Sunday, May 24, 2015

Naughty Boy (VIXX Ravi)

I really shouldn't be allowed on Tumblr or anywhere else.  Seeing other prompts makes my head explode.  So, this is a combination of a prompt I saw on Tumblr and one that was requested.  I hope y'all like it.  All I know is writing it had me in a constant sweat.  I'm thinking that's a good sign, no?  :)

When you first started dating Kim Wonsik you honestly had no idea what you were getting into.  You thought he was cute, sweet and funny.  You didn’t know about his…darker side.  The side that loved to dominate.  The side that lived to give you pure, unadulterated pleasure.

When you made love, it was perfect, beautiful even.  He spent his time getting to know your body and what you liked, his every move meant to make you come and come hard.  It wasn’t until you’d been dating almost a year that the beast came out.  

Your busy schedules meant that you didn’t see each other every day.  Sometimes you wouldn’t see each other for days and even weeks.  He was currently in Singapore with the other members of VIXX doing their concert.  You spent a lot of time texting and Facetime, but it wasn’t the same.  You missed snuggling with him, his arms wrapped around you as he snored the room down around you.

Your anniversary was coming up soon and you were trying to figure out plans, but you knew making anything too concrete was stupid since his schedule was so fluid.  You never knew what he’d be doing or where he’d be.  You were used to it and it didn’t bother you that much, but it was your one year anniversary, which was a pretty big deal.  

You received your nightly goodnight text from him, picture attached.  Seeing him curled up in bed, face makeup free, hair all messy made your heart hurt.  You wanted to curl up next to him, but had to settle for taking a pic and sending it to him.  You were not prepared for your phone to ring.

“Hey, baby girl.  I didn’t want to go to bed without hearing your voice.”

“Aw, I miss you too, baby.  I was just thinking about snuggling up next to you.”

“I wish you could.  I miss your body.  I miss you.”

“I miss you too.  Too bad you couldn’t teleport here.  Then we could sleep in each others arms.”

“I wish I could.  But you know as well as I do that if I could do that, we wouldn’t be getting much sleep.”

You snorted, rolling over onto your side.  You grabbed your pillow and wrapped your arm around it, pretending it was him.  You hadn’t seen each other in almost two weeks and you were feeling a bit…needy.  It didn’t help that his voice was so wonderfully deep and gravelly, especially now when he was tired. 

“You alone?”

“Yeah.  Sanghyuk is hanging out in Hakyeon and Hongbin’s room.”

“So what are you wearing?”

You heard him snort in the phone, before there was a rustling noise and his voice came back.

“I could be naked, as long as you are.”

“You’re ruining the fantasy, babe.”

“So you’re wanting me to lie and tell you I’m what?  Dressed as a pirate?”

You giggled as you rolled over onto your back, staring blankly up at the ceiling.

“Hey, why not?  I can just see you with a peg leg and an eye patch.”

“As long as you’re my slutty barmaid who I can throw on the table and ravish in the middle of dinner.”


“What?  You started it!”

You started laughing for real and sat up, pushing your hair out of your face.  

“Phone sex with you is always an adventure in patience.  And not the good kind.”

“Is there a good kind of patience when it comes to sex?  Honestly, babe, all I can think about when I’m alone in my hotel room is getting home and fucking you senseless.  I can’t even tell you how many different scenarios run through my head when I’m lying here.  It sucks, to be honest.”

“There is some good patience in regards to sex.  But I feel you.  I miss you so much sometimes.  It’s hard to not get off when I think about you late at night.  You’ve spoiled me, Wonsik.”

“You touch yourself when you think about me?  God, that image isn’t helping me any, you know.”

“Of course I do.  I know you do the same when you think about me.”

“Yeah, don’t ask the guys how many showers I take on the road.  For someone who’s known for taking short showers, you’d never know it.  I’m glad I don’t have to pay the water bill.”

“How many more days until we see each other?  Getting off by myself only has so much appeal.  I want to touch you.”

You heard him let out a long, deep sigh.

“We’ll be back at the end of the week.  Stock up on condoms and food, because when I get home I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

“Oh, God!  Don’t say stuff like that to me, not right before bed.  I’ll never get to sleep now!”

“I’m sorry, baby girl.  I’m just in a mood.  I’m also so fucking hard it hurts.”

“Want me to help with that?  Because I can.”

“You’re killing me.  Yes, help me out, hmm?  Tell me what you’d do for me.  And I’ll do the same.  And if you’re not naked and screaming my name by the end of this call, I’ve done something wrong.”

