Saturday, May 2, 2015

Quiet Protector (VIXX Leo)

Okay, first of all, let me just say thank you Lord Jesus, the dry spell seems to be over.  *cries copious tears*  Writer's block sucks big hairy balls & I'm so thankful it seems to have gone away.  Let's hope it stays that way.

Secondly, this story...went places.  Trigger warnings maybe?  It definitely gets dark there for a bit.  It's also really, stupid long.  I couldn't help myself.  I needed to prove I could still write.  Yay for you, I suppose.  :)  Anyway, enjoy!  As always, comments are definitely appreciated.  :D

Being the new girl sucked.  It sucked even more when it was your Senior year in high school and you'd had to leave your friends behind.  You rolled over and smacked the alarm on your phone, turning off the incessant buzz.  You sat up, pushing your hair away from your face.  You didn't want to go to school, but knew you had no choice.  Moving wasn't anyone's fault and it just happened at the worst time in your life.  That you had to give up everything, including the crush you'd had on the cutest boy in your school would mean nothing to you later on.  Right now, it was depressing as hell.

You got up, took a shower, dressed in the hideous uniform you were required to wear and shoved your things in your backpack.  You hurried downstairs, grabbed an apple off the counter and gave your mom a kiss before running out to catch the bus.  Your stop was one of the last before the school, so the bus was full.  You had to settle for a seat at the very front, next to a boy who smelled of sour milk.  He liked the fact that you were sitting there if the goofy grin he shot your way was any indication.

Once at school you went to the main office and filled out your paperwork.  You were handed your schedule and then shooed away like you were a pesky fly and not a new student who had no idea where you were going.  You stood just outside the door staring down at the piece of paper in your hand, wondering if you could just sneak out and go home.  You were jostled by a group of boys as they walked down the hall, yelling and making a ruckus.  You rolled your eyes as you moved out of their way, not wanting to get trampled.

One of the boys stopped and turned to look at you, an expression on his face that you could only describe as a leer.  He walked backwards until he stood in front of you, his arms coming up to bracket your head.

"New meat, I see.  You're a pretty one.  What's your name?"

You shook your head and tried to duck under his arm, but he used his other hand to press you against the wall, his face getting closer to your own.

"You must not have heard me.  I said, what's your name?"

"And that is why you will never have a girlfriend," you muttered, reaching out to push him aside.  "I'm not interested."

"Not interested?  Oh, really?  And if I told you I was the most popular boy in school and that girls loved me?"

"I'd tell you you're welcome to your delusion.  Back off."

You could see the storm clouds gathering behind his eyes and hurried away, keeping your head up and your shoulders back.  You weren't going to let some ass bully you on your first day.  You just wanted to make it through the day without anymore incidents.

Sadly, he had other plans.  Everywhere you turned, he was there.  Always with a group of guys and always making sexual remarks towards you.  At first you blew it off, figuring he'd get tired of it.  But as the days went on and the behavior got worse, you'd had enough.  After he'd shoved you up against your locker and tried to kiss you, you hit him.  Hard enough to send his head reeling back and a slew of curses flowing from his mouth.

"I told you no!  I don't know what your issue is with me, but I'm not interested!  Go bother some idiot without a brain!  I'm not going to date you!  Why can't you understand that?"

He glared at you, but stalked away without saying a word.  You let out a deep sigh of relief and leaned your head back against your locker, leftover adrenaline making your brain hazy.  You didn't know what Song Jin Hyuk's issue was with you, but you'd had it.

You felt like you had to go out of your way to avoid him, which was making your life at school a misery.  You shared multiple classes with him and since you'd hit him, he'd gone out of his way to slander you and make you out to be a bitch.  It seemed like no matter which way you went you were screwed, so you kept your mouth shut and spent an inordinate amount of time in the school library, feeling like a coward.

It wasn't that you couldn't defend yourself.  You'd hit him.  You'd taken martial arts ever since you could remember and you weren't a weakling by any stretch of the imagination, but now he was never alone.  When he harassed you, he always had a crowd surrounding him.  You knew you could defend yourself against him, but with others involved it was better to just stay out of his way.

Things hadn't gone unnoticed.  Your mother had commented on your sudden quiet behavior, asking you if everything was okay.  You'd lied to her for the first time in your life, telling her you were fine and just working hard to graduate with good grades.  She was already dealing with enough; the stress of the move and your father's failing health more important.  A stupid bully wasn't enough to bother her with.  Instead, you tried to be strong and helpful when you could.

