Sunday, May 3, 2015

No Competition (VIXX Leo & Ravi)

Another one!  I'm just going by how they're listed.  :D

Being pressed to the wall, fingers grasping his hair and a demanding tongue slicking over his lips was not how Kim Wonsik had planned this day.  In fact, it had been the farthest thing from his mind that morning when he’d woken up, only to find that he and Taekwoon would be the only ones home.  The other members were taking their three-day break to visit family.  Wonsik was staying home because he was working on music and Taekwoon was there for his own reasons.  They’d gone about their business, only seeing each other at the end of the day.  After a quick meal, Wonsik had asked Taekwoon if he wanted to play FIFA 2015 on their PlayStation, figuring it would be a good way to blow off steam.
Taekwoon had agreed, he’d set up the game and they started to play.  It was halfway through the first game that he realized his mistake.  Both men had competitive natures and it was their natural inclination to want to win.  However, the competitiveness had turned into something more.

They had known each other for a long time, worked together for almost three years, and there had always been a spark between them.  Wonsik was the only one who could calm Taekwoon down when Jaehwan took his teasing too far.  A lot of furtive glances, lip biting, flushed cheeks; it had turned into a cat and mouse game of who could fluster the other first.

And now, here they were.  Taekwoon had him pinned up against the wall, his hard thigh between his pushing up against his erection and it was all he could do not to moan aloud at the things Taekwoon was making him feel.  Taek slipped his tongue into his mouth, tasting of coffee, which made Wonsik’s eyes roll back in his head.  He gasped, his hands pushing against Taekwoon’s shoulders.  Taekwoon wasn’t the only dominant in this and Wonsik wasn’t going to let him just run the show.
He got them spun around, pushing Taekwoon up against the wall, his hands pressing Taekwoon’s hands to the wall on either side of his head.  He pulled back from the kiss, nipping that full, sweet lower lip.  Taekwoon gasped, his hands jerking in Wonsik’s grip. 
“I want to fuck you so bad,” Wonsik growled, before kissing Taekwoon again.  It was carnal; all tongue, lips, teeth, everything to bring out that whimper from Taekwoon’s throat.  That soft voice of Taekwoon’s was one of Wonsik’s biggest turn-ons.  The soft whimpers, moans, exhalations as he worked him over, Taekwoon’s body bucking against his, hard cock against hard cock. 

Wonsik couldn’t wait and pulled back.  When Taekwoon reached for him, he held up a hand and shook his head.  Taekwoon glared at him, his kiss-swollen lips turning down in a frown.  Wonsik couldn’t help himself as he leaned forward to kiss him again, before going back to his original task.  He reached for the hem of Taekwoon’s sweater and pulled it over his head, revealing his body to his gaze.  It wasn’t the first time he’d seen him shirtless, but it was the first time in this context and he wanted to look his fill.
He gently ran the tip of his finger from Taekwoon’s clavicle all the way down to the waistband of his jeans, leaving goose bumps in his wake.  Taekwoon’s eyes closed and his head thumped against the wall, his lower lip caught between his teeth.  Wonsik rewarded him, reaching down to cup him through his jeans. He had to hold back a groan at the feel of that hard cock throbbing under his fingers.  
Enough was enough.  No more teasing.  Wonsik went to his knees, his hands sliding down Taekwoon’s thighs.  Nimble fingers undid the snaps of Taek’s jeans and he leaned forward to press a kiss to Taek’s lower abdomen, before curling his fingers in the waistband and pulling them down.  The jeans and boxer-briefs lowered, revealing Taek’s hard cock to his gaze, pre-cum leaking from the tip.  Wonsik shoved them down until they were bunched around his knees, before glancing up at Taekwoon as he licked his lips.  
What he saw made him groan.  Taek’s head was still back against the wall, but his eyes were open half-mast, the pupils barely visible through the thick fringe of his lashes.  The look in his eyes was fever-bright, hot with passion and something else Wonsik couldn’t identify.  He turned his attention back to Taekwoon’s cock, wanting to see how long it would take to bring him to his knees.  

He grazed his fingers up Taek’s inner thighs, his touch barely enough to stir the fine hairs on his legs.  He grasped Taekwoon’s cock and tilted it down so he could engulf it in his mouth.  He swirled his tongue lightly over the tip, knowing he’d done something right when Taekwoon’s hands came down on top of his head, long fingers entangling in his hair.  
“Fuck, Wonsik.”

 “Yes, fuck Wonsik!”