You shivered, your hand rubbing up and down your arm. 
“Well, the naked part is easy,” you said as you stood up, slipping your panties down your legs and stepping out of them.  You held the phone away from your ear as you pulled his old t-shirt over your head, tossing it on the floor.  You crawled back in bed and put the phone back to your ear.  “See, as easy as that.”

You heard him rustling around on the other end before his voice was back.

“All right, naked is easy.  Now, for the screaming my name part.”

“Ah, but I’m the one who’s supposed to help you, remember?”

“Mm, but what about if we do it together?  You help me and I help you.  Mutual satisfaction, hmm?”

“Works for me.”


“Are you lying down?”


“So, just imagine me standing at the foot of the bed watching you.  You’ve got your hand on your cock and I want to taste you.  I crawl up the bed and take over.”

“Fuck!  Jesus, I can just picture it.  Damn, woman.”

“You like how I go down on you, don’t you?  My tongue flicking over the head of your cock.  Your hands fisted in my hair.  Pulling tight enough to thrust into my mouth.  You want to be naughty, don’t you, baby?”

“I hate you so much right now.”

You snorted, sliding your hand down over your breast, tweaking your nipple gently between your fingers.  

“You’re going to be reciprocating here soon.  You’d better.”

“Oh, I’m going to reciprocate.  My head between your legs, tongue on your clit and fingers deep in your pussy.  You taste so good on my tongue.  I could eat you out all night long.”

You actually felt your clit pulse at his words, wishing he was there to do as he said.  He went down on you like it was his pleasure, his tongue and fingers so talented he should get an award.  Knowing he was thousands of miles away sucked.

You slid your hand down over your belly before slipping your fingers along your sex, your fingers brushing gently over your clit.  Your legs spread further apart, giving you better access.  You slid your fingers deep inside, curling them up and making you let out a breathy moan into your phone.

“You’re touching yourself, aren’t you baby?  Palm against your clit, fingers thrust deep inside?  God, I wish I was there.  I want to watch you touch yourself.”

“I want you to watch me,” you whispered, your head arching back into your pillows as you began sliding your fingers in and out, the movements slow and meant to tantalize.

“When I get home, I’m going to watch you as you play with yourself, but I won’t let you come until I’m so deep inside you, you can’t breathe without feeling me.”

“Damn it, Wonsik!”

“What?  Baby girl, I’m fucking hard as hell and so horny my head is ready to explode.  If you’re able to walk after I’m done with you, I’ve done something terribly wrong.”

“God, I can’t wait!”

Your fingers began moving faster, the wet sounds between your legs making you sigh into the phone.  You could hear Wonsik’s breathing getting heavier the closer he got to his climax.  You loved how he looked when he was getting ready to come, his head thrown back, eyes closed, mouth open slightly as he thrust deep inside of you.  You wanted to be there watching him.

But as your orgasm began, you had to content yourself with moaning his name, your eyes closed tight as you convulsed around your fingers.  You heard him grunt as he came. 

Slipping your fingers from your aching sex, you rolled over onto your side, your hand clenched between your thighs.  You’d gotten off, but you just felt empty inside.  You needed him desperately.

“Okay, baby girl, I’ve gotta go wash up before Sanghyuk comes in.  I love you and I’ll see you on Saturday.  Be prepared, yeah?”

“I love you too, Wonsik.  I miss you.”

“I miss you too.  Sweet dreams, baby.  Dream of me.”

“You do the same.”

“Oh, I will.  I’ll text you tomorrow.”

With that the call disconnected.  You tossed the phone on your bed and let out a sigh.  This long distance relationship thing sucked so much sometimes, especially now when you needed him so very badly.


The weekend came, seemingly taking forever.  It never failed; when you anticipated something it seemed like it would never get there.  Wonsik’s plane landed late Friday night and he texted you letting you know he was home.  He also warned you to be prepared for his arrival.  He’d be at your apartment by five the following night and you’d better be naked and waiting.

When you got the text it made you squirm.  Only a few more hours and you’d have him all to yourself.  You couldn’t wait.

Five rolled around and you were prepared.  More than prepared.  Stretched out naked on your bed, legs apart and fingers delving between your thighs.  You were nowhere near orgasm, just giving yourself a little taste of the night ahead.  

You heard the beep of the front door and the click as it opened.  He was home. 

“Baby girl, you better be ready for me.”

You didn’t say anything, just sucked your lower lip between your teeth and bit down, knowing he’d be coming in any second.  You heard his footsteps and the thump of his bag dropping on the floor.  The bedroom door slowly swung open, revealing him to you.