It was in the library that you first saw him.  You were sitting at your favorite table, near the back, by the windows.  Reading your copy of Pride and Prejudice for the hundredth time.  You heard a chair scrape across the floor and looked up to see him sitting down kitty corner from you at the same table.  He kept his head down as he pulled out a dogeared journal and a pen.  He set his bag on the chair next to him and hunched over the notebook.  No words were spoken, but you felt a slight smile cross your lips.  You went back to your book, the words you loved so much now slightly garbled in your head.

Over the next few weeks the pattern was repeated.  You'd sit at your table, a book in hand.  A few minutes later, he'd sit down kitty corner from you and write.  The first few times he had ear buds in his ears and you could hear the faintest melody playing.  After a few days he sat there with nothing blocking you out.

You finally mustered up the courage to say hi.  You'd looked up before he sat down and smiled.


He glanced at you, his long bangs almost covering both of his eyes.  He didn't say anything, just nodded his head as he sat down.  For some reason you couldn't just leave it be and cleared your throat.

"You've been sitting down over there for a few weeks now.  Can you at least tell me your name so I don't feel like we're strangers?"

He let out a little sigh, his head down.


His voice was so soft you barely heard him.


He nodded.  You introduced yourself and then lapsed into silence.  Today you were reading Jane Eyre.  You had always loved the classics, especially the romances.  Pride and Prejudice was your favorite, but Jane Eyre was a close second.  You kept glancing up though as Taekwoon pulled out his little notebook and began to write.  Your curiosity was piqued, but you held it back.

From the quiet way he spoke and the way he sort of hunched in on himself, you realized he was shy.  You were too to a certain degree, but his reticence beat yours by a mile.  You happened to glance up when he lifted a hand to push his bangs out of his face and you saw him clearly for the first time.  He wasn't classically handsome, his features too unique for that.  There was a definite leonine quality to his face that would have been intimidating if you hadn't realized his shyness.  His eyes were slanted and slightly small, but when he glanced over and saw you staring at him, the intensity of them was startling.

A slight blush hit your cheeks and you looked away, going back to your book and the adventures of Jane.  You had reached the part of the book where Mr. Rochester's secret had been revealed and you let out a sigh.  It didn't matter how many times you'd read the book.  That part always made your heart ache.  To know that he loved Jane that much and was willing to commit the biggest sin to get just broke your heart.

"Are you okay?"

You glanced up to see that Taekwoon was standing on the other side of the table right there in front of you.  He held out a napkin and you took it, realizing you were crying.  You had to chuckle as you wiped the tears from your cheeks.

"I'm okay.  This book kills me."


He didn't say anything further, but instead pulled his bag over and sat down in the chair directly across from yours.  He had his little notebook in his hand and set it on the table.  He'd leaned forward, pen in hand when your curiosity got the better of you.

"What do you write?"

He closed the notebook and sat back, his lower lip between his teeth.  A blush darkened his cheeks and you could see he didn't want to look at you.  You reached over and placed your hand on his.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me."

He looked down at your hand on his and back up to you.  You pulled back and picked up your book again, certain he wasn't going to answer you.

"I write lyrics.  Poems.  My thoughts."

You set your book back down.

"Do you want to be a writer then?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think it's not good enough?"

He shrugged, his fingers tapping on the table.

"Can I see them," you asked, before clapping a hand over your mouth.  You honestly hadn't meant to ask, wanting him to not feel any pressure in being around you.  He looked at you closely, his head tilted just so, before he used the tip of his finger to push the notebook to you.  You picked it up, feeling like you'd been gifted with the Holy Grail.  Taekwoon looked down at the table, his fingers twisting nervously in front of him.

You opened the notebook, his tiny, cramped handwriting filling the pages.  He hadn't lied.  Lyrics, poems, random thoughts, even journal entries.  You realized how creative he was when you flipped to a page near the back and saw something that made you freeze.  It was a poem, a beautiful one, about light and purity.  It made your heart ache as you read it.  You closed the notebook and set it on the table, pushing it gently back to him.

"Taekwoon, this is beautiful!  That last poem you wrote!  I don't know what to say."

He untwisted his fingers and picked up his notebook, shoving it into his backpack.  Without a word he got up and walked away, leaving you staring after him wondering what you'd said wrong.

He didn't come back to the library after that.  You found yourself looking for him every day, a dejected sigh leaving your lips when you realized you were going to be alone again.  You wanted him to come back.  Silent though he may have been, you'd enjoyed his company and he didn't make you feel quite so alone.

You thought you'd done something to make him angry with you and it made you feel terrible.  You went on the hunt for him a week later, needing to clear the air.  After quite a bit of searching you found him out on the soccer field.  He was practicing and you didn't want to disturb him.  You watched from the outskirts and realized he was really good.  Not just good, but really, really good.  The way he moved was pure grace, his ball control excellent.  You crossed your arms and leaned against the fence, your mouth open in shock.

