Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Pure Devil Pt. 2 (VIXX N)

So, a ton of you have been asking me for a continuation of Pure Devil because of how I ended it.  I usually don't write sequels to one-shots, but with this one I actually planned to write more.  This time I'm writing from Hakyeon's perspective and I hope you like it.  This is a bit of a prompt & something I saw on Tumblr.  Stupid Tumblr!  *shakes fist*

And yes, I am writing another scenario!  Too many days have gone by since I've written anything & I'm jonesing.  So, enjoy!  This one won't be Ramadan safe.  I apologize.

Also, if you're from Seoul and you've been to Incheon Airport, I'm so sorry if I got details wrong.  I try and do as much research as I can, but I admit I make mistakes.  :(  Hopefully you can forgive said errors & enjoy the story as it was meant to be. :)

When Hakyeon went to the States to make connections in the American music industry, he didn't think he'd end up finding the love of his life, especially not during a two week visit, but he had.  He'd almost fucked it up, but thankfully she was a better person than most and had forgiven him.  Those two days before he'd left for Korea had been two of the best days of his life.  Leaving her and getting on the plane had been the hardest thing he'd ever done.

Once home, he stayed in his condo and didn't have anything to do with anyone for an entire week.  He missed her a lot.  More than he'd ever thought he could miss anyone.  He missed her smile.  The way she was so shy, but went out of her way to communicate with him when she thought he didn't speak English.  The way she tasted, the way she writhed under him as he fucked her, her smell, everything.

That they'd only had two days together as lovers sucked.  If he had his way, he'd have her in Korea and never let her go, but he knew that wasn't a possibility; not right now.  When he'd finished his week of sulking, he went back to work.  His partners could tell something was wrong with him, but none of them mentioned it.  Not until he lost his temper, causing his secretary to burst into tears and Taekwoon to stalk over, grab him by the arm and drag him into one of the conference rooms.

"What the hell is your problem?"

Hakyeon stared at his oldest friend, not knowing what to say.  He sighed and pulled his arm free.



"Well, that was succinct as always."

Taekwoon crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him.  Hakyeon knew he'd crossed a line.  He'd never lost his temper like this before and he hated this feeling of being so out of control.

"Tell me what happened.."

Hakyeon ran his hand through his hair, looking anywhere but at Taekwoon.

"I met someone."

Taekwoon scoffed.

"I'm not kidding.  I met someone and I fell so completely head over heels for her I'm in hell."

Taekwoon's arms relaxed and he motioned at the table.  Hakyeon sat down, elbows on the table, his head cupped in his hands.

"Talk to me."

Hakyeon sighed and shook his head.

"She's perfect.  Sweet, shy, adorable.  Went out of her way to communicate with me even though she doesn't speak a word of Korean."

"You didn't tell her you spoke English?"

"Not right away.  That's how I screwed everything up.  If I had told her quicker, we would have had more time together as lovers.  Taek, she's amazing."

"What are you going to do?"

Hakyeon looked up and shrugged.

"What can I do?  She lives on the other side of the world.  I can't ask her to give up her life for me."

Taekwoon reached over and placed his hand on Hakyeon's shoulder.  He got up without saying another word.  There wasn't anything he could say.  He left Hakyeon alone with his thoughts.  As much as he wanted her there, he knew the reality of it was something totally different.  Visas and other paperwork would be needed.  He didn't worry about the money, since he had more than enough, but he was worried that he wanted more than she would be ready for.

She was shy.  Reticent.  He didn't want to push her into coming all the way to Korea and have it blow up in his face.  He had to figure out a way to woo her there.  Get her to come to his territory so he could show her who he truly was.  The dedicated son, the wealthy man, everything that made him who he was.

First and foremost, he knew Hyuna was his best asset.  She'd gone out of her way to get them together and he was thankful for her.  He sent her an email enlisting her help.  When she replied back telling him it had taken him long enough, he had to laugh.  He told her his plan and what he was wanting to do.  She gave him feedback and told him he couldn't fail by using romance.  His woman loved romance.

So that's what he did.  After apologizing profusely to his secretary and giving her a big, fat raise, he asked her to do him a humongous favor.  He wanted journals.  Not the cheap, spiral notebook type that would fall apart in a week.  He wanted ones that would last forever.  The beautiful leather-bound ones she brought back were perfect.  He kept one but sent the other one to his love with a note of instruction. 

He was using pure romance as his strategy.  He wanted her to love him as much as he loved her.  He wished he'd told her how he felt before he'd left, but things had been so up in the air up until his departure.  And he hadn't wanted to overwhelm her with things so quickly.  But now that he was home, he regretted not telling her.

The first morning after he'd gotten the journal, he began.  He kept the journal in the top drawer of his desk and pulled it out first thing in the morning after his meeting.  Pulling out a pen, he opened it up to the first page and began to write.


