Thursday, April 30, 2015

Game Changer (VIXX Hyuk)

Still one of my favorite Hyuk stories.  Makes me go "Ah" every time.  :)


When Sanghyuk met her, he never thought in a million years that they'd be hanging out in her apartment, arguing over who was better at Super Mario Kart.  She was athletic, a tomboy and he never figured her for a gamer chick. 

They had met at school.  They were in the same classes and their last names were close enough that they were assigned together on projects more often than not.  He liked her, as a friend, at first.  She was funny and goofy, her sense of humor similar to his own.  That she could laugh at her own jokes made him smile.

He didn't really see her as girlfriend potential right away.  They'd shoot hoops after school and he'd find himself telling her about his life as an idol.  She never judged him and would tease him gently when he started to feel too overwhelmed.  He could tell that his being an idol didn't impress her at all.  She only saw him as Sanghyuk.  It was refreshing.

When she invited him over to her apartment for a study date, he didn't think twice.  When he walked into her apartment and saw her setup, his jaw dropped.  She had every gaming system he'd ever heard of and an entire wall of bookcases full of games.  He actually started salivating as he looked at all the titles, his mind reeling. 

He'd challenged her to a game of Super Mario Kart, figuring that he'd kick her ass.  When she beat him, not once but three times, he knew he was in trouble.  The fact that she didn't let him lose gently, whooping and hollering every time she won, pissed him off.  His competitive nature kicked in and he was determined to win once.  He refused to let a girl beat him and he wasn't afraid to do anything to win, including cheating.

When he saw her character edging up on his on the screen, his elbow shifted, connecting with hers and causing her to lose control.  With a yelp she moved away and got back into position.   Throughout the entire race, every time her character got close, Sanghyuk did something to make her lose concentration.  At the end of the race when he won, he got up, doing a quick victory dance around the living room.  She sat on the couch, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at him.

"What," he asked, keeping his expression as innocent as he could. 

"You are a cheater, sir!"

He snorted and shook his finger at her.

"Prove it!"

"Fine!  We'll play one more game.  Winner gets to choose the punishment for the loser.  And you're sitting on the other side of the room from me.  No more elbows to my side!"

"Any punishment we want?"

"Yep!  Now, go!  Shoo!"

Giggling he plopped down on the floor on the other side of the couch, as far away from her as he could be and still see the screen.  This time, when the game started, he went into full-on concentration mode.  That he could choose her punishment if he won made him try his hardest.  The game was neck and neck, both of them determined to win.  When her character passed the finish line first, Sanghyuk wanted to cry. 

"Damn it!"

He tossed the controller on the couch and pushed to his feet, knowing he looked like a kicked puppy.  He stood looking down at her, his lower lip out and being as pathetic as he possibly could.  She had been a worthy opponent and he had lost fair and square.

"What's my punishment?"

She smiled as she stood up and went to turn off the game. 

"I haven't decided yet.  Come on, it's time we got to studying.  I promise I'll tell you what it is before the night's over."

He sighed, but followed her to the dining room table where she had her computer set up.  They sat side by side, close enough their legs touched.  Sanghyuk was completely focused on the lesson, not even registering that their bodies touched.  Not until he glanced at her and saw her push her hair behind her ear. 

There was something inherently feminine about the gesture.  Her ear was delicately curved with a slight peak to the top.  A simple silver hoop sparkled in the light, capturing his attention.  He felt the warmth of her leg against his, only a skimpy pair of shorts and his jeans kept them from touching skin to skin. 

He could smell her perfume, a subtle blend of spice and vanilla.  It suited her and it made him realize that she was, in fact, a girl.  A pretty one at that.  When she glanced over at him and smiled, he swallowed hard, his adam's apple feeling like a bowling ball in his throat.  Why did he have to realize she was a girl?  Especially right then when she was talking about history, one of his favorite subjects.  Why did he feel this sudden urge to kiss her?  Would she think he was weird if he just leaned over and tasted her?  He couldn't concentrate, all of his attention focused on her; her voice, her scent, the warmth of her skin.  All he could hear was the drone of her voice, not a single word registering. 