Gone was the quiet, shy boy who used to sit with you in the library.  Out on the field he was fierce, his competitive nature obvious in the way he just took over.  You had to shake your head to clear it.  You honestly couldn't believe what you were seeing.

"Amazing, isn't it?"

You glanced over to see the coach standing next to you, his stance mirroring yours.  You straightened up and turned to leave, but he hadn't finished talking.

"That boy...I swear it's like a switch goes off when he steps out onto the field.  When he first joined I thought it would be a nightmare, but he's my ace."

"He's very good."

The coach glanced over at you, his eyebrow cocked up as he shook his head.

"He's not just very good.  That boy is going places."

You nodded, your eyes going back to follow Taekwoon as he ran down the field after scoring a goal.  The grin on his face and the happiness that was so obvious made you want to sigh.  You glanced away when you realized the coach was watching you.

"What is he to you?"

"A friend."

"Ah, then you've made a good choice.  Not a lot of people give him a chance.  He's a shy one, that Taekwoon."

"Yes, he is."

The coach reached out and patted your arm, before striding forward, whistle blowing as he held up his hands.  You moved to the bleachers and sat down, waiting as the team dispersed.  Taekwoon stood by the coach, towel in his hand as he swiped sweat off his face.  The coach turned and pointed in your direction, Taekwoon's gaze following his hand.  When he saw you, you gave him a little wave.  He finished talking to the coach and made his way up the bleachers to where you sat.  You patted the bench next to you and waited until he sat down.

"I don't know what I did or said to make you stop coming to the library, but I feel like I owe you an apology for some reason.  I miss your presence."

He was silent and you turned to look at him.  He was looking down at his lap, his fingers tracing over the pattern on his shorts.  You let out a frustrated sigh and reached over to tap his arm.


He looked up at you, his gaze direct and intense.

"I'm sorry.  I just...I've never let anyone read my stuff before.  It made me uncomfortable."

"Ah, I'm sorry.  I shouldn't have asked to read it.  I didn't mean to make you feel that way."

"I know.  It's okay.  I'm glad you did."

"Really?  I have to say you're really talented.  Your way with words just blew me away."

He blushed and ducked his head.

"I'm serious!  That last poem made my heart a good way."

"How can your heart hurt in a good way?"

You chuckled and shook your head.

"I don't know.  It just did."

He smiled and you swatted him lightly on the arm.

"Will you come back to the library?  I miss seeing you."

He gave a little nod and you stood up.

"Excellent!  I'll see you tomorrow."

With a happy jaunt to your step you walked away.  It made you feel better now that the air was clear.  When you got to the library the next morning and found him sitting in his spot, you grinned.  No words were spoken, but when you made eye contact, your happiness was reflected right back at you, the light shining in his eyes.

The happiness continued into the next day as you reached your spot and found Taekwoon already there, a bottle of water of front of him and one at your space.  You sat down, pulling out a copy of Northanger Abbey.  You began to read, but stopped when Taekwoon reached over and tapped the top of your book.

"Can I ask you a question?"


"You only read classics.  Why?"

You began to talk, telling him about your love affair with classic romances.  You waxed poetic on Pride and Prejudice.  How Mr. Darcy was the greatest hero of all time.  You talked until you couldn't talk anymore and then clammed up, blushing furiously as you realized how long you'd been talking.

"Oh, gosh, I'm sorry!  I just don't know when to shut up."

He smiled at you and shook his head.

"It's okay.  That you're so passionate about something is great."

You ducked your head, wishing you could curl up in a hole somewhere.  He was being nice.  You talking about classic literature could not have been that exciting.  The bell for fifth period went off and you stood up, gathering your things.

"I'll see you tomorrow?"

He stood up as well, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"I'll walk you to class.  Mine is right next to yours."

You nodded and began to walk to your fifth period class.  Taekwoon fell into step beside you and you walked to your class in silence.  The weird thing about Taekwoon was that the silence you had with him was never awkward or odd.  It was just the way you were together.  You honestly found comfort in it. 

At the door to your class he bowed his head and walked to the room next to yours.  He glanced over and graced you with a small smile before disappearing inside.  You went to your desk and sat down, bemused by the way things seemed to have changed with Taekwoon.  You pulled out your notebook and pen, waiting for the lecture to begin. 

You heard whispers behind you, but didn't look up.  Jin Hyuk sat three desks behind you and because you'd spent so much time in the library, you'd avoided his harassment.  Today, it seemed like he was going to start up where he'd last left off.  You rolled your eyes as the whispers got louder.  It was when you felt something wet against your back that you had it.  You reached back and lifted your hand.  It was covered didn't want to think about it. 

You pushed to your feet, grabbed your bag and left.  You didn't even wait for the teacher's permission.  You went down the hall to the girl's bathroom and tossed your bag on the floor.  You pulled your blazer off and tossed it into the sink.  It was covered in a substance that made you want to vomit.  The smell was nauseating and you felt tears welling up.  You strove to keep them back, but it was no use.

Sobbing, you collapsed on the floor, your knees pulled up to your chin and your arms wrapped around your legs.  You rocked back and forth, the anxiety and despair you felt overwhelming in their intensity. 

Why was Jin Hyuk doing this to you?  You'd shot down his attempt to flirt with you, but this was taking it to a whole new level.  He'd gone from harassment to downright evil behavior and you were sick of it. 

You heard footsteps and looked up to see Jin Hyuk standing there, a smirk on his face.  You pushed to your feet, your body automatically going into a defensive stance.

"What do you want?"

"Turning me down was a very bad idea."

"Harassing me to this extent is a very bad idea.  What the hell is your problem?  Why can't you just take a hint and leave me alone?"

"But that would be too easy."

You rolled your eyes and shifted slightly.

"Jin Hyuk, I'm warning you!  Back off and leave me the hell alone!  I'm sick of your bullshit and I'm sick of dealing with you!  Just go away!"

The hand swinging out of nowhere and clocking you in the face had you reeling.  You stumbled back, your head smacking into the wall behind you.  Your hand came up and you felt your cheek.  It felt hot under your hand and throbbed along with your heartbeat.

"You hit me!  What the fuck?"

Jin Hyuk crowded closer to you, the air of menace surrounding him making you realize you were in way over your head.  You'd never been hit by anyone before and you didn't know what to make of it.  You pushed him away, your hand flying out and connecting with his cheek.

"How does it feel, hmm?  Getting hit by a girl?  You hit me and I'm sure as hell going to hit you back."

Jin Hyuk shoved you, his hands on your shoulders and his body pushed up tight against yours.

"You stupid bitch.  Why didn't you just do what I wanted?"

"Because I'm not stupid.  Jesus, you're insane!"

His hands came up to wrap around your neck, tightening in increments.  You struggled to shift enough to push him off, but as he began to squeeze, you were more concerned about getting air into your lungs.  You punched and kicked, your head arching back as you struggled to breathe.  You started to see spots, your eyes rolling back in your head.  That you were going to die in the girl's bathroom at the hands of a complete psycho seemed to be your fate. 

The edges of your vision started to fade to black and your body went limp.  As you started to fade out of consciousness, you heard the sound of running footsteps and then you were gasping for air as Jin Hyuk was yanked away from you.  You slid down the wall, your body completely limp. 

You came to to the sound of beeping.  You let out a weak moan, your hand coming up to touch your face.  Your eyes blinked open and you shifted slightly, trying to figure out what was going on. 

"Honey?  You're awake?  Oh, thank God!  Let me get the doctor!"

Your mother hurried from the room, leaving you alone.  Your hand traveled over your face to the bruise on your cheek.  You swallowed, wincing at the pain.  What had happened? 

Your mother came back in and came over to the bedside, her hands coming down to take one of yours. 

"Honey, why didn't you tell me?  Do you have any idea how worried I was when I got the call from your school?  That some boy had tried to kill you in the bathroom?  I mean, when did this all happen?"

"I'm sorry," you whispered, your voice hoarse and raw.  "I didn't want to worry you.  I didn't think it would get this bad."

"Oh, honey!  You never have to worry about me!  I'm your mother!  I just want you to be safe."

Looking up at her and seeing the tears slipping down her cheeks made you feel terrible. 

"Help me sit up."

She let go of your hand to reach for the bed controls.  The bed slowly went up until you were reclining.  You patted the bed beside you and waited until she'd sat, before reaching for her hand.

"What happened?"

"How much do you remember?"

"I was in the bathroom.  Jin Hyuk had followed me.  He hit me.  I hit him back.  That's the last thing I remember."

"I don't know all of the details, but you've got bruises around your neck.  He tried to choke you."

"Where is he?"

Your mother let out a chuckle that could only be described as evil. 

"He's in surgery."

"What?  Did I do that much damage when I hit him?"

"I'm going to let someone else explain.  Just a moment."

She got up and left, leaving you feeling slightly dazed and confused.  What had happened after you passed out.  Your mother stepped back inside and smiled at someone out in the hall.