Taekwoon snorted a soft laugh that trailed off into a whiny moan as Wonsik began sucking him off, gripping him at the base with a hand so he wouldn’t choke.  He started out slow, dipping his head to take as much of Taek’s cock as he could, before sliding back until just the tip was between his lips.  Each time he pulled back, he would flick the tip with his tongue.
Taekwoon shifted his stance as he slid his hands to the back of Wonsik’s head in order to begin thrusting his hips.  Wonsik’s eyebrow cocked up, but he didn’t protest.  He wanted Taekwoon to become putty, to come in his mouth, to break down.  Taek’s fingers tightened on the back of his head as he got closer to his peak, his hips moving as much as Wonsik would allow.  
Wonsik added a twist of his hand every time his mouth slid down Taekwoon’s cock and that was it.  With a hoarse shout, Taekwoon’s hips stilled their motion as he spilled into Wonsik’s mouth, a seemingly never-ending stream of curses falling from his lips.  Wonsik worked him through his orgasm, finally pulling away from Taek’s limp cock with a soft pop.  He leaned back on his heels and took a good look at his friend.
Taekwoon leaned against the wall gasping, sweat plastering his over-long hair to his face.  His eyes were closed and his mouth was open, making him look truly and fully wrecked.  Wonsik smirked and pushed to his feet, leaning forward to kiss him again.  Whereas before the kiss had been carnal, this one was sweet and gentle, a simple thank you.  He stepped back and turned to walk away, satisfied that he’d done that.  His cock was hard and it hurt to walk away, but he wouldn’t ask for it to be reciprocated.  Instead he’d jack off in the shower like he always did.
He’d reached the door of his room, when a hand reached out and clasped his arm, jerking him around.  He spun into Taekwoon’s chest, his hands coming up to catch himself.  He didn’t even get a chance to say anything before Taekwoon had him crushed to his chest, his lips against his in a kiss that took carnal to a whole new level.  Taekwoon bit at his lip, swiping the light sting with his tongue.
“Where are you off to in such a hurry, hmm,” he asked, his voice raspy with sex.  Wonsik gulped, looking into Taekwoon’s eyes.  What he saw there made his knees want to buckle.  
“Mm…I believe you said that earlier.  Fuck Wonsik, if I remember correctly?”
This time Wonsik couldn’t bite back the whimper as Taekwoon slid one hand to the back of his neck and tilted his head back, exposing his throat.  He felt teeth press against him, before Taekwoon began sucking that spot, bringing an exquisite hint of pain. 
“I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk straight for a week.  You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Wonsik’s eyes closed and he gasped, Taekwoon’s words washing over him, sending shivers down his spine.  They’d all known Taekwoon had a dominant streak in him, but seeing it up close and personal like this was almost enough to have him spending in his shorts.  
When he found himself on his back on the bed with no memory on how they got there, he knew he was in for it.  Taekwoon stood naked over him, his cock already hard again.  Wonsik stared up at him, wondering how this had happened.  Those thoughts disappeared when Taekwoon reached for the zipper of his jeans and pulled it down.  The sound of it releasing was the only sound in the room, his ability to breathe seeming to have stopped completely.  
Taekwoon peeled off his pants and boxers.  He’d never been so hard in his life and it took everything in him not to reach down to take himself in hand.  He bit his lip as Taekwoon loomed over him, their eyes meeting in an intense stare that seemed to reveal their innermost thoughts.  It was too intimate, causing Wonsik to close his eyes and turn his head away, a hot blush covering his cheeks.
He was horny and embarrassed, but also scared.  This was going to change their relationship in a way he didn’t know if he was ready for.  But, as he felt Taekwoon’s hot breath right above his cock, all thoughts disappeared, his focus on what Taekwoon would do next.

 When he felt just the barest of touches against his hot flesh, his body jerked in surprise.  He’d expected sheer domination, Taekwoon fucking him until he couldn’t remember his name.  Not this gentle touch, Taekwoon’s tongue swirling gently around the head of his cock.  The touch was so soft he barely felt it, making him groan in frustration.  
He opened his eyes and looked down, making eye contact with Taekwoon.  Taek held his gaze as he used the flat of his tongue to slide down to the base of his cock and back up again.  Wonsik growled, reaching down to try to get something more from him.  When Taekwoon swatted his hands away and pulled back, Wonsik had to bite his tongue to keep from crying.  

