Sunday, August 30, 2015

Noona Killer (VIXX Hyuk)

Oh, Sanghyuk, you are definitely a noona killer.  *sighs*  All I can say is I love writing Sanghyuk so much and it always makes me sad that people don't read his stories that much.  I hope y'all like this one.  I love it!  :)

And if any of you missed the lovely reveal of ManHyuk, look it up.  You'll thank me later.  :P

When you purchased your new house, you were thrilled to pieces.  It wasn't the biggest or the fanciest, but it was yours.  You'd worked your ass off to save the money and once you were moved in, you finally felt like a grownup at the age of twenty-eight.

Moving into your own home created a lot of extra responsibilities you'd never had before.  It also brought about many visitors, namely your younger brother and his best friend.  You'd been living in your house all of two weeks when you got a text from your brother asking if he could stop by.  Being the amazing big sister that you were, you said yes.  You scrambled to fix something to eat, knowing he'd be starving. When he showed up, you had the food ready and waiting.

"Hey, sis!"

He pulled you into a hug, his long, lanky body completely swallowing your much smaller frame.  You wrapped your arms around his waist and squeezed him.

"Hey, yourself.  I made you food."

"You're the best.  Sanghyuk's parking the car.  You made enough, right?  Or do I have to inhale it so he won't see it?"

"See what?"

You pulled away from your brother to see Han Sanghyuk standing in the doorway, grinning at you.  You shooed your brother to the table and motioned for Sanghyuk to sit down too.  You dished up the food and set the plates down in front of them.  You got yourself a plate and sat down across from them both.

As you ate, they caught you up on their lives.  They were in their final year of college and they spent the next twenty-five minutes complaining about how life was so hard.  You couldn't help but snort at their ridiculousness.

"If you think college is hard, wait until you're my age."

"You're not old."

You rolled your eyes at Sanghyuk and flicked a piece of rice at his head.

"Shut up!"

He snorted at you and flicked a piece of rice at your head in retaliation.  Before you could reciprocate, your brother held up his hands.

"Whoa!  Are you two five?"

Without a word, you both turned and flicked rice at his head, making him swear.  He picked up his spoon and dug into his bowl, picking up a huge pile of rice.  You held your hands up in defeat.

"Okay, okay!  Sorry!"

He set the spoon back down in his bowl, shaking his head in disgust.

"I swear, you two act like you're younger than me."

You chuckled as you stood up and carried your dishes to the sink.  After rinsing them out, you turned and leaned against the counter.

"So what made you guys just randomly decide to stop by?"

"Who says we didn't want to just hang out with you?"

"Who says you did?"

Your brother rolled his eyes as he got up to wash out his bowl.

"Fine!  We did have a reason."

"Yes, yes we did."

"You see, Spring Break is coming up. and dad don't want me home.  Something about finding random beer bottle tops stuffed in the couch.  So...we were wondering if we could stay with you.  Just for the week."

Your head dropped back as you looked up at the ceiling.  You had a feeling something like this would happen.

"You two want to stay with me?  During Spring Break?  Are you broke or something?"

The two boys looked at each other before looking at you.  Their heads nodded and they both had hangdog expressions on their face.  You let out a sigh and held up a hand.

"I'll let you stay..."

Before you could finish, they'd surrounded you and wrapped you in a bear hug.  You were sandwiched between the two of them to the point you could barely breathe.  You shoved them away and held your hand up again.

"You didn't let me finish.  You can stay, but I've got some hard and fast rules.  If you break them, you're out."

They both nodded eagerly.

"Number girls."


"No, I mean it!  I don't want to hear you banging random chicks in my house.  Wait until you're back in the dorm to do that."


"Number parties."


"No!  The last time you guys threw a party Mom called me in tears.  You're not throwing a party here!"

Your brother shook his head and glared at Sanghyuk.

"This was your idea."

Sanghyuk held up his hands and shook his head.

"No, it wasn't."

Before it turned into an argument, you pushed them back to the table.

"Number three...I'm making you sign a contract.  I refuse to let you tear up my house because you're bored."

The guys protested, but you went up to your room and got a piece of printer paper off your desk.  You jotted down the rules, signed it and took it down to them.  You held the paper out to them along with a pen, your eyebrow cocked up in challenge.  They grumbled, but took the pen and paper from you, signing their names.  You took the paper after they signed it and held it up.

"Just remember, you mess up and you're gone."

"Yes, ma'am."

They got up and said their goodbyes.  You watched them leave, an affectionate smile on your face.  You were eight years older than them and there were times it seemed like a much bigger gap than it really was.  After they'd pulled out into the street and disappeared around the corner, you went back inside, wondering what exactly you'd gotten yourself into.

Two weeks later and you were ready to pull your hair out.  You'd spent the last two days working 8+ hours and then coming home to work on the spare bedrooms.  You knew you didn't have to go all out, but at the same time you didn't want them to have to sleep on air mattresses on the floor.  A half hour before they were supposed to arrive, you finished.

Wiping the sweat off your brow, you hurried into the master bath to take a quick shower before they arrived.  When they did, they weren't quiet.  Sanghyuk had your brother in a choke-hold as they stumbled up the steps to the front door.  You held the door open and watched as they crashed onto the living room floor, Sanghyuk straddling your brother and holding him to the floor.


