Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dreams Come True (VIXX Leo)

So, I’ve been thinking about VIXX with kids, which is never a good idea.  It always gets me right in the feels.  I’ve wanted to write a one-shot of their futures for a long time.  It feels kind of weird, but I just see them all as being insanely amazing fathers.  This one is Taekwoon, but you’ll see the others as fathers too.  I hope y’all enjoy and that the feels don’t kill you.  They’re going to kill me as I write this.  And this is also a really old scenario request.  To the person who requested, I hope you like. 

When I met Taekwoon, I knew I wanted him to be the father of my children.  It had been our first date and we were walking along the river talking when a little one came running towards us.  There wasn’t an adult present and I watched as Taekwoon went into protector mode.  He swooped the little one up and the way he was cemented this desire I had for him to be mine.  

We were together for three years before the subject of marriage even came up.  He was busy with promotions with VIXX and I had my own successful career.  I knew I wanted to marry him, but there honestly was no hurry on either of our parts.  

When he did finally ask me, it was rather anticlimactic.  We were in bed, having just woken up, when he leaned over, kissed my shoulder and asked me.  It was perfect and of course I said yes.  

The wedding was sweet and simple; family, close friends and us.  Neither one of us was big on celebrations or a lot of pomp and this worked perfectly for us.  A honeymoon on Jeju Island and when we got home, life went on as usual.  

VIXX had been going strong for eight years; through their military services and other things.  We all knew the time was coming to pull the plug though, wanting to go out on top.  Taekwoon and I spent many a night curled up in bed talking about our future together.  We both wanted children, but not until one of us could stay home to be with them.  Neither one of us wanted our children to be raised by a nanny. 

On their ninth anniversary, the members of VIXX announced their disbandment.  There were a lot of tears, but also a feeling of relief.  Taekwoon and I were married, Jaehwan was with his long-time girlfriend, Hakyeon and his wife were expecting their first child, Hongbin was recently engaged and Sanghyuk was testing the waters with a new woman.  The only one who hadn’t settled down was Wonsik, but he had his reasons that he never shared with us. 

The fans were sad, but they’d grown up too and had their own lives.  We were all ready to settle down to a life outside of the public eye and we felt nothing but relief.  I was moving up at my job and Taekwoon was busy working.  He’d chosen to work on composing and writing lyrics, which I was 100% behind.  He’d created a small studio in the garage and spent many an hour closeted in there writing away.

Our first few years of marriage were wonderful.  I worked ridiculous hours, but when we were together, it was perfect.  I was almost thirty and the thought of children started to hit me.  I didn’t want to be an older parent and knew that we needed to start trying.  I discussed it at length with my husband and we decided that it was time.

Our lovemaking had always been intense and amazing.  Taekwoon was nothing less than perfect and he knew my body better than anyone else.  There was never a time that I was unsatisfied and he was the same.  We agreed to take things naturally and to keep it as stress-free as possible.

The sex was still amazing, but there was a feeling of intent behind it now.  Every time we came, we’d lie together wondering if this was it.  And every month, my period came and the disappointment reared its ugly head.  I did my best to keep up a happy face, but I knew he could sense how it was hitting me.
It got worse the weekend we watched Hakyeon’s son while he and his wife went to a premiere in China.  Watching Taekwoon with that little boy made my heart hurt in a way I’d never felt before.  I wanted to provide him with a little one of his own.  I’d never met anyone who was as meant to be a parent as my man.  

After months of trying and nothing, not even a false alarm, we finally decided to get checked out.  We made an appointment to get checked and spent a sleepless night before the appointment.  The thought that we wouldn’t be able to have kids had never entered our minds until now and now it was all I could think about.  What if I couldn’t get pregnant?  What if, what if, what if…

God, I was a mess.  Taekwoon knew it too, keeping me close, his body wrapped around me as we lay in bed.  He kept whispering words of comfort into my hair as I continually fretted over it all.  

When the appointment arrived, we went in, not knowing what to expect.  We were separated and I went into the exam room.  The doctor did the exam and some tests and I had to wait.  I spent most of my time biting my cuticles, wishing Taekwoon was there to hold my hand.  I was a strong person, but this whole thing was wreaking havoc on me.