 Taekwoon crawled up his body, settling his weight over his hips and leaning down until their faces were a breath apart.  He kissed him gently, before sitting back and staring down at him.  Wonsik couldn’t keep from squirming, his body’s nerve endings on fire.  He needed…something.  Taekwoon must have realized how bad it was, because he leaned all the way forward until his mouth was right next to Wonsik’s ear.
“I’m going to fuck you now.  If you touch me or do anything but scream my name, I’m stopping.  You understand?”
His hot breath against Wonsik’s sensitive skin was enough to send his body into spasms.  He was barely able to nod, before Taekwoon slid back down his body.  Wonsik stared up at the ceiling, knowing if he watched, he’d be coming in a millisecond.
Taekwoon’s hot mouth engulfing his cock sent his toes curling.  He tried to arch his hips, but Taekwoon kept one hand braced over his midsection, essentially pinning him to the bed.  The other hand pumped him as his mouth went to work on his cock, tongue swirling on every down glide.  Wonsik lost any and all capabilities of doing anything but whimpering, his body desperate for release.  He could feel it at the base of his spine, the tingling letting him know he was close. 
His breath stuttered, his gasps and the sound of Taekwoon busy between his legs filling his ears.  His hands clenched in the blankets that surrounded him, his body needing to move.  When he couldn’t stand it anymore and knew he would come at any second, Taekwoon pulled away with a pop, licking his lips as he stood up and went to the bedside table.
Wonsik lay splayed out, his body a shivering, quivering mess.  His cock was so hard it tapped his belly, precum leaking all over.  He couldn’t even move when Taekwoon tossed the bottle of lube on the bed next to his head and tore open a condom to sheathe himself.  
Taekwoon walked to the foot of the bed and leaned over to grasp him by his knees.  He pulled until Wonsik lay at the foot of the bed, his ass hanging slightly over the end.  Taek picked up the lube and squirted some over his fingers, before looking down at Wonsik, his eyebrow cocked in question.
“You ready?”
Wonsik couldn’t even whimper a yes.  He just stared up into Taekwoon’s eyes, ready for anything.  Taekwoon spread his legs, opening him wide.  His fingers slid over Wonsik’s ass, circling the hole, before slipping inside; one finger at a time, slow and steady as he prepared him.  Wonsik couldn’t keep his body still, his body jerking as Taekwoon’s fingers slid so deeply inside him.  When Taekwoon’s fingers pressed against his prostate, he saw stars.  His neck arched back and he stiffened, ready and more than willing to succumb.
That was all the prompting Taekwoon needed.  He stood at the foot of the bed and aligned his hips with Wonsik’s nicely lubed hole.  At first his cock barely entered him, before he pulled back and pushed in.  The sudden fullness caused Wonsik to let out a hoarse yell, his body stiffening in surprise.  He glanced up at Taekwoon, to see the other man arched over him, head back and eyes closed.  Taekwoon held the position for a moment, allowing Wonsik to adjust, but his arms shook as he held his weight in check.
Wonsik didn’t know what prompted him, but he reached up to cup Taekwoon’s cheek in his hand.  Taekwoon opened his eyes and glanced down at him.  Whatever he saw in Wonsik’s face was enough to get him to start moving.  Each thrust was deep and hard, a rhythmic stimulation that had Wonsik moaning and squirming under him.  
Every thrust brushed against Wonsik’s prostate, leaving him a whimpering mess.  He pleaded for Taekwoon to let him come, any pride long forgotten.  But no matter how much he begged, Taekwoon ignored him, his thrusts never faltering.  Wonsik couldn’t handle it anymore, over-stimulation sending him into a mental breakdown of sorts.  He reached up and grasped Taekwoon’s shoulders, his fingers digging into his skin.
“Please, Taekwoon, I’m begging you.  Please, let me come.  Please.”
Taekwoon’s hips faltered and stopped completely, making Wonsik want to scream in frustration.  Taekwoon’s head was cocked as he looked down at him and Wonsik swore he saw something like affection cross his face, before he leaned down, brushing his lips over Wonsik’s.  
With that word, the torment began in earnest.  Where before Taekwoon’s thrusts had been smooth and sure, now they were powerful and deep, rutting Wonsik into the sheets.  Wonsik let himself be carried away by the storm named Taekwoon, his body no longer his own.  When Taekwoon’s fingers wrapped around his cock and began pumping, Wonsik knew he was lost.  With a howl he began to come, his body clamping down on Taekwoon’s hard cock. 
Taekwoon let go with a hoarse shout, his body convulsing over Wonsik’s before collapsing on him.  They lay entangled, breathes coming fast as they tried to get their bearings.  Wonsik had never been so wrecked in his life and he couldn’t wait for it to happen again.


  1. I had to read this again, I missed this so much. I remember how I gasped a few times reading it and how I cried at the end. Is it weird for me to call this beautiful? D:
