Sunday, May 10, 2015

Expendable Targets (VIXX Leo & Ravi)

This one went places.  *shakes head*  Have fun!  :D


The sound of the gun being cocked next to his head made Kim Wonsik freeze in place, his head lifting slowly until he could see the barrel of the gun pointed right between his eyes.  His gaze traveled up over the leather clad hand, long arm steady in its rigid posture, the face he knew better than his own staring back at him. 


"Does it really matter?"

Wonsik let out a sigh, shaking his head in defeat. 


"I am sorry."

"No, you're not."

He watched as Jung Taekwoon squatted down in front of him, the gun never wavering.  He looked into his lover's eyes, wondering how in the hell they'd gotten to this point.  The fact that it was Taekwoon on the other side of that gun honestly shouldn't have shocked him as much as it did.  It wasn't like he didn't know what he did for a living.  There had been numerous times he'd arrived home unexpectedly to find Taekwoon in the shower, bloody water swirling down the drain.

He'd fallen in love with an assassin.  And it was his own damn fault that he was in this situation.  All because he'd let himself feel; something he'd sworn he would never do.  Never fall in love.  Never let his emotions weaken him.  Yet here he was, his lover pointing a gun at his face.  It broke his heart.

"Wonsik, I am sorry."

Wonsik slowly stood up, his tools dropping to the floor from numb fingers.  Taekwoon stood with him, never lowering the gun.  Wonsik stripped off his gloves and looked at Taekwoon.

"If you were sorry, you wouldn't be doing this."

Taekwoon shook his head, motioning with the gun.

"If you hadn't been a fool, this never would have happened.  Damn it, Wonsik!  Why?"

The anguish he heard in Taekwoon's voice made him feel like he was lower than scum.  It was all because of greed.  And an inability to stand down from a challenge.  He was a thief, pure and simple.  Not just a thief, but a really, really good one.  He'd taken this last job, thinking that he'd take the money he made and retire, taking Taekwoon on a long, much-needed vacation.  Instead, he was standing in a vault, surrounded by millions of dollars worth of jewelry, his assassin lover pointing a gun at his head.

"I don't know."

"I love you, damn it!  The fact that I have to kill you.."

The rest of the sentence was left unsaid, but Wonsik knew.  He knew that Taekwoon loved him.  That's why pulling the gun from the back of his pants and firing made a lone tear slide down his cheek.  He heard the sickening thunk as the bullet struck true, the pained gasp coming from Taekwoon's mouth making him want to scream.  Instead, he moved to stand over his lover, the smoking barrel pointed at the floor next to Taekwoon's head.

"I can't let you do it, Taekwoon.  I can't let you ruin this for me."

Without another word, he turned, gathering up his bag and tools.  Hoisting the bag up his shoulder, he left, never looking back.


Jung Taekwoon lay on the floor feeling the blood pooling underneath him.  He should have expected this.  He knew Wonsik wasn't stupid.  With a groan he sat up, his hand coming up to cover the wound in his shoulder.  That Wonsik hadn't killed him should have made him feel better, but it didn't.  This whole situation was messed up.

If only he hadn't fallen in love with him.  He'd never meant to.  Three years and multiple attempts to leave on his part, but he couldn't.  Kim Wonsik had him so tied up in emotional knots he'd never be able to untangle them all.  And he didn't want to.  He'd never loved anyone like this before.  Killing him meant killing a part of himself. 

When he'd been told who his next assignment was, he thought they'd been joking.  A very sick joke, but a joke nonetheless.  But no, they'd been serious.  He'd been told to kill his lover.  Pulling the gun and cocking it at Wonsik's head had killed something in him.  Something that was an intrinsic part of him.   

As he stumbled his way up the stairs, leaving a trail of blood behind him, he wondered through a thickening haze if this was how it was all going to end.  He was leaving evidence behind, very crucial evidence of his failure.  He'd never failed on the job before.  He was the best at what he did.  He should be.  He'd been doing this for so long he couldn't remember a time in his life that was "normal."  Kim Wonsik had given him a taste of it and he almost hated him for it.

Out on the sidewalk he straightened, thankful for the dark clothes he wore.  They hid the blood that was slowly sliding down his arm, dripping onto the sidewalk.  He began the long walk home, doing his best to blend in with the crowd.

Once home he stripped off his long overcoat, grimacing when the wound in his shoulder sent shards of pain throughout his body.  Struggling to remove the rest of his clothes, he stumbled into the bathroom, his bloodshot eyes staring back at him from the mirror over the sink.  He looked like hell.  How he'd made it home without anybody noticing his condition was a mystery to him.  He knew he needed to get a bandage on or he risked infection, but before anything he wanted to take a shower.

