Thursday, April 30, 2015

Virgin Territory (VIXX Hongbin)

Pure sweetness from beginning to end.  Aw shucks.  

Lee Hongbin was awkward, especially when it came to women.  He'd always had women flock to him due to his physical beauty, but in all honesty he had no idea how to act around them.  He stumbled and stuttered and basically made a fool of himself on a regular basis.  The irony of his life was that he was one of the most beautiful men most people had ever seen and was still a virgin.  A very awkward, very depressed virgin.

It wasn't like he'd planned on being a virgin at twenty-three.  He liked girls a lot, but every time he got around one he thought was pretty, he turned into a bumbling idiot and ruined his chance before he even had one.  It was frustrating as hell and when he became an idol, it got even worse.  His life became chaotic and every move he made was under a microscope.  Even if he'd found a woman he liked, his life was so busy he didn't have the time.

When he decided to take the photography class, it was a bit rebellious on his part.  As much as he loved the group and his life, there were times he just wanted to be normal.  Photography had been his passion for as long as he could remember and he wanted to learn more about it.  It was a night class at a local college.  It allowed him some anonymity and the class size was small.  He arrived moments before the class was to start and slid into a seat near the back of the class.

He didn't really notice any of the students right away, his focus on the teacher and his camera.  The first class passed in a blur and he enjoyed himself thoroughly.  It was a refreshing change from his every day life and he looked forward to the next class.

During the second class they were assigned partners; the person they'd be working with for the rest of the term.  She was older than him.  He could see that in the fine lines next to her eyes and the way she didn't quite fit in with the other students.  She was pretty in an understated way, her makeup flawless and her style simple but pretty.  She smiled as she introduced herself, sitting down next to him and holding out her hand to shake.  He took her hand in his and felt a slight shock go down his arm.  He let go, shaking his hand, but didn't think anything of it.

They talked about themselves, getting to know each other a little bit before the class ended.  She was soft spoken but seemed friendly, a smile on her lips as they said goodbye.  He packed up his bag and left, his thoughts on the day's assignment.

Each class they got to know each other a little more.  He found out she was thirty-four, that she was an interior designer and that she loved music.  The way she laughed was joyful, making him want to laugh with her whenever he heard it.  She told him she'd gotten into photography first through her work, but she enjoyed it so much she decided to pursue it further. 

He found himself looking forward to each class and their conversations.  Their personalities meshed well and he had fun with her.  That there was no awkwardness with her never registered; he just knew he could talk to her in a way he'd never been able to with a woman.  It was refreshing.

Halfway through the term they were given the big assignment, the one that would determine their final grade.  It was a challenge, but one he actually looked forward to.  Each team was assigned a theme and they had to create a portfolio focused on that specific theme.  The themes ranged from color to season to shapes.  Their theme was autumn and that made him smile.  Since autumn was upon them, he thought the assignment would be easy.

After some discussion, the two of them decided on a how they would proceed.  There was a beautiful park not far from the college known for its foliage.  They decided to meet up on a Saturday afternoon to take pictures and see what they came up with. 

The weather was brisk that day; cool enough for a thick sweater, but not cold enough for a jacket.  Hongbin got there first, his manager dropping him off with his promises that he'd call when they were done.  He had his camera out and was taking pictures before his manager had even left.  He was so engrossed in his photos that he didn't realize he wasn't alone until he heard someone clear their throat. 

Glancing up, he saw her standing there, her camera bag over her shoulder.  He was taken aback at her attire, since it was the most casual clothing he'd ever seen her wear.  A thick, cream colored sweater and a pair of jeans that hugged her curves perfectly.  Her hair in loose waves around her shoulders.  Saliva seemed to be pooling in his mouth and he swallowed hard, his brain feeling like it was going haywire.  In that moment, he realized that his friend, his fellow student, was a woman.  And not just any woman, but a really, really attractive one. 

Words escaped him, his mouth gaping slightly as he stared at her.  Where had the woman in understated clothing gone?  Why did he have to notice she was pretty?  Why did his body decide right then and there to respond to her? 

