Monday, May 11, 2015

Ultimate Distraction (VIXX Ken)

So, last night I was on Tumblr and saw a prompt someone had sent someone else for Yoongi from BTS.  Since I don't write for BTS, I thought...HMMMMMMM...LOL!  I've changed it up some so it's not a literal translation, but enough.  I'm hoping it'll be hot, sweet and funny.  *crossing fingers*

You were in the middle of playing your favorite video game when your phone buzzed telling you a text had come in.  You were tempted to ignore it since you were in the middle of a major battle, but you saw your boyfriend’s name pop up.  Reaching over, you picked it up.

‘Can I come over?  I’m bored and the guys are busy.  Please?’

You rolled your eyes, but typed out a quick yes and went back to the game.  Your online friends were talking in their headphones, but you weren’t paying a lot of attention.  You were more concerned in kicking the other team’s butt.  You made a particularly creative kill and your friends began hooting and hollering in your ear.  The door buzzed and you called for Jaehwan to enter.  You knew it was him.  He pushed the door open and came in, a huge grin on his face.

“Baby, I’m here!”

You snorted and waved.

“I can see that.  Sit.  I’m in the middle of a mission.”

He sat down on the couch with a sigh, his arms crossing over his chest.  You went back to the game, ignoring him for the moment.  A new mission started up and you smiled at him before diving back into the game.  This particular map was the most challenging of the game.  You were kitted up as a sniper and ran to the one section you knew you could easily defend.

Your team wasn’t quiet as they got into position.  Your character lay down on the ground and pulled up the gun, scope taking up the screen.  Your fingers were poised over the controller, waiting for the countdown to finish.  

The first enemy came into view and you fired.  Seeing the body collapse made you crow into your headset.  The others were doing well too and you were picking off the other team one by one.  When the match ended your team had won 75-15.  The losing team began heckling, pissed that a girl had won.  Not just won, but won handily.  You had the second highest score of the game, which was saying something since you’d been sniping the entire time.

You excused yourself and took off your headphones.  You turned off the game and got up to greet Jaehwan properly.  You straddled his lap and wrapped your arms around his shoulders, kissing him gently on the lips.

“Hey, baby.”

“Hey, yourself,” he said, kissing you back, his hands resting on your waist.  

“How are you?”

“Well, I was bored until I got here and watched you kick ass.  Have I ever told you how hot you are when you’re playing?  You get all intense and it’s just a huge fucking turn on.”

You snorted and leaned back to look down at him.

“Me playing turns you on?  Is there anything that turns you off, because it seems like all I have to do is breathe and you want me?”

“Not that I can think of.  You’re my biggest turn on.  I see you and want you.”

“I couldn’t ask for more.”

He chuckled and leaned up to kiss you again.  You pushed to your feet and flopped down on the couch next to him.

“So, what do you want to do?”

“Other than sex?”


“Well, if you don’t want to have sex…,” he said, looking at you askance, “We can find something else to do.  I guess.”

You smacked him lightly on the thigh.

“Are you trying to tell me our relationship is only based on sex, because if that’s the case…”

“No, it’s not just based on sex.  If it was I’d never just want to hang out with you.  I love you, you goob.”

You burst into laughter at that and curled up into his side, your arms wrapped around his middle.  That was the thing you loved most about Jaehwan.  It was very rare that you didn’t find yourself laughing like a lunatic when you were together.  He had a knack for making you laugh; instinctively knowing what would get you going.  It was a rare talent.

Jaehwan wrapped an arm around your shoulders and snuggled you close.  Once you’d calmed down, you just sat there wrapped in each other’s arms, happy to just be there.  Your head rested on his shoulder as you let out a deep sigh of contentment.  With his busy schedule it was rare to have quiet time with just the two of you.  And since he’d brought up sex, it was now in the back of your mind. 
Sex with Jaehwan was always an adventure.  Sometimes you’d get sweet and gentle.  Sometimes you’d get fun and goofy.  Other times you’d get hot and intense.  Sometimes you’d get all three in one go.  It made sex interesting and never, ever boring.  

“You know, since you brought it up, sex wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing.”

Jaehwan snorted and pulled back to look down at you.

“Sorry, the offer is now off the table.  No sex for you.”

“Seriously?  Aw, man!”

He shook his head.

“Nope, no sex for you.”

“Fine!  Then I’m going back to my game.”

