Thursday, April 30, 2015

Private Dancer (VIXX N)

My first Hakyeon.  Hard to write, but turned out well.  So, yay!  

Cha Hakyeon hadn't planned on being a pop star forever.  When he debuted with VIXX he figured he would play for a few years and then do something else, preferably with the dancing he'd learned as a youth.

Of course, he'd had no idea that VIXX would explode and turn into such a success.  With each comeback they garnered more attention, gathering more fans and as the leader, he felt all of that responsibility.  His shoulders were heavy as he dealt with every little detail, down to what they ate and when they slept.

Following his mandatory military service and the disbandment of VIXX, he had to reevaluate his priorities and goals in life.  He'd wanted the others to succeed and it gave him a thrill to see how their lives flourished outside of the spotlight.  Taekwoon was married, a baby on the way.  Jaehwan's art had taken off and he was traveling around the world, his works displayed at countless galleries.  Wonsik had become a sought after lyricist and composer, much to no ones surprise.  Hongbin's photography had gone from a hobby to his new career.  He'd traveled to Thailand and was currently camped out in the jungles somewhere, his photographs the only news any of them received.  Sanghyuk had turned into quite the actor, his looks and sense making him a star.

And then there was Hakyeon.  When they'd decided to disband, he'd been all for it.  At first.  But after nearly ten years of constant schedules, he didn't know what to do with himself.  He'd gone from having every second of his day accounted for to being able to do whatever he wanted and he had no idea how to deal with it.

He thought about traveling; seeing the world without having any set plan.  He'd always loved seeing different places, but for some reason, he decided to stay home.  Seoul had been his home for so long that it had become his true home.  He loved the bustle, the noise, the ability to do anything he wanted.

After much thought and a night of too much drinking with Wonsik, he decided on a new path.  One that showcased his love for dance.  Starlight Studios, named after his beloved fans.  When he opened the school, he had no plans to go big.  Something small and intimate where he could teach others the dancing he loved so much.

At first his students weren't there to learn.  He learned that the hard way when instead of following his instructions, the women would stand and stare, giggling whenever he made eye contact with them.  Once that class was done, he made stricter rules.  He wasn't there to flirt; he was there to teach.

The school slowly built up a reputation.  It was no longer the school run by N, the former leader of VIXX.  Now it was a reputable school run by Cha Hakyeon and he couldn't be happier.  He'd gone from a small, one-room facility on the outskirts of town to a larger building with a much larger studio.  Classes were small and easily managed, allowing him to pursue other things that caught his attention.

His students were both male and female, ranging in age from late teens into their thirties.  All of them differed in skill and style, which made each class a challenge, but it was one he enjoyed.  Each new term brought fresh faces, a variety he found fascinating.

He'd never thought of romance or even a flirtation with any of his students, going by the old adage that it was best not to dip his pen in company ink.  All of that went to hell in a hand-basket when the latest class started.  He noticed her right away, the way she held herself and the fact that she was a bit older making her stand out.  She was quiet, hanging out in the back of the class away from the mirrors.  During each class she worked hard, but she never quite seemed to "get" it, no matter how many times he showed the moves.  And for whatever reason, he couldn't seem to stop himself from singling her out, pointing out her mistakes more than any other student.

At the end of each class, the slump to her shoulders made him feel like a heel.  He had no idea why she rubbed him wrong, but she did.  It didn't help that he thought she was attractive.  He was thirty-four years old, not a virgin, but it had been years since he'd been in a relationship.  He was the type of person who really had to be emotionally connected to his partner and all the years of being under constant scrutiny hadn't helped matters much.

Now that he had the freedom to date, he really hadn't had any interest.  He was picky, too picky according to anyone who knew him, but he had his standards.  The fact that one of his students fit his type to a "T" bugged the hell out of him.  He was the kind of person who held his rules and standards in high regard and having a student be the one that turned him on bugged him.  He didn't want to like her and that was what made him such an ass.

Halfway through the semester he was in his office going over paperwork for the next crop of students.  The main studio was only used for classes, but practice rooms were open during the week for any of his students who wanted to use them.  He heard the music first, the bass rumbling through the building.  He did his best to tune it out, but something prompted him to get up and go find the source.