"Fuck you!"

"Lara Croft is more of a badass than Princess Peach.  You're delusional!"

Your brother struggled to free himself, but to no avail.  You shut the front door and leaned against the door jamb, watching the stupidity unfold before you.  Everyone knew Lara Croft was a badass.  Why your brother was insisting on Princess Peach was beyond you.

"Princess Peach is a princess.  She's cute!"

You face palmed, shaking your head.  Your brother's obsession with Super Mario was getting to be ridiculous.  You heard Sanghyuk snort.

"Princess Peach is hopeless.  She waits to be rescued.  Lara Croft is the Tomb Raider for God's sake!  She's a badass just on principle."

"Are you two really going to kill each other on my living room floor over video game characters?  And everyone knows Lara Croft is a badass.  You're an idiot."

Sanghyuk got up off your brother and gave you a high five.  Your brother sat up, running his hands through his hair.

"You're all conspiring against me!  I'm telling mom!"

You snickered as you walked over to him and held out your hand.  You helped him to his feet and patted his arm.

"No, baby brother, you've just got terrible taste in women.  Fictional women even."

"You suck."

You smacked his butt.

"Mind your manners!"

He smacked you on the arm.

"Stop treating me like I'm five!"

"Stop acting like it!"

"You suck!"

"You said that already."

You began slapping each others hands, resulting in Sanghyuk physically lifting you up and depositing you on the couch to stop the madness.

"You two are insane!"

"No we're not!"

You stuck your tongue out at your brother, snickering when he did the same.  Why your maturity levels reverted back to being twelve and four you'd never know, but it always happened.  This next week was going to be fun.

Once the guys were settled in, you ordered pizza and determined the night was going to be a chill one.  You curled up on the couch, the guys sprawled on the floor and queued up random horror movies to make the night even more entertaining.

Halfway through the second movie, your brother's snores filled the room, drowning out the terrible dialogue.  Sanghyuk got up and disappeared into the kitchen, before coming back with two beers.  He handed one to you and plopped down on the couch next to you.  He popped the top of his beer and took a swig, before reaching for your legs and draping them over his lap.  He began to rub your feet, just like he had ever since you could remember.  There was something peaceful about it and you could feel yourself relaxing into the couch.

"Thank you for letting us stay with you.  I know it's a hassle."

"It's fine, Sanghyuk.  Like I could have said no."

He squeezed your foot gently.

"You could have and we would have understood."

You rolled your eyes.

"He's my brother and you're his best friend.  I'm not completely heartless."

"That you're not."

Before you could say anything further, the movie ended and your brother rolled over to look up at you, blinking his eyes.

"What time is it?"

"Go to bed, genius."

He sat up and rubbed his eyes.  He stumbled to his feet and drifted in the direction of his room.  Sanghyuk gently pushed your legs aside and stood up.

"I'll get him in bed.  If I don't, he'll end up sleeping in the closet or something.  Night."

"Good night."

You watched him follow after your brother, before standing up to turn off the TV and throw away the boxes. 

The next day was Monday and you were in the office bright and early.  You'd left breakfast and a note, telling them not to destroy your house while you were gone.  You made it through the day without any phone calls from home, cops or the hospital, so when you got off work a little early, you headed straight home.

When you drove up, your brother's car was gone.  Letting out a happy sigh you parked in the driveway and went inside.  After dropping your bag next to the door and kicking off your shoes, you went into your room to gather up dirty clothes to start a load of laundry.  Since you had guests and you were a good hostess, you headed to your brother's room to gather up his stuff too.  When you went to Sanghyuk's door, you heard a noise behind the wood.

At first you weren't sure if you were hearing things, but you heard it again.  It sounded like a muffled grunt or groan.  You knew you shouldn't open that door, but for the life of you, you couldn't not do it.  You twisted the knob gently and pushed the door open slightly.  What you saw made you gasp out loud.

He lay on the bed, back against the headboard and his head arched back.  Shirtless, his chest on proud display, right there in front of you.  And boy, was it a chest.  All etched muscle and pure definition.  Ear buds in his ears, which explained why he hadn't reacted when you gasped.

What really caught your attention was what he was doing.  Fist wrapped snug around his hard cock, sliding up and down, thumb rubbing over the head on every up glide.  His cock was perfect; long and thick enough to make you lick your lips.  Wait, what were you doing?  This was Sanghyuk, your brother's best friend.  The boy you'd known since he was four years old.  Why on earth were you salivating over his cock?  You should be running away screaming right about now.

When his hips thrust up and he groaned, your laundry basket dropped from nerveless fingers.  Because what he'd just moaned was your name.  His eyes popped open at the clatter and you stared at each other, horror obvious on his face.  You didn't want to know what emotion shown on yours.  Without a word you gathered up the clothes and bolted out of there as fast as your legs would take you.  You ran into your bedroom and slammed the door, flipping the lock and collapsing against it.

This was bad.  This was very bad.  Oh, God!  What were you going to do?   He was going to be in your home for an entire week!  How were you going to live in the same house with him after knowing what he did?  Oh, God!

You clapped your hands over your face, wishing you could rewind time.  Make it so that you hadn't walked in on him during such a time.  Everyone masturbated.  You knew that.  You did it.  It was the knowledge that he got off to you that had you reeling.  Knowing he saw you a sexual being made your head feel like it was going to explode.

