Monday, June 29, 2015

Love Me Like You Do (VIXX Hongbin)

Wow, this is an epic.  LOL!  I didn't plan on it to go this long, but in the end I'm really happy with it.  I fell in love with Hyuna's character from the moment she was introduced in Pure Devil.  I've wanted to write her story for a long time, but couldn't figure out which one of the VIXX boys would do her justice.  I hope you like this one!  And no, it is not remotely Ramadan safe.  :(  I'm sorry!

Hyuna James was nothing if not a dedicated friend.  A year and a half after her best friend finally up and moved to Korea to be with her boyfriend, Hyuna was on her way for a visit.  Though she was Korean by birth, she had no memories of Korea.  She’d been adopted by an American couple when she was 18 months old and raised in the States.

Her parents had made sure to keep her heritage as alive for her as they could.  She’d learned Korean and had studied the history, but that was her only connection to her past.  In her heart and her head, she was an American.

Now, at the age of thirty-two, she was going to Korea.  As the plane descended and she gathered up her things, she wondered if this was a good idea.  It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be there.  She did.  She hadn’t seen her best friend in ages and she was admittedly curious about Korea and her heritage.  But she had no thoughts on finding her birth family. There was no reason to.  She didn’t want to know why she’d been given up.  She loved her parents and her siblings.  

After going through customs and getting her suitcases, she went outside and looked around.  She saw Hakyeon leaning against his car, her best friend leaning against him, his arms around her waist.


Hyuna found herself in a tight bear hug, her best friend’s arms wrapped so tightly around her she could barely breathe.

“Okay!  Okay!  I love you too, but you’re strangling me!”

“I’m sorry!  I’m just so happy to see you!  You look amazing!”

Hyuna pulled back and looked her best friend over.  She was happy to see that Hope looked happy, a glow to her that hadn’t been there before she met Hakyeon.  She glanced over Hope’s shoulder and saw Hakyeon smiling at them, his sunglasses on top of his head.  He winked at her, causing her to laugh.  She wrapped an arm around Hope’s waist and they walked over to him.  

“You look well, Hyuna.  Welcome to Korea.”

She bowed with a smile.

“Thank you for the invitation, Hakyeon.”

“You’re more than welcome.  Hope has been bouncing off the walls with anticipation since she found out you were coming.”

Hope smacked him lightly on the arm.

“Baby, stop!”

He chuckled and kissed the top of Hope’s head.  Hyuna had to hold back a sigh at their sappiness.  She was thrilled that they seemed to be so in love, but they were also kind of nauseating.

“So, what is the plan for today?”

“First we’re taking Hakyeon back to his office.  And then it’s food and gossip!”


She went to grab her bags, but the driver was there first.  He took the suitcases to the back and Hope came over to drag her to the back seat of the car.  Hakyeon smiled and went to sit in the front, leaving the back seat to the two women.

The ride to the office was filled with Hakyeon and Hope pointing out places of interest.  Hyuna looked around, her curiosity high.  Everything was so foreign compared to what she was used to.  That this was her heritage escaped her as she tried to take it all in.

When they arrived at Medusa’s main office, Hakyeon invited her in to show her around, but she declined.  She thanked him, but told him that she would save it for next time.  Right now she wanted food and the chance to talk to Hope without any interruptions.  He nodded and left after coming around to open Hope’s door and kiss her.

Once they were alone in the car, Hyuna turned to look at Hope.  

“So, things seem to be going well for you.  You look so happy.”

Hope smiled and reached over to clasp her hands.

“I am happy.  I couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend.  Hakyeon loves me so much, sometimes it’s a bit overwhelming.  I don’t know what I did to deserve such love.”

Hyuna squeezed Hope’s hands and smiled.

“You didn’t have to do anything, honey.  You just had to be yourself.  He’s not blind nor is he stupid.”

Hope laughed.

“If you say so.  How are you?”

“Other than being tired, I’m fine.  The trip was uneventful and smooth.  Just long.”

“Well, food should help that.  I’ll take you to my favorite restaurant.  You’ll love it.”


Hope directed the driver and they lapsed into quiet.  Hyuna had many questions for Hope, but wanted to wait until they were fully alone before she asked said questions.  

At the restaurant they placed their order and waited until the food had been served before settling into their conversation.  Hyuna took a bite of food and let out a sigh of bliss.  The food was so good it hurt.  She swallowed and leaned over to tap Hope’s plate.

“Talk to me, Hope.”

Hope looked up from her food, eyebrow cocked in question.

“Talk to you about what?”

"Are you 100% happy?  Is everything working out since you moved here?"

Hope set down her chopsticks and looked Hyuna on fully.

"Hyuna, I've never been happier.  Yes, there are days I really miss home and you, but Hakyeon has been nothing short of amazing.  We had our share of ups and downs when I first visited here, but now that we live together, we gel.  We get in stupid fights and then make up.  Everyone has been super supportive and welcoming.  I know you worry about me, but trust me when I say I'm fine, okay?"

"I'm sorry, Hope.  I can't help but worry about you.  It's kind of ingrained in me at this point.  We've been friends for so long and I've always been the strong one.  I can't stop being who I am any more than you can stop being who you are.  I'm truly glad you're happy.  I know Hakyeon loves you very much.  You're a very lucky woman."

Hope ducked her head, a slight blush on her cheeks.  Hyuna knew her friend too well and reached out to grasp her wrist.  

"Tell me.  You've never been good at hiding things from me."

Hope bit her lip and shook her head.


Hope snickered and pulled her arm free.

