Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Innoncence Found Part 2 (VIXX N)

Welcome to Part 2!  First off, I'll say it's a thousand times hotter than part 1.  I couldn't help myself!  The idea of Hakyeon teaching you how to love yourself was just too delicious not to go really, really hot.  But it's also super sweet.  *sighs*  Why can't these VIXX boys exist in reality?  

Three months after your first kiss with Hakyeon, things were going wonderfully.  Hakyeon was everything you could have asked for in a man and more.  You still didn't know what your actual title was, but in your head, he was your boyfriend. 

Now that you'd graduated, things had settled down a bit.  You'd heard about the position in Greece and were disappointed they'd said no, but you understood why.  With no actual work experience, you couldn't expect people to jump with joy and want to hire you.  You spent most afternoons at Some Like It Hot waiting for Hakyeon's shift to be over.

The guys all knew you were dating Hakyeon by this point and seemed to go out of their way to gently tease you on a daily basis.  The only one who didn't was Taekwoon.  He wasn't rude or anything, but the most you'd get out of him was a slight smile and a quiet hello. 

Hakyeon met you at the end of his shift like he always did.  He took off his apron, said goodbye to whomever was working, came over to you and kissed the top of your head.

"You ready to go, baby?"

You stuffed your book in your bag and stood up. 

"What's the plan for tonight?"

"Make me dinner?"

You snickered as you hiked your bag over your shoulder and took the hand he held out to you.

"I live alone, Hakyeon.  I don't necessarily cook well."

He chuckled as you walked outside and turned in the direction of your apartment.  You meandered down the street, your steps slow.  Every moment that you spent with Hakyeon you fell deeper and deeper under his spell.  Ever since your first kiss your every thought seemed to be occupied by him.

When you realized that sex might actually be happening soon, you'd done what you always did when you were curious; you started researching it.  It wasn't like you were completely clueless when it came to sex.  You'd had sex ed and had studied anatomy in college.  But when it came to the actual mechanics of sex, you were at a complete loss.

With your head always stuck in a book, sex had kind of skipped you over.  You'd never even masturbated before and cringed when you thought about touching yourself like that.  It was too intimate, too weird, too much.  But now that Hakyeon was in your life, you began to wonder.  And dream.

You were pretty sure Hakyeon was a saint.  He had yet to push you further.  The farthest you'd gone was deep kissing, his hands resting low on your hips, his fingers curving over your ass.  Nothing under the clothes, no skin, nothing.  You knew he had to be thinking about it, but he never said a word. 

Reaching your studio, you kicked off your shoes and motioned towards the small couch that sat in the corner.  It was the first time he'd ever been inside your apartment and you were trying really hard to ignore the fact that you were alone.  In your apartment.  With no prying eyes or ears.  You went over to the kitchenette and opened a drawer that was filled with takeout menus.

"I refuse to poison you with my terrible cooking.  Anything catch your fancy?"

He looked up from the couch, the smile on his face just this side of devilish.

"Other than you?"

You blushed and shook your head. 


He chuckled. 

"Anything is fine."

"You're terrible."

"No, what I am is hungry."

You looked at him, your eyebrow cocked up.  He stood up, moving towards you slowly.  He took the menu out of your hand and pulled you to him.  Your body was pressed up against his, your hands resting on his chest.


He sighed and leaned forward until he could rest his forehead against yours.

"I've been doing my damndest to take this slow.  I know you haven't had any experience and I'm trying not to push, but God, I want you so bad I can taste it."

You wrapped your arms around his waist and closed your eyes with a defeated sigh.

"Ah, Hakyeon, I don't know."

"Do you not want me?"

Your eyes opened and you pulled back far enough that you could look him in the eye.

"No!  Oh, no, don't think that!  It's just...you're right.  I have no experience.  Schoolwork was always more important until I met you.  I don't know...anything.  And I'm afraid I'm going to make things awful when we get to that point."

"So you don't want to have sex with me because you're afraid you're going to mess something up?"

You nodded, your teeth biting into your lower lip.

"Aw, baby."