"Sanghyuk, are you even listening to me?"

He shook his head, trying to get back his bearings.

"Um, what?"

"I said, are you even listening to me?  You're just staring at me like I've got a wart on my nose or something.  What's wrong?"

"Oh, um, nothing.  Nothing at all."

She stared at him, her expression saying she didn't believe him, but to his relief she let it go, going back to whatever it was she'd been talking about.  He tried to listen, he really did, but when she shifted position, pulling one leg up to rest her chin on it, he lost all thought.  Her shorts rode up high on her thigh, her long legs right there in front of him.  He could feel himself getting hard and had to bite his lower lip to keep from whimpering out loud. 

He couldn't handle it anymore and had to excuse himself.  Once in the bathroom he leaned against the door, his hands coming up to cover his face as he tried to get himself under control.  He was popping wood for one of his best friends.  

He took a couple of deep breaths, but that didn't help.  Stumbling over to the sink he splashed some cold water on his face, but when he picked up a towel to wipe his face, he could smell her scent all over it.  It seemed everything was out to get him.  Dropping the towel on the counter he leaned forward, meeting his gaze head on in the mirror.

"You can do this.  She is your best friend!  You cannot like her as a girl!  Get your mind out of your pants.  Stop thinking with your little brain.  Fighting!"

Repeating it like a mantra, he finally got himself somewhat calmed down, his erection going from full to half-mast.  Taking a deep breath he psyched himself up and went back out to the dining room.  She was leaning forward, elbows on the table, chin cupped in her hands as she stared off in space.  Her shirt had ridden up, revealing a small strip of skin above the waistband of her shorts.  This was it.  He was cursed!

He did an about face and hustled back to the bathroom.  Slamming the door he slid down until he was sitting on the floor, back braced against the door.  He smacked his head back against the door again and again, wondering what on earth he'd done to deserve this torment.  It wasn't that he'd never been with a girl before.  He had.  He'd just never been friends with one before he became interested in her.  It made him feel weird.

It wasn't like he'd seen her as a guy.  Not at all.  It's just that for almost a year he'd only seen her as a friend and to have this attraction come out of nowhere and smack him upside the head was rather disgruntling.  He wanted things to go back to the way they were where he could hang out with her and not have to worry about popping wood whenever he was in her presence.  He wanted her to just be his friend where he could bitch about his life and not have to worry about sounding like a whiny brat.  This was torture, pure and simple.

"Sanghyuk?  Are you okay?"

Her voice came from the other side of the door and he leaned forward, his hands coming up to grasp his head.  What could he say to her?  He felt so stupid.

"I'm okay.  I'll be out in a minute."

"Is it your stomach?  Would you like some tea?"

She'd provided an excuse, one he seized on with both hands.

"Tea would be good."


He heard her walk away and his hands dropped down to his lap.  He let out a deep sigh and stared up at the ceiling, knowing that everything had changed and that he had to face up to it.  He didn't want to say anything to her right away.  He honestly didn't know what he was feeling, other than the fact that his body really, really liked her.  He liked her as a friend, but he'd only just realized she was an attractive girl and he needed time to get used to that fact.

He did the only thing he could.  He walked out of the bathroom, made his excuses and left.  He hurried home to the dorm and went into the bedroom he shared with Wonsik, thankful his roommate slept like the dead.  He dropped his stuff on the floor and collapsed on his bedding, his body completely wiped out.  He felt like he'd been on a roller coaster with no hopes of ever getting off it and he wanted nothing more than to go to sleep and wake up tomorrow, this all a bad dream he could put behind him.  There was a tap on the door and Hongbin pushed it open, his head popping through the opening.

"You're still awake?"

"Yeah, I just home."

"You look terrible.  You okay?"

He sat up and shook his head.

"No, but I'll be all right."

"What's going on?"

"I' lust."

"Um, say what?"