Clearing his throat, he gestured with his camera, hoping to take her attention away from him while he got himself under control.  He pointed out a tree with the most spectacular colors, sneaking a picture of her when she glanced up at the tree, a look of awe on her face.  He moved to delete the picture, but when he saw how the colors of the leaves complimented her coloring, he saved it. 

Once he'd gotten himself somewhat under control, the day passed smoothly.  For every one picture of the foliage he took, another dozen were of her.  He didn't know what made him do it.  If it was simple fascination or something else, but he couldn't seem to stop himself.  Their conversation wasn't anything exciting, but he found himself smiling in a way he couldn't remember doing.  Was this what infatuation felt like or was it something more?  He didn't try to over think it too much, striving to just enjoy his time with her.

When they'd finished taking pictures, she offered to take him home.  Without any hesitation he said yes, texting his manager to let him know.  On the way back to the dorm, she stopped at a local cafe and bought him a coffee.  It made him smile when she handed it to him; like it was a precious gift and not a steaming cup of hot coffee.  The first sip tasted like the best coffee he'd ever had and he knew he had it bad. 

They agreed to meet up for lab before the next class.  Hongbin said goodbye and watched as she drove away, the coffee warming his hand and his heart.  He felt like a walking cliche as he took the elevator up to the dorm.  He'd fallen for an older woman.  He would have smacked himself if he felt it would do him any good, but he knew he was stuck.  Once he got focused on something, that was it.

When he went inside, he found Sanghyuk and Jaehwan camped out on the couch, laughing at a variety show that played on the TV.  Taekwoon stood in the kitchen, a giant pot of ramen steaming on the stove.  Hakyeon and Wonsik weren't anywhere to be found, but he knew once food was announced they'd all be there.  He took off his shoes, setting them down neatly, before taking his gear into the bedroom.  He dumped it in the corner next to his folded up bedding and flopped down on the floor.

Pulling out the camera he scanned through the photos he took that day, biting his lip when he realized just how many pictures he'd taken of her.  There were dozens, all from different angles with different lighting, each one showcasing her simple loveliness.  He let out a long sigh, realizing he was in deep.  He was tempted to delete them and hope that that would erase this new fascination he had with her, but he knew that wouldn't work.  And he wanted to keep those photographs. 

There was a significant age difference between them.  A big enough one that he was afraid she would never see him as anything but a fellow student; not as a man.  And he didn't even know where to begin.  Did he actually have feelings for her or was it just his traitorous body that had all of a sudden realized she was female?  He'd never had actual feelings for anyone before and had no idea what he actually felt.

He heard Taekwoon call them to dinner and he turned off his camera, setting it on the bed.  He got up and walked out to the dining room.  The others were gathered around the table, just as he'd predicted, their chopsticks hovering over the giant steaming pot.  He sat down and picked up his utensils, but he wasn't all that hungry.  He took a few bites and then sat back, letting the others conversations drown out his thoughts. 

He was acting out of character and he knew it.  It was rather surprising that the others didn't seem to notice, too focused on food.  He set his chopsticks down on the table and stood up, excusing himself.  Taekwoon looked up at him, a frown on his face, but Hongbin ignored him, going back into the bedroom.  He changed into his sleep wear and unfolded his blankets.  He was tired and his head hurt.  He hoped for a good night's sleep and that this newfound interest would disappear by morning.

Three A.M. and he was wide awake.  The others had long since drifted off to sleep, their deep breathing rather soothing in the otherwise silent room.  After tossing and turning, he got up and went out to the living room.  Sitting down on the floor next to the huge windows that overlooked the city below, he stared blankly at the muted lights, his mind drifting.

He heard the shuffling of feet first and glanced up to see Taekwoon standing there, sleep ruffled, his hair standing on end.  A huge yawn and a scratch on the belly before he glanced down at Hongbin, a look of concern on his face.

"You okay," he asked, settling down on the floor beside him.  Hongbin marveled at the fact that out of all of them, Taekwoon would be the one who would realize something was off.  Taekwoon wasn't the most affectionate of men, but he was very perceptive, something most people didn't realize.  He sighed and shook his head.