"I'm just going to get some coffee.  I'll leave you two alone."

She left again and you waited.  Seeing Taekwoon walk through that door, a thick bandage wrapped around his left hand and a bag of ice held against it, you gasped.

"Taekwoon?  What are you doing here?"

He walked over until he stood right next to the bed, his expression somewhere between fierce and hurt. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm just sore.  What about you?  What happened to your hand?"

He lifted his hand and looked down at it like he was seeing it for the first time.

"Oh.  Um, I'm the reason why Jin Hyuk's in surgery."

"What did you do?"

"I beat the hell out of him."

"You did what?"

He let out a deep sigh and sat down in the chair next to your bed. 

"Do you have any idea what I thought when I heard a girl screaming that someone was being attacked in the bathroom?  I came in and saw him with his hands around your neck.  You'd already passed out.  And I snapped."

You stared at him, your mouth gaping open in shock.  Jung Taekwoon had kicked Jin Hyuk's ass.  You felt the smile curving up your lips, wincing when it pulled on the cut at the side of your lip. 

"Why, Jung Taekwoon, I think you're my hero!"

He ducked his head, a dark blush staining his cheeks.  You reached out, wincing as sore muscles protested.  You placed your hand over his, your fingers curling over the back of his.  Your eyes drifted closed as you fell asleep, secure in the fact that he was there with you, keeping you protected.

Once you were out of the hospital, your mother refused to let you go back to school.  You weren't against that plan, but it made you sad that you couldn't see Taekwoon in the library every day.  You'd come to realize after his rescue in the bathroom that you liked him.  He made you feel secure and happy and protected, which was not something you were used to. 

A few days after you arrived home, your mother knocked on your bedroom door.

"Honey, Taekwoon is here.  He brought your schoolwork."

You let out a sigh, but nodded.  The idea of doing schoolwork wasn't remotely appealing, but you were only a few months away from graduating and wanted to finish.  At the same time, you kind of wanted to wallow in self pity for at least a day or two.  You'd almost died, which still boggled your mind.  You realized that if Taekwoon hadn't arrived when he did, there was a good chance you wouldn't be on this earth anymore.  It was a very eye opening thought.

The door to your bedroom creaked open and Taekwoon poked his head in.

"Can I come in?"

You nodded and motioned for him to come in.  He walked over and set a pile of books down on the table beside your bed.  You stared at each other for a long moment, before you finally cleared your throat and motioned for him to sit down.  He did, sitting down gingerly in the small chair you had next to your vanity.  He dwarfed it, his knees almost up to his chin.  He wrapped his arms around his legs and let out a sigh.

"How are you feeling?"

"Sore.  You?"

He shrugged. 

"I'm okay."

You blew out a breath and shifted until your feet hung over the side of your bed.  You were tired of laying down and wanted to get up.  As you stood up, so did Taekwoon, his hands coming up as if to steady you. 

"Go outside with me?"

He nodded and walked with you to the stairs.  He held out his arm and you looped your hand through.  Your legs were still slightly weak, but you took it slow.  Once outside you sat down and tilted your head back, closing your eyes.  The warmth of the sun on your face was like a balm to your soul.

"It feels good out here."


You opened your eyes and turned to look at him.

"Thank you, Taekwoon."

"For what?"

"Saving my life.  Being there when I needed you, even if you never spoke to me.  When you didn't come to the library those few days, it felt like a piece of me was missing."

"Ah, I'm sorry.  I...didn't mean to make you feel that way."

"It's okay.  I'm not complaining.  I just...I've come to a realization over the last few days."

He looked at you, eyebrow cocked up in question.

"I like you, Jung Taekwoon.  I really, really like you."

" you too."

You sat up straight and turned to look at him.

"You do?"


You shook your head and let out a sigh.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want to scare you."

"Why the hell would you scare me?"

"People are usually scared of me," he said with a shrug.  "I'm shy.  People think I'm cold.  I'm not.  I'm just not good at expressing myself."

"You express yourself fine with me."

"Yeah, because I like you."

"I was never scared of you, Taekwoon.  I figured out you were shy pretty much right away.  I figured you'd talk to me if you wanted to."

"Well, now I want to."

"Sure, wait until now.  You know, this could have gone a lot differently if you'd said something sooner."

"Really?  You're going to go there?"

"I didn't mean it like that," you said, throwing your hands up.  "I just meant that we could have spent more time together outside of the library."

"But I like the library.  It was quiet.  I had you to myself.  Seeing you with your head buried in a book...I thought you were cute."

"I enjoyed it too.  I wish we could still do that." 