He snorted and motioned for Hongbin to leave.

"Never mind.  I'm in my own personal hell.  You don't want to visit."

Hongbin rolled his eyes and shut the door, leaving Sanghyuk to his own thoughts.  He hadn't lied.  He was in his own personal hell and had no idea why or how he'd gotten there.  He didn't know how he was going to face her again or what he would say.  All he knew was that when he was nervous, weird things would come out of his mouth.  With his luck he'd tell her that he wanted to do her doggy-style and traumatize the crap out of her.

And now he had doggy-style in his head.  Oh, God, why?  Now it was all he could see in his head, his hands on her hips as he thrust into her from behind.  He slapped his cheeks, wishing he could unsee it.  No, no more torture.

He stumbled to his feet and into the bathroom, turning the shower on cold.  Stripping he got under the water, shivering as it poured over his head.  Sadly it did absolutely nothing to quell his throbbing cock.  He was so hard it hurt.  Taking himself in hand he did the only thing he could.  He let his thoughts go to her, to what he wanted to do to her and he began to massage his cock, his hand sliding up and down slowly, torturing himself.

He was masturbating in the shower, nothing unusual, but his thoughts weren't random like they usually were.  He could see, taste, feel her and his brain kept repeating everything he wanted to do on a loop.  When he came, it was hard and long, weakening his knees enough he had to rest against the wall of the shower, his breath coming fast.  Turning off the water, he toweled off and went into the bedroom to pull on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.  Now that his cock wasn't screaming for attention he could get to sleep...he hoped.

At school the next day he went out of his way to avoid her, not knowing what to say.  He knew his behavior was out of the ordinary and the look on her face when she saw him made him feel like an ass.  As someone who usually faced challenges head on, the fact that he couldn't when it came to her drove him nuts.

The cat and mouse game continued over the next week, before she finally got him cornered in the empty hallway, her hands pressing him against the door as she stared at him.  The fact that she was almost as tall as he was registered as he realized how close her lips were to his.  He looked away, not being able to handle her proximity.

"Sanghyuk, what the hell is wrong with you?  Did I do something to make you angry?"

He shook his head.

"No, you didn't do anything wrong.  I'm just not myself right now."

"Is everything okay?  Is it VIXX?  Is something wrong?"

"No, no everything is fine.  I'm just dealing with some personal stuff."

"And it has nothing to do with me?  You're sure?"

"I'm positive."

He glanced back at her and saw her looking at him, her eyes narrowed at him.

"I don't believe you."

He sighed and pushed her away gently, needing some distance from her.

"I'm sorry you don't believe me.  I just need some space right now."

"Uh-huh.  All right, but don't forget, I still have a punishment for you."

"Not now, okay?  I'll accept it later."

With that he walked away, leaving her there in the hallway.  Once he knew he was alone, he began to run, needing to get out of there as quickly as possible.  He got outside to the gate and collapsed against it, gasping for breath.   He was a coward, plain and simple.  He felt like shit for lying to her, but he still hadn't come to accept his new feelings for her.  Advice was needed and he went to the people he knew would give him the best.

He sat at the kitchen table, Hakyeon on his left and Taekwoon on his right.  His hands were clasped on the table as he told them his problem.  Hakyeon rested his hand on his shoulder while Taekwoon just listened, nodding at every other word.  Once he'd unburdened himself he waited.  He watched as Hakyeon and Taekwoon looked at each other before speaking.  They'd always been able to communicate without talking, a skill he wished he had. 

"Sanghyuk, here's my advice," Hakyeon said, patting his shoulder.  "Suck it up and tell her.  It's obvious that she knows something is off.  If you keep acting like this, your friendship will be over and she's too good a friend to do that to."

"I agree," Taekwoon said, his voice soft but firm.  "If you don't tell her, you'll never know how she feels.  Put it out there.  At worst you'll just stay friends."

"No, at worse she'll never want to talk to me again.  I can't lose her friendship.  It means too much to me."

