Sunday, August 9, 2015

Intriguing Discoveries (VIXX Leo & Ken)

Okay, first of all, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who sent me good wishes while I've been going thru this block.  If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know where this story idea came from.  I'll warn you, it's not like anything I've written before.  I still don't know where it came from, but I'm not complaining.

I hope y'all like it.  And as always, comments are always greatly appreciated

When you were a child you heard words like strong, dominant, take charge, etc, but to you it just meant you were able to take care of yourself.  You were eighteen when you found yourself alone and in desperate need of a job.  You did everything from manual labor to working three jobs just to make ends meet.  It wasn't until you met him that things took a turn for the better.

You were 6'2" in your stocking feet.  You were built strong, with muscles from all the hard labor you'd done when you were younger.  You took care of yourself, working out, making sure you stayed strong. He saw something in you and offered you a job.  A job you never thought you'd do in a million years, but it was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Six years down the line and here you were.  You got out of the taxi and went inside, swiping your key card over the reader before taking the elevator up to your floor.  When you stepped out, you were greeted by the scheduler who held out your assignments for the day with a smile.

"Is that all there is today?"

"Yes, it's a light load.  But you've got two newbies who need to be coaxed."

"Oh, shit!  You know how much I hate dealing with newbies.  They cry and slobber and I hate that!"

She chuckled and patted your arm.

"I think they'll be fine.  Your first appointment is in forty-five minutes."

You nodded and walked down the hall to your room.  You stepped inside and tossed your bag on the desk, before sitting down and going through the dossiers the scheduler had given you.  She hadn't lied when she said it was a light load.  You had five appointments: 3 regulars and 2 new ones.  Thankfully, the newbies were your last two appointments so you could take your time.

You stripped and got into your uniform.  Your regular customers came and went as did the first newbie, who did exactly as you'd predicted and ended up in tears, not able to handle what was being dished out.  You watched him being escorted out and shook your head with a disgusted sigh.  This was one of the things you hated most about your job.

You tossed the crop onto the table and stripped off the gloves, throwing them into the wastebasket.  You picked up the dossier for the final appointment and flipped through it.  There was a picture of a good looking guy.  Sweet smile.  He didn't necessarily fit your usual customers, but you read what he was looking for.

'Lee Jaehwan.  Age: 24.  Wants to be dominated.  Gets off on praise and has a shoe fetish.  Requests that no actual intercourse be done and that he's allowed to finish on your shoes.'

You snorted as you put the dossier down.  If he'd requested sex, it would have been done before it even began.  Your job may end in sexual satisfaction for your clients, but you'd never had sex with one and you had no plans to in the future.  You dominated men for a living; you were not a prostitute.

You went back into your room and stripped out of one uniform to put on another.  He'd been very specific in his wants.  As you zipped up the thigh-high patent leather black boots and stood up, you had to chuckle.  The poor man had no idea what he was getting into.

The chime jingled, letting you know he was in the room waiting for you.  You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, before pulling open the door and stepping inside.  He was on his knees, naked, eyes downcast.  Hands tied behind his back, looking defenseless.  When you stepped into the room, he looked up, his gaze working from your feet to the top of your head, before going back down to your feet.  You saw him swallow hard, his teeth coming out to bite his lower lip as his body gave a noticeable tremble.

You strolled up to him nice and slow, your fingers gliding gently over the top of his head to rest on his shoulder.  You bent down until your lips were right by his ear.

"Welcome to the dungeon, pet.  You may call me Mistress."

He whimpered, his voice cracking.  Your hand came up to cup his cheek, your fingers squeezing lightly.

"What do you say?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Very good."

You released his cheek and went to sit down on the chair in front of him, your skirt riding high up your thigh.  You crossed your legs, the leather creaking as it rubbed together.

"Come to me."

He shuffled forward on his knees, his movements slow.  Right before he reached you, you held up a hand.

"Stop right there."

"Yes, Mistress."

You stuck out your foot, pressing it against his chest, the heel digging in enough to leave a mark.