"No, I'm not."

"What's wrong?"

"Can I ask you a personal, serious question?"

Taekwoon glanced at him, his eyes narrowed slightly.  Whatever he saw on his face must have been enough to get him to relent, because he nodded and turned his attention to the window.  Hongbin cleared his throat, nervous.

"Have you ever been in love?  Like, 100%, totally in love with someone?"


"What did it feel like?  How did you know you were in love with them and not just lust?"

There was a long silence as Taekwoon pondered his question.  Hongbin wrapped his arms around his bent legs, his chin resting on his knees.  He knew Taekwoon would speak when he was ready and didn't pressure him.

"There really isn't a way to describe what being in love feels like.  Everyone is different.  For me, I knew I loved her when I realized she was always on my mind.  Every time I saw her, my heart would race and I would forget how to talk.  And I knew it wasn't lust because I didn't just want to have sex with her.  I wanted to be with her all the time."

"So, what happened?"


Hongbin let out a long sigh, his shoulders slumping.

"I think I like someone.  And I'm scared."


"I don't know what to do.  About anything.  I really like her and I'm worried she won't see me as anything but a friend."

"Why do you say that?"

"She's in my photography class.  She's my partner.  We've become friendly since the class started, but I just realized she's pretty today and I feel like an idiot.  You know how awkward I am."

He felt a warm hand on his shoulder and it gave him more comfort than any words could.  Taekwoon may not be a man of words, but his action always spoke louder.  They sat like that for a long time, the silence a comfort and not suffocating like it had been.  When Taekwoon stood up and went back to bed, Hongbin continued his vigil, but this time it didn't feel like his world had ended.  Now he felt a sense of purpose.  He'd come to his own conclusions, his friend's presence even without words helping him do so.  When he did fall asleep, there was a smile on his face.

He met up with her in labs with a positive attitude.  He was going to fish, wanting to know her thoughts on younger men and if she'd be open to it.  He had no idea how he was going to get the conversation started, but he desperately wanted to know.  They stood next to each other in the darkroom, working their way through the pictures they'd taken the previous Saturday.  He'd saved the pictures he'd taken of her on a flash drive, deleting them from his camera so there wouldn't be any awkward questions.  For close to an hour they worked in silence, their progress marked by the photos they had hanging up to dry.  There was only so much time left and he needed to ask his questions.

Biting his lip, he glanced at her.  She wore glasses that she had to continuously push up her nose and a look of intense concentration on her face.  He couldn't get over how adorable he thought she was and it honestly made him slightly nauseated.  He'd never been one for cute and yet here he was, waxing poetic about her cuteness.  He made himself sick.

"Can I ask you something?"

She looked over at him, her eyebrow cocked in question.

"How do you see me?"

"What do you mean?"

He scratched his head, not really sure how to ask the question.

"Am I your friend?"


"Do you find me attractive?"

"I'd be blind not to, but why are you asking me questions like this out of the blue?"

"I think you're pretty."

"Lee Hongbin, are you flirting with me?"


She smiled, but it seemed sad to him.  He felt nausea boiling up in his stomach as she reached out, her hand resting on his forearm.

"I appreciate it, Hongbin, but I'm too old for you.  I just...I don't want to hurt you, but I don't think this is a good idea."

Disappointment weighed him down, but he smiled at her, hoping she wouldn't see the hurt he felt deep inside.

"I understand.  I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

"Don't be silly.  I think you're an amazing young man.  And if you were older or I was younger, maybe, just maybe, I could see something.  But, our age difference is more than ten years."

"You don't have to continue.  I understand, okay?  Don't worry about it."

"I am sorry."

"I get it!  I do!  I just...I have one more question, okay?"


"Do you see me as a man?  At all?"

He watched as she bit her lip.


The relief he felt at her words almost made his knees buckle.  That she saw him as a man made this an uphill battle in his opinion.  If she'd seen him a child, there would be no hope at all.

"Thank you."

"For what?  I just turned you down."

He smiled at her.