"Nope!  Not sharing.  Not until later."

"Ugh!  You're killing me!"

"You'll survive.  Just FYI, we're having a small dinner party tonight.  Nothing major, just us and the other five board members.  Let me tell you...I may be a happily in love woman, but being surrounded by those six men is kind of...well, you'll see.  Just be prepared to be slightly breathless throughout the entire meal."

"A dinner?  Hope!  I wanted to rest tonight!"

"I know!  And I'm sorry!  But this was the only night while you were here that they were all free.  It'll be casual; not jeans and a t-shirt casual, but not black tie either.  I'm sure you've got something packed.  You've always been one to over prepare."

Hyuna snorted before taking another bite.

"You're right.  I didn't bring two suitcases for nothing."

The meal ended with much laughter and a reconnection.  Hyuna would never admit it out loud, but she'd missed Hope a lot.  They'd been friends since they were in high school and had been roommates up until Hope moved to Korea.  Now that she was alone, she realized just how much she valued Hope as a friend.  

Once they arrived at Hakyeon and Hope's condo, she was shown to her guest room.  She was impressed with Hakyeon's taste.  The condo screamed money without being grossly overdone or tacky.  Everything was warm wood tones and bright colors.  It suited them both very well.  

By the time the dinner came around, she was ready.  Little black dress, tasteful jewelry and bare feet.  She stared down at her painted toes, letting out a sigh when she realized the lovely strappy heels she'd packed to go with the dress would go to waste.  She'd forgotten the no shoes in the house rule.  

Hope poked her head in the room, looking radiant in a soft yellow dress that complimented her coloring.

"Hyuna!  Oh, you look lovely!"

"Thanks, but the gorgeous shoes I packed to go with this are a waste.  I forgot the no shoes thing."

Hope snorted and stepped inside the bedroom, her hands on her hips.

"Ah, yes!  It took me forever to get used to that.  Now I don't even think about it anymore.  I have some adorable Hello Kitty house slippers you're welcome to wear."

The look Hyuna shot her made Hope crack up.

"Oh, your face!  I'm sorry, honey!  We'll have to go out to a nice restaurant so your heels won't go to waste."

Hyuna rolled her eyes and stalked out of the bedroom, Hope following behind.  The giggling snorts she heard made her glare over her shoulder.  Hope just held her hands up in surrender, the giggles barely held in check.  Hyuna went into the living room and sat down, pulling her legs up underneath her.  

When Hope brought over the slippers in question, Hyuna couldn't help but laugh.  The garish pink and white slippers clashed terribly with her classic outfit, but she slipped them on with a grin.  If she couldn't find the absurd in the situation, there was something wrong with her.

Hakyeon handed her a glass of wine, which she took with a smiled thanks.  She got up and wandered over to the huge windows that overlooked the city.  They were high enough up that her view was pretty much unencumbered.  She found it fascinating to watch the itty-bitty people down below as they hurried about their business.

Hope came up beside her and wrapped her arm around her shoulders.

"Have I told you how happy I am that you're here?  Because I really, really am!"

Hyuna leaned her head against Hope's shoulder and sighed.

"I missed you too, honey.  I'm so glad we get to spend this time together."

"Me too."

The front door buzzing had them turning around, Hope's arm slipping off her shoulders.

"Remember what I told you.  Prepare yourself."

Hyuna took a deep breath, watching as Hakyeon disappeared into the entryway to welcome the guests.  Hakyeon was gorgeous and if the other five were even remotely in his league, she was in trouble.

She heard voices, all masculine, ranging from soft to deep and husky.  Hakyeon stepped into the room first, his head turned as he spoke over his shoulder.  One by one the other men walked into the room and it took all of her willpower not to gasp out loud.  

She wasn't one to be swayed by pretty boys.  Working in the entertainment industry had hardened her; or so she thought.  But, those six men standing in the room, staring at her with varying degrees of curiosity, were enough to make her head want to explode.  All of them were ridiculously good looking, so much so that it kind of hurt to look at them.  She glanced over at Hope and saw the expression on her face.  

"Hyuna, may I introduce my friends and business partners?"

She bowed and said hello, her hands clasped behind her back.  The five men all bowed and said hello as well.  There was some awkwardness as they all stared at each other, before Hakyeon cleared his throat and started up a conversation.  

Hyuna turned away, surreptitiously fanning her face.  She was a bit overwhelmed at the moment and didn't know what to do with herself.  Hope came up beside her and whispered in her ear.

"I told you to prepare yourself."

"How can you prepare yourself for that?"

Hope snickered.

"I have no idea.  I've lived here for almost two years and still have to pinch myself when we're all together."

"Egads, that was painful!"

"Well, Taekwoon is taken.  His girlfriend couldn't come tonight, but you'll meet her soon.  She's a total sweetheart and I think you'll really like her.  The others are single though."

"Hope, please don't try to hook me up with the hot Korean men, please?  I'm only going to be here for three weeks."

"I know, I know.  But they're so hot!  I want to share the hotness with you."

Hyuna snorted and waved her away.  They turned back to the men and the night progressed.  Hyuna was on her second glass of wine, sitting on the couch, legs curled up under her, the conversation flowing around her like water.  She was exhausted and the wine was not helping.  She leaned against her hand, her eyes drooping.  

"Oh, dear," she heard Hope mutter, before a warm hand was against her shoulder.  "Hyuna, why don't you go to bed?"

She mumbled, but it was too much effort to open her eyes.

"I've got her."