"True, but would you rather have your friendship end because you didn't say anything or would you rather see where things go?  The longer you let this fester, the worse it will be.  You're old enough to make your own decisions, but take it from your elders.  Sometimes putting everything out there is the best thing you can do."

He sighed and nodded, knowing they were right.  They always were, which was irritating when he didn't want to listen.  But tonight their words were a comfort to him.  What they said made perfect sense and if he'd been listening to himself, he would have realized the same thing.  He thanked them and went to bed, determined to talk to her the next day. 

Unfortunately, life had other plans for him.  Instead of going to class he had to take an unexpected day off, his life as an idol rearing its ugly head.  VIXX had a new comeback coming soon and he had to practice.  He sent her a text before he went into the practice room asking her if they could meet up.  When she texted back saying yes and to come to her apartment when he was done made him sigh with relief. 

He made it through practice, working harder than he could ever remember doing.  Now that he'd made up his mind to tell her how he felt, all he wanted was to tell her.  It made his day pass by at a snail's pace, but when Hakyeon called an end to practice he was out of there faster than he ever had been before.  On his way out, Hakyeon called him aside.  When he handed Sanghyuk a small bag, Sanghyuk looked at him in confusion, his eyebrow up in question.

"Don't ask.  You'll thank me later."

Sanghyuk shoved the bag in his satchel and left, heading to the bus station and her apartment.  He texted, letting her know he was on his way.  All the way there he could barely sit still, his leg jiggling as nerves threatened to take over.  No matter how much his nerves were screaming at him to stop, he was determined. 

When he got to her apartment, he buzzed to be let up.  On the elevator ride up, he kept a litany of positive words going through his head, psyching himself up to tell her how he felt.  Stepping out of the elevator, he saw her door was open, waiting for him.  Once inside he kicked off his shoes, dropping his satchel beside them and called her name.

"I'm in the kitchen."

He made his way to the kitchen, stopping when he reached the doorway.  She glanced over her shoulder from where she stood in front of the stove and smiled.

"Hey, you!  Are you doing better now?  I'm making some food.  I thought you'd be hungry."

At her words, his stomach growled, reminding him he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast much earlier.  Eating would be good and then he'd talk.  Making that decision he leaned against the door frame, his arms crossing over his chest as he watched her.  Every movement she made was economical, elegant even and he found himself fascinated despite himself.  Why watching her cooking would turn him on was beyond him, but it did. 

"Can you get the plates and utensils?  They're in the cupboard and drawer there," she said, motioning with her chin.  Sanghyuk straightened and did as he was told, his breath hitching when his body brushed against hers accidentally.  Fumbling with the plates, he took them out to the dining room and set the table.  Sitting down at his usual space, he draped the napkin over his lap, thankful for the way it hid his hard cock. 

She bustled out of the kitchen, her hands full with the pot she set on the middle of the table.  They spooned up their food, barely speaking as they began to eat.  The silence wasn't necessarily uncomfortable, but it wasn't the usual easy camaraderie they usually had.  Sanghyuk concentrated on food, his hunger his only concern at the moment.  When his belly was full and he could think again, he looked up to see her watching him, her food almost untouched on her plate.  He pushed his plate away and motioned at her plate.

"You're not hungry?"

She glanced down at her plate and shook her head, standing up to gather up their plates and take them into the kitchen.  When she came back, she sat back down and stared at him again.  The intense focus made him uncomfortable and he began to fidget. 

"Okay, Sanghyuk, you're beginning to piss me off.  Will you please tell me what's wrong?  I feel like I've done something and it's driving me crazy because I can't figure out what it is I've done to you."

Sanghyuk sighed, reaching out to take her hand in his. 

"I'm so sorry."

She looked down at their joined hands, her eyebrows coming together in a look of confusion. 

"Will you please tell me what's going on?  Please?"

He took a deep breath and let it all out.

"I like you."

"I like you too.  So, what's going on?"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You're not understanding me.  I like like you.  Jesus, I sound like I'm twelve.  I mean, I want to kiss you.  I want to fuck you.  I want to date you."