He stopped dead, hand on the doorknob, eyebrow raised in approval.  The smirk that came to his lips should have been illegal, but all it did was make you whimper.

“Well, isn’t this a pretty picture?”

Your fingers quit moving and you shifted, but he held a hand up and shook his head.

“No, keep going.  I told you I wanted to watch while you played with yourself.  Let me see you.”

You did as he said, your fingers sliding back and forth.  You were already wet and needy.  You knew it wouldn’t take much to get you off, but the look on his face made you think that wasn’t going to happen for awhile.  You shifted, your feet flat on the bed, legs open as wide as you could get them, knowing you were fully exposed to him and not caring in the slightest.  You wanted him to see; see how wet you were and how very much you needed him.


“Hmm?  Do you need to come, baby girl?”

“God, yes!”

“I don’t know.  Seeing you all needy like that makes me think you shouldn’t come until I tell you to.”

You’d never heard him talk like this, but it did things to you.  Wonderful things that made you feel almost giddy.  That slight edge to his voice, the timbre even lower than usual.  The way he growled your name as he prowled towards you, stopping at the foot of the bed.  His arms crossed over his chest and his head cocked, gaze directly on your aching sex.

“I’m thinking you need to keep doing that until you’re almost ready to come.  But if you bring yourself to orgasm, you’re gonna be punished, you hear me?”

“Wonsik,” you said, the tone sounding almost like a whine.  This dominant thing he was doing was going to kill you.

“You heard me.  You make yourself come and I’m going to put you over my lap.”

You froze, your eyes opening wide at his words.  A vision popped into your head; you lying across his lap, his hand coming down on your ass.  The shiver that went through you was so intense you almost came right then and there.  The shiver didn’t go unnoticed.  Wonsik straightened up and reached for the buttons of his shirt.

“You like that, hmm?  The idea of me spanking your ass makes you want to come, doesn’t it?”

You nodded, your fingers beginning to move in earnest.  Now that the vision was in your head, you couldn’t get it out.  Your hips began to move, rolling under the onslaught of sensations you were giving yourself.  The orgasm slammed into you, your hips arching up as you let out a scream, Wonsik’s name echoing through the room.  

“You’ve done it now, baby girl.”

You watched through half-closed eyes as he reached for your legs, pulling you until you were at the foot of the bed.  He pulled until he could take hold of your hands and lifted you to your feet.  Without saying a word, he sat down on the bed and pulled you down so that you were draped over his lap, his hand warm on your ass.

“You asked for it, baby.”

His hand brushed over your ass, squeezing one of the cheeks, before moving away.  You didn’t even have time to brace yourself before his hand came down, smacking against your skin.  You let out a yelp, the swat not painful enough to hurt, but enough to smart.  He alternated, each cheek getting the same amount of attention.

You were a squirming, whimpering mess, your body arching into each swat.  You’d never been spanked before in a sexual setting and had no idea just how much of a turn on it would be.  Having Wonsik whispering dirty secrets above you didn’t help.  

“Your ass is so pink and pretty.  God, you’re perfect!  I can’t wait to fuck you from behind, watching as you squirm against me.  Fuck it.”

He shifted, somehow getting you up and tossing you onto the bed.  He stripped quickly, tossing clothes left and right until he stood there naked, his cock so hard it tapped his lower belly.  

His hands on you, flipping you onto your stomach and pulling you until you were on your knees, your legs opened wide.  His hand brushing over your sex, fingers delving into the folds, circling before pushing in deep.  Your head arched back as you moaned, the feeling of having him finally touching you almost sending you over the edge. 
“Wonsik, fuck me.”

“Mm…in a minute.”

Hot breath against your skin before his tongue was brushing over your clit.  You looked down, making eye contact with him as he pulled you down so you were riding his face.  You’d never done this before and for a second embarrassment tried to kick in, but then his fingers curled just so and you didn’t care.  

He licked and sucked, his tongue working its magic.  His eyes were focused on your face as he ate at you, his fingers slipping deep inside and then pulling out.  You were so close, your back arching.

“God!  Please, baby!  I’m so close.”

He pulled back enough to smile up at you, his lips shiny with your juices.

“I want you to come all over my face.  You taste so good, baby girl.  I want you screaming my name.”

He went back, his tongue and fingers working to have you do exactly that.  Within seconds you were bowing over him, screaming his name again as you climaxed, your body trembling.  You wanted to collapse, but he held you in place as he reached for something.  You heard the wrapper being ripped open and knew he was putting on a condom.  Knowing he was going to be inside you any second made you want to melt.