Strong arms around her shoulders and under her knees, lifting her up.  Smooth gait as she was carried.  Solid surface under her as she was placed on her bed.  Fingers pulling the slippers off her feet and tucking her under the covers.  She rolled over, drifting fully asleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she was greeted with a blinding headache.  With a groan she rolled over onto her back, her arms splayed on either side of her.  She heard a tap on the door before Hope pushed it open, a laden tray in her hands.

"Morning, sleepyhead.  You slept the day away."

"Ugh!  What time is it?"

"Almost noon."

Hyuna sat up, hands coming up to cup her head.


"Someone over-imbibed last night."

"I had a glass and a half of wine.  That is not too much."


Hyuna moved her hands away to glare at Hope.

"Stop with the judgmental humming, Hope.  You've done it too.  I can't count how many times I had to hold your hair back the morning after in college."

"Ugh, don't remind me."

Hope set the tray down on the table beside the bed and handed her a glass of juice with two tablets.

"Take them.  It'll help with the headache."

Hyuna popped the pills in her mouth, swallowing them down with the juice.

"I need to thank Hakyeon for carrying me to bed last night."

"Hakyeon didn't carry you to bed last night."

"He didn't?  Then who did?"

"Hongbin.  He caught you when you toppled over and carried you in here.  Was all gentle too.  It was so adorable."

"Oh, God!"

"Hey, at least you didn't throw up on him."

"You're not helping."

Hope snorted and picked up a piece of toast.

"So, you missed the announcement last night."

"What announcement?"

"Hakyeon and I are getting married."

Hyuna set the glass down and turned to her best friend, her mouth gaping open in shock.

"Are you kidding me?  That's wonderful!"

"Hakyeon and I have been talking about it for awhile.  Neither of us want anything fancy and with you here, it just all fell into place."

"Wow!  That's insane!  Don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for you!  But wow!"

Hope laughed and handed her a piece of toast.

"That's not all."

"You're pregnant?"

"What?  How the hell did you guess?"

Hyuna took a bite of toast and shook her head.

"Let's see...yesterday you wouldn't touch any alcohol when I know how much you love your wine.  You've been glowing since I arrived.  And you were being all secretive yesterday.  I'm not your best friend for nothing, you know."

"Aw, damn!  I was hoping to surprise you!  How is it the marriage part did but not the baby?"

Hyuna shrugged.

"I have no idea.  So when is this mini-you supposed to arrive?"

"I'm almost sixteen weeks.  We didn't want to tell anyone until I passed the third month."

"I'm going to be an auntie!  This is awesome!"

She pushed up and tackled Hope, wrapping her arms around her and squeezing.  She also had to bite back the tears that were threatening.  Realizing once and for all that she'd lost her best friend, not only to another country, but to a man was hard.  She was thrilled to bits for her, but at the same time felt horribly alone in that moment.

Hope squeezed her back and sniffled.

"No!  You can't cry!  You'll get me started!"

Hope pulled back and brushed the tears off her cheeks.

"I'm sorry!  The pregnancy hormones are on overload.  I started crying the other day over a stupid commercial.  This pregnancy is going to kill me in feels.  I can already tell."

"It just makes me sad that I won't be here for the delivery."

"Who's to say you won't be?  Hakyeon is a miracle worker.  I'm sure he'll figure something out."

"So when are you getting married?"

"We made an appointment to get the license.  A small dinner where we'll recite the vows.  Probably this weekend."

"What did your dad say when you told him?"

"Nothing much.  You know how he is.  So, whatever.  But!  You're here and that's all that matters!  I wanted you to be my witness.  Taekwoon is Hakyeon's."

"Like I would say no!  Oh, Hope!  Everything you've ever wanted is happening.  This is just so exciting.  I'm so happy for you I could scream!"

"It's nothing fancy.  I didn't want a big ceremony and neither does Hakyeon.  So, we're just keeping it simple."

"But, you still need a dress!"

"No!  No, no dress.  I'm already starting to get a bump.  A dress is just too much."

Hyuna stood up, hands on her hips as she glared at her best friend.

"You're only getting married once.  Even if you don't wear a gown, you're getting a pretty dress.  If I have to drag you to a store, I will."

Hope rolled her eyes and pushed to her feet.

"No gown."

"Fine, no gown.  But we're finding you a pretty dress to get married in.  No arguments."


Hyuna grinned, knowing she'd won that round.  Headache forgotten, she ran into the bathroom to take a quick shower and drag her best friend dress shopping.  Dressed in jeans and comfy shoes, they went on their adventure.  From store to store, going through so many dresses in varying shades of white Hyuna swore she would go blind if she saw another one.  At the last store, after trying on close to fifty different dresses, they found the one.

Hyuna sat on the chair outside the dressing room, fingers tapping on her thigh.  She was exhausted and hungry, ruing the decision to go shopping.  When Hope stepped out, she let out a gasp.  The dress was simple in its elegance; ivory with a lace overlay.  Sleeveless, sweetheart neckline, knee length.  It fit her perfectly and made her skin glow.

"Oh, honey!  This is it!  This is the dress!"

Hope turned to look at herself in the mirror, her fingers lifting up the skirt as she spun in a gentle circle.

"It is, isn't it?  Oh, it's lovely!"

"Buy it and then we can eat!  I'm starving!"

Hope giggled, but did as she was bid.  After paying they hurried out of the store, giggling and feeling carefree.  Food was bought and eaten, before they went back home.  Hakyeon was still at work, so they secreted the dress into Hyuna's room, giggling over their ninja-like hiding abilities.  Everything struck them as funny as they got drinks and went out onto the balcony to relax.

The morning of the ceremony dawned bright and clear.  Hyuna was up with the birds, excitement running through her veins.  She worked out in the gym before showering and getting dressed.  Instead of a dinner, they decided to do it at breakfast.  Hakyeon and Hope were too excited and the thought of waiting all day didn't appeal to either one of them.  Hyuna was all for that as well.

The ceremony was sweet and simple.  Vows were spoken, rings exchanged, a sweet first kiss as husband and wife.  Hyuna found herself crying, the tears sliding unheeded down her cheeks.  She'd never been a big fan of weddings with all the pomp and circumstance, but this wedding was so perfect it gave her peace.  


She glanced down at the handkerchief, taking it between her fingers.  She wiped away the tears and turned to give it to the man standing behind her.  She recognized him and bowed in thanks.  He waved it off and motioned towards the newly married couple.

"Are you sad you're losing your friend," he asked, his head cocked slightly.

"No.  I'm thrilled.  I've been with them since the very beginning.  I watched it from the start and seeing the end of their dating life and the beginning of their new lives together thrills me to pieces."

"Good.  Hope is lovely.  She makes Hakyeon happy."

"Yes, she does.  And he does her.  They're a good match."

"It's just weird to see my friend married.  We all thought Taekwoon would marry first.  He's the one who's wanted kids since we were kids."

She chuckled and glanced over her shoulder to where Taekwoon and his girlfriend danced.  

"I wouldn't be surprised if the bug is catching."

"Yeah, let's not go there.  Not yet.  I just turned thirty-five.  I don't want to get married yet."

"I'm thirty-two. The idea of getting married is just so weird to me."

"Don't you want children?"

She shrugged.

"Maybe some day.  But right now my career is flourishing and I'm enjoying my life.  I haven't found the right guy yet."

He nodded.

"I understand.  I haven't found the right woman yet, much to my mother's dismay.  Every time I go home for dinner she's asking if she can set me up on a date with a nice girl.  The last girl she set me up with was barely nineteen.  I finally had to put my foot down and say no."

"My parents have always been supportive of us no matter what we choose to do.  I'm the eldest and the only one not married.  I get a lot of pitying looks from my younger siblings, which is annoying."

"I understand completely!"

He grinned and she couldn't help but smile back.  She glanced over at the newly married couple and saw Hope motioning for her.  She turned back to Hongbin and said goodbye.  Before she stepped away, he put his hand on his arm to stop her.

"Dance with me later?"

"I might be able to do that."

With that she walked away, going over to join Hope, Hakyeon and Taekwoon as they filled out the paperwork needed to be officially married.  As she signed her signature, she let out a tiny sigh.  It wasn't regret necessarily.  More a feeling that everything was changing and that she no longer had any control over her future.  It was a very strange sensation.

After fulfilling her duties as witness, she gave Hope a tight hug, holding her close and trying desperately not to cry again.  Hope squeezed her back and then gently passed her over to Hakyeon who took her into a gentle hug.

"Have I ever thanked you for all you did to bring us together," he whispered in her ear.  She shook her head, her gaze lowered to the buttons of his shirt.  "Well, I'm doing it now.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me win her.  Without you, I don't think any of this would have happened."

She glanced up at him and smiled.

"I think you would have figured it out."

He snorted gently and shook his head.

"As idiotic as I behaved those two weeks I was here, I'm amazed we made it this far.  Without you, none of this would have been possible."

She hugged him tight and stepped back, bowing deeply, giving him the respect she felt he was due.  He bowed back, before turning, his hand automatically going to Hope's waist and pulling her to him.  

The atmosphere slowly turned from quiet ceremony to joyful celebration.  Music played, food and drink were on hand and everyone was having a wonderful time.  When the dancing started, Hyuna was sitting at the table finishing up her meal.  She'd been so busy she hadn't been able to eat and she was starving.  She took a sip of her mimosa and let out a sigh of satisfaction.  Everything was absolutely perfect.

She heard someone clearing their throat and looked up to see Hongbin standing beside her, his hand held out to her.

"Dance with me?"

She set down her glass, took his hand and let him lead her to the dance floor.  She placed on hand on his shoulder and the other one stayed in his clasp.  His other hand came to rest on her waist.  The music was sweet and romantic and as he spun her around the room, she wasn't necessarily immune to it.  

She could admit, deep in the recesses of her mind, that out of the six men, she found Hongbin to be the most attractive.  There was something about the lines of his face that appealed to her.  The ridiculous dimples that showed whenever he smiled didn't hurt either.  That he seemed to be a genuinely good guy made him even more attractive in her eyes.  

It had been a long time since she'd been with anyone.  And as the dancing progressed and he never strayed from her side, she began to wonder if maybe he might just be able to scratch this terrible itch she had.  

The day turned into early evening and she went out on the veranda to get some cool air.  She waved a hand in front of her face, the other hand lifting her hair off the back of her neck.  A hand appeared in front of her, a glass of water tempting her.  She took it and looked up to see Hongbin standing beside her, his hands jammed in his pockets as he looked out at the view.

"Hongbin, may I ask you something?"

He glanced down at her, eyebrow cocking up.

"Do you think I'm attractive?"

His mouth opened and closed a few times, no noise coming out, before he cleared his throat and looked away.

"I'd be blind not to.  Why?"

She blew out a breath, trying to summon up the courage to ask him the question.

"I'm only going to be here for another two weeks.  I think you're really, really hot and was wondering if..."

"Are you asking me to have sex with you?"

She looked up at him and saw him staring down at her with a mixture of horror and shock on his face.  She set the glass down on the wall of the veranda and turned to face him fully, her hands on her hips as she glared up at him.

"Since when is sex a crime?"

" don't know me!"

"You don't know me either!  That's kind of the point."

" want to be fuck buddies while you're here?"

She sighed and shook her head.

"Never mind.  It was just a thought.  Forget it."

She turned on her heel and walked away.  She went to find Hope and Hakyeon to say her goodbyes.  Now that she'd humiliated herself, she didn't want to be there anymore.  Hurrying outside, she hailed a cab and gave directions back to Hakyeon's condo.  Once inside she went to her temporary bedroom and stripped off the dress she'd been wearing, tossing it onto the bed.  

Stalking into the bathroom, she pulled off her bra and panties, tossing them in a pile next to the shower.  Once in the shower she began scrubbing herself down, getting rid of the sweat and other peoples perfume that had accumulated during the day.  

She was tired and embarrassed.  Should she have been so forward?  She knew that what she'd asked was a shock, but she wasn't one to beat around the bush.  She thought he was cute, she was horny and having a two-week long affair wasn't that big of a deal.  They were both single and alone...why not?

She finished her shower, dried off and went to change into comfy clothing.  Curled up on her bed, she pulled out her phone and began playing some random game she'd been stuck on for the last few weeks.  The door buzzing had her sitting up, tossing her phone on the bed.  She got up and padded out to the living room. When she reached the front door and saw who was standing on the other side, she gaped in shock at the monitor.  Wrenching the door open, she stared up at Hongbin, her mouth open to ask him why he was there.

Instead, he had his hands on her waist and slowly pushed her inside, slamming the door shut once they'd passed the entrance.  Her hands were on his upper arms, wondering what on earth he was doing.  

"You didn't let me finish.  If you hadn't walked away, I would have answered your request."

"You didn't have to say anything, Hongbin," she said, pushing at him to get him away from her.  "Your facial expressions are pretty easy to read."

He stepped back, one hand running through his hair, messing up the tousled style he'd had it in all day.  

"You're right.  I was shocked and even a little disturbed when you brought up the subject.  It's not like I get propositioned every day."

"I find that hard to believe," she muttered under her breath.

"What was that?"

"I said, that's hard to believe.  Do you not look at yourself in the mirror?  If women aren't falling all over themselves around you, they must be blind."

He snorted softly, his arms crossing over his chest.

"So, if I agree to this proposition of yours, what are your terms?"

"My terms?  I didn't really have any terms in mind.  When I suggested it, it was a spur of the moment kind of thing."

"Fine, then we'll do it on my terms."

She stepped back a step, her mouth dropping open in shock.

"So you're agreeing to this?"

He smiled, those stupid dimples making her feel slightly weak in the knees.

"As long as you agree to the terms I'm about to set, then yes."

"Okay, so what are you terms?"

"While you're with me, no other men."

Her eyebrows shot up at that and she snorted.

"Hongbin, I may have propositioned you, but I'm not a slut, thank you very much.  I've had sex with a total of six men in my lifetime and all of them were long-term relationships.  You're just a fluke."

He shook his head, lifting up a hand with one finger pointed up.  He brought up another one.

"Number two, if either of us decide we are not comfortable with this, we can walk away, no questions asked.  No bruised egos.  Just walk away."

"I can do that."

"Number three is the most important though."

"Why is that?"

"We cannot, under any circumstances, fall in love with each other."

"Okay...that works for me.  I don't want to fall in love with you.  I just want to fuck you."

He stepped forward, his hands on her waist as he pulled her to him, their bodies pressed tightly together.  He leaned forward, his lips millimeters apart from hers.

"Oh, I want to fuck you too."

With that, he kissed her.  His lips, plush and full, firm against hers.  Tongue brushing over her lips, slipping inside when she gasped.  She lifted her arms, looping them around his shoulders, pulling him closer.  Teeth biting gently into her lower lip, pulling it slightly.

Hands sliding from her waist, down over her hips, before curling over her ass and lifting her up.  Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist as he turned, pressing her against the wall.  She could feel how hard he was through the thin layer of her pajama bottoms and his slacks.  

Kisses down her jaw, over her neck, to her shoulder.  Fingers sliding under the thin straps of her camisole, pushing the straps down her arms, baring her breasts to him.  Her eyes closed and her head leaned back against the wall as he cupped her breasts in his hands, fingers tweaking the nipples.  

She let out a deep sigh as he closed his lips over one, sucking gently, teeth nipping the flesh.  Her hands clenched his shoulders as he flicked his tongue over it just so, making her shiver.  

"Jesus, Hongbin!"

She opened her eyes to look down at him and saw him looking up at her, mischief very clear in his eyes.  He didn't stop what he was doing, switching over to the other breast, giving it the same treatment.  

"Two can play this game," she gasped, her hands going to the buttons of his shirt.  Her fingers were trembling hard enough that she couldn't get the buttons to slide through the holes.  She finally gave up, got a good grasp and pulled.  Buttons flew everywhere, clattering to the floor around them.  Hongbin pulled back and smirked at her.

"Now how am I supposed to walk out of here?"

"Does it matter?"

He shook his head and leaned up to kiss her again, his hands sliding down to clasp her waist.  She pulled back with a groan.

"Bedroom.  Now!"

Without a word, he got them turned around and stumbled into the bedroom, tumbling her down onto the bed.  He crawled over her, knee between her legs, pressed up against where she needed him most.  He shifted, his hands at the waistband of her pajama bottoms, pulling them and her panties down her legs, tossing them to the floor.  Her camisole was still bunched around her waist, but she didn't care as he scooted down, his broad shoulders keeping her legs apart.