You stood up and went over to the console to turn it on.  You sat down as the game loaded and slid on your headset.  Jaehwan sprawled out on the couch, a smirk on his face.  You rolled your eyes at him and logged in.  Your friends were still there and greeted you as you popped into the main queue.  The leader joined a lobby and you got ready.  

The game started, the countdown flashing on the screen.  You gripped the controller, ready to kick some ass.  Now that you knew sex wasn’t on the table, you needed to get your aggression out some way.  This time you chose to be a run and gunner, choosing your favorite gun.  The game started and your character booked it.  You slid behind a barrier and looked down the sights.  An enemy showed up on screen and you fired, getting a headshot.  You let out a whoop and reloaded.  

The gameplay was intense and quick.  You were all over the place, making shot after shot.  Your teammates were thrilled and whooping into their headsets.  When the game ended you were in first place with a ton of kills and very few deaths.  You glanced over at Jaehwan and saw him grinning at you, a wicked glint in his eyes.  



“Uh-huh.  I don’t believe you.”

“Just keep playing, baby.  You’re doing awesome.”

You watched him for a moment before shaking your head and turning your focus back on the game.  The next game started and you got down to business.  You were completely focused, determined to do just as good as you had in the previous game.  You took pride in being a gamer chick and not only that, but being a really good one.  You’d been playing video games for years and had a lot of practice.  It was always interesting to hear the others reactions when they found out you were a girl.  You got a lot of heckling, but also a lot of guys who were turned on by that fact.  Jaehwan happened to be one of them.  He liked the fact that you were good.  He’d tease you about your gaming habits, but he never tried to talk you out of it.  You knew it had to be boring for him to just sit there and watch you.

Out of the corner of your eye you saw him stand up, but didn’t think anything of it.  He disappeared into the kitchen and you turned your attention back to blowing things up. When he came back and sat down on the floor at your feet, you looked down at him, your eyebrows up in confusion.  But when he didn’t do anything, you ignored him.  

The game ended and you let out a sigh.  Jaehwan turned around and got up on his knees, his hands on your thighs.  You moved the mouthpiece away from your mouth and looked down at him.

“What are you doing?”

“You’ll see.”

You shook your head, but put the microphone back down and turned your attention back to the game.  Jaehwan didn’t do anything right away, his hands just running soothing circles over your thighs.  You bit your lip, but continued playing.  The game ended but your score wasn’t as high.  You pushed the microphone up and glared playfully at him. 

“You’re a terrible distraction, sir.  What are you trying to do?”

He smirked at you, his hands stopping to grip your thighs gently.

“I’m not doing anything yet.”


He laughed and motioned to the headset. 

“Put that back on.  If you make any noise or do anything that gives away what I’m doing, I’m stopping.”

He slid his hands up to the waistband of your shorts and undid the fastening, sliding the zipper down.  You hissed at him, swatting at his hands.

“Jaehwan!  What the hell?”

He shook his head.

“Remember, no noises.”

“You expect me to play while you’re doing that?!”

“You don’t think you can?”

The challenge in his voice made your competitive streak kick in.  You smirked at him before pulling your microphone down.

“Try me.”

When he motioned for you to lift your hips, you did.  He pulled your shorts and panties off, tossing them aside.  He scooted you forward until your hips were canted up slightly, your ass hanging off the edge of the chair.

You waited, looking down at him expectantly.  He shook his head, motioning at the game.  You let out a huffy sigh, but did as he bid.  Your teammates hadn’t heard your conversation and were busy talking amongst themselves.  The leader joined a new lobby and you waited as the game queued up. 
The game started but your attention was split between what was happening on the screen and Jaehwan.  When he just looked up at you, you relaxed and began to play in earnest.  You were completely into the game, your reflexes quick and shooting on point as usual.  Jaehwan putting pressure on your knees, pushing them apart brought you back to reality.  You glanced down at him, your teeth gripping your lower lip.  He caught you and stopped what he was doing, shaking his head.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” you hissed.  Your teammates heard you and asked what was wrong.  You made some excuse about a missed shot, but now your focus was split again.  You continued to play, but you couldn’t ignore what Jaehwan was doing either.  He put pressure on your knees again, spreading your legs wide.  He let out a sigh before sliding his hands up your legs to the top of your thighs.  