"Worship me."

 "Yes, Mistress."

You watched as he leaned forward as much as his bound hands would let him, his lips brushing over the top of your foot.  As he kissed up your foot, his tongue coming out to lick over the patent leather, his cock was getting noticeably hard, to the point where it was tapping his lower belly, seeping precum.  You switched legs, your foot swinging idly, making it harder for him to worship you. 

He'd reached the top of the boot, his nose brushing the bare skin of your upper thigh when you pressed a hand against his forehead and shoved.  He toppled over backwards, a startled squawk escaping his lips.  You stood up, glaring down at where he lay sprawled, a look of shock on his face.

"You didn't think it would be that easy, did you?"

He swallowed hard before shaking his head.  You lifted your foot, pressing it down on his chest, right between his pecs.  You pushed down until he let out a pained gasp, the needle-like point of your heel digging into his skin.

"I didn't hear you."

"No, Mistress."

"That's what I thought.  On your knees, pet."

You lifted your foot and stepped back.  He struggled up into a sitting position and then rolled over until he could get up on his knees, his body trembling.  You walked over to the cupboard in the corner and pulled open the doors.  It was filled with all types of tools, but your hand unerringly reached for your favorite. 

The cat-of-nine-tails was made of sinuous black leather.  It was beautiful and it was your go-to anytime you felt someone needed a true punishment.  You flicked your wrist expertly, the sound of the whip whistling through the air sending shivers down your spine.  Why this was your favorite part you'd never be able to guess, but it was.  It gave you a thrill every time you heard that snap as it flashed through the air. 

"Spread your legs, pet, and bend over for me."

"Yes, Mistress."

His voice was so soft you could barely hear him.  What you could hear was the way his voice quavered, not from fear, but from desire.  He was getting off on this, in a way that was rare for newbies.  He wasn't scared of you at all.  He needed this like you needed air to breathe.

You walked over to him, standing a foot away from his shivering body.  You flicked your wrist, the leather straps licking over his skin, leaving faint red stripes over his lower back.  You began, your wrist moving in a familiar pattern, the stripes crisscrossing over his back, his buttocks and his upper thighs.

At first he made no sound, but as you continued to work him, whimpers began escaping his lips.  His fingers clenched and unclenched in their bonds, right above where the first stripe started.  He began to rock his hips, his whimpers turning into moans.  He was close, but you weren't ready yet.  You gave one final strike, hitting the sensitive skin along the crack of his ass, right behind his balls.  He let out a groan, his body toppling forward until his face pressed against the floor.

You put away the tool, before walking over to him and squatting down next to him.  Wrapping your fingers in his hair, you pulled, lifting his face off the ground.  You stared down at his face, eyes glazed over, mouth hanging open as he gasped for air. 

"You've been a very good pet, but you had to be punished.  Do you know why?"

"Yes, Mistress."

"Why did you have to be punished, pet?"

"I was naughty, Mistress.  So naughty."

"Very good.  On your knees."

You lifted him up until he was splayed on his knees, his head hanging limply.  Sweat dripped off of him, dampening the floor around him.  

“You want to come, don’t you, pet?”

He let out a whimper, his head too weak to lift up.  You reached out, your hand running through his hair.  At your gentleness he let out a sigh, his head leaning against your hand.

“You’ve been very good, pet.  You deserve a reward.  Would you like that?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

You stepped back, pulling the knife out of your pocket.  You cut through his bonds and went back to your seat, crossing your legs.

“Come here, pet.”

He knelt there for a moment, shaking his hands as blood flowed back to his extremities before crawling towards you.  You stopped him when he was inches away.  You shifted your foot, brushing the tip of your boot gently over his swollen cock.  His teeth dug so hard into his lower lip that you could see a trickle of blood sliding down his chin.  

You leaned forward, cupping his chin in your hand.  You tilted his head up so you could clearly see his face.  Sweat plastered his hair to his face.  Eyes glazed and fucked out to the point that his pupils were blown.  Breath coming fast, his chest heaving with it.  You could see he’d reached his end.  Anymore and he’d be done.  

You took him in hand, your fingers wrapped snug around his cock.  You began to jerk him off, your movements slow and smooth.  His head arched back, the muscles in his neck on display.  

“Oh, God!  Mistress, please!”

“Come, pet.”

He let out a cry as he did exactly that, stripes of his cum splattering over the leather of your boots.  You worked him through it, finally releasing him when he collapsed.  He lay curled up on the ground, his body trembling so hard you could hear his teeth chattering.  You let him come down from the high and when he rolled over, sitting up, you were waiting.  

“You’re not done yet, pet.  You made the mess.  Now you must clean it up.”

He struggled to his knees and bent forward, his tongue licking over the leather.  He cleaned his mess, his hands clenched in fists on the floor by your feet.  When he was done, you stood up and reached for his hair, pulling him to his feet.  Placing a kiss to his forehead you patted his shoulder.

“You did well, pet.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

You turned and left him without another thought.  You changed into your street clothes and went

to the gym.  It was early yet and you wanted to get a good workout in before you met up with friends later that evening.

At the gym you got dressed in your workout gear and went to the treadmill to warm up.  Ear buds in and music playing.  You got your rhythm, running at a comfortable speed, arms pumping as you jogged.  At this time of day you were usually by yourself and you just let your mind wander as you worked out.

You'd moved onto weights, working your biceps, when you saw him out of the corner of your eye.  It was his back that caught your eye at first.  All broad shoulders and the most amazing v-taper you'd ever seen in your life.  He was working the bag, his hands taped up and his legs moving as he struck.  You stopped what you were doing, your mouth gaping open as you watched.  He was mesmerizing; his movements economical, but also powerful and sexy.

When he started to turn your way, you quickly turned back to what you were doing, forgetting your reps and getting sloppy.  You blew out a breath, closed your eyes and began again.  The music playing in your ears got you back on track and you opened your eyes to see him standing right in front of you, holding out a water bottle.  You set down the weight and pulled out one of the buds before reaching for it.

"Thank you."

He smiled slightly, before dipping his head and going back to his bag.  You twisted off the top of the water and took a sip, while watching as he gathered up his things and left.  To say you were intrigued was an understatement.  You'd never seen him before but you hoped you'd see him again.

Later that evening you got dressed up for your dinner date with your friends.  Once a month you'd meet for a fancy dinner.  Spend way too much and drink too much, but it was always fun.  They were the only ones who knew what you actually did for a living and they could care less.  Your best friend Marta met you first, wrapping you in a hug and squeezing you tight.  You patted the top of her head, making her bat your hand away.

"All right, Ms. Amazon, stop that!"

"You're just so cute!  And tiny!"

She rolled her eyes as she led you to the table she'd chosen.  You sat down and when the waiter came up, you ordered your favorite wine.  He winked at you before walking away.  Marta snickered and smacked you lightly on the arm.

"Want to bet how many free drinks you'll get tonight?"

"Oh, hush!"

"Honey, that boy is into you."

You shook your head, draping your napkin over your lap.  He was cute, but he was also really young.  Too young.

"He's an adorable puppy that I would chew up and spit out in seconds."

"You'll still get the free drinks though."


Your other friends began to arrive and by the time dinner was served, the table was full.  Gossip flowed, as did the drinks and by dessert you were pleasantly sloshed.  You leaned your elbow against the table, your hand cupping your chin.  You were feeling nothing but a haze, the wine warm in your stomach.  You'd had enough glasses to put down much smaller people, but your tolerance was high.

Marta leaned her head against your shoulder, her fingers playing idly with the wine glass in front of her.  The others were all drunk off their butts, their voices getting higher and shriller as the night progressed.  You pushed to your feet, Marta muttering out a protest as you jarred her off your shoulder.  You stumbled over to pay the bill and turned to walk back to them when you collided with a very solid male body.  You stepped back with a muffled oof and blinked.

You were face-to-face with the hottie from the gym.  He looked at you, a slight smirk on his lips.