"We can, just not at school.  I'll bring your schoolwork every day.  We can spend time together that way."

"Are you asking me out?"

"Maybe.  Would you say yes?"


You snickered when he rolled his eyes.  You sobered up when he stood up and walked over to you.  He squatted down until he was at your level, his hand coming up to gently cup your cheek.  His thumb brushed over the nasty bruise you had on your cheek, before he leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss against it.

"That he marked you like that makes me furious.  That your face is marred even for a second makes my heart hurt."

"Aw, Taekwoon, I'm okay."

He leaned his forehead against yours and nodded.

"I know.  I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner."

"You saved me.  That's all that matters."

He smiled then and leaned back.  He pushed to his feet and his fingers brushed your cheek once more before he said his goodbyes.  You watched him leave before closing your eyes and settling back into the chair.  The warmth of the sun paled in comparison to the remnants of the warmth of his hand on your face.  That he had confessed to his feelings just like you had made you feel warm and fuzzy inside.  Now, you just had to heal and become yourself again.

Taekwoon kept his promise, bringing your books after school every day.  He'd sit with you, usually eating a snack, never saying much, but that was okay.  It was his way and you knew he liked you just as much as you liked him.  But you were still recovering and doing anything other than sitting there was beyond you. 

As you healed and gained back your strength, you spoke to your mother in depth.  You'd gone into counseling almost right away.  Jin Hyuk was still recovering, but when he was released from the hospital he'd be facing charges.  You were feeling somewhat yourself again and wanted to get back into a routine of sorts.  After much begging and wheedling on your part, your mother agreed to let you go back to school.  Knowing Taekwoon would be there made her more open to the idea, seeing as how he was at your house every single day and she'd grown to like him. 

Your first day back to school was odd to say the least.  When you walked in, Taekwoon by your side, you were met by dead silence.  Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at you.  You held your head high, knowing you'd done nothing wrong.  Having Taekwoon by your side helped immensely.  He walked you to your first class and left you with a small wave.  Your teacher greeted you with a smile and went about class like nothing had changed.  You heard the whispers though.  Jin Hyuk had been the most popular boy at school.  That he was in the hospital recovering from wounds received after trying to strangle you was big news.

All throughout the day, other students would come up to you and just stare.  You felt like a science experiment let out of the lab.  When you could finally escape, you went to the place you felt the safest.  The library was still there.  Still silent.  And Taekwoon was waiting for you.  He was sitting in his seat, notebook out, pen scratching across the pages.  When you sat down across from him and let out a heavy sigh, he looked up.

"What's wrong?"

"I feel like I'm a freakshow.  People keep staring at me.  It's giving me a complex."

He reached over and took your hand.

"It's okay.  It'll wear off soon.  They're just in shock."

"Yeah, it's not every day a student tries to kill another student."

"Would you stop that?"

You shook your head.

"I'm sorry, Taekwoon.  Maybe I should have just stayed at home."

Taekwoon pulled back and looked at you for a long moment, before sliding his chair back and standing up.  He walked around the table to the chair next to yours and pulled it back.  He sat down and reached over for your hands.  You turned to give him your full attention, your eyebrows creased in confusion.  This was the most forward he'd ever been.

"Don't say that, okay?  I'm glad you're back.  I'm glad we can spend time here together again, okay?  Don't let them bring you down.  You have me.  I've got your back."

You leaned forward until you could press your forehead against his shoulder.

"I'm so glad I have you," you said, pulling your hands free so you could wrap them around his shoulders.  His hands came to rest on your waist and his chin rested on top of your head.

"I'm glad I have you too."

You pulled back until you could look him in the eye.  You did something you'd wanted to do since your confession on your back porch.  You leaned up, pressing a kiss to his lips.  He let out a long exhale, before tilting his head, putting more pressure against your lips.  The kiss deepened, your tongues pressing against each other, getting to know each others taste.  That you were kissing in your school's library completely escaped you until you heard the sound of someone clearing their throat.  You pulled back from the kiss to see the head librarian looking at you, shaking her head in disgust.  You snickered, before standing up and pulling Taekwoon to his feet.

"Follow me."

He stood up without question and you pulled him with you into the dark aisles.  You found the place you were looking for, hidden away from prying eyes.  You pulled him to you and the kisses that followed were an exploration, getting to know what the other liked.  When your hands grazed down his sides to settle at his waist, the gasp he let out made you realize how much he liked it.  When his palms cupped your breasts through your blouse, you swore your eyes crossed.  His touch was so warm and almost comforting, but at the same time, aroused feelings inside of you you'd never felt before. 