"You just told me our age difference is too much in your opinion.  You never actually turned me down."

She shook her head, a small smile on her lips.

"You're incorrigible, Hongbin."

"No, I'm an optimist."

"You're still too young."

"So you say.  But I'm going to prove to you I'm not as young as you think I am."

A laugh escaped her as she rolled her eyes.

"I give up.  No matter what I say you'll turn it into something else.  Do your worst."

Something pushed him; maybe a little devil on his shoulder.  Maybe just pure instinct, but he reached for her, his hand wrapping gently around her wrist.  With little effort he pulled her to him, his lips against hers.  It wasn't the first time he'd kissed someone, but it was the first time he wanted them to really enjoy it.  It was slightly off center, their noses bumping, but he adjusted quickly and deepened the kiss.

Tongue brushing over her lips, a soft sigh escaping her lips as she opened for him.  Slipping his tongue inside her mouth, pushing up lightly against hers.  She tasted sweet, her hands clasping his waist.  She made no move to push him away, but did nothing to encourage him either.  He knew it was up to him as to where this went. 

Pulling back, he smiled down at her.

"This is step one."

With that, he let her go, gathered up his stuff and left.  He would never admit to anyone that his hands were shaking so badly he could barely hold his bag.  He'd kissed her.  And it hadn't been a complete disaster.  Now he just had to figure out how to prove that their age difference was nothing but a number.  And he was completely lost. 

He had to skip the next class, his schedule picking up due to VIXX's latest comeback.  He'd wanted to see her again, but his career demanded sacrifices.  But as he went through dance practice and recording, he thought maybe it was a good idea that he hadn't seen her that day.  Give the kiss a little time to do its magic.  If it effected her half as much as it did him, it was a job well done.

He'd decided he would take this attraction to her one step at a time.  Every time he proved his maturity, it brought him one step closer to being accepted by her.  He had no idea how many steps that would actually take, but he was willing to give it a shot.  Determination was his biggest asset in this respect and he was going to use up all he had to prove his worth. 

At the next class he acted as if nothing had happened, smiling and saying hello when she sat down next to him.  He proceeded to talk about the assignment, feeling an internal zip of happiness when he saw her staring at him, a frown on her face.  He did his best not to react to it, his external concentration on the camera in front of him.  On the inside he felt like he was bouncing off the walls.  His approach seemed to be working.  She was intrigued if nothing else.

When the class was finished, he said goodbye to her, gathering up his belongings and heading out to the waiting car.  He heard footsteps and glanced over his shoulder to see her hurrying up to him, a look he couldn't decipher on her face.  He stopped and waited for her, one hand coming up to clasp the strap of his bag.  He was afraid if he didn't keep his hands occupied he'd try to kiss her again and he didn't want to ruin the progress he'd already made.

"Hongbin, where are you off to in such a hurry?  I wanted to talk to you."

"I'm sorry," he said, glancing down at his watch.  "I've got to leave.  Schedules."

She frowned at him, but didn't say another word.  He turned on his heel and walked away, feeling her gaze on his back like a million darts.  He'd never realized that you could actually feel a person looking at you, but he definitely felt it in that moment.

Over the next few weeks he kept to his step program.  He brought her coffee, remembering how much cream and sugar she liked.  Her favorite snack food.  He brought her a CD she'd talked about before, saying that she wanted it.  A leaf that had fallen from a tree, the colors still preserved.  Simple things, but he knew they would keep him fresh on her mind.  And that was his ultimate goal.  He wanted her to think about him as much as he thought about her; which was all the time. 

From the moment he woke up until he went to bed every night, she was the first and last thing on his mind.  He'd come to the conclusion during all of his efforts that he felt more for her than just simple lust.  No man would do what he did if all he wanted was just sex.  No, there was definitely something more there.  He couldn't quite pinpoint exactly what the emotion was, but it made him happy.  And that was all that really mattered.

One class before the final, he sat in his chair, his chin propped on his hands as he stared off in space.  For almost two months he'd gone out of his way to be a man to her.  Everything he'd done was to prove his manliness and he felt like a complete failure.  And he was tired.  It was exhausting trying to be creative all the time.  He'd used up all of his ideas and though he thought she was thawing towards him, he wasn't a mind reader and had no idea what to do.