How on earth were you going to handle this?  Talk to him about it and die of embarrassment?  Ignore and pretend it didn't happen?  No matter how you thought about it, every scenario was just awkward.  Why?  Why did this have to happen?

You shook your head and stood up.  You were a grown up.  You were both grown ups.  You were going to face it head on and just accept the fact that you'd caught him jerking off with your name on his lips.

Nope, that wasn't going to happen.  You really, really wanted to text your best friend and freak out, but your bag was out where you'd dropped it and there was no way in hell you were going to go out there.  Not now.  Not with that image fresh in your mind.  Why did his body have to be so perfect?  So toned?  So...your type?  God, this was too much!

"Okay, take a deep breath.  This is your home.  You are free to move about as you please.  Just ignore it.  That's all you can do.  Just ignore it."

You kept this mantra up as you picked up the laundry basket and unlocked the door.  The house was silent as you hurried out to the laundry room and began dumping clothes into the wash.  You were getting ready to pour detergent in when an arm full of clothes reached over you and dropped into the wash.

"Can you wash these too?"



Sanghyuk sauntered from the room as you gaped at him.  How could he be so nonchalant?  Your insides were a jumbled mess and he was acting like nothing had happened.  This was too much!

You dumped the detergent in, slammed the lid down, turned it on and went out to your purse.  You needed to talk to someone before you screamed.  You got your phone out and went back into your bedroom.  You locked the door and went into the bathroom.  You dialed your best friend's number and nibbled at a loose cuticle, your nerves jangling.  You paced the small confines of the bathroom as you listened to her ringtone.

"What's up?"

"Help me!"

"What's going on?  Did someone die?"

"Emma, I'm dying!  Oh, God!"

"Seriously, what's wrong?  You're freaking me out!"

"I saw something I shouldn't have and now I can't get it out of my head."

"Enlighten me."

"Okay, so my brother and Sanghyuk are staying here for Spring Break."

"You poor thing."

"Ha!  That's not the worst part!  So I got off work and came home.  Was picking up laundry and um...well...I kind of walked in on"

"You walked in on him having sex?"

"No!  He was jerking off!  And he said my name!"

Emma began to cackle into the phone.  You huffed with disgust.

"Dude, this isn't funny!"

"Oh, yes it is!  Little Sanghyuk's a man!  And he's lusting after you!  Oh, this is brilliant!"

 "I seriously hate you right now."

"Aw, come on, bestie!  So he's jerking off using you as his imaginary fodder.  It's like a porn already written.  The hot older sister.  The hunky younger man.  Except you probably ran away screaming.  You little tease you."

"Remind me why we're friends again?"

"Oh, please!  You can't tell me you didn't at least look."

"I'd be blind not to."

"Do tell!"

"Oh, God!  Why are you torturing me like this?"

"Ah, come on!  Tell me!"

"Fine!  He's built.  And his cock is beautiful.  And I can't function.  I wanna die!"

"No you don't.  So little Sanghyuk isn't so little anymore, hmm?  Oh, man, I wish I'd been a fly on the wall for that one.  I'm sure your expression was priceless."

"You're not helping!"

Emma sighed into the phone, her tone suddenly serious.

"Honey, let me ask you a serious question.  Are you freaking out because he jerked off and said your name or are you freaking out because now you're looking at him as a man?"


"Okay, so then, decide what you want to do about it.  He knows you know.  If he's a true man, he'll leave it up to you.  If you want to see where this goes, then go for it.  If you want to pretend it didn't happen and go back to when you thought of him as a boy, do that.  But don't waffle.  Make your decision and stick to it."

"It's just...this is so sudden.  And weird!  Twenty minutes ago I saw him as another little brother.  Now I realize he's a man and it's's making my head hurt!"

"I get that.  I totally do, especially since I know how you function.  But you can't unsee it, honey.  You were meant to.  Now you just have to figure out what you're going to do about it."

"Why are you so wise?"

"I don't know.  Too many viewings of Star Wars and Star Trek?  I think I just channeled my inner Yoda."

"If you did, you'd be speaking backwards."

"Ha-ha!  Did I help?"

"Yes, like you always do."

"Good!  Now go fuck his brains out!"

"Shut up!  You're not helping!"

"You just said I did."

"I hate you."

"You said that already."


"I love you too, girl."

You hung up the phone and let out a sigh.  As much as she drove you crazy sometimes, Emma was never wrong.  Which made it worse.  You wanted her to be wrong.  You wished you could forget everything that had just transpired, but like she'd said, for some reason you were meant to see it.  Now you just had to figure out how to proceed from here.

Dinner that night was a bit of an awkward affair; at least on your part.  Your brother was home from his date and he sat with Sanghyuk at the kitchen table as you finished up food preparations.  You listened to their conversation with half your attention as you dished up the food into bowls.  Your brother was lamenting on the fact that he didn't have anywhere to take his date and Sanghyuk was commiserating with him.

You set the bowls down in front of them before serving yourself.  When you sat down, Sanghyuk was right next to you.  You mentally cursed the small confines of your kitchen as you shifted, trying to avoid touching him under the table.  But the sneaky bastard wasn't having any of that.  When you shifted away, his leg moved so that his thigh was resting against yours. 

