Sunday, October 11, 2015

Secret Night Part 2 (VIXX Hongbin)

Just...have clean undies & some ice water handy. Thank me later.

The quiet ambiance of the restaurant was in stark contrast to the nerves that fluttered through your system.  Your hands were clenched in your lap, your fingers twisting together.  It had been three months since your first sexual encounter with him; the escort who had blown your mind.  Once you'd run away and calmed down, you realized you couldn't stay away.  In the past three months you'd had sex with him five more times, each time more intense than the one before.

Tonight you were finally fulfilling a long time fantasy, one that made you extremely nervous.  One that had you feeling like your insides were going to explode out of your chest, but you were ready.  You trusted him, knew he'd bring you insane amounts of pleasure and would be there to see to all of your needs.  So you'd placed your fantasy into his capable hands and were sitting here waiting for him to begin.

"You look beautiful tonight."

You looked up to see him smiling down at you, looking devastating in a well-fitted black suit, no tie, collar unbuttoned and with his hair carelessly styled, that one little chunk falling into his eyes like it always did.  You smiled, or tried to anyway.

"You okay?"

You nodded and looked down at your hands, not sure how to go about doing this.  When you felt his warm hand on your shoulder, it grounded you and you were able to take in a deep breath for the first time since you'd arrived.  He brushed a soft kiss over your shoulder and whispered in your ear.

"Remember, tonight is for you.  If you're uncomfortable, all you have to do is tell me to stop.  Hmm?"


You felt him smile against your skin before he straightened up and walked to the other side of the table.  He sat down across from you and motioned for the waiter to come forward.  Food was ordered and served, leaving you feeling bewildered and breathless.  Your thoughts weren't on the food, but on what he'd directed you to do before he got there.

You felt naked, even in your knee-length dress, shifting slightly as the buzzing sensation between your legs intensified.  The small vibrator inserted inside of you was doing its job, making you squirm, but not giving you any relief.  When you'd gotten the package in the mail along with the instructions, you had blushed a thousand different shades of red.  But you'd always wondered what it would be like to be teased to the point of begging and he was doing an excellent job of making that fantasy a reality.

You glanced up and saw him watching you, an eyebrow quirked as he smirked at you.  He held up his hand, showing you the small remote he held.  His thumb flicked over the buttons, making the vibrations go up another notch.  You winced, your body shifting as you tried to get some sort of relief.

"You're just prolonging the inevitable, you know," he said, his tone conversational, which made the moment all the more surreal.

"I know, but I can't help it."

"You're doing well.  You're not even sweating yet.  I'm impressed."

You shifted again, your teeth biting into your lip as the vibrations finally hit where you needed them to, but the bastard must have realized because the vibrations disappeared, making you whine under your breath.

"Now, now, we can't have that."

You glared at him, wishing you could shoot daggers from your eyes, but he just chuckled and motioned for the waiter.

"Tiramisu for two, please."

The waiter nodded and disappeared, leaving the two of you alone again.

"So, how much do you think you can take?  Before you're ready to beg me to let you cum?"

You shook your head, not ready to have this conversation in a restaurant of all places.

"Look at me."

You followed his instructions and saw his gaze on your face, his eyes dark and hot.

"Tonight you're going to follow my instructions, hmm?  You cum without my okay, you're going to be punished."

You felt the shudder wrack through you, your entire body moving with it.  His words were like a dark caress against your sensitized skin and it almost hurt.  You whimpered, your hand coming up to cover your mouth.

"You can stifle your noises here, but when we get back to the room, I want to hear them, you understand?"

You nodded, dropping your hand back to your lap.  He smiled then, his approval clear.

"Good girl."

The waiter brought the tiramisu for two, handing your date two spoons.  He set one aside and dipped the spoon into the dessert, lifting the spoon towards you.  When you made no move to lean forward, he cocked his eyebrow at you in silent command.  You leaned forward, taking the dessert into your mouth, moaning as the coffee soaked dessert melted on your tongue.

You watched as he spooned up more, sliding the spoon between his lips.  You had to bite back as moan as you watched his tongue lick up the small amount left on the spoon.  You wanted to feel that tongue on your skin, his sinful skills enough to send you into oblivion.  But he wasn't going to make the night easy on you.  He was doing exactly what you wanted and it was killing you.

He shared the dessert with you, every spoonful a piece of sin on your tongue.  When you'd finished, he signaled for the check and paid quickly.  He stood up and came around to pull back your chair.  His fingers curling around your elbow, helping you to your feet.  He held your arm as you walked towards the entrance, that cursed vibration starting up again, making you gasp.  You stumbled over your own feet, his hand the only thing keeping you from face planting.


You gave him a baleful glare before looking down at your feet, taking careful steps to not do it again. He led you out to the waiting cab and helped you inside before walking over to the other side and sliding inside.  He gave the cabbie directions and then slid his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to his side.  He pressed a kiss to your neck right before your ear.

