Thursday, April 16, 2015

To New Beginnings

Oh, where do I even start?  In all honesty, this last week has been an absolute nightmare.  I have to say thank you to everyone for being so supportive of me during this turbulent time.

Obviously, this is the new blog.  I'm still tweaking and fixing things to make them as perfect as I can. As I've been going thru this...thing, I've been doing a lot of thinking.  I really, really want to start fresh.  I've saved all of my previous works and at some point I believe I'll put them back up, but for now I want to start anew.

Sadly, this means that I will not be writing any more of the prompts I hadn't finished.  It's not that I don't want to.  I think it's because I want it to be completely fresh & new.  So, what does this mean?  I'd like to do a new prompt list.  New ideas.  New...everything.

That being said, I'm still planning on the two series I'd talked about before.  I'm super excited and can't wait to show you everything.  I appreciate your patience while I've been dealing with this nonsense.  I hope (Please God) that things have finally settled down and that I'm safe to write what I want now.  *crossing fingers*

If you follow me on Twitter, you'll notice I'm locked down.  I don't foresee that changing anytime in the near future.  If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I'm not that hard to find.  I'll also be creating a new Tumblr account as well, deleting my current one.

I hope that you'll be happy with the new blog, the changes, and all.  I hope you'll forgive me for not continuing with the first batch of prompts.  Below you'll find a new list of prompts.  If you're interested either comment, email, tweet or message me on Tumblr with your choices.  Just like last time, the members will be listed 1-6.  You can choose up to three prompts with one or more members.  Have fun with this one.  And again, thank you for all of your support.  You are all amazing & I love you dearly.  In a totally platonic way, of course.  LOL!


A. Firsts (kiss, sex, confession, etc.  Please specify your choice)
B. Holiday (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's, etc. Plz specify)
D. Favorite song/lyrics (give me song title or favorite lyrics & I'll post something with that in mind)
E. Teen VIXX (I like this prompt.  It's...innocent. Or not.  Depends on you.  LOL!)
F. Flirting
G. Guy on guy (since some of you want OTP...but specify which 2 members you want)
H. Heartache
I. Virgin VIXX (Heh)
J. Foreigner
K. Sex in a public/semi-public place (where?)
L. Love sound (moaning, swearing, panting, laughing, etc.  Specify which one)
M. Marriage (convenience or love...tell me which one you prefer)
N. Doing the dirty.  Is there a position you'd like me to write about that I haven't yet?
O.  Orgasm denial (o.O)
P. Passion, pure and simple
Q. Quiet time (reading, watching a movie, sitting in front of a fire, etc. Tell me your choice)
R. Romance...pure romance
S. Submission/domination (you or him top...specify)
T. Trust issues
U. Ultimate fantasy (Is there a specific fantasy you have you'd like to see in writing? Tell me!)
V. VIXX-centric.  No sex, just the six of them interacting.
W. Happy ending
X. Hot button (something that's maybe taboo, but you think needs to be written (as in healing/dealing with it in a positive sense)?  Tell me what it is.
Z. Friendship

Please have fun with this!  I'll be closing the prompts at 8 PM EST tomorrow.  I'll start writing this weekend.  Thank you again for all of your support.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.  You're all wonderful, amazing people & I'm so happy you found me.  :)


  1. Omg you're back! Yay! It's Haru and Bri! We're so glad you're back kicking fan fic booty!
    Haru: 2C-N(Taek dom)-S(riding& doggy)
    Bri: 4N-P-O (I leave everything else in your capable hands)
    We're so glad your back and hope all this drama is behind you. This new blog is gonna be the!

    1. Added. I just need to known which position. LOL! Give me at least that. :-P

  2. I'm so glad you're back! It's Sam, of course I'll be requesting Hongbin lol. 5-FJS(him on top) Thank you!

  3. Congrats on a new start! I'd like to request 1 with O, R, & L (any kind of dirty talk is great but I'm super fond of moans and giggles.) You're the best!

  4. Thank you for coming back and we love you too! Can I request 4 with B (Valentine's Day) + K (car) + L (laughing/swearing)? ^^

    1. Aw! This one is going to be fun & probably cute. LOL

  5. I'm a big fan and I can't wait to read all your new stories! and
    congrats on your fresh start! 3-Q(watching a movie) A(sex) L(laughing) Thank you~~

  6. I'm glad that you're coming back :') Can I request 4 with C + T + L ( moanings and swearings ) + W? Thank you :3 *hug*

  7. 5NS(him being dominant, leaving position up to you but could it be outside bedroom please)
    6AR(confession, because Hyukkie needs some loving)

    Congrats on the new blog!

  8. Yay for a new start and you do know that I support you in whatever you do, right? Anyway, I'm here to get some love for my bbs Hyuk and Hakyeon and well, I think Jaehwan shouldn't be forgotten so let's do this! ;w; (I think i'm going to leave you a Taekwoon prompt too... Someone stops me and tell me if it's too much!)