He pressed a kiss to your lips and pulled away.  Your hands dropped to your sides as you watched him move over to your bed and sit down.   He lifted a hand and crooked a finger at you.

"Come here."

You did, your nerves kicking into overdrive.  When you were close enough he reached out and took your hand, pulling you towards him.  He got you down on his lap and snuggled you closer, your head tucked under his chin.  When he did nothing but hold you, you relaxed, your arms going around his waist. 

"Can I ask you a question?"

You nodded, your head brushing his chin.

"Have you done anything?"


"Had an orgasm?  Played with yourself?  Anything?"


You felt him sigh, his arms tightening around you. 

"Do you trust me?"

You pulled back and lifted up to kiss him lightly on the lips.

"Of course I do."

"If I do anything that makes you uncomfortable, tell me, okay?"


His arms loosened from around your middle and he lifted a hand to cup your face.  When he kissed you, you sighed into it.  There was something about his kisses that was almost drugging.  Every time he kissed you, you lost yourself in the sensations he brought out in you.  This time was no different.

When you felt his hand slide along the hem of your sweater, his fingertips brushing gently over the tiny amount of exposed skin there, you shivered.  Nothing could have prepared you for the sensation of another person's hands on you.  Especially someone you really cared for.  Which made you pull away from him.  A frown crossed his face for a quick second before his expression smoothed out and he watched you.

"Hakyeon, I...I need to know something before we go any further."

"What's that?"

"What are we?"

His head cocked and his eyebrows scrunched up at your question.

"What do you mean, what are we?"

You pushed away and stood up, your arms going around your middle as you looked down at him.  Now that you were questioning it, you really, really needed to know before you went any further.  You didn't need to know if he loved you.  That was too trite.  But you needed to know what your relationship was before you could give him your body.

"I mean, I don't know what we are.  Are we dating?  Am I a curiosity to you because I don't know anything?  I know this is so random and weird to do at this moment, but it's important to me."

Hakyeon covered his face with his hands, a huge sigh lifting his shoulders.  When his hands lowered and he looked up at you, there was a tenderness in his eyes that made your knees weak.  His voice, when he spoke, was soft, but the emotions behind his words were clear.

"I feel like a complete dumbass that you're having to ask me these questions.  I should have made my intentions so clear that even you, my clueless princess, would see them."

You frowned at the clueless princess part, but before you could speak, he stood up and placed his hands on your shoulders.  You stared into his eyes, completely mesmerized.

"You have fascinated me since the very moment I saw you.  I've told you this already, but I can see I didn't make it clear enough for you.  I like you.  A lot.  So much I'm this close to falling in love with you.  And the fact that you can't see that kills me!  What do I have to do or say to make you realize just how much you mean to me?"

You couldn't think of a word to say.  His sincerity was as clear as day to you...finally.  How you could have been so blind and clueless was beyond you.  It made you feel like a complete imbecile that he had been putting all of this effort into showing his feelings and you'd been completely obtuse.  Were you completely blind?  It hurt your heart knowing that you'd questioned it, but seeing his face and hearing his words you were now at peace.

You lifted up, your arms going up around his neck as you pressed your lips against his.  You heard his sharp intake of breath before he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you tight against him.  You initiated the kiss, the brushing of your tongue over his lips, slipping between them when he opened for you.  You pressed your tongue against his, smiling against his lips as his taste burst over your senses.

He may not be in love with you yet, but as he turned and tilted you back onto the bed, his body coming down to rest over yours, you were 99% sure you were in love with him.  His head lifted and you opened your eyes to see him looking down at you, his fingers brushing light circles over your cheek.

"You are so beautiful."

"If anyone is beautiful, it's you, Hakyeon."

"In my eyes you're the most precious thing I've ever seen."

You lifted a hand to cup the back of his neck and pulled him back down to you.  Light, teasing kisses.  Deep, breathless kisses.  You were in a sea of sensation, his lips bringing a sigh from your lungs.  When he pulled back and lifted up to take off his sweater, your fingers tangled in his as you helped pull it over his head.  Impatient fingers rucked his t-shirt out of his pants and dragged it over his head, revealing his skin to your eyes for the first time.