He peeked in the window and saw her.  His lip curled, but he watched as she danced, her body much more coordinated than he ever would have given her credit for.  The style she danced in was nothing like the modern-style he taught, but it suited her much better.  As he watched, he wondered why she'd taken his class when it was obvious it didn't fit her at all.

When her body dipped down, her hips rolling in a way that made him happy to be a man, he bit his lip hard.  It took everything in him not to barge into the room and pull her to him.  But something held him back.  The fact that she was talented, coordinated and knew how to dance bothered him.  Why was she taking his class?  Was she purposefully screwing up to make him mad?  It didn't make any sense that she was so bad.

He pushed open the door, determined to figure the mystery out.  She hadn't noticed him yet and when she spun, her eyes were closed.  Her body crashed into his and his hands automatically came out to catch her and keep them from falling.  The feel of her soft curves pressed up against him made him want to let out an unmanly whimper.  Her eyes opened and she looked at him with absolute horror on her face.  When she shoved away from him, he almost reached out to pull her back.

"Can I help you with something," she asked, as she turned away to pick up the remote and turn off the music.  Hakyeon shoved his hands in his pockets, the only thing keeping him from touching her.

"I heard the music and came to see who was in here.  I wasn't going to say anything, but I've been meaning to talk to you about something."

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"I think you need to quit my class."

"Excuse me," she said, her hands on her hips as she glared at him.

"I said, I think you need to quit my class."

"May I ask why?"

"I'm bothered by this," he said, motioning at her body.

"You're bothered by my body?"

He shook his head, motioning at her again.

"No, I'm bothered at the fact that you can dance, but not in my class.  I want to know why."

She sighed, leaning over to pick up a bottled water, taking a sip before turning back to him.

"I joined your class because I wanted to learn a new style.  I grew up dancing freestyle, but modern always fascinated me."

"But it's obvious you're not any good at it.  So why didn't you quit?"

She let out a noise of disgust, her head shaking as she went to grab her bag.

"You're such an ass.  You know what?  You're right.  I do suck at this class, but I can't say that it's all me.  You've done nothing but single me out since the class began.  I don't deserve that kind of treatment, but I'm too stubborn to walk away.  I don't know what your issue is with me, but I'd appreciate it if you'd get your head out of your ass and grow up!  I'm too old for this bullshit and I'm not putting up with it anymore!  You're not worth it."

With those words she was gone, leaving Hakyeon staring after her, his mouth open in shock.  The silence that reverberated through the room made him realize just how alone he was in that moment.  She was right.  He had singled her out and he had been an ass.  There was nothing he could say to refute it.

Rubbing his hands over his face, he tried to figure out how to rectify the situation.  He wasn't an evil man; in fact he prided himself on being nice to everybody.  That he hadn't been nice to her due to his own issues made him angry with himself.  He was determined to apologize and make amends.  He hated the idea that she hated him.  It bothered him more than he'd care to admit.

That night he met up with Taekwoon and Wonsik for their bi-monthly dinner.  Whoever was in town would meet up, reminiscing and catching up on their daily lives.  It allowed their bond to stay tight, which he appreciated.  They'd finished up their meal and were talking over coffee when he brought up his dilemma.  He told them about her and how he'd treated her, the disappointment on their faces making him cringe on the inside.

"I don't know how to fix it," he finished, taking a sip of his coffee.  "I feel that if I apologize she's just going to be more pissed off.  And you know I'm not this type of person.  I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Have you considered the fact that it's because you like her," Taekwoon asked, fiddling with the ring on his finger.  He'd left his wife and newborn baby girl at home and Hakyeone knew he was itching to get home.  He was glad he'd agreed to meet up though and would have given the other man a hug if he thought he could get away with it.

"I know it's because I like her.  But I promised myself when I started this school that I wouldn't get involved with any of my students.  Conflict of interest and all that."

"But isn't this class half over?  Why don't you apologize, offer to teach her privately and then when it's over, ask her out?  Problem solved," Wonsik said, making a washing motion with his hands.