You reached under the table and swatted his leg, but he did nothing.  Determined to ignore him, you spooned up up the soup and had just stuck the spoon in your mouth when you felt his hand on your thigh.  You inhaled, trying your hardest not to choke.  What was he doing?

You shot a glance at him from the corner of your eye, but he just continued on with his conversation with your brother.  You placed your hand over top of his and pinched him as hard as you could.  When he did nothing, you did it again.  This caused him to squeeze your thigh, hard enough you'd probably have a bruise there tomorrow.

Well, now what were you supposed to do?  Make a scene and have your brother get in the mix or do your best to ignore his warm hand on your thigh?  You opted for number two, digging into your soup with relish.  You were going to do everything in your power to ignore him and this power play he was pulling.

You finished up the meal in record time.  He hadn't moved his hand, hadn't done anything indecent, but you knew his hand was there, his fingers so close to that part of you that was just realizing he was a man.  Those long, tapered fingers.  That would be so wicked.  Oh, no.  You were thinking that way again.  Oh, God!  Make it stop!

You pushed back from the table, Sanghyuk's hand dropping from your thigh.  You stood up and went to put your dishes in the sink.  The boys did the same, your brother getting up and disappearing into the living room.  You had your back to the table as you started the water to do the dishes.  You felt him before you saw him as he came up beside you and handed you the rest of the dirty dishes.

Without a word you began to wash, your hands immersed in the hot soapy water.  Sanghyuk stood next to you for a long moment, before reaching into the drawer where you kept the dish towels and pulling one out.  When you'd rinsed the first dish, he took it from you, drying it quickly before setting it aside.

The routine lasted until you'd finished the last one.  As you drained the water and wiped down the counters, you couldn't help looking at him.

"Sanghyuk, what are you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

You tossed the dish cloth onto the counter and turned to him, hands on your hips.

"There's this huge elephant in the room.  We need to talk about it."

"No we don't."

"Yes, we do."

He heaved out a deep sigh and shook his head.

"I want you.  There, is the elephant clear enough for you?"

You bit your lip, trying to figure out what to say.

"Don't worry about it.  I've had this thing for you for years.  Don't feel like you have to do anything about it."

Without waiting for your response, he turned on his heel and walked away, leaving you staring blankly after him.  You dried off your hands and went into your room, shutting out the noise and needing a moment to yourself.

That night you barely slept.  Instead, you tossed and turned, your mind going a mile a minute.  That Sanghyuk had acknowledged his attraction to you showed his maturity.  But he was still so much younger than you.  If you were being honest with yourself, that was the biggest thing holding you back.  You'd finally noticed he was no longer a child and that he'd grown into a very handsome man, but you were still eight years older than him and at this stage in life, that was a significant difference.

When you got out of bed the next morning, you were still confused.  You got dressed and went to work, but you'd lost your focus.  You barely made it through the day, even making a mistake on something that you could usually do blindfolded.

Driving home that night, you had finally resolved that you were going to talk to him.  Ask him what his intentions were.  See what he wanted from you.  Getting out of your car and walking into the house was one of the hardest things you'd ever done.  And when you walked inside and saw your brother sitting on the couch, a football game blaring on the TV, you wanted to cry.  He looked up from his pizza and waved at you.

"Hey, sis!"


"What's wrong?  You look like you're gonna cry."

You set your purse down and forced a smile.

"I'm all right."

"Ah, good!  Sanghyuk and I are going out in a bit.  Want to come?"

You shook your head as you plopped down on the couch next to him.

"No, not really."

"Your loss."

You nudged him with your elbow.

"So did you find a place to take these girls you keep picking up?"

He snorted.

"I wish!  Banged some chick in a club bathroom the other night.  I don't want to think about what I might have picked up."

"Please tell me you wore a condom?"

He nudged you back.

"I'm not an idiot.  Who gave me the "wear protection or face my wrath" conversation when I was fourteen?"

"It's not like you were going to hear it from mom."

"Oh, God!  Don't say that!"

You laughed and pushed yourself to your feet.

"I'm getting something to drink.  You want?"

He held up his soda with a shake of his head.

"Nah, I'm good."

You went into the kitchen and got yourself some tea before going into your room.  You pulled your phone out of your pocket and saw the notification light blinking at you.  When you unlocked your phone, there were five messages, all from Emma.

'So, did you talk to him yet?'

'If you don't screw his brains out, our friendship is over.'

'You're not responding.  Either you're at work or you took my advice.'

'Please tell me you're having sex right now.  I need to live vicariously through you!  I haven't had sex in three weeks.'

'I hate you.'

You typed back a quick message.

'You are such a goob, I swear.  No, I haven't had sex with him.  I came home to talk to him, but my brother is here.'

You tossed your phone down on the bed and went to go change into something more comfortable.  You took out your laptop and settled down on the bed to finish up some work you couldn't finish during the actual work day.  Your phone pinged at you again.

'You're hopeless.  Tell your brother to go somewhere.  Find Sanghyuk.  Talk to him and then fuck him.  You're driving me nuts.'

You snorted and shook your head.

'You're a real charmer, you know that?  I want to talk to him first.  Find out what he wants.'

'He wants to fuck you.  He's 20.  He's full of hormones.  He's not going to want to talk about his feelings.  Jesus, you're such a girl.'

'I'm not like you, woman.  I can't just randomly have sex with some guy.'

'It's not "some guy."  You've known him since he was four.  He's not just going to disappear once he gets in your pants.'

'You're right.  Okay?  You're right.  But...I'm scared.'

'I know, honey, but you need to put on your big girl panties.  You've realized he's a man.  He thinks you're hot enough to jerk off to and you've known each other for years.  Your age difference doesn't matter.  He's still going to be a part of your life.  Just suck it up, hmm?'

'I love you.'

'I love you too.  Now go do your thing and then tell me all about it.'

'Yes, ma'am.'

You signed off and tossed your phone on the table next to the bed.  You heard your brother's voice as he came by the door, Sanghyuk responding.  They were getting ready to go and you were sitting there thinking about Emma's words.  She was right..again.  No matter what you did with him, he was still your brother's best friend.  If he disappeared after sex, then he was a total douche and not worth anyone's time, even your brother's.

You made up your mind to talk to him in the morning.  Your sleepless night the night before was kicking your butt.  It was barely eight and you couldn't keep your eyes open.  You shut off the computer and set it aside, curling up on your bed.  Drifting off to sleep, you finally felt at peace.

"Are you awake?"

You came to, Sanghyuk's voice right next to your ear, but you didn't move.  You heard him let out a gusty sigh before the bed dipped as he sat down.  You could smell the alcohol on him and wanted to snort out loud that he'd needed liquid courage to talk to you.  You felt movement; like he was drumming his fingers on the mattress.  But then he started talking.

"You know, I fell in love with you when I was fourteen years old.  It was summer.  You were outside washing the car.  And I realized that the girl I'd always thought of as my big sis wasn't my sister.  It took me a long time to get over the fact that I'd fallen in love with you and just learned to accept it."

He let out another sigh, his body shifting next to yours.

"I wish you were awake.  I wish you'd tell me you liked me too.  Hell, I'd be happy if you'd just look at me as a man and not as your little brother.  But I know that'll never happen.  I do love you a lot though.  I wish I could tell you just how much."

You felt his warm breath on your cheek before his lips brushed over your skin.  You felt the bed move as he stood up and stumbled out of the room.  Rolling over onto your back, you brushed your cheeks, the tears wet on your hands.  How could you not cry after hearing such a heartfelt, albeit drunken, confession?

And he'd said he loved you.  Not liked you.  Not wanted to fuck you.  No, that he loved you.  Not just once, but a couple of times.  It made your heart tremble inside of you.  He had true affection for you.  This wasn't just a random thing.  If what he said was true, he'd had a thing for you for the last six years of his life.  The agony he must have been going through all these years.  It just about tore out your heart.

This answered any doubts you might have had.  You were going to talk to him as soon as you possibly could.

The next morning, bright and early, you rolled out of bed and called your boss.  You were taking a sick day.  This situation needed to be resolved and how.  Since you'd never taken one before, he was concerned, but you brushed off his worries.  He told you to take it easy and you hung up.  Guilt tried to rear it's ugly head, but you didn't let it bother you.  You took a shower, dressed in your typical work clothes and went out to the kitchen to get breakfast.

Your brother was already there, looking a bit worn.  Dark circles under his eyes and one of the worst cases of bedhead you'd ever seen.  He blinked up at you before taking a long gulp of the black coffee in front of him.

"You look like hell."

"I drank too much.  Ugh, I want to die!"


"Yes, thank you for pointing that out.  Sanghyuk's worse off than I am.  I had to get up though.  I've got a date.  I'll be gone all day."

You poured coffee into a mug, trying not to show how you felt about that news.  You took a sip and turned to him.

"You need a shower.  Your hair is...doing things."

He flipped you the middle finger before stumbling to his feet and shuffling in the direction of his room.   You made yourself something to eat and waited until he came back, looking a bit more chipper, with his hair combed nicely into place.  He poured himself another mug before leaning over to buss the top of your head.  You rolled your eyes and shooed him out.  He snickered as he walked out, slamming the door shut behind him.

Now, you could put your plan into action.  You finished off your toast and got up.  Walking down the hall, you tapped lightly on Sanghyuk's door.  When you heard a grunt, you pushed the door open.  The poor man lay sprawled out on his stomach, one leg hanging off the bed, the other tucked under his body.  Arms splayed over the bed and a deep groan from him as he shifted.



You walked over to the bed and sat down on it, pushing his leg onto the mattress.

"Sanghyuk, it's time to wake up."

He grunted, his head shifting so that he was face deep in the pillow.  You reached out, brushing your fingers over his shoulder.

"Wake up, young man!"

"You're not my mother.  Thank God."

He rolled over onto his back and blinked up at you, his eyes bleary with sleep.  He blinked a few times before his eyes widened and he scrambled farther away from you, pulling the blankets tight around him.

"What are you doing in here?"

"I'd like to talk to you."

He sat up, running his hand through his hair.

"I don't want to talk about it again."

You patted his arm.

"Trust me, you want to talk to me.  Go take a shower and I'll have coffee ready for you."

You got up and left him, going back out to the kitchen.  You heard the shower turn on and a few heartfelt curses as he woke himself up.  When he came out, hair wet and dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, you pointed at the mug in front of you.

"It's all yours."

He picked it up and gulped it down without trying to cool it down.  He finished and plopped down in the seat next to you.

"What's up?"

"Did you sleep well?"

His eyebrow went up at the innocuous question, but he nodded.

"Yeah...I guess.  Once I passed out, anyway."

"Mm...too many beers?"

"Tequila and jager.  I'm never drinking that swill again.  Yuck!"

You tapped your fingers on the table.

"Any memory of last night?"

"Not really?  I don't know.  Why?  Did I do something?"

You shook your head.  This was getting nowhere.

"Sanghyuk, do you have feelings for me?"

His eyes widened and his face paled, before he scrambled to his feet and shook his head.

"No!  I mean, yes, but no!  Why are you asking me this?"

You got up and walked over to him, placing your hands against his chest.  His arms hung stiff at his sides, his head rearing back.

"What are you doing?"

You patted him on the chest with one of hand.

"A little birdie came into my room last night and let some things spill."

"Oh, God!"

"So I'm going to ask you again.  Do you have feelings for me?"

He pushed away from you and went to stand next to the counter, his arms coming up over his chest.

"Yes, okay?  I do have feelings for you!  But I've had feelings for you for a long time.  I'm not expecting you to reciprocate."

"You love me."

"Yes!  Damn it!  Yes, okay?  What do you want me to do?  Expose my soul for you?  Are you having fun screwing with my head?"

You stalked over to him and grasped the collar of his t-shirt, hauling him down to your level.

"No, you idiot.  I'm trying to tell you I'm attracted to you.  That I want to start things with you and see where it goes.  You came into my room last night and told me you loved me.  That you've loved me since you were fourteen.  And it made me realize that I care for you too.  I've always loved you as a brother, but now I'm beginning to see you as a man.  And it scares the hell out of me, but I'm willing to put my fears aside.  I'm standing here with my feelings exposed right back to you."

He stared at you, his mouth curved in an "O."

"You see me as a man?"

"Yes!  After what I walked into the other day, how could I not?  Hearing you moan my name completely freaked me out because you've been a part of my life since I can remember.  I wasn't prepared for anything like that.  How could I be prepared for that?  But it's the only thing I've thought about since."

"Thank God!"

Before you could say another word, he moved forward enough to press his lips against yours.  As first kisses go, it wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst.  Your bodies weren't at the best position, so you shifted.  Your hands went from the collar of his t-shirt, up over his shoulders to cup the back of his neck.  His hands slid around your waist as he straightened up, lifting you clean off your feet.  You grunted, your legs scrambling for purchase before you finally gave up and wrapped them around his thighs.

His hands cupped your ass, hiking you up higher.  You could wrap your legs around his waist, rubbing your body over his.  He groaned against your lips, pulling back to look at your face.  His eyes were heavy-lidded and dark, so dark.  He set your ass down on counter and lifted one hand to rub his thumb over your lower lip.

"You're so beautiful."

You nipped his thumb, using your heels to pull him closer to you.  He cursed under his breath, before he leaned in to kiss you again.  This kiss was sheer perfection, his tongue brushing over your lips before sliding between them.  He tasted of coffee and toothpaste.

Fingers at the hem of your sweater, pulling it up and over your head as he pulled back.  Nimble fingers over the clasp of your bra, skimming the material down your arms when it was free.  Warm hands cupping your breasts, plumping them up and together.

"Your tits are fantastic."

You snorted, before your head dipped back as he bent down to kiss his way down your neck to the upper curve of your breast.  Fingers tweaking the nipple of one breast as he closed his lips over the other, his tongue flicking just right.  Your fingers in his hair, tangling and pulling him closer.


"Mm...I've waited so long to hear you moan my name like that.  Jesus, this is like my greatest wet dream come true."

Your head came back forward and you smirked down at him.

"You're too cute for words."

"Says you."

He took your nipple gently between his teeth and nipped.  Your fingers tightened in his hair, pulling him up so you could kiss him again.  Your fingers brushed down his chest to the bottom of his t-shirt, pulling it up and over his head as you pulled back.  You took a good look, that broad expanse of muscle on display just for you.

"You're killing me."

He grinned and shook his head.

"If anyone is killing anyone, it's you.  You look like you want to eat me up."

"Who says I don't?"

"You're killing me."

You chuckled as you reached for the waistband of his shorts, pushing them down until gravity took over.  They pooled around his feet and he kicked them away, leaving him naked and ready for you.  His cock was perfect.  Thick and meaty enough to fill you up to perfection.  He was hard as a rock, the flesh red and throbbing under you fingers as you took him in hand.

His head fell back as he hissed out a breath.  You began to jerk him off slowly, relishing the way his hips jerked before he fell into a rhythm, his hips thrusting into your hand.  You leaned forward, nipping his ear.

"Your cock is so beautiful.  I can't wait until it's inside of me.  You want to fuck me, don't you?"

You pulled back and his head tilted so he could look you dead in the eye.

"If you keep that up, I'm going to cum all over you and I don't want that."

He pulled your hand away and you lifted your fingers up to your mouth.  Your tongue flicked out, tasting him.  He let out a deep, heartfelt groan.  Before you could say anything, he'd reached for the back zipper of your skirt, yanking it down.  You lifted your hips for him as he shimmied it down over your legs and tossed it aside.