All long, lean beautiful skin, sun-kissed and oh, so beautiful.  You sat up, your fingers moving without any direction from your brain, drifting from his neck down around his nipple to his navel.  He sucked in a breath, his stomach flattening under your touch.  You'd never been so fascinated as you watched your fingers flit over his skin.  It was almost like an out of body experience.  You knew you were touching him, but the moment was so surreal it seemed more like a dream.



"I like touching you."

He stifled a chuckle at that and placed his hand over yours.

"I'm glad to hear that.  Can I touch you now?"

You nodded shyly as his fingers hooked in the hem of your sweater and slowly dragged it over your head, revealing the simple camisole underneath.  He tossed the sweater aside and leaned forward to brush a light kiss over your collarbone.  Your head tilted back, eyes closing as his lips moved up to your shoulder, to your neck, to that space behind your ear you didn't know existed.  A breathy moan escaped your lips as he nipped that sensitive spot gently with his teeth.

"Oh, God."

"You like that," he murmured in your ear.

"You have no idea."

"Erogenous zone number one."

You had to snicker at that, but it skittered away on a sigh as his fingers brushed over the skinny spaghetti strap of your cami, skimming it down your arm.  His lips followed, down your arm, to your fingers as he pulled the strap down completely.  You opened your eyes and watched as he pulled the camisole up over your head, leaving you in your simple, utilitarian white bra. 

How you wished it was the sexiest of lingerie at the moment as he stared down at you.  But when his hands came up, cupping your breasts through the material, you realized he didn't care.  And neither did you as you looked down at his hands on your skin.  He pressed a kiss to your lips.  Another as his fingers brushed back and forth over your cloth covered nipples. 

You couldn't hold back the choked cry at the sensation.  It felt like an electric charge was shooting under your skin, making the feeling of clothing almost unbearable.  You wanted to feel his hands on your skin.

You reached back, unhooking your bra and shimmying it down your arms.  Hakyeon's eyes opened in shock as his hands dropped away from you.  You yanked your bra off and tossed it aside before reaching for his wrists.

"Touch me.  Please."

Where that came from you didn't know, but when he complied, you wanted to cry.  Nothing could have prepared your for the feeling of his warm palms cupping your breasts, the light calluses on his fingers catching at your skin.  Your head dropped down and your eyes squeezed closed as you just felt.  His fingers tweaking your nipples lightly made you groan out a curse.

"You're killing me."

"Baby, if anyone is killing anyone, it's you.  Jesus, you're so fucking responsive, you could cum with just my hands on your breasts."

You hummed, your hands coming up to wrap around his wrists, holding him in place.  He wasn't wrong.  You had no idea that this would feel so good.  Having him there, warm skin against warm skin, breath ghosting over your neck as his fingers did their magic, it was so outside of anything you could have expected.  It was amazing.

Without any prompting from him, you lay back on the bed.  Hakyeon's hands left your breasts, making your eyes pop open as you grunted in protest.  He shifted on the bed, resting on his side next to you, one hand cupping his head as he began ghosting the fingers of his other hand up and down your torso.  His touch was so light you barely felt it, but it was enough to make the fine hairs on your skin stand on end.

"Your touch makes me feel, Hakyeon."

"Good."  He leaned forward then, his lips brushing over your nipple before he opened his mouth, his tongue flicking just so.  You arched into him, your hands coming up to cup his head, your fingers tangling in his hair.  No words escaped you, just a breathy sigh. 

He hummed under his breath, his teeth biting down gently.  You shivered, your legs moving restlessly.  What was he doing to you?  He moved to the other breast, making you want to scream.  You never would have guessed your breasts were this sensitive.  Or maybe it was just him and the way he made you feel.

His fingers brushing over the waistband of your jeans had you freezing up.  You stared at him, your body completely still, not even a breath.  Hakyeon lifted his head and looked at you. 

"Give me your hand."

You lifted your hand and he took you by the wrist, guiding your fingers to the waistband of your jeans.  He curled your fingers around the button and let go.

"Do it when you're ready."