She walked in front of him as she headed to her seat, jarring him out of his reverie.  He smiled at her, but he knew it wasn't as big of a smile as he usually had for her.  He'd decided it was time to throw in the towel.  It made him sad, but he couldn't keep doing this to himself.  The torture was just too much. 

"Are you okay?"

He nodded, but before he could say anything, the teacher called for attention.  He turned his attention away, doing his best to focus on what the teacher was saying.  It sounded like droning to his ears, the words nothing but pure gibberish.  He wanted to cry, but held them back. 

A nudge to his arm, a hand holding out a piece of paper.  He took it from her and unfolded it.

'I need to talk to you after class.  Coffee?'

He glanced at her and nodded, confusion filling him.  He folded the paper back up and shoved it in his pocket.  The class seemed to take forever, curiosity eating him alive.  What did she want to talk to him about?  If it was another rejection, he honestly didn't want to hear it.

After the class finished, he waited for her out in the hall.  She led him out to her car and drove to a cafe without saying a word to him.  At first he fidgeted, feeling uncomfortable in the silence, but when the silence continued, he settled down.  At the cafe she ordered her coffee and he ordered his.  They took their drinks to a booth in the back and sat down.  Hongbin took a sip of his coffee, before clearing his throat and looking up at her expectantly.

"What did you want to talk to me about?"

"Your little campaign to win over my affections."

"Did I fail then," he asked with a sigh, running his hand through his hair.

"No, you didn't fail."

"Then I succeeded?"

"I don't know."

He let out a deep sigh and shook his head.

"I'm confused.  Should I continue or just give up?  I feel like I'm going one step forward only to be pushed five steps back.  I like you, a lot, but I can't keep doing this.  I'm...out of ideas, to be honest."

"Hongbin, please try to understand this from my point of view.  You're so much younger than I am.  I've never been attracted to anyone that much younger than me.  Yes, you're successful and yes, you make a good living, but for how long?  If we were to pursue something, how serious could you take it?  Are you just looking for a fling or do you want to pursue something with me long term?  I'm almost thirty-five years old.  I want children.  I want to get married.  I want to be that cliched white picket fence family.  Can you see that happening any time soon?  This is why I haven't just jumped into this blindly."

Her words penetrated deep into his psyche.  He realized that she hadn't just blown him off.  That she had been seriously thinking about this.  And her concerns were legitimate.  He wanted to get married and have children too, but wasn't sure when he wanted that.  But he also knew that he didn't want just a casual fling with her.  He wanted something with substance.  Reaching out, he took both her hands in his and began to speak, hoping she could hear the sincerity in his voice.

"I don't know where this will lead us.  I can't guarantee we'll be together forever at this point.  All I know is that this is not a casual fling for me.  I like you a lot and want to pursue something deeper with you.  I wish you would give us a chance and see where things go.  I'm not perfect.  I'm awkward and say stupid things when I'm angry, but I promise, that no matter what happens, I'll do my best to be a good man to and for you.  That's all I can promise."

She stared at him, her fingers entwined with his.  He knew they were at the crossroads of their relationship.  Whatever she said now would make or break them.  He hoped that she would give him a chance.  Give them a chance.

"Okay.  Okay, let's try."

His mouth dropped open as he gaped at her.  In all honesty, he'd expected her to say no.  Her saying yes was so completely unexpected he didn't even know how to react.

"Are you sure?"

She began to laugh, pulling her hands away to reach over the table and cup his cheeks.

"Yes, I'm sure!  Jesus, Hongbin, why on earth would you ask me that?"

He felt the blush creep up his cheeks and ducked his head.

"I didn't expect you to say yes."

"I can be unpredictable.  Why we don't we go to my place?  Let's talk more about this, okay?  I don't want there to be any doubts on either of our parts."

He nodded and they stood up.  As they walked out to her car, he took her hand, holding it close to his side.  She glanced at him, but didn't say a word, her fingers tightening around his.  He held her hand all the way to her apartment.  Once inside they kicked off their shoes and sat down on the couch.  In all the months they'd worked together in class, he'd never been to her place before.  Her skill as an interior designer was obvious; light cream walls, but with pops of color everywhere.  It was restful and made him feel relaxed the moment he stepped inside.

They sat close on the couch, their thighs touching.  Hongbin clasped his hands in his lap, nerves kicking in now that they were truly alone.  He kept glancing around the room, his teeth biting into his lower lip as he tried to come up with something to say.  She finally took pity on him, her hand coming to rest on his arm.

"Are you okay?"


"Are you nervous?"

"A little."

"Don't be.  I don't bite.  Too hard, anyway."

He gulped, feeling like he was choking.  She began to laugh, her hand patting his arm.

"I was joking!"

"Um, I know."

He wanted this ridiculous conversation to stop.  He wanted his nervousness to go away.  He wanted to kiss her.  So he did.  He just leaned right over and kissed her.  It was anything but sexy, slightly off center and at an awkward angle.  He wanted to cringe, but kept his eyes closed.  He wanted to kiss her like he saw in movies, all gentle lips and tongue, but his nerves were bringing his cursed awkwardness to the forefront. 

She pulled away and stared at him, her eyebrows scrunched in thought. 

"Hongbin, can I ask you a question?"

He nodded, looking down at his hands that were twisting nervously in his lap.

"God, I can't believe I'm asking this, but...are you a virgin?"

Mortification slammed into him and he jumped to his feet, looking for escape.  He hurried away as fast as he could without running, by some miracle finding the right door leading to the bathroom.  He went inside and slammed the door shut.  Stumbling to the sink he splashed cold water on his face, his head drooping down in embarrassment.  He'd never felt so humiliated in his life.  That she could tell he was a virgin proved just how pathetic he really was.

His eyes closed and he just stood there, trying to get his emotions back in check.  The warm hand on his lower back made him jump, his eyes opening.  He glanced over and saw her staring at him, her hand rubbing gently up and down his back, soothing him.

"I didn't mean to embarrass you," she said, her voice quiet.  "I just...I needed to know."

"I know.  I just lost all my guy points, didn't I?"

"For being a virgin?"

He nodded.

"No, no baby, you didn't lose your guy points.  In fact, it makes me like you even more.  That I'm the woman you want to be with, I'm humbled.  And, the fact that I get to teach you everything about a woman's pleasure?  I won't lie.  It's kind of hot."

"It's hot?  Are you high?"

She began to laugh, the hand she'd been soothing him with swatting him on the arm.

"Hey!  It's not every day you find a man who's never been with a woman before.  That I can teach you what to do to make me come and not have to erase stupid things you'd learned in the past, that's hot."

"So you have a student/teacher kink, huh?"

"No!  Jesus, Hongbin, I'm not that bad!"

He chuckled and turned to face her completely.  He bowed his head and grinned at her.

"All right, teacher.  Show me what you want me to know."

She looked up at him, a slight smile on her lips.  Going up on her toes, she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.  A very simple tasting, no tongue, no gasping for breath, but it took his breath away.  She stepped back and clasped his hand, leading him into the bedroom.  She stopped beside the bed and looked at him.

"I honestly had no plans to have sex with you tonight, but I also didn't want to be unprepared."

She let go of his hand and went to the chest of drawers.  She opened the top drawer and pulled out a strip of foil packets.  She brought them to him and handed them to him.  He stared down at them, realizing that in a short amount of time, he'd be using them.  He gulped, his fingers tightening around the condoms in his hand. 


"I don't know what to do," he whispered, completely overcome by the sheer everything of the moment.  That he was moments away from being with her in any and all ways completely floored him.  He was at a complete loss.  He looked up at her and saw the smile on her face.  It was gentle and sweet, bringing a sense of calm to him. 

"It's okay," she whispered back.  "Just, follow my lead."

She took the condoms and placed them on the bed next to the pillow.  Reaching for the hem of her sweater, she pulled it up over her head.  Reaching behind, she unclasped her bra, sliding it down her arms until it fell off, hitting the floor.  Her breasts were right there, bare to his gaze.  He bit his lip, wanting to reach out to touch her, but afraid to.  He didn't want to do anything to hurt her.  His thoughts were on her and her pleasure.

His cock was hard, harder than he could ever remember it being.  He knew he was going to embarrass himself more than once tonight.  There was no way he was going to last; not this first time. 

She walked towards him and stopped inches away.  She reached out for his hands and lifted them, placing them over her breasts.  The warm weight in his hands felt...amazing.  Her nipples were hard against his palms and he instinctively tweaked them between index and middle fingers.  She moaned softly and laid her hands over the top of his.

"You're doing just fine.  I don't know if you need me to train you."

He chuckled, because this was easy.  It was other aspects of pleasing her he was a complete loss about. 

"I haven't reached the difficult part yet.  I plan on learning you.  In every way you'll let me."

It was her turn to gulp, her eyes widening as his words sunk in.  He grinned and leaned forward, placing a light kiss on her lips.  The kiss deepened, instinct taking over.  His sweater was pulled over his head, busy fingers at the buttons of his jeans.  A warm hand cupping his cock.  Choked breath as she began stroking him, her fingers gentle yet firm. 

He could feel the orgasm looming just on the horizon and tried to fight it back.  He didn't want to spend too quickly.  When she pushed his jeans and boxer briefs down his legs, he knew it was a lost cause.  A touch of her tongue to the head of his cock and he was done.  The orgasm shot through him like a canon, weakening his knees.  He wanted to die as she wiped the come from her lips, her tongue coming out to taste him.

"Oh, Jesus!  God, I am so sorry!"

She stared up at him from her knees and shook her head.

"Don't be sorry!  It's okay!"

"But, I just came and you didn't even do anything yet!  Jesus, this is so embarrassing."

She patted his thigh, before pushing his pants down around his ankles.  He stepped out of them and she tossed them aside.

"It's okay, Hongbin.  Now, we can start in earnest!"

He stared down at her, completely gobsmacked at her nonchalant behavior.  She was acting like this happened all the time.  And while he was relieved she wasn't freaking out, embarrassment still rode him hard.  Her hand came up to clasp his semi-hard cock, her tongue coming out to moisten her lips.  He watched as she took him in her mouth, her tongue brushing gently over the head. 

His toes curled as she began stroking him, her mouth working him slowly.  Every pump of her hand and suction of her mouth made him weak.  He'd never felt anything like it before, the moist heat of her mouth making his eyes roll back in his head.  His cock hardened fully under her ministrations and he felt another orgasm lurking.  He didn't want to come again until he was inside her.  Something about the idea of that made him feel it was right.  It took everything in him to step back, stopping her in the middle of her ministrations.

"What are you doing?"

"I don't want to come until I'm inside you."

He reached down to help her to her feet.  She kissed him gently, patting his cheek.

"I wouldn't have minded if you came again while I was doing that, you know."

"I know.  I just want this to end with both of us happy.  I want to make you happy.  At least twice, if you show me how to do it right."

She smiled at him, reaching down for the fly of her jeans.  Shimmying them and her panties off, she stood naked before him.  It was the first time in his life he'd seen a fully nude woman in the flesh and he was proud of himself for not jumping on her right away. 

"So you want me to teach you right, hmm?"

He nodded, his eyes fixated on the place he'd always wondered about.  He'd seen naked women before, but never up close and personal like this.  He wanted to taste her, his tongue coming out to moisten his suddenly dry lips.  He watched as she sat down on the bed, scooting back until she lay with her head on the pillow.  She spread her legs and motioned for him to come to her.  He did, gingerly crawling between her legs. 

"Use your tongue and your fingers.  If you use your teeth, do it super gently and sparingly, hmm?  You don't need to touch me like I'm fragile, but don't go too crazy, okay?  I'll let you know if you're doing it right...or wrong."