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's all right."

His voice was so soft.  Whisper soft.  It seemed to skitter down your spine, leaving goosebumps behind.  His hands came up to clasp your upper arms, his fingers strong and warm.

"You were at my gym."

You nodded dumbly, your mouth seeming to have stopped working.

"Maybe next time you can be my sparring partner."

You felt the blush creeping up your cheeks and hurried away without answering.  For some reason, you had a feeling he wasn't referring to the gym, but to something much more intimate.  And it made you feel weird.  It wasn't like you were a virgin.  You'd had sex.  Made love.  Been in love.  But there was something about this man that intrigued the hell out of you and you just couldn't quite put your finger on it.

You went back to your friends, refusing to look back at him, even though you could feel his gaze on you.  It felt hot, like he was pressed up against you, his solid warmth bracing you.  It felt like a physical caress and it made your drunken stupor even more confusing.  You wanted to turn around and jump him, but your slight self-preservation instincts kicked in.

The taxi ride home was silent.  Marta slept against your shoulder, her drunken snores loud in your ear.  She was spending the night and you had plans for the next day, but you really, really wanted to be alone.  With your toys.  Mr. Mysterious was getting you worked up and you needed to get off.  ASAP.

Over the next few days you kept an eye out for your Mystery Man.  When you were finally able to make it to the gym, you were disappointed to find yourself alone.  You worked out, but your heart wasn't into it.

And work was picking up.  Jaehwan had become a regular customer and one of your favorites.  He was always polite, clean, did his thing and never whined when it got rough.  When you were finished, he always thanked you and left extremely generous tips.  But you weren't satisfied.  You were horny.  And alone.  And wishing you could see Mr. Mysterious again.

Two weeks later, you finally did.  You'd just finished your work out and were standing by the mirrors taking a gulp of your water when he walked in, bag slung over his shoulder.  He hadn't seen you and went about taping up his hands.  He stretched and you had to bite back a whimper.  God, you wanted to touch him.  You must have made some sort of noise, because he glanced over and spotted you.

"Hey, you."


"Finished your workout already?"

You nodded, taking another gulp of your water.  Your tongue felt like it was stuck and no words would come out.  You'd never been like this around a man and it was very disconcerting.  You put the cap back on and went to grab your bag, when you felt his hand on your shoulder.  He turned you around to face him and smiled.

"Ready to be my sparring partner?"

"Um...I don't know how to box."

"You don't need to know how.  Follow me."

You did and waited as he picked up the tape he'd used on his own hands and began to wrap your fingers.  The tips of his fingers were exposed and you could feel the calluses as they brushed over your skin.  His fingers were long, tapered, perfect for playing the piano.  Or you.  No, you couldn't think that way.  Not with him so close to you.  So close you could smell his aftershave; something warm and subtle that teased your senses.  God, you were in deep.

When he'd finished with your hands he led you over to the ring and showed you the basic moves.  Once you'd gotten the gist, the torture began.  You held your hands up in a defensive stance, your legs working as you moved around the ring.  He followed you, making shallow jabs that you did your best to avoid.  You knew he was taking it easy on you, but at the same time, there was enough power behind his blows that if they hit, you'd feel it.

His eyes were dark and intense, focused on your face.  You'd never had anyone stare at you like that.  It felt like he was looking deep into your psyche and discovering all of your secrets without you having to say a word.  It was slightly terrifying and very exhilarating.

He jabbed and you moved a little too slow.  The blow grazed your cheek and you let out a yelp.  Your hands dropped from their position and you reached up to cup your cheek.


"Oh, shit!  I'm so sorry!"

He pushed your hand aside and gently cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing over the spot he'd hit accidentally.  Your eyes closed and you leaned into his touch unconsciously, not even aware you'd done it until your eyes popped open and you realized just how close you were to him.  You cleared your throat and stepped back, his hand dropping to rest at his side.

He hurried away and came back with an ice pack that he placed against your cheek.