You bit your tongue, sucking on the end of it as you contemplated.  Were you ready to go farther?  Your fingers popping the button and pulling the zipper down answered that question.  Hakyeon sat up and moved to the foot of the bed.  He pulled your jeans down your legs, cursing under his breath when all you were left in was a pair of panties.  He tossed your jeans on the floor and scooted back up until you were face to face.

"Can you handle more?"

You nodded, ready to see where this would take you.  Hakyeon smiled at you before leaning down and kissing you briefly.  When he lifted his head and looked down towards your feet, you sucked in a deep breath.  But he didn't touch you.  Instead he rolled back onto his side and rested his head in his hand. 


"Baby, as much as I want to touch you, taste you and make you cum, I think you need to do that to yourself first, hmm?"

You started to sit up, but he pressed a gentle hand against your shoulder and shook his head.

"You've never touched yourself.  You've never given yourself pleasure.  As responsive as you are to my touch, I know you're going to cum so prettily for me here shortly.  But you need to know what makes you feel good before I make you feel good."

"I don't know.  The idea of touching myself that intimately?  I just...I don't know."

He leaned down to kiss you before straightening back up.

"It's nothing weird.  Nothing shameful.  It's a way to make yourself feel really, really good.  I promise, hmm?  Just trust me."

"I do trust you, but this is just...it's embarrassing."

"Do you want me to show you?"


"God, you're sweet."

He laced his fingers with yours, slowly dragging them down over your skin to the waistband of your panties.  You bit back a whimper as he slid your joined fingers under the waistband, down to the place you'd never touched in a sexual way.  You were tense, but curiosity and the feeling of his fingers entwined with yours made you press onwards.

Hakyeon's fingers loosened from yours, but didn't leave.  Instead, they flattened over the back of your hand as you slowly slid your fingers along the lips of your sex.  Your hips bucked as soon as your fingers brushed over your clitoris.  You knew what it was, but holy God, you'd never known it could make you feel that way.  

"Oh, my God!"

"Shh...you're okay."

His hand moved with yours, down along the slit, the moisture there embarrassing.  You had no idea you could get that wet and you wanted to curl up and die.  Hakyeon let out a heartfelt curse as his fingers moved with yours.

"God damn, woman!  Jesus, I can't wait to taste you."

You felt a pulse there, the skin moving under your fingers.  The pressure of Hakyeon's fingers moved yours farther down until you were delving between the lips of your sex.  You began to squirm, the feeling of touching yourself more than your poor body could handle.  Hakyeon pressed a kiss to your shoulder.

"You're doing so good.  God, baby!  You're so fucking beautiful.  I can't wait for you to cum all over our fingers.  I want to see you fall apart."

You let out a sobbing breath, your head shaking back and forth.  You didn't know if you could handle much more.  Hakyeon's middle finger slid between your middle finger and your index finger, pushing against you.  When you felt the tip of his finger slide inside of you, your hips lifted up uncontrollably. 


"Just close your eyes, baby.  Just feel how good this makes you feel.  You're so perfect, in every way."

You spread your legs wider, the constricting elastic of the waistband of your panties making any movement difficult, but you wanted to feel more.  You slid your hand away from his, your fingers going back up to your clit.  Your teeth bit into your lip as you circled your fingers gently around the bundle of nerves.  Hakyeon slid his finger deeper inside of you, making you gasp.  It didn't hurt.  In fact, it felt so good it made you breathless.

As you began to rub your finger over your clit, changing the pressure from barely touching to harder as you realized how good it felt, Hakyeon began sliding his finger in and out, slowly at first.  Your hips moved without any thought, chasing this elusive sensation you could almost taste on the tip of your tongue.  You eyes were squeezed shut so tightly it hurt, but for the life of you, you couldn't do anything but feel.

Your heart rate was speeding up, thumping hard in your chest.  You were gasping for air, your lungs heaving.  It felt like you'd been running for miles, but at the same time, you were so lethargic as to be sleepy.  Your body was giving you conflicting signals and you didn't know which way was which.