After what felt like hours, the doctor came in, told me they’d have the results in a few days, told me to dress and left.  I was left reeling, wondering what had just happened.  I hurriedly got into my clothes and went out to the waiting room where I found Taekwoon waiting for me.

I was silent on the drive home, deep in my own thoughts.  The drive passed in a blur and I didn’t stir from my thoughts until Taekwoon had parked the car and turned off the engine.  I shook myself and looked up to see him watching me, concern evident on his face.

“Baby, are you okay?”

I shook my head and reached down to unhook my seatbelt.  I didn’t want to talk about it.  I didn’t know what to say.  I got the door open and walked into the house, dropping my bag next to the door and kicking off my shoes.  I stumbled into the bedroom and curled up on the bed, my arms wrapped tight around my middle.

I heard Taekwoon shuffle into the room and felt the bed dip as he crawled up next to me.  His arms came around me, pulling me tight against his chest.  I let out a deep sigh, sinking into him, my head resting on his arm.

“What if I can’t have your children, Taekwoon?  I’ve wanted you to be a father since our first date.  The idea that it might not happen just kills me.”

“Baby, please stop.  I know you want this, but to what extent?  If it turns out we can’t conceive, we can adopt.  I’ll love any child, even if it doesn’t come from us.”

“I know, but it’s not the same.”

I heard him sigh before he pulled me even closer and kissed the top of my head.

“No matter what, we’ll get through this together.  Just, don’t give up on us, that’s all I ask.”

I rolled over and looked him in the eye, my hand coming up to cup his face.  

“No matter what, you won’t have to worry about that.  I love you so much, Taekwoon.  Sometimes it takes my breath away.”

“I know.  I feel the same way.”

The kiss he pressed to my lips was almost reverent, before he pulled back and tucked my head under his chin.  We lay like that for hours, basking in our closeness, the worry never far from either of our minds.  I finally drifted off to sleep, exhaustion riding me hard.

We waited for the test results, trying to go about our normal lives, but it was difficult.  I went to work, but it was next to impossible to concentrate.  My boss took pity on me and sent me home, telling me to take a few days off to get my head back on straight.  Once I got home, I spent many an hour pacing, waiting for the phone to ring.  On one hand I didn’t want to know, but on the other, I did.  

When the phone call came, I answered with my heart beating so hard in my chest I could barely breathe.  Taekwoon came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my middle.  I put the call on speaker and leaned against him, my hand resting on his forearm. 

The doctor droned on about sperm counts and eggs, making no sense to my stressed out mind.  I finally snapped and asked him what it meant in regards to conceiving.

“I don’t see why there should be a problem.  Your sperm count is high and your eggs are being produced regularly.  I recommend just letting nature take its course.  The more you stress, the worse it is.”

“So you’re saying there’s nothing wrong with us?”

“Nothing at all.  You’re both in fine physical condition.”

We thanked the doctor and I hung up, turning in Taekwoon’s arms and wrapping my arms around him.  The tears I’d been holding back for days soaked his shirt as my emotions overflowed.  The relief I felt at the news, plus the disappointment that my body just wouldn’t conceive hit me all at once. 
Taekwoon snuggled me close and held me through the storm of my emotions.  How I’d gotten so lucky was beyond me.  He was everything I’d ever wanted in a man and being in this situation with him only showed me just how much I loved him.  

After I’d calmed down, I pulled away from him and went into the bathroom to splash water on my face.  I felt completely wrung out and just wanted to sleep.  I stripped down to my underwear and wandered into the bedroom to pull one of Taekwoon’s shirts over my head.  I curled up on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

Now that we had confirmation that we were okay, we did our best to settle back into our normal married life.  After the stress of trying and trying, we’d pretty much given up.  Sex had gotten to the point where it was almost a chore and that wasn’t what it was supposed to be.  Now, we were back to making love and it was beautiful.  

I did my best not to stress out.  I turned my attention back to my job and did my best to convince myself that nature would take its course.  In the back of my mind though, I always wondered.  And every month when my period would show up, I was admittedly depressed.  

After another six months of this, Taekwoon had enough.  He had me cancel any and all appointments at work and made me take a week off.  He didn’t even tell me where we were going, just to pack enough for a week.  