"I need to check myself.  I get so lost in the moment I forget it's not real.  I'm so sorry I hit you for real.  It wasn't my intention."

You took over and pressed the ice pack against the throbbing pain.

"It's okay.  I didn't move fast enough."

"I'm taking you out to dinner.  To apologize."

You snorted.

"Shouldn't you ask?"

"Would you say no?"

You had to chuckle at that.  He wasn't wrong.

"Meet me at seven tonight.  Wear something pretty for me.  And heels.  Your legs are too fucking sexy to not showcase them.  Wear something short and don't tell me no."

Your mouth gaped open at the decisive tone of his voice.  He wasn't asking you.  He was telling you.  And Lord help you if that didn't turn you on.

Without waiting for your response, he gathered up his gear and left.  You stared after him, your mind reeling.  What the hell had just happened?  You'd never had a man tell you what to do in your life.  And you kind of had to admit it was really fucking sexy.  He hadn't been rude.  He hadn't been an ass.  He'd just been direct and told you what he wanted to see.  And in all honesty?  You were going to do what he asked.  Just to see what would happen.

That night you stood in front of the gym, your arms crossed over your chest as you paced.  It was ten minutes past seven and he wasn't there.  Had he asked you out as a joke?  Was he messing with you?  You'd dressed up for him.  Done exactly as he'd asked.  The heels made you at least 6'6" and the glances you were getting would have made you laugh if you weren't so impatient.

Where the hell was he?

"I'm sorry I'm late."

You turned around and saw him leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.  You watched as his eyes went from your feet to the top of your head.  The smirk that came to his lips should have been illegal.

You felt the blush hit your cheeks and ducked your head.  He walked over to you, his hand coming up to cup your cheek.  You'd put on a thick layer of concealer, but the bruise was there.  He fingers brushed over the spot, making you hiss at the contact.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little."

He leaned up and brushed a kiss over it.  He'd had to go up on his tip toes, but you didn't even really notice.  For the first time in your life, you were on a date with a man who was shorter than you and it barely even registered.  The way he carried himself made him seem much bigger.  And the fact that you currently towered over him in your four inch heels didn't even phase him.

He took your elbow and began to walk.  His grip was solid without being too tight.  His fingers were warm and the calluses covered his entire hand.  You imagined them gliding over your skin, the roughness catching as they did so, making you sigh.

He led you to a restaurant a few blocks away and when you were shown to your table, he held out your seat.  You sat down and barely repressed a shiver as he bent down, pressing his lips to the sensitive skin right below your ear.

"You look unbelievable," he whispered, his warm breath against your skin.  You bit your lip and closed your eyes, not knowing how to respond.  He was hitting every one of your buttons in a big way.  Buttons you didn't even know you had were being pushed.

He went to sit down at his seat and the meal went by in a haze.  You barely registered the fact that you were eating, let alone what you were eating.  Your entire focus was on the man across  the table from you.  The man whose name you didn't even know.

"Are you ever going to tell me your name?"

He looked up from his food, his head cocked as he smiled at you.

"Does it really matter?"

"It does if you're planning on sleeping with me."

"Ah, but who said anything about sleeping?"

You couldn't hold back the shudder.  Your entire body felt like it was vibrating and if you weren't careful you were going to spontaneously combust.

"Oh, God!"

He chuckled and leaned over to place his hand over yours.

"The only name you'll be screaming out is mine."

"How can I scream your name if I don't know it?"

His fingers tightened over yours.

"Baby girl, by the end of the night you're going to know it so well that you'll never forget it."

With that he lifted a finger, motioning for the waiter.  In moments your bill was paid and you were leaving.  Without a word he hailed a cab and got you inside.  Before you could say anything, he'd given an address to the cabbie and pulled you into his arms.

Your first kiss was unlike anything you'd ever had before.  His hands were in your hair, pulling your head back as his lips moved over yours.  His tongue slicked over the seam of your mouth, making you gasp.  Your hands scrabbled to grab hold of something in hopes of anchoring you.  You were in a whirlwind of sensation and there was nothing holding you down.  Nothing but his hands in your hair, his fingers tangled in the strands. 