Gasping for breath, you pulled back, looking up into his face.  He stared down at you, his eyes hot and intense as they scanned your face. 

"Taekwoon, I'm not ready to have sex with you yet."

"It's okay."

"No, you don't understand.  I really, really want to, but I'm just...I'm not ready to take that step."

"Baby, I get it."

"Are you sure?"

He chuckled as he leaned forward, his lips ghosting over the tip of your nose.

"I'm positive.  When you're ready, just let me know."

You wrapped your arms tight around his middle, leaning your head against his chest.  The way his heartbeat raced in his chest, you knew he wasn't unaffected.  But the way he was being patient with you made you want to cry.

The months leading up to graduation were hectic.  It seemed like there were times your head would explode because you were so overwhelmed, but Taekwoon was always there, a calm to your storm.  As prom came and went, you realized you were falling in love with him.  You'd never been in love and it took you awhile to figure out your feelings, but on the day of graduation, it hit you.  You were in your cap and gown, Taekwoon in his next to you.  Your mother was snapping a thousand pictures and you were nervous.  Taekwoon never strayed far from your side, his hand resting on your waist. 

You made it through graduation, barely remembering to walk across the stage when your name was called.  After the ceremony was over, you went back home and changed into something simple.  You were meeting Taekwoon for food and a movie, opting out of the parties that were being held elsewhere. 

As you were eating you found yourself watching him.  There was something about him that called to you on a deeper level than even you expected.  That he seemed to understand you without you having to say a word was one of the reasons why you loved him so much.  You took a sip of water and fessed up.


He glanced up from his ice cream.


"I love you."

He stared at you, the ice cream melting off the cone and landing with a soft plop on the table.  You chuckled as you picked up a napkin and reached over to clean it up.

"I know you're quiet, baby, but now would be a good time to say something."

He let out a sigh and set the cone aside, his hand coming out to grasp yours, sticky napkins and all.

"I love you too."

"If I said I was ready, are you?"

"To have sex?"



You stood up, your hand not leaving his.  He stood up as well and leaned over the table to place a soft kiss against your lips.  He pulled back and took the sticky napkin out of your hand.  He led you outside and you stood there staring at each other, before he leaned forward and kissed you again.  You wanted to keep kissing him, to touch him, to be with him, but standing there for the whole world to see, you got embarrassed. 

"Where should we go," you asked as you began walking down the street, your clasped hands bumping against your thigh.

"I don't know."

You chuckled and shook your head.

"We could go back to my house.  My mom's out with friends."


You continued to walk, stopping at a corner drugstore to buy condoms.  You may be a virgin, but you knew enough to know you weren't ready to be a mom anytime soon.  When you told that to Taekwoon, he choked on a laugh, but paid for them with a grin on his face. 

The urgency kicked in when you reached your house.  Unlocking the door, you stepped inside.  Taekwoon followed right behind you as you walked up the stairs to your bedroom.  Once inside, you shut the door and locked it, just to be on the safe side.  You tossed the box of condoms on the bed next to your pillow and then turned to look at him.

"Now what?"


"Have you ever had sex with anyone," you asked as you stepped forward and put your hands on his chest.  His hands came up to cover yours as he looked down at you. 


"You're a virgin too?  Oh, God!"

He chuckled as he leaned down to kiss you.  You calmed down at the feel of his lips against yours. 

"It's okay.  We'll figure it out.  I haven't read a lot of books or watched a lot of porn for nothing."

You snorted out a laugh.

"Me neither."

He let out a full-blown laugh at that and sat back on the bed, pulling you down on top of him.  Your kisses started out soft and languid.  A gentle exploration as you learned each other.  Hands roaming over clothing and under, touching skin for the first time.  An exhale as he slipped his hands under your shirt, cupping your lace-covered breasts.  A whimper as he nibbled at your neck, teeth grazing skin. 

Shirt pulled over your head and tossed aside as you rocked against him, feeling him harden against you.  You bit your lip, lost in the sensations he was invoking in you.  Hands on your hips, rolling you against him.  Hands sliding up your back, flicking open the clasp of your bra, sliding it down your arms.  A heartfelt curse as you were bared to him, his fingers sliding over pert nipples. 

"Jesus, Taekwoon!"

"I told you porn would come in handy."

A breathless laugh as he sat up, his lips closing gently over a nipple, tongue flicking just so.  Your hands in his hair, tightening in the strands. 

"I love you," you gasped, as he tilted his head back to look up at you.

"I love you too."