She began to laugh.

"I can't believe you put kissing and fucking before dating.  I see where your priorities are."

He rolled his eyes and let out an aggravated noise.

"I'm not kidding!  We've been friends for almost a year.  I love having you as a friend.  I really do.  And I was afraid if I told you how I really felt, our friendship would be over.  And I don't want that to happen."

She pulled her hand away from his, leaving him feeling like his world had ended.  When she stood up and held her hand out to him, he looked up at her in confusion.  She motioned with her hand and he took it, letting her pull him to his feet.  He waited for her to say or do something, his nerves beginning to kick in. 

"Is that why you've been acting so weird around me?  It was like I'd acquired the plague and you didn't want to be anywhere near me."

"Yeah, it was.  And I'm sorry.  This...attraction just...snuck up on me.  I wasn't expecting it and I didn't know how to deal with it.  I feel like such an ass."

She tugged his hand, leading him out to the living room.  She sat down on the couch, pulling him down beside her. 

"I think it's time for your punishment."

At first he was confused, until he remembered their game and the bet. 

"I'm ready."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded and waited.  The smile that came over her face could only be described as devilish. 

"I want you to close your eyes.  No matter what, you can't open them."

He frowned, but complied.  Knowing her it could be anything, but he was up for it.  He was disappointed that she hadn't acknowledged his feelings, but he knew he'd dropped them on her fast.  He'd just have to be patient.

The couch dipped as she moved and when he felt something press against his lips, he let out a gasp.  She was kissing him.  His eyes almost opened, but he'd promised.  He scrunched them closed tighter and relaxed his lips.  The wetness of her tongue brushing over his lips made him moan.  His lips opened and her tongue slipped inside.  The kiss deepened, breath hitching and long exhalations.  He felt her pull back, his hand coming up to hold her, but dropping back to the couch when he felt the couch shift as she stood up.

"You can open your eyes now."

His eyes opened and he blinked to get back in focus.  She stood next to him, her hands on her hips as she looked down at him.  His hand came up to press his fingers to his lips, their kiss still tingling there.

"I'm not sure I'd call that a punishment."

She snorted.

"It wasn't.  I couldn't think of a punishment that fit.  I've wanted to do that for awhile."

"Kiss me?"

"Yeah, but I didn't think you liked me that way.  You always acted like I was just a buddy and I didn't want to ruin our friendship by kissing you."

"I can't believe this.  How long?"

"I've thought you were cute since I met you in class.  But I could tell you didn't see me as anything but a buddy, so I never said anything."

"Jesus," he breathed, his hands coming up to run through his hair.  All this time and he'd been completely clueless.  "I have more to apologize for than I thought."

"No, don't apologize.  It's not your fault it took you longer to like me.  I know I'm not the girliest of girls.  Guys always see me as just a friend.  I'm just happy you're finally seeing me as a woman."

He stood up, his hands going to her waist to pull her closer.  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her snug up against him.

"Trust me, I see you as a woman.  I can't not see you as a woman."

The blush that covered her cheeks was endearing and he dipped his head to press a kiss to each cheek, the skin hot under his lips.

"And can I say how glad I am that you're almost as tall as I am?  Kissing you is going to be awesome."

She laughed, her body shaking with it, rubbing against him in a way that brought his body to full attention.  The kiss that he pressed to her lips was gentle.  A sweet melding of lips and tongue, a tasting and a promise of things to come.  His hands roamed over her back before settling on the curve of her ass, snugging her pelvis tight against his.  He knew she could feel him, the gasp she let out when his cock pressed against her making him even harder.

"I know we just confessed to each other, but I need to be with you," he murmured against her lips.

"I don't have anything.  I wasn't expecting you to like me so I never bought anything."

He let out a groan and pulled back, his head falling back at the disappointment he felt.  He didn't have anything either and wanted to kick himself for not having the presence of mind to get condoms.