Hyuna had never been a huge fan of having oral done on her.  The guys she'd dated had been okay at it, but had never gotten her off.  As Hongbin delved between her legs, his tongue brushing over her clit, she had to admit that maybe there was something to it.  When his fingers slid inside, curling up as they thrust in, she let out a whimpering moan, her head tossing back and forth on the pillows.  What was he doing to her?

He ate at her like he had all the time in the world.  The noises she was making would have embarrassed her at any other time, but at the moment she was deaf, dumb and blind to everything but what he was doing to her.  When he added a third finger to the ones torturing her, she couldn't handle it anymore.  With a scream she came, her body twisting and turning outside of her control as she rode her orgasm out.

When she came back to herself, he sat up, a cheeky grin on his face.  He sucked his fingers clean and then stood up, ridding himself of his clothing.  As more and more of his skin was revealed, she thanked the gods and all their angels when he was as naked as she was.  He was slender, but so well defined it was ridiculous.  She could count every ridge on his abdomen, the six pack no joke.  Broad shoulders, long torso, lean legs and a cock that made her whimper in happiness.  He wasn't the biggest man she'd ever seen, but he had more than enough to make her very, very satisfied.  

He pulled out his wallet and had a condom out faster than she could blink.

"How long have you had that?"

"It hasn't expired," he said with a snort, ripping it open and sheathing himself quickly.  He turned to her, cheeky grin in place.  His cock bobbed as he walked forward, putting one knee on the foot of the bed.  He crawled up and over her, leaning down to place a kiss on her lips.

"You ready?"

She rolled her eyes and reached up to pull him down onto her.

"That is the cheesiest thing a guy can ask.  You just got me off by eating me out.  What do you think?"

He chuckled as he kissed her again, before reaching down and guiding himself into her.  As he slid in, bottoming out, they both groaned.  She felt stretched, but not uncomfortably so.  He spent a few moments kissing her like he wasn't so deep inside her she could feel his pulse throbbing.  She couldn't handle it anymore and lifted her legs, wrapping her legs around his thighs.  

With that he began to move, his arms braced on either side of her head as his hips rolled.  She arched into him, gasping his name when he hit just right.  His lips on hers, kissing her gently, in complete contrast to the hard, deep thrusts he was giving her.


He grunted, nipping her lip, before burying his face into the pillow beside her head, the noises he was making telling her he was close.  She slid a hand down between them, her fingers brushing over her clit.  She rubbed herself in rhythm to his thrusts and felt the second orgasm coming.  She let out a long, deep moan, her head arching back as she reached it.  Hongbin grunted over her as his hips jerked.  

As they calmed down, Hongbin lay on top of her, his weight warm and comforting.  Her hands ran up and down his back, gentling him.  When he pulled out, she let out a whine, not wanting to lose that feeling of connection she'd had with him.  He rolled over and stood up, disappearing into the adjoining bathroom.  She heard water run and then he was back.  He lay down on the bed beside her, not touching her, but close enough she could feel his body heat.

"Was that a mistake," she asked, turning her head so she could look at him.  He had one arm over his eyes, the other resting on his chest.  He moved the arm away from his eyes and looked over at her.  He rolled over onto his side so that he faced her and hoisted himself up on an elbow so he could look down at her.  One finger drew gentle lines over her lips, before he leaned down to kiss her.

"No, it wasn't a mistake," he said when he pulled back.  "It was amazing!  You're amazing."

"Just remember the terms."

"I remember."

*Five Months Later*

Once again, Hyuna was getting off an airplane in Korea, waiting to see her best friend.  Hakyeon had pulled some major strings to allow her to be there for the birth of her niece or nephew.  They wouldn't reveal the sex to her no matter how many times she begged.  This time there wasn't anyone to greet her, just the driver, who bowed and smiled before taking her bags.

On the way to Hakyeon and Hope's condo, she was antsy.  On one hand she was super excited to see Hope and to welcome her new niece or nephew into the world.  But on the other hand, she wasn't sure what her thoughts were when it came to Hongbin.

They'd spent those two weeks together, hardly separating the entire time.  Hope never noticed, being too engrossed in her new husband and her blossoming pregnancy.  The sex had been amazing.  Mind-blowing even.  He knew her body better than she did and knew exactly what to do to blow her mind.  And she'd broken one of the terms.

Well, maybe.  Once she'd left for home, she missed him.  Missed his touch.  His kisses.  His smell.  The way he'd curl around her after they spent hours having sex, his arms twined around her waist.  He was everything she'd ever wanted in a man, it just took being thousands of miles away to realize it.  Did she love him?  Sometimes she wondered.  She'd been in love before.  She'd been in lust before.  But she'd never felt for anyone what she felt for Hongbin and it terrified her.

Once at the condo she let herself up, riding the elevator up to the correct floor.  She buzzed the door and when it opened, she was met by the sight of her very pregnant best friend.  

"Holy shit!"

Hope snorted and pulled her into a hug, her belly getting in the way.

"That those are your first words to me tells me just how ginormous I really am!  Come in!  I need to pee."

She let go of Hyuna and hurried as fast as she could into the bathroom.  Hyuna rolled her eyes and brought her bags in, setting them beside the front door.  She sat down on the couch and waited for Hope to come back.  When she did, she sat down next to her, wincing, her hand coming up to cup her lower back.

"Please tell me you're not going into labor.  I just got here."

"No, not for another two weeks.  Depends on what the little nugget decides on though.  I swear, this baby is going to be the death of me."

