of you and it was too much.

With a scream, your fingers scrabbling for purchase on the sheets under you, you came around his cock, your inner muscles clamping down tight around him.  You heard him curse, his fingers tightening on your hips as he pushed through your orgasm.  You wanted to ride it out, let it wash over you, but he wouldn't let you.  He kept you right on that edge, pushing you up and over until you couldn't breathe, couldn't see, couldn't do anything but feel.

When you felt him push as deeply into you as he could, his cock pulsing as he came, you moaned, your body aching.  He collapsed over you, his body pushing yours flat against the bed.  You rested, your head turned to the side so that you could breathe.  His weight was a solid warmth along your back, his breath against your neck.

He pulled out gently and stood up.  He disappeared into the bathroom and you got up.  Pulling on your clothes as quickly and as quietly as you could, you gathered up your bag and your shoes before leaving.  As you hurried down the hall, your juices sliding down your thigh, your body still quivering, you wanted to cry.  

He had wrecked you, plain and simple.  Devastated your senses to the point where you could barely remember your name.  You'd gotten yourself connected to him in a way you'd done everything to avoid.  You'd gotten trapped and it was your own damn fault.


  1. I....I can't BREATHE. Holy FUCK was that hot. Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!!!! This.....I can't feel my legs....or my face....

    ....and this is only part ONE.....
    (*goes of to corner to whimper quietly....*)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. God, this was SO GOOD. I can't wait for the next part.

  4. OH MY FUCKING GOD! *-* I want more of this right now! One of the best things I've ever read

  5. I... shouldn't have read this when I'm on my period.... lol