"God, this is going to kill me," he muttered, bringing his head back up to frown at her.  She sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder, her arms tight around his waist.  They stood like that for awhile, just content in the fact that they were there, together.  Sanghyuk was disappointed that he wouldn't be able to have sex with her, but at the same time maybe it was for the best.  Give them a chance to know each other on a romantic level before sex came into the picture.  But when she sighed again and her chest rubbed against his, he wanted to shake his fist to the sky, screaming curses at bad karma.

He stepped back and excused himself to the bathroom.  He wouldn't be crass enough to rub one out in her bathroom, but he desperately needed to at least splash water on himself to get back some sense.  He grabbed his bag and went into the bathroom.  After splashing water on his face, he put the toilet seat down and flopped down, disappointment weighing heavy on his shoulders.

He unzipped his bag looking for chapstick and found the paper bag Hakyeon had shoved into his hand.  Pulling it out of his bag he opened it, a chuckle escaping when he saw what was inside.  A strip of condoms and a bottle of lube were basically screaming at him to get back out there.  He folded the bag up and zipped up his bag, before opening the door and going back out to her.  Dropping his bag on the floor, he held the paper bag up with a grin.

"You'll never believe me when I tell you what this is."

She gave him a quizzical look that turned into laughter when he handed her the bag and she looked inside.

"Are you serious?  How?"


"Ah, you don't have to say anymore."

With those words, she was back in his arms, her legs around his hips and her arms wrapped tight around his shoulders.  The paper bag smacked him in the back where she held it, but he didn't feel it.  His hands were on her ass, holding her tight to him as their lips met in a passionate kiss.  Stumbling, he got them into the bedroom, toppled over on to the bed, her on top.

Hands roaming, bodies pressed tight, mouths together as they struggled to remove their clothes as quickly as possible.  Sanghyuk let out a heartfelt moan when she sat up, her weight pressing against his hard cock as she stripped her shirt over her head, tossing it aside.  She reached behind and unclasped her bra, letting the straps slide down her arms before pulling it off and letting it fall to the floor.

His hands came up to cover her breasts, the warm weight filling his hands perfectly.  Her hands came up to cover his as she stared down at him, her lower lip caught between her teeth.  Her hips rolled, rubbing her pelvis against him, bringing a moan to his lips.  Hands sliding from her breasts up to the back of her neck, bringing her down for another kiss.

Every movement was languid, as if they had all the time in the world to learn each other.  Any urgency they felt was lost in the sweetness of their firsts.  First kiss, first touch, first feeling of naked skin against naked skin as she worked his shirt up, pulling back to lift it over his head.

The feel of her naked breasts against his chest made shivers go down his spine.  Her nipples were tight nubs, poking against him.  He was restless, his hands roaming down her back to slide over the curve of her ass, rolling her against him again.  They both let out a moan at the feel and he got them rolled over so he could thrust up against her, his cock so hard it almost hurt.

"I don't know how much finesse I'm going to have this first time," he muttered, pulling back to reach down and unsnap her jeans.  He slid his hand inside, down the front of her panties to press his fingers against her clit.  Her hips jerked and she let out the cutest squeak, making him grin before he bent back down to kiss her again.  His movements were hampered, her jeans snug, but his fingers slid back and forth slowly over her clit, her hips rocking up to meet him.

He shifted and pulled his fingers out, bringing them to his mouth.  He licked his fingers, his first taste of her making his eyes close in bliss.

"Jesus, that is the hottest thing I've ever seen," she whispered, her hands coming down to start shoving her jeans and panties down her legs.  Sanghyuk helped, standing up to pull them fully down and off, tossing them to the floor.

"Come here," he whispered, reaching for her legs.  He pulled her to the edge of the bed and knelt on the floor, pulling her until he could place his lips over her without anything impeding him.  He draped her legs over his shoulders and went to work.  His fingers pulled her pussy lips apart and he set about working her to a frenzy, his tongue starting an onslaught there was no escape from.