The flight and the arrival was all a blur.  I had no idea where we were going and when I stepped out of the plane and onto the tarmac, I was pleasantly shocked.  It was tropical, hot, sultry, the smell something I couldn’t describe even if I wanted to.  The scent of flowers and fruit heavy in the air.  Taekwoon hustled me to the car rental office and we were soon on the road.

I couldn’t keep my eyes off our surroundings, the lush greenery everywhere overwhelming my senses.  We drove for awhile, deeper into the jungle.  Up to the cliffs to a small villa in the middle of nowhere.  Taekwoon stopped the car and turned it off.  I got out and looked around, my eyes trying to take everything in.  

“Taek, where are we?”

“One of the artists I work with told me about this place.  I just…I wanted to get us away from our lives for awhile.  Get us back to where we were before this all started.  I need to reconnect with you.”

You walked over to him and pulled him into a hug, your head resting against his chest.

“Thank you, baby.  Thank you so much.”

“I’d do anything for you, I hope you know that.”

I pulled back and looked at him, seeing the sincerity on his face.  I lifted up and pressed a kiss to his lips.

“I know.  I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I’m so glad you’re mine.”

He chuckled and kissed me back.

“I’m glad you’re mine too.  Let’s go inside, hmm?  I’ve heard the view is amazing.  Let’s just relax, okay?”

I nodded and followed behind him as he carried our bags inside.  The villa wasn’t very big, but it was spacious and the view was nothing short of spectacular.  It was situated right on the edge of a cliff, giving an unrestricted view of the ocean below and the jungle to the sides.  

I stepped out onto the balcony and leaned against the railing, my eyes drinking in the scenery.  It was getting late, close to sunset, and the way the light was filtering took my breath away.  I heard the door slide open and then closed, before Taekwoon came up to stand next to me.  I took a deep breath, my eyes closing as contentment filled me for the first time in ages.

“You look happy.”

I opened my eyes and glanced over at him to see him staring at me.

“I am happy.  This is perfect, Taekwoon.  Thank you.”

“You’ve already said that.”

I snorted and reached over to smack him lightly on the arm.

“I know that, but you’re supposed to accept it gracefully.”

He chuckled and shook his head.

“You’re my wife.  You don’t have to thank me for something like this.  I did it for both of us.”

“I know.  How sad is it that all I want to do is sleep?”

He laughed at that and the smile on his face took my breath away.  It had been a long time since I’d seen it and I realized that I wasn’t the only one who’d been stressed out.  Taekwoon wasn’t one to really show his emotions, even to me and I felt awful that I hadn’t realized how hard everything had hit him until now.  Before I could say anything, he turned and looked towards the sea, his hand lifting.


I glanced in the direction he was pointing and let out a heartfelt sigh of appreciation.  I’d never seen a sunset as vivid as this one, the hues so vibrant they were almost painfully beautiful.  Red, orange, pink, even purple lit the sky as the sun began to sink below the horizon.  I stared in amazement until the light had completely disappeared, leaving us in pure darkness.  I turned to look at him, but realized just how absolute the darkness was when I couldn’t see anything.


“Yes” I heard followed by a thump and a vicious curse.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just stubbed my toe.  Hold on a sec.”

“How could you stub your toe?  You were next to me just a second ago!”

A light came on closer to the house than I expected, Taekwoon lifting his cell phone and using the light to guide me towards him.

“I was trying to get my phone.  I stubbed my toe on the door jamb.”

“That takes talent, baby,” I said as I walked over to him and followed him inside.  

“Ha-ha.  What would you like for dinner,” he asked as he led me to the sofa.  I sat down and watched the light of his phone bob with his movements as he walked across the room.  The light turned on in the kitchen and he set his phone aside.

“You’re cooking?”

“Yeah, I made sure that the kitchen would be well-stocked when we got here.”

“Then surprise me.”

“Your wish is my command.”

I watched as he cooked, peace filling me.  It felt as if all of the stress from the last year had washed away, leaving me feeling peaceful for the first time in ages.  

Food was served, the meal was eaten and we got ready for bed.  That first night we didn’t make love at all, just laid curled up in each other’s arms talking softly.  Drifting off to sleep, only to wake up in the morning still wrapped tight around each other.  