Hakyeon slid a second finger in, curving his fingers upwards as he slid deep inside of you.  Your thighs clamped tightly together, your eyes opening wide as you stared at him, your mouth moving but no words coming out.  Hakyeon kept eye contact with you as he stilled his fingers.  Your fingers were rubbing your clit now, your hips arched up towards him.

"Relax your legs, baby.  Open them for me."

You did as he asked, your legs splayed as you arched higher into his fingers.  Hakyeon thrust his fingers deep, keeping them there as you began pulsing around him.  You could feel your inner muscles beginning to squeeze then release around his fingers.  Every time your fingers slid over your clit, your inner muscles squeezed tighter.  The pressure of Hakyeon's fingers deep inside of you made all the difference.

With a final flick of your fingers, you came undone.  Your head arched back into the pillow as your body began pulsing so hard around his fingers that he couldn't have moved them even if he'd wanted to.  A scream was lodged in your throat, the only sound escaping you was a long deep moan.

Hakyeon kept up a litany of words against your skin as he worked you through it.

"You're doing so good.  I can't wait to feel you cum around my cock.  You're going to squeeze me so tight.  I can't wait to have you cum until you scream my name.  You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

When you came back down, your body completely relaxed to the point of comatose, Hakyeon slipped his fingers from you.  You opened your eyes and watched as he slid his fingers into his mouth, his tongue lapping over them.  You actually felt yourself shudder as you watched.  His movements were sin incarnate as he slid off the bed and stood up. 

He shucked off his pants and turned to face you.  Seeing him in a pair of skin-hugging black boxer briefs was an image you didn't think you'd ever forget.  The bulge underneath them made your eyes want to bug out of your head, but at the same time you wanted to see him.  No, you needed to see him.

You slipped your hand out of your panties and lifted your hips to shimmy them down your legs.  Hakyeon reached down and pulled them over your ankles, leaving you naked.  Hakyeon stared at you, his eyes focused on the place your fingers had just been.

"Fuck it."

He crawled onto the bed, his body sliding up between your legs.  Before you could say anything, his fingers were brushing over you, pulling the lips of your sex apart.  The feeling of his tongue brushing over you made you moan. 

He licked at you like you were his favorite ice cream.  His fingers held you open enough for his tongue to flick rapidly against the sensitive hood of your clit.  When his lips suctioned around it, your hands flew down to cup his head, your fingers wrapped so tightly in his hair it had to be excruciating, but you didn't care. 

You were cumming again, the scream that had been silent before ringing throughout the room.  You bucked up against his lips, tears streaming down your cheeks as you rode it out.  And it continued.  He kept at it until you were arched so tightly up against his face you were sure he'd suffocate.  Your hands kept pulling him tighter against you, needing that feeling only he could provide you. 

When you couldn't take it anymore, your hands unlatched from his hair and you weakly pushed him away.  Hakyeon sat up, his hand going up to wipe his lips.  The smile on his face was wicked, but it was totally justified.  He'd just done wicked, wicked things to your body and you hoped he'd do more.  God, did you hope he'd do more.

You lay there gasping for breath, your body trembling so hard it felt like your teeth would rattle out of your skull.  Hakyeon's fingers in the waistband of his underwear gave you a second wind.  He shifted, shimmying them down his thighs and over his legs until he could kick them off. 

You sat up, fascinated despite yourself.  You'd never seen a naked man in real life before.  You'd definitely never seen a naked man with an erect penis.  But you were seeing one now and if what you were seeing was accurate, the man was blessed.

His cock was hard.  So hard it tapped his belly.   Thick and meaty, with a vein that snaked up from the base of his cock to the tip.  Milky liquid beaded at the head and without thought you reached out, your finger sliding over it.  The hiss that Hakyeon let out at your touch had you freezing in place, your finger resting at the tip of his cock.

"Are you okay?"

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, before opening them again with a smile.

"I'm good.  I'm more than good.  Feeling your hand on me.  God, I've been waiting for this for months."

You looked back down at his cock and then back at him.

"I don't know what to do."

He reached down and placed his hand over yours. 

"Wrap your fingers around it.  Move them, like this."