The chuckle he let out sounded evil as he leaned forward, brushing a kiss over your lower belly.  You took in a deep breath, holding it as he used his fingers to spread the lips of your sex.  The first brush of his tongue over you had you letting out the breath in a deep sigh.  It felt so good, his tongue firm as it swiped over your clit.  You wanted to close your eyes and just feel, but he’d dared you to win this game with him distracting you and you were determined to win.

You shook your head, trying to clear it.  Your teammates were calling out locations of your opponents.  You really needed to get your head back in the game, but Jaehwan slid his finger inside of you, making you bite your tongue to keep from moaning.  Your eyes threatened to close, but you couldn’t.  You had to win this fight.

It took all of your effort, but you pressed on.  You were running around, shooting any enemy you could see.  You called out opponents locations and did your best to ignore Jaehwan.  But he’d added another finger, curling them up.  Your hips arched up as you moaned, unable to keep it in.  You covered it with a cough, glaring down at him.  He lifted his head, his lips curling up in a cheeky grin.
“I’m going to win,” he mouthed at you before going back to do just that.  The timer came up on the screen, telling you there were two minutes left in the match.  If you could make it through those two minutes without coming or making a noise, you’d win.  You bit your lip, your fingers trembling on the controller.  You were close, your hips rolling up to his face, but you wouldn’t come.  Not until the game was over.

Your breathing had picked up and you pushed the microphone away from your nose so it wasn’t so obvious.  Sweat poured off of you, your body trembling under Jaehwan’s ministrations.  You wanted to scream, to moan, to chuck the controller and grab onto Jaehwan.  You needed something to keep you grounded, but you had nothing.  The comments of your teammates made no sense to you, garbled in your sex scrambled brain.  

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...You tossed the controller, your hands going down to grasp Jaehwan’s head, holding him closer to you as you arched against him.

“Baby, I’m so close!  Please!”

“You did good, baby.  You won!”

With that he set out to give you your reward.  His tongue brushed over your clit, before he wrapped his lips around it and began to flick his tongue over it in earnest.  Fingers gliding in deep, curling up, making you moan.  Your fingers tightened in his hair, pulling hard.  You wanted to come.  No, you needed to come.  Your entire focus was on the sensations he was wringing from you.  

With a final deep thrust and a flick of his tongue, you were done.  Your head arched back into your chair as you clamped down on his fingers.  You let out a long hiss of air, your entire being completely under his control.  He kept it up, not letting you come down from your high.  Over and over again until you were screaming his name, your body curling in on itself as you came a final time.  

He sat back on his haunches with a grin, lifting his fingers to his mouth.  He licked off each one, before swiping his hand over his lips.
“You did good, baby.”

You didn’t have the strength to say anything.  You were splayed out, your legs still spread wide and your arms hanging loosely over the arm rests.  You could barely remember your name let alone how to speak.  You were drenched in sweat, your body continuing to tremble as aftershocks went through you.  

Jaehwan stood up and stripped off his shirt, tossing it aside.  He reached for the buttons of his jeans, undoing them one at a time.  He pushed them down along with his boxers, his hard cock right there in front of you.  You wanted to muster up the strength to take hold of him, but you couldn’t.  He must have realized this and took pity on you, reaching down to pull you to your feet.  He lifted you over his shoulder, your head hanging down around his ass as he walked you into the bathroom.  You didn’t even struggle, not like you normally would.  

He set you down on your feet next to the shower and turned it on.  When the water temperature was good, he stepped inside, pulling you in with him.  He sat you down on the little bench inside and proceeded to wash you, his movements gentle.  The washcloth glided over your skin, starting at your neck.  He slid the cloth down each arm, slipping it between each of your fingers.  Down your back and around, over your chest.  Over your legs, your feet, between your toes, leaving no part of you untouched.  

When he dipped between your legs, the cloth was gone, his fingers brushing over you gently.  Slipping inside, making you moan under your breath.  You were completely strung out, your head leaning against the wall of your shower.  You had no strength left, but at the same time you wanted him desperately.  You needed him inside you, filling you like only he could, his cock thick and hard deep inside.  

“Fuck me.”

He looked down at you, his hair water slicked and dripping.  Water poured over him, sliding in rivulets down his body.  His fingers slid from your body and he lifted you up, pressing your back against the wall.  He took himself in hand and brushed his cock over your sex, before sliding it home.  It slid inside you just as you’d wanted, filling you to perfection.