The first four days were like that.  Lazy days spent doing not much more than getting out of bed, stumbling to take a shower and lazing on the balcony.  The absolute quiet that surrounded us was beautiful.  It gave us a chance to focus fully on each other.  I’d been in love with Taekwoon for so long I’d forgotten the moment I fell, but this trip just cemented those feelings, making me fall even deeper.

When we did make love, it was gentle and sweet, wrapped up in each other, words whispered softly against skin.  When I came, it was with me draped over him, my arms wrapped around his shoulders, my forehead pressed against his.  He followed soon after and collapsed back on the bed, pulling me down over him.  We lay in silence, his hand drifting up and down my back.  

The vacation ended and we went home.  I missed the quiet and solitude right away, but I felt closer to Taekwoon than I ever had.  I was feeling a sense of optimism I hadn’t felt in a long time.  And I’d made a decision.  If children were meant to come to us, it would happen when it was meant to happen.  Worrying about it was only making me sick and after the relaxing vacation, I didn’t want any more stress overwhelming me.

A month and a half after we got home, I was in my office when my phone rang.  It was Hakyeon, who, even over the phone, sounded like he was bouncing in excitement.

“We’re expecting!”

“Another one?  Oh, Hakyeon, that’s wonderful news!”

“I wanted to tell you right away.  I tried calling Taekwoon but he’s probably holed up in the studio.  Tell him for me?”

“Of course!  I’m so happy for the two of you.  Another little one.  You’re going to end up with a passel.”

He giggled into the phone.

“If she has her way we’ll have a dozen.  I’m putting the kibosh after three.”

“Uh-huh.  Sure you will.”

“You know me too well.  Give Taekwoon a hug for me, yeah?  Tell him to start answering his phone.  I may no longer be his leader, but I am his brother in everything but blood.”

I laughed.

“Of course.”

He said goodbye and I hung up, a sigh leaving me.  I was thrilled to death for Hakyeon and his wife, but at the same time, jealousy was trying to rear its ugly head.  That they were already on baby number two and I couldn’t even get pregnant with one made my envy run over.

I finished up the day’s work and went home.  I went out to the studio and found Taekwoon hunched over his keyboard, headphones on and completely oblivious to the blinking light on his phone.  I tapped him on the shoulder, watching as he jumped in shock.  He looked up and saw me, pulling his headphones down so they rested around his neck.  He reached out and took hold of my hand, dragging me down to his lap and pressing a kiss to my cheek.

“Hey, baby.  Did you have a good day at work?”

“I did.  I also got a call from Hakyeon.  They’re expecting baby number two.”

“Already?  But Sungmin barely turned two!”

“I know.  He’s over the moon and told me to tell you to start answering your phone.”

Taekwoon snorted and nosed my neck, his arms draped loosely around my waist.

“How are you handling it?”

I sighed and ran my hand through his hair.

“I’m okay.  Jealousy tried to take over earlier, but now I’m all right.  One of these days it’ll be us.”

“Yes, for sure.”

“Is it wrong of me to wish it was us getting that news?”

“No, it’s human nature.  Our time will come.”

I nodded and pushed to my feet.
“I’ll go get dinner ready.  It’ll be ready in a half hour.”

He nodded before putting his headphones back on and turning back to his computer.  I went inside and put together a simple meal, not really all that hungry.  When he came in to eat, we kept the conversation simple.  He finished and went back to the studio.  I went into our bathroom and stripped, ready for a hot shower.  As the water heated up I turned and looked in the mirror, checking myself out.  I turned sideways, my hand smoothing over my flat stomach.  I did honestly wonder if I’d ever have a life to nurture in there.  But I did my best to shake off the feeling as I stepped into the shower.

I tried my hardest to hold onto the relaxation our vacation had given me.  When I felt stress or anxiety coming up, I’d close my eyes and try to remember how good it had felt to have no responsibilities or demands on me.  But I can only handle so much.  

It all came to a head when Jaehwan and Hongbin announced they were going to be fathers.  I wanted so badly to be happy for them, but I just couldn’t.  I kept a happy expression on my face as I congratulated them, but had to leave as soon as I could.  I couldn’t handle their happiness, especially since they were getting what I so desperately wanted.

I knew I was being selfish, but I couldn’t help myself.  It felt like they’d all drunk some special water and we hadn’t gotten any.  Resentment, anger, jealousy; they were all there, mocking me.  I hurried out of the restaurant, battling the tears that welled up.  I didn’t want to cry.  I’d done that so much already the thought of them just pissed me off.