His kisses were like a drug; intoxicating and leaving you completely defenseless against them.  You were lost in the sea of him and it was divine.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to remember your own name.  If you can walk in the morning, I've done something wrong.  You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

You let out a whimper against his lips, pushing against his chest.  This was too much.  He was too much. 

"This is too much."

His fingers tightened in your hair, but he made no attempt to pull you closer.

"What is too much?  Me?  This?  Us?"

"Everything.  You're moving too fast."

"You want me.  Don't pretend otherwise.  I know you watch me at the gym.  I can feel your gaze on me whenever we're in the same room together.  And I want you.  I want you on your knees, your mouth worshiping my cock.  Bent over my bed in those heels as I fuck you from behind.  You're everything I've ever wanted and I'll be damned if I let you get away from me."

"Why do you want me?"

His fingers unwound from your hair and he brought both hands up to cup your face, his eyes intense as he scanned your face.

"You don't see it do you?"

"See what?"

"Baby girl, you're so fucking sexy it's painful.  The way you walk.  The way you carry yourself.  Your body.  You're a man's wet dream and yet you're real.  You're here.  In my arms.  Shivering because you want me just as much as I want you.  And yet you're trying to push me away.  Do I scare you?"


"Then what is the problem?"

You bit your lip, your eyes downcast as you tried to figure out how to answer his question.  You'd never been with anyone so dominant and so completely sure of himself in your life.  And it was turning you on more than you'd care to admit.  And there was your answer.

"I'm a Dominatrix."

He leaned back, his eyes widening in shock.

"You're what?"

"I'm a Dominatrix.  I tell men what to do.  I get them off while doing it."

"You're kidding me."

"No.  And I'm afraid that if this continues and you get me off while being this dominating sexy man, I'm going to lose this spark I need to be able to do my job."

He gaped at you for a moment before he began to laugh.  He pulled you close, wrapping you in his arms.

"I can't believe it.  The perfect, submissive woman is in my arms and she's a fucking Dominatrix!  This is too much."

You pushed back and glared at him.

"I am not a submissive."

He snorted and shook his head.

"Oh, yes, you are.  And I'm going to prove it to you."

Before you could say anything, the cab pulled to a stop.  He got out and helped you out before paying.  He didn't say a word as he led you to the elevator and pushed the button.  After his outburst you weren't sure what to say.  Why was he insisting that you were submissive?  You didn't have a submissive bone in your body, which is why you were so good at your job.  But your curiosity was high.  As were your hormones.

When he got to the room, he got the door open and pushed you gently inside.  Before you could gather your wits, he'd slammed the door shut and was quite literally dragging you to the bedroom.  You stumbled behind him, gasping when he shoved you onto the bed.  You struggled to sit up but he got up on the bed and placed his hand against your chest, anchoring you to the bed.

He straddled your waist, his pelvis resting right above your pubic bone.  You could feel his cock and how hard he was, but he did nothing but stare down at you, his hand pressed firmly against you.  When you opened your mouth to speak, that's when he moved.  He leaned down, his lips brushing over yours.  The kiss was gentle, even sweet.  You gasped into it, letting his tongue slip into your mouth.

He pulled back and kissed the tip of your nose.

"My name is Taekwoon.  Don't forget it.  You'll be screaming it here shortly."

He scrambled off the bed and reached for you.  He had you sit up and maneuvered your dress off and tossed it onto the floor, leaving you in your matching red bra and lacy panties.  He grunted with satisfaction.


He bent down to kiss you again, his fingers brushing over your skin.  Every touch, every caress left you aching and wanting more.  He was playing you like you were a fine instrument.  Everything he did gave you pleasure and it was wonderful.



"Fuck me."

"All in due time."

He set about to devastate your senses.  When he got you on your feet and tugged your panties down your legs, you knew you were a goner.  He got down on his knees, spreading your legs apart and began to worship you.  His tongue brushed over your clit, his fingers holding the lips of your sex apart as he ravished you.