You were naked, forgoing panties.  You'd wanted this.  Needed this.  And you'd come prepared.  You slid your hand down over your tummy, your fingers delving between your legs.  You brushed your fingers over your clit, before slipping them down and into you.  You were so wet you could hear it as you began thrusting your fingers inside of you.

Sanghyuk stepped back, his head tilted down as he watched you finger yourself.  His hand went to his cock and he took himself in hand, his motions matching yours.  You didn't know where this daring behavior had come from, but you weren't going to fight it.  You needed him in you, right now.


He swore and let go of his cock.  He stumbled in the direction of his bedroom before coming back, a strip of them in his hand.  You slid your fingers out of you and took one of them from him.  You ripped it open and reached for him.  He shuffled forward as you rolled the condom down over his erection.  You pumped him twice before leaning back, your elbows on the counter.

Sanghyuk didn't need any direction as he knelt down between your legs and slid his fingers along the folds of your sex.  His head dipped down and he tasted you.  His lips suctioned around your clit and he began to flick his tongue, making you gasp out a moan.  He more than knew what he was doing as he brought you up.

Your hips began undulating under his ministrations, your head arched back as your rode his tongue.  But it wasn't enough.

"I need you in me."

He flicked his tongue over your clit one last time before getting to his feet.  He spread your legs apart as far as they would go and stepped forward.  You felt the head of his cock brush over you before he began pressing inside.  It was a tight fit since it had been awhile for you, but once the first few inches were in, you relaxed into it.

When he was fully seated deep inside of you, he held himself still as he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your lips.  His hips began to move, slowly at first as he found his rhythm.  You wrapped your legs around his waist, the cold of the granite beneath you counteracting the heat of your bodies where they were pressed together.

You rolled your hips into him, meeting him thrust for thrust.  When he picked up his speed, his hips moving at a rapid pace, you arched hard up into him, needing to feel him inside of you as deep as he could get.


He grunted, his body arching up and away from yours, pushing his pelvis harder into yours.  The sound of your flesh meeting his filled the room, soft moans, grunts and gasps escaping your lips as he fucked you into the counter.

The orgasm was coming.  You could feel it building up, but you fought it.  You didn't want to cum too quickly, but Sanghyuk must have realized.  His hand fisted in your hair as he lifted your head to meet his gaze.

"Cum.  Cum all over my cock.  I don't plan on this being the only time, hmm?  I want to hear you scream my name.  I've waited for this all these years.  Give it to me."

With that, you gave it to him.  The orgasm hit hard, arching your back and making you clamp down hard on his cock.  He grunted, but pushed through it, his thrusts still hard and strong.  He shifted, lifting you up and walking over to one of the kitchen chairs, he sat down with you straddling him.

"Ride me."

You began to roll your hips, feeling his cock slide in and out of you.  Your hands clasped the back of the chair as you tossed your head, sweat plastering your hair to your skin.  You met his gaze and couldn't look away as you fucked him.  His eyes were dark and his expression was hot.  Cheeks flushed and lips apart as he panted.  You leaned forward, kissing his jaw, before going up to his ear.

"Cum for me, Sanghyuk."

With a long, deep groan, he did, your name escaping from his lips.  His head leaned into your shoulder as he gasped for breath.  Your hands let go of the chair and you lifted his head, brushing the hair away from his face.

"You were amazing."

He gasped out a laugh, lifting up so he could kiss you.

"No, you were amazing."

"You going to argue with me or are we going to go into my room and do this all day?"

"Hmm...second option?"

You stood up, wincing as he slid out of you.  He reached down and pulled off the condom, tying off the end.  He got up and threw it away before turning to you and crooking his finger.

"I have six years of pent-up frustration coursing through me.  You're going to be a very happy woman by the time I'm done with you."

You rolled your eyes as you walked over to him.  When he lifted you up, hoisting you over his shoulder so your head was down by his waist, you let out a shriek and smacked him on the ass.

"Han Sanghyuk, you suck!"

He carried you into the bedroom and tossed you down on the bed, crawling over you before you'd even settled.

"You know all of those countless foot rubs I've given you over the years?"


"Can I act out a fantasy I've had all these years?"


He snickered as he leaned down to kiss you.

"Don't worry, baby.  You'll like this."

He settled at your feet, his fingers strong and knowing as he began to massage your feet.  Your eyes drifted shut as you began to relax, your legs splaying open slightly as you stretched out on the bed.  Something wet on your leg made you open your eyes.  You glanced down to see Sanghyuk pressing kisses along your skin as he lifted your leg straight up.

Kisses all along the back of your leg before he switched to the other.  He had your legs straight up in the air before pulling them apart.  His head was between your legs, his tongue on your clit before you could say a word.

His tongue was like magic as he licked at you.  You were already insanely sensitive from your previous orgasm, but that was nothing on what you felt now.  His hands had your legs spread far apart, the muscles in your thighs screaming.  But it was worth it.

Being completely immobile, you could do nothing but feel.  His tongue sliding inside of you had you gasping out his name.  He thrust his tongue in and out, making you want to scream at him for teasing you this way.


He pulled back enough to smile at you, his lips wet.

"Cum for me, baby.  Cum on my tongue."