He tugged you down until you were over his cock.  You reached down and grasped a hold of him, sitting up slightly so you could slide down onto him. Feeling his thick, hard cock inside of you after so long almost made you want to cry.  You’d missed him so very much.

You leaned down and kissed him, your hands resting on either side of his head as you began to ride him.  His hands settled on your hips, before sliding down to cup your ass.  Your sensitive, reddened skin tingled under his touch, but you didn’t care.  You just wanted to come with him inside of you. 

“Wonsik,” you whimpered against his lips, needing him to do something, anything to make this ache go away.  He sat up, his hands sliding up your back to cup the back of your head, his tongue brushing over your lips.  You were pressed snug against him from chest to pelvis and as you rode him, your skin brushed against his, nerve endings on fire.  Your arms went around his shoulders as his tongue slid between your lips.

Tasting yourself on his tongue, his fingers tightening in your hair as he pulled away from your lips, his hands tugging until your head arched back.  Mouthing at your neck, your shoulder, your collarbone, teeth nipping gently.  The scrape of his stubble over your skin, leaving you gasping for air.

“I want you to come on my cock, baby.  Come so hard you can’t even scream.”

You bit down on your lip, the sting of his fingers tangled in your hair and the pleasure his cock was providing making you squirm.  He bit down right on your collarbone and began to suck, leaving a bruise you knew you’d have for a few days.  With that, you were lost.  The orgasm that shot through you was the most intense yet.  You clamped down on his cock, your arms tight around his shoulders as you rode it out.

You didn’t even realize he hadn’t come yet until he rolled you over and began thrusting again.  His cock delved deep, your inner muscles still pulsing around him.  His head was buried against your neck, grunts and moans escaping his lips as his thrusts picked up speed.  You held on for the ride, not knowing what else to do.

Before long he’d pulled out and flipped you onto your stomach again, pulling you up to your knees.  Sliding in from behind, hands sliding down to cup your lower stomach.  Hips rolling as he thrust deep inside of you, his breath hot against your neck.

His breathing picked up, harsh in your ear as he panted; his thrusts hard, fast and deep.  You reached back, your hand curving behind his neck.  You twisted back, your mouth meeting his.  You didn’t think you could come again, your body completely wrung out, but he wasn’t going to let that happen.

Finger brushing over your oversensitive clit, making you reach down to grasp his wrist.  

“No, no, too sensitive,” you moaned, your head drooping forward.

“Come for me one last time.  Please.  Come for me.”

You couldn’t go against his wishes.  He knew your body too well; knowing exactly where to touch and how to touch to get you going.  The climax that rolled over you was gentle and had you gasping as you arched back against him.  This time joined you, his hips jerking against you as he spilled himself deep inside you.

You collapsed on the bed, his hot body draped over yours.  Your harsh breathing filled the room as he pulled out and rolled over onto his back.  You lay face down on the bed, your body completely and totally wiped out.  Aftershocks continued to ripple through you, sending tremors through you. 

You heard him get up and walk into the adjoining bathroom.  Water turned on and he was back, rolling you over and slipping his arms around you.  He picked you up and carried you into the bathroom, setting you on your feet next to the tub.  He stepped in first and held out a hand for you to take.  He sat down and maneuvered you so that you sat between his legs, your arms draped over his legs.  You leaned against his chest and closed your eyes, a sigh of contentment escaping your lips.

“You were amazing, baby girl,” he whispered against your ear.  You barely acknowledged him, exhaustion hitting you hard.

“I love you.”

“I love you too.  If you being gone means sex like this…I don’t want you to leave, but holy shit this was the best sex we’ve ever had.”

He snorted, his arms coming up to wrap around your waist.

“If you think we’re done for the night…”

“Oh, God.”

The chuckle he let out could only be described as evil.  But as you sat there, cradled in your man’s arms, warm water lapping around you, you couldn’t bring yourself to care.  He was home and you were there, safe in his arms.


  1. Just came back to re-read and am still in a daze at how hot dom!Ravi is. He's talking about showers yet here I sit needing a long one as well =.=

  2. Oh MY RAVI!!! This was SO HOT!!! I think this is written in a different way... Or is just my imagination... But it was SO GOOD!!! Showers...

  3. You need to stop making me feel this way about Ravi!!! T.T Too hot..too sexy, just the kind of dominance I like. Damn girl, damn...

    1. Yummy, delicious Ravi. *sighs* His can you resist? Hehe