I heard Taekwoon yelling my name, but hurried to the car and got inside.  I sat in the passenger seat and just let out a scream of pure frustration.  Taekwoon got into the driver’s seat and reached out taking my arms in his hands.

“Baby?  Honey, you’re scaring me.  Are you okay?”

“Do I look okay to you?  God, Taekwoon, I’m not okay!  I don’t think I’ll ever be okay!  Why them?  Why not us?  What did we do that makes us so bad God decided not to gift us with what we so desperately want?”

He pulled me closer, his head resting against mine.

“I don’t know.  God, I don’t know.”

“I tried so hard to be happy for them, Taekwoon, but all I could think was why!  Why?!”

He shook his head, his hand sliding around to rub comforting circles on my back.  

“I swore that I’d never be like this.  I had it all planned out.  We’d be parents before we turned thirty.  We’d have the perfect family.  Why didn’t that happen?”

“I don’t know,” he whispered.  The tears I’d tried so valiantly not to spill won the fight, sliding down my cheeks as I sobbed against him.  I couldn’t be strong anymore.  I just couldn’t.  He held me as I let go completely, soaking his shirt with my tears.  When I felt the wetness on my neck, I realized he was crying too.  I wanted to scream, to yell at the others for shoving their joy in our faces, but I wasn’t that kind of person.  Instead, I held my husband, our tears blending. 

When we got ourselves calmed down and drove home, it was in silence.  Neither one of us was in the mood to talk.  Once home we stripped and got into bed, wrapped around each other as always.  I felt empty inside, any joy I’d gotten from our vacation forgotten in the reminder of my failure as a woman.  I needed something to connect me back to reality.  I needed my husband.

“Taekwoon, I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“I know we’re emotionally drained and that tonight hasn’t been a good night for either one of us, but I really, really need you.  I need to feel connected to something again.  I honestly feel like I’m holding on to my life by the tips of my fingers and the slightest jarring is going to send me off this ledge.  I can’t deal with this anymore.”

He lay silent behind me, his mouth pressed against my shoulder.  I felt him sigh and then he was rolling me until I was on my back.  He leaned over me, his hair falling into his eyes as he stared down at me.  I lifted my hand, cupping his cheek, my thumb brushing over the curve of it.  

“I need you too.  I’ve done my best to be strong for you, but watching you suffer is tearing me apart.  I wish I could make this better, make it what you want and need, but I can’t.  No matter how hard I try, I can’t do anything to help you and it’s killing me.”

His eyes were bright with unshed tears and I slid my hand back to cup his neck, pulling him towards me.  I leaned up and brushed a kiss over his lips.  No further words were spoken as the kiss deepened.  We didn’t need to speak, our bodies doing the speaking for us.  As he pulled away from the kiss and began kissing down my body, my hands brushed over his shoulders as I arched up into him.  

There was a sense of reconnecting, of something deeper than just sex as he slid between my thighs, his fingers spreading me open as his tongue delved into my sex.  My fingers carded through his hair as I held him against me, my hips rolling under his touch.  

I came on a whimpering moan, my neck arched back as my thighs clamped tight around his shoulders.  He pulled away and crawled up my body until he could slide inside of me, his hard cock filling me perfectly.  As he began to thrust, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed kisses to his chin.  Sweat dripped off of his body onto mine, but I didn’t care.  

He rolled us over so that I was draped over him, his hands on my thighs as I began to ride him.  My hands rested on his chest as I bent down, brushing my lips over his.  His hands slid up my thighs, over my ass to settle at my waist, lifting me and then pulling me down, thrusting up as I came down.  I arched back on a gasp, my hands coming up to cup my breasts, my fingers tweaking my nipples.  My eyes were closed as I turned all of my concentration on my body, feeling the orgasm slowly building up.

Taekwoon sat up and pulled me down until he was fully seated in me, his lips against my collarbone.  

“I love you so much.  God, you feel amazing.”

“I love you too,” I whispered as I tried to move.  He held me still, his hands tight at my waist.  He began to thrust, keeping me pulled down tight against him.  His cock was rubbing against me deliciously and all I wanted was to come. 