"You ready?"

"Ready for what?"

Instead of answering verbally, he answered physically.  His hand rested on your knee, his fingers curling inwards along your thigh.  His hand slid up, under the skirt of your dress, pushing the material up as he crept up higher and higher.  You bit your lip as your eyes fluttered, finally closing fully as your head leaned back against his arm.

"Good girl."

You felt his fingers brush over your naked sex, making you bite back a whimper.

"What did I tell you," he whispered, his warm breath against your ear making you shiver.  You glanced up to see the cabbie looking at you in the rearview mirror.  But you'd promised to follow instructions, so when his fingers brushed over your sex again, you let the whimper free.  You saw the cabbie's eyes widen, but you didn't care, because his fingers were delving deeper, sliding inside of you.

"Oh, God!"

His fingers pressed against the vibrator, pressing it up against that bundle of nerves inside of you, making you cry out as the vibrations hit just right.  You felt him smile against your neck before he bit down against the skin, his teeth sharp, making you gasp.  You arched into his hand, your legs spreading wider for him, needing some sort of relief.

"Oh, please!"

"Mm...not yet.  Remember, you cum and you'll be punished."

By this point you didn't care, the vibrations deep inside of your making you squirm outside of your control.  You felt tears pooling and sliding down your cheeks, the stimulation almost too much for you.  When you felt the orgasm coming, the vibrations stopped and his fingers slipped out of you.  You actually whined, the noise loud in the silent cab.

The cabbie cleared his throat as the cab came to a stop.

"Your stop."

You felt him shift, his arm sliding away from you as he leaned forward to pay.

"I'm not giving you a tip.  I'm sure you understand why."

The cabbie nodded and watched as he slid out of the cab.  When he helped you out of the cab, your shaking legs couldn't hold your weight.  He bore the brunt of your weight as he wrapped an arm around your waist and helped you into the hotel.  The elevator ride up to your floor was silent, the only sound your rasping breath as you tried to get some semblance of control over your body.  You ached, your body desperate for release.  He was fulfilling your fantasy too well, making you want to crawl on your hands and knees to beg him to let you cum until you couldn't cum anymore.

You reached your room and he shifted your weight to get the door open.  Once inside, the door clicked shut and he put his hands on your shoulders.

"I want you to take off your dress.  Get on the bed on your hands and knees.  Do not touch yourself or do anything to give yourself relief, understand?"

You nodded and he moved away from you.  He went into the bathroom, but left the door open as he did whatever it was he needed to do.  You followed his instructions, slipping the dress off and tossing it on a side chair.  You kicked off your shoes and crawled up onto the bed, your legs spread wide as you braced your weight on your hands.

You heard him come back into the room and the rustle of fabric as he moved around the room.  You could feel how wet you were, wetness coating your thighs.  You felt the bed shift as he knelt next to you, his hands on your shoulders.

"Lean down, on your forearms."

You did, shifting your weight.  He patted you gently before shifting, his hands coming to your head.  When he slipped the cloth over your eyes, you jerked once before settling.  He tied the blindfold behind your head, snug enough you couldn't see a thing.  You felt him brush a kiss over your shoulder before the bed shifted as he got up again.

Your body was trembling with a combination of exhilaration, nerves and overstimulation.  Having one of your senses cut off made you shake even more, biting back a whimper as you shifted.  The vibrations between your legs started up again, making you moan.  They weren't very strong, more to tantalize than anything else, but it felt good.  Too good.

"I want you roll your hips for me.  Ride out the vibrations without cumming.  Do not cum until I tell you too."

You let out a shaky breath as you began to do as he commanded, rolling your hips, wishing he was behind you, his cock sliding deep inside of you as he fucked you.  Instead you were frustrated, cursing under your breath as you rolled your hips down.

"You are so fucking sexy."

His quietly worded praise made you groan, the words like a caress over your skin.  The vibrations kicked in stronger, making your body buck as your hips rolled faster, harder, wishing you could scream.  You could feel the wetness sliding down your legs, your body more than ready to be fucked.  You let out a whining scream, your body bucking as he kicked the vibrations up even more.

You could feel your inner muscles clamping tight around the vibrator, desperate for relief, but you didn't want to go against his wishes.  Instead you bit your tongue, riding it out, your body moving almost against your will.

"Please.  God, please, let me cum.  Please!"

You heard fabric as he shifted before his hand came to rest on your hip.

"You've been very good.  Very good.  I want you to cum for me."

With that he swatted your ass, the sting enough to send you over.  Your back arched as you let out a scream, your body completely under his control.  The vibrations did not cease, keeping you on that high until you couldn't hold yourself up anymore and collapsed on the bed, your body twitching from overstiimulation.

The vibrations stopped and you felt his fingers brush against you as he pulled out the toy.  You could hear how wet you were, but you didn't have the energy to care.  You panted, your body twitching as you felt a warm cloth sliding between your thighs, wiping away the mess you'd made.