He nodded, turning his focus on her pussy.  He spread her legs as wide as he could, before using his fingers to open her to his gaze.  His first tasting was a gentle swipe of his tongue over the little nub at the top of her sex.  Her body twitched under him and he glanced up to see if he'd done something wrong.  She smiled at him and he continued on. 

At first he kept his focus on her clit, fascinated at the way her body responded to him.  Every time he did something right, she would gasp, her body moving under him.  When he slid a finger inside of her, the way the muscles clamped down over the digit shocked him.  He didn't realize that was what a woman's body did. 

After some experimenting he found the sequence she loved the most; flicking his tongue over her clit while thrusting two fingers inside of her, a rhythm that had her moaning.  When he felt her inner muscles begin contracting and releasing around his fingers, a long moan coming from her mouth, he realized he'd brought her to climax.  The sense of accomplishment he felt was huge as he sat back, sliding his fingers from her twitching body.  He licked his fingers, her taste tangy on his tongue. 

He reached for a condom, tearing it open and sheathing himself after some trial and error.  Once sheathed, he knelt between her thighs.  Taking himself in hand, he guided himself inside of her, the first feel of her warm heat enough to take him to his knees if he'd been standing.  He slid inside slowly, his arms resting on the bed, taking his weight.

Once he'd slid in as much as he could, he stopped moving, his eyes on her face.  Her eyes opened and she stared up at him.  He began to move, thrusting his hips.  Each slide in made him groan, the feeling something he couldn't describe even if he had to.  He'd never felt anything like it in his life, not even when he masturbated in the shower.  There was something about being inside her, feeling her muscles flex around his thrusting cock that was the most amazing thing he'd ever felt.

He leaned down to kiss her, the angle changing the depth of his thrusts.  He knew he wouldn't last long this first time, but when her legs came up and wrapped around his hips, he didn't care.  She was right there with him, her hands coming down to clasp his as he continued to thrust. 

"I'm not going to be able to last much longer," he muttered, gasping for air. 

"Stroke my clit.  I'll be there with you."

He angled back, doing what she said.  He brushed his fingers over her clit every time he pulled back.  And he felt it when she began to orgasm, her inner muscles clamping down on his cock.  With a groan he joined her, his body convulsing over hers as he climaxed, his head arching back.  He collapsed over her, unable to hold his weight. 

They lay snuggled on the bed, limbs entwined as they tried to catch their breath.  When he felt like he could finally breathe again, he pulled out of her, an unmanly whimper coming out of his mouth at the loss of her warmth.  He peeled the condom off and then looked down at it blankly.  She laughed and got up to get a tissue.  He wrapped it in the tissue and threw it away, before rolling over and pulling her back in his arms.

They lay in silence, the only sound their breathing.  Hongbin felt a sense of lethargy trying to take over, but he fought it.  He didn't want this moment of intimacy to end.  It was something he thought he'd never have with her and he wanted to cherish it. 

"What are you thinking about," she whispered, her face nestled into the crook of his neck.

"That I'm the luckiest man alive.  Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making this an amazing experience.  For not laughing at me."

"I would never laugh at you," she said, placing a kiss on his shoulder.

"I know, but it wasn't easy admitting I've never done this before."

"I know.  I'm glad it was me."

"I'm glad it was too."

He glanced over at the bedside table, looking for a clock.  What he saw instead made him sit up, his grip on her loosening as he reached for the frame.  In it was a picture of him.  He looked at it more closely and realized when she'd taken it.  It had been on the same day he'd taken the pictures of her.  He started to laugh, holding it away from her when she sat up and tried to take it from him, a hot blush covering her skin.  He got up and went to his jeans.  Pulling out his wallet, he took the picture he kept there and showed it to her. 

They stared at each other in awe as they realized they'd started to fall for each other on the exact same day, almost at the exact same time.  He put the picture back and joined her back on the bed, pulling her to him and showing her exactly how he felt.


  1. OMG OMG OMG!!! I remember this one, AND I LOVE IT!!! I don't know why, but I imagined the woman blond... And I don't like it... I feel odd when I'm near blond girls or women... But the story is SO good

    1. I'm not racist... or something... is just... I don't know...