"You're telling me to torture myself for the next three months.  I don't know if I could handle being alone with her that much.  I know how attracted I am to her.  It would be too much temptation and I know I'll do something stupid to screw it all up."

"If you don't do something about it now, you're going to make everyone's life miserable while you mope.  Wouldn't it make more sense to just get it out in the open and face the attraction head on?  If you just wait you'll hate yourself later."

"When did the two of you get so smart?"

Taekwoon snorted and shook his head.

"We're in our thirties.  We're not children anymore."

Hakyeon laughed, finishing up his coffee.  It felt good to get it out in the open and to hear the opinion of the other guys.  And they were right.  If he didn't face the attraction and see where it went, he would hate himself later.

After he got home, he tried to come up with a plan that would satisfy his attraction without screwing with his standards.  To an extent he felt like he was stuck between a rock and a hard place, but he knew that once he confronted his feelings, he'd be able to move on with his life.

The next day he waited for her before class, since she was usually early, but when she didn't arrive right away, he got nervous.  What if she didn't show up?  Then all of his plans would fall apart and he'd never forgive himself for ruining everything.  He let out a huge internal sigh of relief when she hurried in just as class started, her apology soft and barely heard.

Instead of chastising her like he normally would, he just smiled and began the class.  He watched her as much as he could, noticing that instead of stumbling like she normally did, she kept up with the rest of the class.  When the class ended he made his way over to her, tapping her on the shoulder to get her attention.

"I would like to talk to you, if you could spare me a moment?"

She frowned, but nodded and he smiled at her before saying goodbye to the other students as they gathered up their stuff and left.  Once they were alone he bustled around the room, throwing away leftover water bottles and turning off the music.  He was mentally psyching himself up to talk to her, trying to figure out the best way to broach the subject.  When he couldn't procrastinate anymore, he turned to her, frowning slightly when he saw her arms were crossed over her chest and her body language screamed at him to stay away.

"I wanted to offer my sincerest apology for the way I've been treating you since the class began.  I have no excuse, I can only say that this isn't who I am and I would like to show you the real me."

She cocked an eyebrow at him, shifting her weight to her other foot.

"Why do you think I'd want to get to know the real you?  If you've been a total fake all this time, I'm not sure I want to get to know who you really are."

Hakyeon let out a deep sigh, his hands coming up to ruffle through his hair.  He was making a muck of this and needed to put on his big boy panties.  He did the thing he'd sworn he wouldn't do and laid it all out there for her.

"I like you.  I find you attractive and it bugs me.  I swore to myself that I wouldn't pursue anything with any of my students.  When you came along, you rubbed me wrong because I was attracted to you and I didn't want to be."

"You're attracted to me?  Really?"

The sarcasm was so evident in her voice that he could almost see it and if it had been any other time he would have laughed.  But at that time all he wanted was to grab her by the shoulders and shake some sense into her.  He was putting himself out there and she was treating him like a pariah.

"I know, you don't believe me.  And honestly?  I can't say that I blame you.  I...I just wish you'd give me a chance to prove myself.  Prove that I'm not a total asshole and that I actually do have good qualities.  Maybe even get you to like me too."

She snorted, her arms dropping to rest at her sides.  He almost let out a sigh of relief, seeing that she was thawing out towards him.  Thank God for some small favors.

"So what are you going to do to show me your true self?  I admit my curiosity is piqued."

"Private dance lessons?  You say you want to learn my style, but for some reason you're not doing well in my class.  It bothers me since I know you have talent.  Maybe me teaching you one-on-one might help."

She stared at him and he held his breath, hoping she'd take the proffered olive branch.  The fact that he'd be in his own private hell was his own business.  He needed her to take the apology he'd offered.

"If I agree to this, you have to make me a promise."


"You have to promise me that not only will you not single me out in class, but that you won't get handsy with me.  I don't want you to use this as an excuse to put your hands on me.  If you get inappropriate, you're giving me permission to punch you."

He choked, shocked that she would even bring this up.

"I promise.  I'll be touching you, but I swear I won't do anything inappropriate."

He crossed his heart and held up his fingers.  He felt like he was back in grade school having to cross his heart and hope to die, but at this point he was willing to do or say just about anything.  When she finally smiled, he felt like a huge load had been lifted from his shoulders.

"Okay, fine.  We can start private lessons.  I can give you one day a week outside of normal class time."

"Excellent.  Saturday at noon?"

She nodded and he felt the smile on his lips, wide enough to crack his skin.  He couldn't begin to describe the happiness he felt now that she was warming up to him, slight though it may be.

"I'll see you then."

He watched her pack up her stuff and when she left, he collapsed back against the wall, his head hanging low.  All of the stress over the last few months seemed to have magically disappeared, leaving him feeling oddly weightless.  He honestly didn't know how he felt at the moment, other than relieved.

The one-on-one lessons began and he found himself in a new version of hell, this one also of his own making.  Whereas before there had been animosity between them, now there was a mutual attempt at civility.  They worked together surprisingly well, each of them determined to keep things on a strictly professional level.

As the one-on-one classes progressed, he noticed her change.  When they'd only been in the main class, she'd always kept to herself, staying in the back, away from the others.  She was never rude or unfriendly, but hadn't shown much of her personality.  Now that it was just the two of them together, he was seeing more of who she really was and found himself more intrigued.

She seemed more open towards him, smiling when she walked into class every Saturday.  He kept his promise, only touching her when he showed her the different moves, keeping all of his movements professional and not remotely sexual.  That he was more sexually frustrated than he'd ever been in his life he had to ignore and could only relieve it to a certain extent on his own.  He wouldn't go against his promise to her, no matter how badly he wanted to.

The Saturday before the final class he arrived late, having gotten them coffee.  He walked in and found her stretching, her arms over her head as she twisted.  He had to turn away, her body in the tank top and yoga pants she wore almost more than he could handle.  Setting the coffee down on the bench, he took off his hoodie and joined her in stretching, avoiding looking in the mirror to see her beside him. 

Practice started, simple exercises at first to warm up.  Now that they were finally comfortable in each others presence, their movements were much smoother.  They finally gelled and when Hakyeon went to put his hand on her hip, she didn't flinch away.  Instead she moved with him, her body tight against his.  This torture made him want to cry, but he bit his lip and continued, rolling his body away from hers, avoiding touching her anymore than he had to.

He made the mistake of glancing in the mirror and gulped when he saw her face.  Intense concentration and a passion for dance that he'd only ever seen on his own face.  He stopped in the middle of his step and turned to face her.  He'd reached his quota and couldn't handle it anymore.  She stopped as well, facing him, her hands on her hips as she breathed heavily.

"I can't keep my promise to you anymore," he said, feeling like he was giving up on himself as he watched her.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't not touch you.  I can't keep my professional distance from you anymore."

She cocked her head as she looked at him, before a slight smile crossed her lips.

"Would it make you feel better if I made the first move?"

Before he could respond she'd stepped up to him, her hands resting on his shoulders as she lifted up, pressing her lips against his.  Eyes open in shock, he didn't even respond right away, his hands hanging loose at his sides as he tried to process what was happening.  When she pulled away, his hands went to her hips to pull her closer.

"I thought you didn't like me," he whispered, his forehead pressed against hers.

"You proved your point," she whispered back.  "You aren't the asshole I thought you were."

He chuckled, leaning back to press a kiss to her forehead.

"That's something at least."

"I think it's time I admitted something," she said, her hands sliding down his arms to clasp his wrists. 

"What's that?"

"The main reason why I sucked so much in your class is because I was distracted by you.  I walked into your class the first day and felt like I'd gotten smacked in the face.  You're the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life and I lost any sense around you.  That's why I constantly tripped over my feet.  Having you pick on me didn't help matters at all."

He began to laugh, his body shaking with it.

"So you're telling me that we've both been fighting this attraction all these months?  I've been going through my own personal hell because of you, you know."

She began laughing as well, her head resting just under his chin.