    - 1, P, J, C (because make my dream of Hakyeon in a pinstripe suit a reality please)
    - 6, E , A (first date), R
    - 3, A (first fight), H and W (because I'm a sucker for happy ending okay) :3 I think Jaehwan is so perfect for this, even if they all are.
    - 2, D (not my favorite but it so fits Taekwoon so SoMo's Ride), X (age-gap, the woman is older, around 10/15+, maybe a friend's mother since well, taboo okay)

    Okay, I think that's it :3

    1. Ooooooohhhh...SoMo's Ride is my writing jam. I love that song! Oh, this is exciting!!!!!! *happy dance*

  9. Heheeeeeee~ I could've requested you through KKT but I happen to be in the computer so I wanted to comment on your new blog! (Which will be AWESOME)

    The request I have is simple since I have no imagination, but looking through that list I found something interesting heheeeeeee. 4E because the only thought about teenager Wonsik makes me shiver???? I can see him not innocent AT ALL, with this passion that teenagers in love have :') also maybe K ?? because you know, maybe he couldn't wait to even get out of the elevator. I don't know, it's up to you LOL

    and that's all! ^^

    1. Added! And with your clarifications, this is going to be sooooo much fun!

  10. Sorry, super late. I'd still like to request a prompt: 2I if possible. Thank you

  11. 3 LQ (Quiet, precious weekend at home, cooking/eating a meal together, dirty talk because it would be interesting to hear what Jaehwan would say)

    1 PR possibly with some love bites (harder than a nip), out of the bedroom preferably, possibly the living room floor or bathroom?

    I'm glad you're back!

    1. You made it! Barely! LOL! Added to the list! :D

    2. Just barely. You think you have a bunch of ideas and when crunch time comes, you can't think of anything! But I wondered how it would be if N went animal on someone (lovingly, of course) and Ken being filthy, lol.

      (I'm the anonymous OP. I hardly ever comment on blogs and ended up hiding the real me. I'm stepping out now, my bad :P)

  12. I know I'm suuuper late, and the deadline for the prompts have already been closed. I've been trying to send my request since the whole of yesterday on my phone but it just wouldnt send. And I only managed to get on my computer now :/ Gaaahh I hope you're able to make an exception and maybe squeeze in my request ><
    I'd like to request 2 - Taekwoon with F, K (where..? Hmm I'll leave it in your wonderful hands! hehe), Q (reading) & R.
    I dont think I've ever read any Taekwoon flirting prompts before, so it'd be interesting to see how that is going to be like! :) Can't wait to read your amazing writings again~ You are definitely the best! Congrats on the new beginnings! :)

    1. Hello, anon! Don't sorry! You're okay! I had problems getting in with my phone so I understand.

      As to Taek flirting? Yeah, that will be an interesting one to write. I'm not sure how he'd flirt to be honest. So...a challenge! And I accept! :)

  13. Heylo~ Yay, a new beginning!^^
    I'm Florencia, and right now I'm mustering my courage once again haha.
    Ahm.. let's see:
    2 - Taek Woon. S (him on top), T, & D. Something along the lines of "Earn It" or "Love Me Like You Do". I know, it's so 50SOG, but those songs fit so well with Taek Woon in my opinion.
    Anyway, I'll leave to your creative hands :-D (hope it's clear enough ><)
    Welcome back!♡

    1. Hi! Um...I don't know either of those songs. Who sings them so I can look them up? But...yay!

    2. Not OP but Earned It is by The Weeknd and Love Me Like You Do is by Ellie Goulding

    3. Excellent! I'll look them up. Plus new music is always a plus. :)

  14. Is always good to start again even if it hurts to leave the good things that you had behind... But I hope and I know all that awful experience is going to disappear and is going to be just a bad dream... So... going back to the prompts... Ahhhh!!!!! OMG OMG OMG! Ok I'll start with: 4 FK (maybe in a bus and is full of people, I was thinking of a bathroom, but that is... old??? In a bus...hmmm I 'm imagining now how it will be!!!

    5A(confession and kiss) all cute... or passionate or sexy or the way you like... and the last but not less important...

    2 BHP ( since Christmas is the Holliday that I HATE the most )

  15. YAY for New beginnings! Hope everything is working out <3

    There are a lot of Taekwoon requests, which makes me happy, but not enough Jaehwan. So if requests are open, I would like to request 3 (Jaehwan) K, L, N (Camping, moaning/growling, and maybe hair pulling/biting).

    And I do hope you can re-up some of your older fics, a I hadn't gotten to reading all of them yet. (T.T)

    1. Since you got here late, I'll accept your request. :) And yay!

      As to the other part, maybe. I haven't decided yet. Maybe once I get established again? Or just creating a new page where the older posts can go. I'll figure something out. :)

    2. <3 Thank you!

      If you want to just be fresh and new here, don't worry about it! I am sure I will have lots of wonderful new fics to read :)

  16. I wish you all the best with my heart ! Am i allowed to request now? :/
    I would like to request 2-A(kiss, sex), L(moaning, groaning, growls, gasps, panting), N(hair pulling, biting, hickeys, scratch marks), T, W
    Thank you so much :)