He started at her clit, his tongue circling the nub without actually touching it.  Her hands reached for him, brushing his hair, before tightening when he flicked the tip of his tongue just so over the hood of her clit.  He let his tongue drag down to the opening of her pussy before sliding back up to her clit.  He kept it up, never focusing any direct pressure to her clit.  He could hear her frustrated moans, her fingers pulling the hair on the top of his head to the point it began to hurt.

"Sanghyuk!  Please!"

With that he took pity on her, his tongue pressing firmly against her clit.  Slipping two fingers into her warmth he began to push her to orgasm, wanting her to come all over his face.  Her taste was sweet and tangy, making his mouth water.  Every thrust of his fingers brought a whimper to her lips, her legs trembling around his head as she struggled to come.  He could feel the orgasm coming, her inner muscles pulsing around his fingers.  Curling his fingers up, he brushed against the nubby flesh deep inside her.  A wail echoed around the room as her body convulsed against him, her body shivering.

When she began to calm he sat back, pulling her legs gently off his shoulders, pressing a kiss to her inner thighs as he set her feet on the floor.  Standing up he undid his jeans and shoved them down along with his boxer briefs.  Stepping out of them, he reached for the bag and pulled out the condoms.

Once he had one on, he took hold of her hips and turned her over, her ass facing him.  He'd had visions of him taking her from behind for the last few days and the idea of actually being able to do so gave him a thrill.  Sliding inside, he let out a deep, long moan, the feeling of her warmth surrounding him.

"Put your knees on the bed, baby," he murmured, leaning down to kiss the back of her neck.  It took a couple of tries before she was on her knees, her upper body braced on her arms.  Sanghyuk began to thrust, each one deep and slow.  Running his hands over her back, he settled them at her hips, pulling her back every time he thrust forward.  He wished there was a mirror so he could see her face, but as he glanced down and watched as he thrust into her, he thought it was a good idea there wasn't.  He didn't want to come too fast, wanting their first time to last as long as possible.

When he felt her fingers brush over his cock as he thrust into her and felt the muscles of her pussy clamp down on his cock, he realized she was rubbing her clit.  He had to bite his lip at the image that brought to his mind and he lost his rhythm, his body desperate for climax.  He shook it off and got his rhythm back, but it was harder and faster, building up.

The orgasm started at his toes, working its way up as he felt her spasm around him, the long moan she let out wrapping around his nerves like a caress.  He began to climax, his body pulsing as he thrust once more into her, bottoming out.   They collapsed on the body, his body draped over her back as he struggled to get his breath back.  He'd never come so hard in his life, his body completely replete. 

Groaning he pulled out and got up, going into the bathroom to clean up.  When he was done, he went back into the bedroom and found her exactly as he'd left her, her body sprawled across the foot of the bed, her body still twitching.  He turned her over and picked her up, walking to the head of the bed.  He reached down and pulled back the sheets before setting her down.  He got in next to her, pulling up the covers and wrapping his arms around her.  Snuggling her up close to him, he pressed a kiss to the back of her head, savoring the scent of her shampoo.

"Thank you."

"For what," she murmured, her hand resting over his fingers where they were clasped around her waist.

"For not making me wait.  For having patience with me while I got my head out of my ass.  For liking me."

"Mm.  Thank you for the same then.  I'm glad it's not one-sided for either of us."

He pulled her closer, feeling sleep coming to take him under.  He yawned, before a chuckle escaped him.

"What's so funny," she murmured, the sleepiness in her voice matching the way he felt.

"Nothing.  I just can't wait to play Mario Kart again.  Punishments will be a lot more fun now."

She snickered and rolled over to face him, leaning up to kiss him.

"You're going to like losing from now on."

"Only if I don't cheat."

1 comment:

  1. Hyuk is a handsome boy, were the same age and height... but for some reason I CAN'T see him that way... I feel the same way you feel with Hongbin, This story is an
    Amazing one as always but is really difficult for me to imagine Hyuk like that... I see him as my little brother, is too cute for me