"Jesus, we are a pair.  So, will it make it weird if I kiss you again?"

"God, no!"

Still laughing, she kissed him again, letting go of his wrists to wrap her arms around his neck, her body pressed tight against his own.  Hakyeon wrapped his arms around her waist, savoring the fact that she was really there, her body warm and snug against his. 

Hakyeon let her dominate the kiss, her tongue brushing over his lips as she deepened the kiss.  He felt like he was in a dream, all these months of tension still haunting him.  That she was there, in his arms, didn't seem real.  But her taste on his lips and on his tongue was real.  The sweetness of her kiss was real.  Everything was real, but it had such a dreamlike quality to it that he could barely accept the reality.

It was only when she got them turned around and he felt his back pressed against the mirror that he realized where this was heading.  Her kisses had turned more aggressive, leaving him reeling.  Her hands had slipped down to his waist and were resting on his bare skin.  The feel of them there brought him back to his senses. 

He lifted his head, gasping for breath as he pressed his head back against the mirror.  He stared up at the ceiling, trying to get some semblance of control, but having her pressed against him, her lips on his neck wasn't helping matters.

"We can't do this here," he said, his hands on her waist to try to push her away.  "I don't have any condoms."

"I do," she whispered, her teeth scraping against his neck.  "I've been hoping this would happen for the last two weeks."

"Oh, thank God," he moaned, finally allowing himself to really get into the moment.  When her teeth clamped down on his neck and he felt her tongue swirl over his skin, he was done.  In seconds he'd reversed their positions, his body pressing hers to the mirror as he reached down to pull off her tank.  Her sports bra was gone seconds later, his hands cupping her breasts as he pressed kisses to her neck and shoulders.

"I can't believe we've lasted this long," she whimpered, her hands threading through his hair as he kissed his way over her shoulder to the upper curve of her breast.  The salt of her sweat on his tongue as he brushed a kiss over one nipple, his fingers tweaking the other.

"I know," he sighed as he got to his knees, his fingers brushing over her stomach to the waistband of her pants.  He glanced up at her face and watched as he leaned forward to press a kiss to her stomach, his tongue dipping into her navel.  Her eyes went heavy-lidded, her lower lip between her teeth as she sucked in a deep breath.

"Your touch drives me crazy."


His fingers curled in the waistband of her pants and he tugged them down along with her panties, baring her to his sight.  He pushed them down until they pooled at her ankles, lifting one foot to pull them off and then the other.  He tossed them aside and just looked at her, his tongue coming out to lick suddenly dry lips.

He'd wanted to do this for so long, touching and tasting her, learning her body.  He'd fantasized about it as he stroked his cock in his shower, but it wasn't anything like reality.  Her body was taut and firm, muscles defined without being bulky.  Her stomach was flat and her legs strong.  Kissing her navel again, he kissed his way down, his hands pushing her inner thighs apart, opening her for him.

Lifting one of her legs to drape it over his shoulder and give him better access, he brushed a kiss over her clit, her taste tangy on his tongue.  Using his fingers, he parted her flesh, swiping his tongue from her opening to her clit and back again.  He could feel her muscles shaking as she tried to keep her balance, her hands resting on top of his head as he learned her taste.

Every swipe of his tongue brought a moan to her lips, her fingers tightening in his hair when he slid a finger deep inside of her, her inner muscles clamping down tight around him before letting go.  Another finger joined, filling her as he thrust them in and out matching the movements with his tongue.

"Jesus, Hakyeon!"

He would have chuckled, but it would have taken him away from his task of driving her over the edge.  She was close.  He could tell by the way her leg kept tightening against him as she tried to get him closer.  Her body was writhing against the mirror, her moans getting louder as he quickened his thrusts, a third finger sliding inside.

She came with a long, whining moan, her body clenching down around his fingers so hard he couldn't continue his ministrations.  He sat back, lifting his other hand to wipe his lips, his tongue coming out to taste his fingers when he could finally pull them from her.

"Condoms," he whispered, needing to get inside of her as soon as possible.

"My bag!"