“Baby, you feel so good around my cock.  I can feel you squeezing me tight.  You want to come again, don’t you?”


“Then come.  Come on me.  Come so hard you scream my name.”

At his words, I did exactly that.  The orgasm hit strong and it hit hard.  I curved over him, my head against his shoulder as I shuddered through it.  I felt him come with me, his teeth nipping against my skin.  We collapsed, Taekwoon turning so we were on our sides, facing each other, his semi-hard cock still inside of me.  His arms were wrapped around me and mine around him.  We basked in the afterglow, the connection we’d both so desperately needed there again.

Two months later, I sat on the edge of the tub, a towel wrapped around me as I stared down at the white stick.  It was the first period I’d ever missed and seeing the little blue plus sign had me swearing I was seeing things.  I pushed to my feet and made my way to the studio, completely oblivious to anything but the stick in my hand.  I went inside and just stared at the back of Taekwoon’s head, completely bewildered.


There was no response, so I raised my voice.


Still nothing.

“Yah, Jung Taekwoon!!”

He started and turned to see me.  When he saw my state of undress, he pushed to his feet.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong.  Look at this,” I yelled, lifting my hand and waving the stick at him.

“What’s that?”

“I’m pregnant, Taek!  I’m pregnant!”

“Oh, my God!  Are you serious?  Are you okay?  Should we go to the doctor’s?”

“I’ve never been so serious in my life!  Just look!”

He shifted my hand so he could get a better view.  The blue plus was still there.  I watched as the color leeched from his cheeks and he sat down with a gust of breath.

“Are you okay?”

“You’re pregnant!  I…I can’t believe it.”

“I can’t either!”

He reached out and grasped both of my hands, pulling me into his lap and wrapping his arms around me.  The kiss he planted on me was nothing short of joyful.

“I’m going to be a daddy.”

“I know!”

“I’m going to be a daddy!”

“I know.  Honey, you said that already.”

“I just…I’m in shock.  Holy shit, we’re going to be parents!”

The laughter that welled up spilled out and I wrapped my arms around him as I shook with it.

Nine months later, when he held our daughter in his arms and I saw the expression on his face, I was reminded of that long ago date when I realized who he was to me.  The love I saw on his face made the eighteen hours of labor more than worth it.  

He looked down at me, tears streaming unheeded down his face.

“You’re the love of my life, but she…she is my everything.”

“I know.  I love you, Taekwoon.”

“I love you too.  God, I love you so much.”

As my eyes drifted closed, sleep calling to me, I watched him shift Sophie in his arms, bringing her closer to his face.  He pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and the words he whispered to her made my heart ache.

“Welcome to the world, princess.  I’m your daddy and I may not always say much, but I’ll always tell you how much I love you.  Starting now.”


  1. This. Just this. The build-up of emotion and that happy ending (finally!) had me going from being terribly heartbroken, to sympathetic and just so happy in the end. Leo is really dad material and he deserves to have a kid of his own one day. You are an amazing writer. More power to you~

  2. This was absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way. /holds back pooling tears

    1. Thank you. It hurt my heart writing it. Just...yeah

  3. That's how I imagine it will happen, it was so beautiful heartwarming... God how I LOVE your writing

  4. I read it without realising there's smut lol but i still loved it (regardless of skipping over the sexy time). I've read a few similar stories but many of them tend to allow her to become pregnant after realising theres nothing wrong. i liked how you made it more authentic in that you showed their friends lives moving on whereas they were at a standstill despite nothing physically wrong with either of them. Although it was really sad it just felt more real and that, i think, appeals more to the readers than just giving us what we want as soon as is convenient. well done! :D

    As a critique i think some of the sentences may not have flown as well as you may have wanted especially near the beginning. Each sentence felt like you telling us what happened next and some consecutive sentences had the same opening word which made them read slightly disjointed. I just think this could have flown better since I know you're a great writer from what i've read so far ;)

    I try to give more praise than critiques lol but that's not exactly helpful. Since I've dabbled in fanfic writing I know how frustrating it can be not getting any constructive feedback so that's what i'll try to do for you. Please don't take any critiques I say as anything to feel bad about i'm really just nitpicking in order to give you something to improve yourself with. If you disagree with what I say that's fine :)