"You were so good for me, baby.  So good.  Roll over for me."

You did, letting out a sigh as you felt him move over you, a soft kiss brushed over your lips.  The bed shifted as he got up and you heard the rustle of clothing as he disrobed.  When he got back on the bed, his naked body slid along yours, making you whimper softly.

"Poor baby girl.  You came hard for me, didn't you?"

You nodded, unable to voice what you still needed.  But it was like he read your mind.  His hands slid along your arms, wrapping around your wrists and lifting them above your head.  You heard the click as the metal wrapped around each wrist, pinning your arms above your head.  His fingertips skimmed down your arms, over your neck, down your sides, leaving goose bumps in their wake.

"Jesus, what are you doing to me?"

"I'm fulfilling your wishes, baby," he whispered against your ear, making you shiver.

"Oh, God!"

You felt more than heard him chuckle as he moved over you, his weight warm and solid.  Lips on your shoulder, sucking, leaving behind marks you'd see tomorrow.  Marking your body as he worked his way down, his hands brushing over your skin, making the hairs stand up on end.

When his tongue brushed over your clit, you groaned, your legs trying to close.  You were too sensitive and it stung.  He pressed your legs apart, his hands against your thighs.

"Relax for me."

You swallowed hard, but did as he asked, letting your legs rest against the bed.  You heard his hum of approval as he began to lave his tongue over your clit, his movements soft and gentle.  The initial sensitivity disappeared, leaving behind a hum of arousal under your skin.  He barely put any pressure, his touch meant to soothe.  You let out a sigh, your arms moving as you tried to reach down to cup his head.

You grunted when you remembered your restraints.  He chuckled, the vibrations making you squirm.  His fingers slid inside of you, his movements still gentle.  They began to slide in and out slowly, bringing you up, making you whimper.  You arched up into his touch, your legs trembling as you fought to keep from moving too much.

You needed this; this connection to him that was more than just sexual.  He knew your body better than you did and seemed to know you on a deeper level than even your closest friends.  That you didn't know his name didn't matter.  All that mattered was the pleasure he could wring from your body with his tongue, his lips, his fingers and his cock.


Your voice was barely above a whisper, but it was enough.  With a flick of his tongue he brought you up and over.  This orgasm was like a sweet shower, making you tremble through it.  When you came down it was to feel him sliding inside of you, his cock filling you to perfection.  The delicious friction had your legs going up and around his hips, pulling him closer.

"Make love to me."

"I am."

His hips began to roll, keeping the thrusts slow and deep, making him slide inside of you in a way that made you see stars.  His hands brushed over your skin before settling along your hips, pulling you up to meet his thrusts.   You felt his lips brush against yours, once, twice, his breath hot against your lips.  You lifted your head, needing to feel that connection.

He kissed you, his tongue slipping between your lips to brush over your tongue.  You sucked on the tip of his tongue gently, hearing him grunt into your mouth.  His hips stuttered and then got back into rhythm, sliding in and out of you at a faster pace.  You moved your arms again, pulling on them.  You needed to pull him close, to feel the muscles of his back as he thrust into you.

You felt him shift, his hands going up and the release as the cuffs were undone.  Your hands went up to his shoulders, pulling him back down to you.  Your hands were in his hair, feeling the dampness of his sweat as he bent over you.  His hand slid down your thigh, shifting your leg up so that he could deepen the angle.  You gasped out a breath, your head arching back at the feeling

His lips back on yours, his breath stuttering against your lips as he began thrusting faster and harder, making you hold on tight.  You didn't want this to end.  Something had changed, shifted, turned into something beautiful.  It made tears leak from the corners of your eyes as you felt the orgasm coming.  You clamped down tight on him, pulling him close as you gave over to it.  He gasped against your lips, his hips losing their smooth movement as he lost himself in his own orgasm.

His weight pressed you into the bed, his head resting next to yours.  Your fingers played with his hair as you came down from your high.  You felt him shift, his hands coming up to pull off the blindfold.  You blinked to bring him into focus and looked up at him.  The expression on his face was warm, but there was something else there that made your heart clench.

He leaned down to kiss you, this kiss gentle and sweet.  His fingers came up to brush through your hair as he leaned back to smile down at you.



You smiled at him and reached up to pull him back down to you.  As you shifted on the bed, his body under yours now, you knew that things had definitely changed.  You didn't want to define it.  To make any speculations, but as he kissed you, you allowed yourself to be content, in this moment.


  1. Dear lord, I just had a shower, I need another one. Dominant Hongbin gets to me so bad, this is worse/better(?) than part one. I think the hot as hell tag speaks for itself. Love that he's a tease (she requested tho!) but then also taking care of her needs. Made me go weak in the knees. Real beautiful read. I'm off to take that shower now XD

  2. I think I'm ready to just crawl back into bed and cry because this was so good. Just dominant VIXX in general gets to me more than it really should and the way you write does so much justice to it.