You shifted, pulling his shirt over his head.  His chest was right there in front of you and you couldn't resist the urge to run your fingers over him, feeling the ridges of his muscles etched so perfectly under his skin.  He rolled you under him, fingers brushing over the waistband of your shorts.  Fumbling fingers unsnapping and lowering the zipper.  Fingers sliding down inside, into your panties, fingers resting just above your sex.

"You can touch me," you whispered, hand sliding down to clasp his wrist.  He leaned forward, kissing you gently as he did exactly that.  Fingers sliding through the folds of your sex, brushing over your clit.  Gasping into his mouth at the feeling, your hips rolling up into his hand.  Finger exploring further, gliding down to your opening, slipping inside of you.  You let out a hiss of pleasure at the feeling. 

"Jesus, you're tight.  This...isn't going to be easy," he muttered against your lips.

"Keep doing what you're doing and we'll be just fine," you whispered back, arching your head back.  He snickered but did as you asked.  His finger slid out and back up to circle your clit.  He kept the pressure light, making you grumble a protest.

"You need to put more pressure."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"At this point, you're just pissing me off.  Please, Taekwoon."

He pulled his hand out of your panties and shifted to pull the rest of your clothing off, leaving you naked.  You bit your lip, your hand going down to cover you.  Taekwoon shook his head as he scooted down until his face was level with your sex.

"I just had my hand down your pants.  You don't need to hide from me."

"I know...but this is...weird.  No one has ever seen me naked before.  I don't want you to find me lacking."

He pressed a kiss to the back of your hand before lifting it and settling it against the bed.   His hand slid up your leg from your knee, putting gentle pressure between your legs until you opened for him.  He maneuvered until he rested between your legs, his shoulders keeping you spread wide.

"Trust me, baby, I don't find you lacking.  In fact," he said as he leaned forward and brushed his tongue over your clit. "I find you beautiful."

He drifted off, focusing on his task.  He set out to make you feel beautiful and he succeeded.  His tongue ran over your clit, circling it, flicking gently.  Fingers sliding inside of you, making you moan.  The pleasure you felt was overwhelming, your body rolling under his touch.  You let out a cry as you arched up into him, your hands going down to clasp his head tighter to you.  He'd set out to make you come and you did with a gasp, your back arching deep into the mattress.

He sat up, hand wiping his lips as he reached for the box of condoms.  He opened the box and stared down at them for a second.  He pulled one out and tore open the package.  It was obvious he'd never worn one before, but after some trial and error, he had it on.  You held your arms out for him as he leaned over you, one hand going down to guide him. 

As he slid inside of you, slowly, gently, he brushed a kiss over your lips.  You opened your eyes, meeting his gaze as he seated himself fully inside of you.  It didn't hurt, not much, but it felt weird.  You'd never felt so full before, the stretch more than you'd anticipated.  He kept up the languid kisses, holding himself in check until you pulled back.


He did, his hips rolling.  As he glided out and then slid back in, nerve endings you didn't even know you had came to life.  You shifted, lifting your legs to wrap them around his waist.  His hands came down to clasp yours, holding them gently against the bed.  Lips, tongue, brushing against yours as he deepened the kiss, his thrusts going faster.  You moaned, lifting up to meet his thrust.  It felt good, pleasant even, but you weren't sure if you could come again. 

As he arched over you, his head arching back with a gasp, your fingers tightened around his.  He collapsed over you, his body weight warm and firm against you.  Breathless kisses against your shoulder as he buried his face where neck and shoulder meet.

"I love you," he whispered against your skin.

"I love you too," you said as your ran your fingers through his hair.  You lay like that until he pulled out, getting up to dispose of the condom.  He came back, sliding into bed, snuggling you close.

"Do you remember that poem you loved so much," he asked, brushing kisses over your shoulder.


"I wrote it about you.  That's why I got up and walked away.  I wasn't ready to face my feelings for you yet.  That you came and found me made me realize I needed to tell you."

"You wrote it about me?  It was so beautiful."

"I know, because in my eyes you're beautiful."

You were wrapped up in his arms, the feeling of warmth and protection there as you drifted off to sleep.  You were safe and you were loved.  And it was good.


  1. Wow just wow, I had to read when I saw you link me, haven't even taken in my breakfast yet. Sweet romance paired with angst and killer intent. You went all out on that one, writernim. You are a story teller for sure. Thank you for making this long, I could read on forever. Welcome back.

  2. At first I thought I was reading a Nicholas Sparks' novel... And then... first time for both, so sweet and romantic!!!! This character is just like me... Classics...the bests, as always you got a 100

  3. "You shifted, lifting your legs to wrap them around his waist.  His hands came down to clasp yours, holding them gently against the bed. " I don't know why I found this so romantic and sweet...