Your head fell back as you gasped, your fingers raking through his hair, before pulling him against you.  You needed this, more than you'd ever needed anything in your life.  All these years of telling someone else what to do and never having anyone just do it.  You wanted to scream, to cry, to beg for release.  But you kept silent, knowing intuitively that he'd do exactly what you needed without you saying a word.

Those long, beautiful fingers slid inside of you, curving up just so.  Your legs quivered, making you teeter in your heels.  He'd found it.  The one thing that would make you scream his name.  And he was exploiting it.  His fingers rubbed over that little bundle of nerves inside of you with every glide.

You could feel the wetness as it dripped down your legs.  You'd never been so turned on in your life and he'd barely started.

"God, Taekwoon, please!"

He didn't respond, his tongue busy.  He hummed against your clit before adding a third finger inside of you.  The fullness was almost enough, but not quite.  You needed his cock inside of you.  But he was going to make you cum before that happened.

You could feel it coming, the way your legs trembled.  The way your lungs gasped for air as your heart began thundering in your chest.  You let out a cry as you began to cum, Taekwoon's fingers slipping from you as liquid seeped from you.  You'd squirted and it left your trembling so hard you could barely stand up.

Taekwoon stood up, swiping the back of his hand over his lips.

"Turn around.  Spread your legs.  Don't move."

You did as he demanded, your hands flat on the bed as you leaned over, your legs spread as wide as you could handle.  You could hear the crinkle of foil as he tore open a condom.  When his hands came down on your hips and pulled you towards him, you wanted to cry.  His cock slid into you without any hesitation.  He was in to the hilt and it felt fabulous.

"Oh, Taekwoon!  Fuck!"

He snickered before leaning forward, his teeth nipping the middle of your back.  He began to thrust, keeping them deep and smooth.  No hurried movements on his part, just nice and slow.  His hands on your hips kept you in place as he fucked you.  Your arms trembled, but you refused to fall.  Not until you'd cum again.

"Touch yourself.  I want to feel your pussy as you play with yourself."

You did as he asked, your fingers brushing over your clit.  At the first brush, your sex clamped down on his cock, making him hiss.

"Ah, yes.  Again!"

You began to flutter your fingers gently over your clit, barely brushing it.  It was enough to keep you stimulated, but not enough to make you cum again.  For that, you wanted him.


He grunted, his teeth gripping you harder.  His thrusts began to come faster.  Harder.  Deeper.  It was enough to make your eyes roll back in your head as he pulled you back to meet each thrust.  You knew it was only a matter of moments before you came again and you craved it.

"Play with your pussy.  I want to feel your fingers on my cock when I fuck you."

You moaned as you slid your fingers farther down.  His cock slid between your fingers, wet with your pleasure.  He felt so good inside of you.  Better than anything you could have ever imagined.  You wanted to make this last forever, but with one final, hard thrust, you were screaming his name as he pushed you over again.  You could feel his cock pulsing inside of you and it sent you into another one.

Your legs went out from under you and you sank to the ground.  Taekwoon sank down with you, his arms wrapped around your waist.

"If you ever question why I say you're a submissive, this just answered that question."

"I'm not a submissive," you mumbled, your face buried in the comforter as you tried to get your sanity back.

"You're not a submissive in the sense of needing me to punish you.  You're a submissive in the fact that you want me to tell you what to do.  You're going to end up craving it."

"What about you?"

"What about me?  Baby, this is only the beginning."


    This is really different from any of the stories you've written! And I LOOVE it!! :D

    It's almost 1am time and I need a REALLY cold shower! :'( Anyhow I'm so glad that you're back~ I sense that this is not the end of the story. Please tell me there's more to this!

  2. Dear lord have merci on my soul

  3. this reminds me how ken is like a dog: eager to please because he enjoys it as well while there's leo who's like a cat (no song pun intended haha) that will demand what he wants from you. the contrasts in this story is hot and just... wow. this is indeed diff from your other stories but its good~ thumbs up!