"Don't say that!"

Hope rolled her eyes and waved a hand.

"Stop being so melodramatic.  I'm just saying that they're kicking my ribs to the point that I can barely breathe.  Every time I stand up I have to pee.  My OB/GYN just looks at me in disbelief.  She thinks this one is going to be a monster.  I told her big babies ran in my family, but I don't think she believed me until my last checkup.  But!  Enough about me!  How are you?"

"Tired, but so happy to be here.  Why won't you tell me what you're having?  I've been so patient, but you're driving me nuts!"

Hope chuckled and she leaned over and patted Hyuna's thigh.

"You'll find out soon enough.  But seriously, how are you?  Every time we've talked lately, you've been super vague."

Hyuna sighed and pushed a lock of hair away from her face.

"I'm sorry.  I'm good.  I'm fine.  I'm happy."

"Uh-huh...yeah, keep telling yourself that."

She rolled her eyes and patted Hope's hand.

"I am happy, Hope."

"Well, I'm glad you are.  Hongbin has been a mopey ass since you left.  Biting everyone's head off.  Basically being a giant dick.  What did you do to him?"

"Me?!  I didn't do anything to him?"

"I may have been busy with my new husband while you were here, but I'm not blind nor am I stupid.  You hooked up with him, didn't you?"

Hyuna lifted her head up, staring at the ceiling, before letting out a deep sigh and nodding.

"Yes, I did.  And it was..."

"Awful?  A horrifying experience?  The best sex of your life?  Tell me!"

She snorted.

"The most amazing sex I've ever had.  There!  Are you happy now?"

"Aha!  That explains it!  He fell in love with you!"

Hyuna shook her head, her hands coming up to ward Hope off.

"No.  Nope.  Nuh-uh!  That wasn't part of our agreement.  No emotions."

Hope let out a deep snort and began to laugh, her hands cupping her swollen tummy.

"Oh, that's the funniest thing I've ever heard!  No emotions when you just said he was the best sex you've ever had.  There's a reason for that, honey.  It's called emotions."

"No!  Nope!  Emotions weren't part of our deal!"


She shook her head vehemently, her arms coming up to wrap around her middle.

"No.  I don't do emotions, remember?"

"Oh, please!  You're the one who convinced me I was in love with Hakyeon.  Don't give me that bullshit just because you're terrified you might have fallen for him too.  Or did you?"

She whimpered, her teeth biting into her lower lip.  Hope's eyes opened wide and her mouth gaped open.

"Oh, my God!  You fell for him too!  Oh, this is perfect!"

"No, it's not!  It's my own personal nightmare!"

"But why?  He's a wonderful guy!"

"Who wants a traditional Korean wife.  Which I am anything but."

"Hyuna, honey, listen to me.  When it comes to emotions, there's no such thing as the perfect anything.  He may have given that impression, but watching him with said "traditional" women, you can tell he's bored out of his mind.  What Mr. Staid and Proper needs is a woman like you."

"You're just saying that because you're my best friend."

"No, I'm saying that because it's the truth."

"Oh, God!"

Hope patted her leg again and then hefted herself up to her feet.

"I'm making food.  Want some?"

Hyuna shook her head, watching as Hope disappeared into the kitchen.  The words her friend had said rattled in her brain until she wanted to scream.  In her head she knew Hope was right, but in her heart, she honestly didn't know what to feel.  Maybe once she saw him again, she could figure it out.

And that happened much sooner than any of them expected.  That night as they were preparing dinner, Hope's water broke.  Complete and total chaos ensued, but soon they were at the hospital, ensconced in their room.  

Hope did her best to breathe through her contractions, Hakyeon never straying far from her side.  Hyuna sat on the chair next to the bed, stopwatch in hand as she timed the contractions.  

"You're doing good, honey!"

"Ugh!  I need an epidural and stat!"

Hyuna got up and hurried out to the nurses station.  They went in to check how much progression Hope had made and when they realized she was far enough along, they got the anesthesiologist to come in with the drugs.  Once the epidural was administered, the true labor began.  Hope rested between contractions, but they were coming closer and harder every time.  

Hyuna stood next to her best friend, doing her best to encourage her when it came time to push.  She had hold of one of Hope's legs while a nurse had the other.  They coached her through each push, the adrenaline pumping so hard Hyuna felt like she was bouncing off the walls.

When the head began to crown, she stared down at it in awe.  

"Hope, it looks like a giant white raisin!"

"Oh, God!"

Hakyeon shook his head at her, a look of intense displeasure on his face.  She didn't know if it was from what she'd said or the death grip Hope had on his fingers, but she bit her lip and kept quiet.  

"Okay, just a few more pushes.  Hope, when I tell you to push, I want you to bear down as hard as you can, okay?  Your baby is almost here."

Hope nodded, her head drooping back as she tried to work up the energy to push.  Hyuna couldn't take her eyes off of what was happening.  With the next contraction, she watched as the head began to fully emerge.  Without the doctor having to prompt, she heard Hope take a deep breath and push again.  With a whoosh, the baby was there, squalling, arms and legs waving like mad.

"It's a little girl!"

Hyuna began to sob, tears flooding her cheeks as she looked down at that little baby.  The doctor had Hakyeon cut the cord and then the baby was passed to a nurse, who whisked it aside to begin cleaning it.

"Are you ready?"

Hyuna sniffled, trying to keep the tears from falling even harder.

"Ready for what?"

The doctor ignored her as he stared up at Hope, a look of determination on his face.