Turning on the water, he stepped under the spray.  His head bent and his eyes closed as the water poured down over him.  It felt like it was washing away not only the dirt, but all of his sins.  If only it was that easy.  The warm body pressing up against his back, lips warm on his uninjured shoulder made him gasp, his eyes opening.  Spinning around he found himself face to face with Wonsik, who was just as naked as he was.

"What the hell?!"

He found himself crowded up against the wall of the shower, Wonsik's hands coming to rest on the wall on either side of his head.  He couldn't move and didn't know if he wanted to.

"I'm sorry, Taekwoon," Wonsik whispered, his voice husky with emotion.  "I am so fucking sorry."

Lips warm against his, water pouring down over their faces.  Taekwoon's eyelashes fluttered before his eyes closed fully.  It felt right, being in Wonsik's arms.  It made him feel complete, which was completely messed up logic.  Wonsik was his other half; without him he would be worthless.

He lost himself in the kiss, body pressed tight against Wonsik's.  Arms wrapped around each other, hard cock pressed against hard cock, hot water streaming around them.  He was lost to it all, sensations rushing through him.  Warm fingers wrapping around his cock, pumping him gently as their tongues thrust against each other.  Gasping breath, head tilting back as Wonsik's thumb rubbed over the head of his cock, making him weak in the knees.


He straightened his head, opening his eyes to see Wonsik on his knees, his hand wrapped around Taekwoon's cock.  Pink tongue licking parted lips.  Hot breath on his skin.  Warm mouth enveloping him, sucking him deep.  Moans, panted breaths, fingers tightening in Wonsik's hair.  Thrusting hard, wanting to come.  Incoherent noises escaping his lips, his lover's talented tongue and fingers making him shiver.

Throbbing pulse, head spinning.  Body weak, back against the wall.  Needing release, all of the pent up emotions threatening to pull him under.  Begging for it, his voice hoarse from his cries.  Warm, slick fingers sliding deep inside, pressing against him in a way that made him see stars.  Uncontrollable spasms as he lost it, his body twitching as he came on his lover's tongue.


A raspy chuckle, breath warm against his skin.  A solid shoulder to lean on as Wonsik turned off the water and helped him from the shower.  Fluffy towel brushing over sensitive skin, goosebumps left behind.  Light kisses to his temple, his nose, the corner of his mouth.  Tantalizing and oh so dangerous.  Firm mattress under his knees.  His lover's hot body pressed against his back.  Wet tongue brushing his ear.  Fingers wrapping around his semi-aroused cock, making him jerk.

No words.  No endearments.  Just lube slick fingers brushing over him, sliding inside, readying him.  A hard cock pressing against him, slight pressure as he slid inside.  A grunted curse next to his ear, a kiss placed on his shoulder.  Face pressed into the pillows, hands held to the bed, Wonsik's thick cock sliding in and out of him at a glacial pace.

Scrambling for leverage, wanting to thrust back against him.  Body weak, his hard cock rubbing against the bed, torturing him.  Hands releasing his, sliding down to grasp his hips.  Thrusts deepening, coming faster and harder, fucking him into the sheets.  Muffled curses, breath hot against his neck.  Sweat dripping from him, on him, it didn't matter.  Sobbing breath, hands tightening in the covers, nerves on fire.  Orgasm just on the horizon, nerve endings tingling.

A shout, hands tight on hips, pulsing cock thrust deep inside.  Hands sliding around to brush over his cock, sliding up and down, bringing him to a shuddering climax, face into the pillows, muffling his cries.  Limp cock sliding from him, strong arms wrapping around his middle, whispered words so quiet he couldn't hear against his shoulder. 

"You never said if you'd forgive me," Wonsik muttered in his ear, rolling them onto their sides.  Taekwoon sighed and looked over his shoulder at his lover, wondering what to say.  On one hand he did forgive him, knowing he'd had him in a tight spot. On the other, he was furious.  Furious that they found themselves in this position.  Furious that his lover had had to shoot him.  Furious that there didn't seem to be a way out.  One way or the other, one of them had to die.  And he didn't know which one of them it would be.

"I do forgive you," he whispered back, leaning up to kiss him.  "I love you."

"I love you too."

Neither of them heard the door opening on silent hinges.  Neither of them registered the danger before it was too late.  Light pops, shock, death in seconds.  The man stood looking down at them, gun smoking in his hand.  The words of love spoken meant nothing to him.  His targets were now Xs he could cross off his list.  Turning, he left them behind, naked bodies entwined, hands clasped.  It was the perfect ending.

1 comment:

  1. I don't like love stories between men and less between them but God this story is so wonderful and touching... I cried when I read they were shot killed... I could see this as a movie...