He got to his feet, stumbling in his hurry.  He rifled through her bag and when his fingers brushed over the foil packets, he let out a heartfelt sigh of relief.  He was back beside her in a flash, mouth crushed against mouth as he pulled her tight to him.  His cock was the hardest it had ever been, all these months of self-induced torment making him close to losing control.

He felt her fingers brush over his cock and he let out a whimper into her mouth.  When she cupped him, his hands clenched on her waist, before he slid them around her back, his fingers sliding down to cup her ass.  She snickered, squeezing before letting go.  When her hands came around the back of his pants and slid inside, cupping his bare ass, pushing his pants down, he wanted to cry.

Her fingers wrapped around his cock, giving him a few quick pumps as he thrust into her grasp.  The feeling of her warm hand and the knowledge that he would be inside her soon had him worrying he'd come too soon.  She pulled away, taking the condom from his hand and tearing it open, before sheathing his cock in seconds.

He pulled away from the kiss and looked at her, the intensity of the moment striking as he lifted her up and slid inside.  Her legs went around his waist and he leaned forward, his forehead against hers as he slid in to the hilt.  The aftershocks of her first orgasm milked his cock as he stayed still, taking a few deep breaths to try to get himself under control.  He wanted this to last as long as was physically possible and he was so horny he was afraid he'd blow too fast.

"You okay," she whispered, her hands coming up to rest on his shoulders.  He nodded, before closing his eyes and beginning to thrust.  At first the thrusts were shallow, barely any moving at all.  When her thighs clamped tight around his hips and he felt her heels dig into his ass, he began to thrust in earnest.

Each thrust was deep and slow, torturing them both.  He straightened up, his hands tight on her waist as he opened his eyes and made eye contact with his reflection in the mirror.  He could see the way his face changed every time he slid in deep.  His teeth digging into his lower lip as he pulled out.  And he wanted to watch her face as he did it to her.

Hissing, he pulled out, setting her down on her feet.

"What the hell," she growled, glaring at him.

"Give me a sec."

He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around until she was facing the mirror.  He saw the expression on her face when she realized what he was doing.

"Oh, God."

He chuckled as he reached for her hips, tilting her back so that he could slide inside.  He watched her eyes roll back in her head when the new angle brushed that place inside her.  He bent over her back, his hands coming up to cup her breasts as he began thrusting anew, each one deep and aimed at bringing them both to climax.

Raining kisses over every inch of flesh he could reach on her back as his thrusts became faster.  He aimed for that spot each time, knowing he hit it by the way her face went blank, her mouth slack as she gasped for breath.  His orgasm was imminent.  He could feeling it tingling at the base of his spine and he pulled her up until her back was resting against his chest. 

"Open your eyes.  I want you to see yourself when you come."

Her eyes blinked open, making eye contact with him in the mirror.  He began tweaking her nipples, causing her to arch back against him every time he did it.  He'd never seen anyone so responsive and it made him want to bite.  He used one hand to push the hair away from her neck and bent his head, still keeping his eyes on hers as he sunk his teeth gently into the sensitive flesh at the juncture of neck and shoulder.

With a scream, she began coming around him, her hands coming up to grasp the back of his neck, arching her breast harder into his hand.  Hakyeon continued thrusting, joining her seconds later, the clenching of her inner muscles on his cock too much for him to bear.

They collapsed against the mirror, their hot gasps fogging up the glass.  Hakyeon released his grip on her neck, his tongue coming out to brush over the mark he'd made.  The shiver that went through her when he did it made him do it again.

Pulling out he took the condom off, discarding it before going back to her.  He wrapped his arms around her from behind, snugging her up against him.  Her head rested back on his shoulder as she gasped for breath, her body trembling.

"If I asked you out on a date now, would that be weird?"

She snickered, her hand coming up behind his head to pull him down for a kiss.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." 


  1. I want to learn dancing... And I want Hakyeon to teach me!!!

  2. holy hell, it was better reading it the second time than the first...OTL

    1. And still one of the hardest stories to write. I'm glad you like it. :)

  3. May be the hardest but the BEST!!! Doing it in front of a mirror is... sexy...