"You're doing so well, Hope!  Can you do it again?"

Hope nodded and looked up at Hakyeon.  The smiles on their faces were the most beautiful thing Hyuna had ever seen.  She looked back and forth between them and the doctor, the words she'd just heard finally making sense.

"Are you having twins?!?!  Oh, my God!"

Hope chuckled weakly, before getting cut off by another contraction.  This time the labor went by faster and soon another squalling bundle was in the doctor's hands.

"And here's your boy!  Congratulations, you two!  They're beautiful."

Hyuna let go of Hope's thigh and stumbled back to sit down, her legs weak and trembling.  She did her best to get herself under control as the afterbirth portion was handled.  Once Hope was cleaned up and the tightly wrapped bundles placed in her arms, Hyuna stood up and made her way over to them.  

She looked down at her niece and nephew, thinking she'd never seen anything more beautiful in her life, even though at this stage they resembled the troll dolls she remembered playing with as a kid.  All wrinkly and red, their eyes scrunched up tight.

"I can't believe you kept this a secret for nine months.  Kudos to you!"

"We didn't mean to be so secretive.  We just couldn't believe it ourselves."

"What are you naming them?"

She glanced up and saw them exchanging glances.

"We thought long and hard about this.  It's not traditional to name your children after someone, but in this case we made an exception.  We named her after you."

"After me?  Are you serious?"

"Of course!  We couldn't think of a more fitting name for her.  And this is Hyunsik."

Hyuna reached up to brush the tears from her cheeks, completely floored by the news.  She leaned over and kissed the top of Hope's head.

"I love you.  I hope you know that."

"I love you too.  Would you like to hold them?"

She nodded and held out her arms.  Hope gently placed first Hyuna than Hyunsik into her arms.  She stared down at them, wondering how on earth she'd gotten lucky enough to witness them coming into this world.

There was a commotion at the door before Hakyeon's family came bustling in, gifts and flowers soon filling the room.  Hyuna gave the babies back to Hope and slipped out of the room.  She needed a moment to regain her composure.  She went outside and sat down on a bench, her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands.

She began to sob in earnest, the emotions of the last few hours finally hitting her.  Her entire body shook with them as she gave into the tears.  She didn't notice another presence until she felt a hand on her arm.  She looked up, shocked to see Hongbin sitting next to her, a handkerchief in his hands.

"It seems like the first time I see you, I'm giving you a handkerchief."

She took it from him, wiping her eyes.

"I'm not making this a habit.  I'm just overwhelmed right now."

"Did she have the baby?"

"Babies...and yes."

"Babies?!  Are you serious?"

She handed him back the kerchief, rolling her eyes.

"Why would I lie about something like that?"

"Holy shit!"

"My thoughts exactly."

They sat in silence, Hyuna glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.  He looked good if a little tired.  Rumpled shirt and jeans made her think he'd thrown on whatever was handy when he got the news.

"How are you doing?"

He glanced over at her and shrugged.

"I'm okay, I guess.  You?"

"An emotional wreck at the moment, but I'm good."

He smiled.

"I'm happy to hear that."


She bit her lip, looking down at her lap.  Now that he was sitting there, she didn't know what to do.  When she felt the tip of his finger touch her chin, gently tilting it up until she faced him, she didn't fight it.  His lips brushing over hers, his hand resting on her waist, made her sigh.

"I missed you," he whispered when he pulled back, his forehead resting against hers.

"I missed you too."

"I think I screwed up."


"I didn't follow one of my terms."

"I didn't either."

He grinned outright and pulled her close, his lips firm against hers.  When his tongue brushed over her lips, she opened for him immediately.  Her hands rested on his upper arms, fingers digging unconsciously into the sleeves of his t-shirt.

"We can't do this," she muttered, pulling away and standing up.  She brushed her hands over her jeans and looked down at him.  He stared up at her, his messy hair falling into his eyes.  She reached out, brushing it away from his face.

"What are you saying?"

"I'm saying we can't make out in front of the hospital where my best friend just gave birth.  We're going inside, we're wishing them well and then you can take me home."

He stood up with a grin, his hand sliding around her waist to rest at the top of her head.

"Did I ever tell you I like the way you think?"

She just grinned as they walked back into the hospital.


  1. OMG...That was so freaking good! AH! My Hakyeon and Hope (T3T)

    YAY! Hyuna! Glad that the sweetie got with Dimples. And with oral sex like that, I bet she is too (fans self).

    *Puppy eyes* Taekwoon and his girlfriend next? <3

    1. I finally named her. I wracked my brain trying to come up with a good name for Hope. And then it just hit me.

      I had so much fun writing this story. *sighs*

  2. HOLY! SMUTTY HONGBIN AAAAAH~ I wasn't prepared for this at all. So good,I....I have to read again right away, just wanted to comment. Love it, Hyuna is a great character. Now I'm so happy you continued her story cuz....WOW!

    1. Yeah, smutty Hongbin. Not awkward like I usually write him either. LOL

  3. He's taunting and kinky but then also gentle and sweet. My brain is not taking this well lol

  4. "Hope, it looks like a giant white raisin!" That killed me!! Hahaha!

    They're MINE!!!!! This as always is AMAZING! But it made REALLY REALLY JEALOUS!!!!! Please I 'm BEGGING, do a second part of that, story were she's a spy? And she has to befriend with Hakyeon and he found out and then all goes wrong and the FBI or whatever goes after her and I don't know what happens to her or Hakyeon, did he scape??? Did they shoot her??? PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    P.S Taekwoon is mine! And he was dancing with me at the wedding