Your arms went up around his shoulders as he began to thrust, keeping his movements gentle.  His head pressed into your shoulder, his teeth brushing over your skin.  Water sprayed over your both, making the moment seem even hotter.  Your fingers slid over his shoulders, around his neck, to the hairs at the back of his head.  You threaded your fingers through the wet strands, tangling them and pulling.  He hissed, his fingers tightening at your hips.

He looked at you, his eyes heavy lidded and his full lips pouty.  You leaned forward, nipping his lower lip.  The kiss started out gentle, but when you bit his lip harder, pulling it gently, he growled.  He began to thrust in earnest, fucking you against the wall.  Your thighs tightened around his hips, your feet digging into his thighs, egging him on.

He pulled back from the kiss and leaned his weight into you, his mouth coming up to your ear.  Words began flowing from his mouth, making you shiver.  Your man was the king of dirty talk and when he really got going, his words alone could make you come. 
“You feel so good, your pussy squeezing my cock.  You want to come again, don’t you?  You want me to fuck you until you scream.”

You moaned, your fingers tightening in his hair.


“Ah, baby, you’re so beautiful when you’re fucked out like this.  Your skin all pink and your pussy so wet.  I could fuck you forever like this.”

You whimpered, your body arching into him.

“Jaehwan, please!”

“Oh, not yet.  You’re not coming until I tell you.”

His words made your head smack back against the wall.  You knew he wasn’t lying.  He could play you for hours until you were a puddle of goo.  You were already weak in the knees.  If he kept this up you wouldn’t be able to walk.  

“God!  Please, Jaehwan! Please!”

His lips brushed over your ear, before his teeth nipped the soft flesh below it, making you shiver.  He sucked a bruise into your skin; one you knew you’d have for a few days.  And being marked by him made you lose it.  You screamed, your fingers scrabbling over his shoulders as you thrashed against him, the orgasm taking you over.  

Jaehwan grunted as you clamped down on him, but rode it out.  When your body went limp, he somehow got you turned so he could turn off the water.  He carried you out of the shower, his cock still deep inside of you.  Towels were found and tossed on the floor.  

You found yourself on your back, your man looming over you.  He held his weight up with his hands as he began to fuck you in earnest, his hips slapping into your pelvis.  Your legs lay splayed, too wiped out to do anything but lay there.  Water dripped from his hair, spattering your chest.  You lifted a hand and brushed it over his chest.

“Jaehwan, I love you.”

“I love you too, baby.  You still came without my okay.”

“It’s because you’re too good.  You know my body too well.”

“Well, you’re going to come again. This time at my say so.  Understand?”

You whimpered, your hand falling to lie limply at your side.  You were completely at his mercy, his thrusts deep and hard.  When he moved a hand to slip between your thighs, you shook your head.  You were sensitive, almost painfully so, but when his fingers slid lightly over your clit, your hips arched up to meet him.  

You hadn’t lied when you said he knew your body too well.  He did and he knew just how much you could take.  His thrusts became choppier as his fingers became more insistent, putting more pressure on your clit.

The orgasm was there, just out of reach.  You were a moaning, groaning fucked out mess, your body completely wrecked.  But you wanted this last orgasm.  You needed it like you needed your last breath.  

Jaehwan grunted, his hips losing their smoothness.  His movements were becoming jerky as he got closer to reaching his peak.  He bent his head down, brushing a gentle kiss over your lips.

“I want you to come, baby.  Come hard all over my cock.”

You let out a cry as you did just that.  Jaehwan followed you, his head arching back as he pumped deep inside of you.  He collapsed over you, his warm weight pressing you into the floor.  You lay like that, your only movements your chests as you gasped for breath. 
“Holy shit, you’re going to be the death of me, woman.”

You snorted, lifting a trembling hand to brush it over his back.

“You only came once.  I lost track after the fifth one.”

“Eh, you complaining?”

“Hell no.”

He snorted and leaned up, pulling out of you.  He got up and wet a washcloth, bending down to clean you up.  He helped you to your feet and led you into the bedroom where you both collapsed on the bed.  As you drifted off to sleep, you were completely unaware of the voices yelling into your headset, wondering where you’d disappeared to.


  1. HOLY COW! JAEHWAN! /tries to stay calm at work, fails/
    She triggered his competative side and won herself multiple rounds with Jaehwan. I love how he marked her, I find that hot also his dom side showing. Glad I waited with reading. That was one wild ride that left me hot and bothered yet again. Thank you, writernim!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