With that you were done.  When he went back to work, you let go with a scream, your body locking into place as you rode it out.  He kept bringing you up and over until you were gasping and sobbing his name.

He slid up your body and had another condom on before you could blink.  This time he wasn't gentle as he began to fuck you in earnest, his hips snapping at an insane pace.  All you could do was hold on, your arms tight around his shoulders.

The orgasm hit you, making you gasp out his name as you writhed underneath him.  His hips stuttered and he arched back as he came deep inside, his cock throbbing inside of you.  He collapsed over you, his body solid against your skin.  You wrapped your arms around his middle and just held on.

Once you'd caught your breath, he pulled out and collapsed on the bed beside you.  You got to your feet and went into the bathroom where you ran water in the tub.  You heard him shuffle in behind you before he pressed a kiss to your shoulder.

"That for both of us?"


"God, I love you."

You turned to him with a smile, your hands going up to clasp his face.  You may not love him yet, but as he leaned down to kiss you, you knew it wouldn't take much to get you there.


  1. I am so *aggressively fans self* effing bothered right now. Oh my God. I usually don't go for this type of fics but you write them so well! Now excuse me while i take a cold shower because i have just been manhyuk-ed ^^

    1. Ah! Thank you! I always love writing Hyuk cuz I never know which direction he'll go.

      I'm glad you read my stories even if you don't usually read stuff like this. That's a great compliment. :)

  2. ooooooh dear, I shouldn't have read this during lunch break >.< Reminds me to bring a spare panty whenever I see you link me on twitter lol
    Hyuk's straight-forwardness caught me off guard but that is just so him. When he confessed to her while she was asleep, I had tears in my eyes. So gentle and genuine, his feelings. And then the next day... /wild eyebrow wiggling/
    You've done it again, writernim!

  3. The moment I read "brother and his best friend," I thought "...wait." and once I read they were staying for spring break I thought, "Oh... Oh I know where this is going."

    "Your brother's car was gone." I KNOW WHERE THIS IS GOING. Or do I? I'm trying to type as I read so that when I get to the end I'm not like "homona homona homona homona."

    So apparently I was meant to gaze upon Sanghyun's beautiful cock.
    That's not something you get to say every day.

    "I want you. There, is the elephant clear enough for you?"
    Um. Yeah, a little too clear. Can you make it a bit more cloudy sir?! Just rip your pants off why don't you? By the way, I love how he's so direct here but later when he realized he spilled the beans he's all flustered and then dives back into attack mode. Like.... Does he come with a switch?

    This is really the wrong time to be reading any type of sex scene so let me just sit in this corner and internally yell. /plays jeopardy music over internal screaming/

    Okay, I think I'm good now. Think. Every time I read a sex scene you write, I just have to sit in my chair contemplating life like, "why lord why." I think I have a reaction pic for this, but I'll send it on twitter. I'm sending you cupcakes in honor of your writing.

    1. *snorts* And I never say no to cupcakes. Ever. 😁

  4. I think I need a cold shower now!!
    Gosh Hyukie!
    Ok first of all, thanks for this. (I dont read too much this type of fic Vixx/you but I always give a try to yours)
    Sanghyuk has grown up so much, is not fair... I'm, indeed, 7 years older than him. He is my bias yet I do see him as my younger brother; it frustrates me how manly he is looking nowadays. He got this baby-face all going on, the fleshy nose, the eye smile yet his body (although is still a bit lanky, is becoming more and more built)
    There are time when I give and I say "Whatever" and I go and fantasize a bit with Hyuk lol
    Ok stop about my rambling here... this story *¨SCREAMS*
    It was really nice, he loved me since young( lol) and Oh god I need a real live image of Hyuk jerking off right now Lol I need to see more of his beautiful cock ;)
    This like the cliché fantasy though, the little brother's friend...but it was a lovely read. I enjoyed every word.

    1. This was definitely a cliché to end all clichés, but clichés are there for a reason. LOL!

      I'm glad you give my stories a try even if it's not always your style. I always like to try something new whenever I can. Even if it's aber/you story, none of them are identical.

  5. I just want to say your writing is phenomenal! I'm not even a Hyuk fan...well I'm a fan but I just can't see him in that way, he's a little out of my age range, but I literally read everything that you post.
    Your writing is just too good not to.

    I was wondering if you do any other writing/blogs as well. I love VIXX, they are my #1 group but I just need more of your writing!

    Thank you and keep it coming!

    1. First of all...hi, anon! 😆

      Secondly thank you so much!!! Compliments always make me blush but I really appreciate your words.

      Thirdly...this will always be a VIXX dedicated blog because...well, the name. LOL! But that doesn't mean I won't write for others. I've considered starting a blog that was other artists, but I don't know who I'd be comfortable writing for. VIXX are all of age. I'm WAY older than they are bit they're all legal so I don't feel weird writing what I do for them (if that makes sense).

      But if you have any suggestions, feel free to drop me a line. Or email or whatever. I'm pretty open. I won't write smut for anyone born after 1995. I just can't. LOL!

  6. I don't usually ever comment on fics but omg. This is so amazing, I'm in love! You're writing is so amazing! I love hyuk but it's hard to find stories with him. :(
    Thank you for writing all of these wonderful stories. I hope to see a few more hyuk as well. Hehe ^^