He shifted your hand, wrapping your fingers around the base of his cock and then moving them up and back down again.  He showed you the rhythm he liked and the amount of pressure he wanted, before letting go.

He leaned back on his hands, his head lolling back as you began to jerk him off.  You kept your movements slow at first as you learned him.  His cock was solid in your hand, the heat of him almost scorching.  As your hand moved, you felt his cock pulse under your fingers. 

A grunt escaped his lips and his hips began thrusting up into your hand. 

"Jesus!  Fuck!  I'm...damn it!"

His hand came down over yours, halting your movements.  Your head cocked as you looked down at his hand and then up at his face.  He looked pained, his eyes tightly shut and the muscles in his neck in stark relief.

"Are you okay?"

His head came down, his eyes opening.  He stared at you, his eyes so dark you could barely see the pupil.

"If you continue what you're doing, I'm going to cum all over your hand.  But, I want to be inside you so bad I could scream.  Please, tell me I can fuck you.  Please, God, let me make love to you."

You nodded, a smile coming to your lips as he breathed out a "Thank God" and leaned forward to kiss you.  He moved your hand off of his cock and scrambled to the edge of the bed.  He lifted his pants and pulled a square foil packet out of his pocket.  He brandished it at you with a grin.

"I've been talking about you so much the guys were sick of it.  Taekwoon gave this to me this morning and told me you were too good for me.  He was right in more ways than he'll ever know."

He ripped the packet open and had the condom on so fast you barely saw him do it.  He pulled you to him, tilting you back to the bed.  The kiss he pressed to your lips was fervent, the sigh he let out as he slid inside of you reverent.  He kept his movements slow and deliberate, freezing when you frowned.

"You okay?"

You nodded and he continued his forward push.  When he was fully seated deep inside of you, he began to move.  His thrusts were slow at first.  Deep.  Smooth.  He continued to press kisses to your lips, your neck, your chest as his hips rolled.  One hand slid down your leg, pulling your leg up to curl your ankle around his thighs.  When you gasped at the change of angle, he chuckled breathlessly.
"Hook your ankles behind me, hmm?"

You did as he asked, your ankles hooked over the backs of his thighs.  This allowed him to thrust deeper, the angle making you moan.  He was hitting all the good spots as he slid in and out of you.  Your hands tangled in his hair as you arched up to meet his next thrust.

As you got used to his rhythm, you began to follow it.  Every time he thrust down, you arched up.  Soon, the sound of skin smacking against skin filled the room.  Grunts, gasps, moans as you reached for that orgasm you knew was coming.

Hakyeon reached his before you.  You felt his cock pulsing deep inside of you as he thrust a final time, his head arching back as he gasped your name.  That sent you over.  You came with a whimper, your arms falling from his neck to rest on the bed.

He collapsed atop you, his body weight warm and solid against you.  You pressed a kiss against his shoulder, your hands reaching around to glide up and down his back.



"If I tell you I love you right now, is that a bad thing?"

He lifted his head from where he'd had it burrowed against your shoulder, a smile ghosting over his lips.  He leaned down to kiss you, his fingers brushing hair away from your face.

"No, baby, it's definitely not a bad thing."


He chuckled, another kiss against your lips before he pulled out of you.  You let out a hiss of air at the sensation, watching as he got up and disappeared into the bathroom.  You heard water running and then he was back, a wet washcloth in his hand.  He got on the bed beside you and reached between your legs.  The washcloth was warm as he cleaned you off.

When he was done, he set the cloth on the floor on top of your clothes and pulled you against him.  You lay snuggled on the bed, his fingers brushing up and down your arm as you rubbed your nose against his chest.



"I do love you.  I've never felt this way about anyone before."

You felt him brush a kiss against the top of your head.

"I love you too, baby.  More than I ever thought possible."

You drifted off to sleep, content in the knowledge that you were loved.  And that you loved.


  1. Dear lord that was freaking sexy and hot. The way Hakyeon gently works her had me whimpering myself >.< Brilliantly written, I love this to bits.

  2. God, you are killing me with your writing... this would be a good way to go out though

    ~Dangerousluv1 (on tumblr)