You probably think this whole thing is crazy and you're probably right.  But, I wanted you to know how I felt.  Leaving you at the airport that day was one of the hardest things I've ever done.  I wanted to keep you in my arms and never let go.  I wanted to tell you I loved you and I didn't.  So, I'm telling you now.

I wish I could see you, touch you, be with you.  I want you to come to Korea so I can show you my home.  Show you my world.  Show you the man I really am.  I'm going to write to you every day, doing everything I can to entice you.  Because I love you.


He closed the pen and stared down at the words he'd written.  He hadn't lied.  He was going to write every single day, even if it was just a hello.  And when he held her in his arms again, he was giving her that journal and letting her read his thoughts.  He just hoped she was doing the same for him.

As the days progressed the journal's pages became more and more full.  Every day he'd write to her, sometimes nothing more than a rundown of his day, but he always ended it telling her he loved her.   He communicated with her in other ways too.  Email and texting every single day.  Selcas, her beautiful face right there for him to see.  He was turning into an emotional sap, but he didn't care.

Now that he had a plan, he'd gone back to being the Hakyeon everyone knew and loved.  His partners at Medusa were all behind him 100%.  They knew him well enough to know that when he said she was the one, she was it for him.  They all wanted to meet her and kept asking him when he'd bring her there, but he was taking it slow.  Well, as slow as he could handle.

After three weeks of texts and emails, he had to hear her voice.  He called her late one night, the fourteen hour time difference not far from his mind.  As the phone rang in his ear, he paced his living room, his fingers tapping on his thigh.  When the phone clicked and he heard her voice, he let out a sigh.


"Hakyeon!  Hi!  I miss you!"

"I miss you too" he said with a smile.  "Are you well?"

"Yes.  Tired.  Work has been terrible.  A contract fell through and it's World War III at the moment.  How about you?  Please tell me you're eating and resting well."

"Eating, yes.  Resting...not so much.  Work has been busy for me too.  And I miss holding you."

He heard her sigh into the phone.

"I miss having you hold me.  I miss your touch.  I just miss you."

"If I asked you to visit me in Korea, would that be too much?"

"Oh, Hakyeon, I would love to, but the cost is so high!  As soon as you left I looked up tickets.  I'd have to save up for a bit before I could."

"What if...I paid for your ticket here?"

There was a long silence on the other line.  He bit his lip, wondering if he'd overstepped himself.  He knew that there were definite differences in their cultures and didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"I will say okay, but only if you let me pay you back."

"You don't have to do that."

"Hakyeon, don't argue with me.  I'm paying you back."

He let out a huffy sigh.

"Fine.  When?"

"I have to get my passport and ask for some vacation time.  I won't be able to get there right away, even though I wish I could."

"As long as I know you're coming, that's all that matters."

They said their goodbyes and Hakyeon hung up, feeling light for the first time in weeks.  He was a little irked that she insisted on paying him back, but he was thrilled to pieces that she was coming to Korea. 

Over the next weeks he prepared, wanting to make sure everything was ready for her arrival.  When she emailed him and told him when she would arrive, he immediately got that time off of work.  He wanted to spend every moment with her he could while she was there.  When her plane landed, he was waiting.

Leaning against the hood of the car, arms crossed over his chest as he watched people walking in and out of the airport.  He was thankful for the sunglasses covering his eyes, because when she stepped out, pulling a huge suitcase behind her, he knew his expression would have given away how he felt in that moment.

He knew when she saw him.  She let go of the suitcase and made a beeline for him.  He straightened up and caught her when she launched herself at him, her arms wrapped around his neck.  She held him close and whispered his name.  He pulled her tight, his face buried in her hair.  The scent of her shampoo wafted up to his nose; apples and something else that was intrinsically her.

"I missed you so much," she mumbled into his shirt, her forehead against his shoulder.

"I missed you too."

He pulled back and led her to the back of the car, holding the door open as she slid inside.  He made his way to the other side and slipped in beside her.  He didn't even have to look to know that the driver was taking care of her luggage.  He turned to look at her, taking his sunglasses off, a hand lifting up to brush the hair away from her face.

"You look lovely."

The blush that tinted her cheeks as she looked down was adorable.

"I look travel worn and tired, Hakyeon.  Which I am.  But I don't want to sleep because it'll screw me up even more."

"Well then, how about lunch?"

"Yes, please!  I'm starving!"

He chuckled and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close to him.  He told the driver where to go and they drifted into silence as the driver pulled out into traffic.  Hakyeon couldn't believe she was there, in his arms, her hair tickling his nose as he held her close.  He wanted nothing more than to take her to his home and keep her there, but that was selfishness on his part.  He knew she'd never been to Korea before and he wanted her time there to be amazing.

It wasn't the shortest of drives to get where they needed to go, but it honestly didn't matter.  Having her all to himself was what mattered most.  When they finally got to the restaurant he had in mind, they got out.  He led her inside and they were led to a table.  They were seated and he waited until they were alone before smiling at her.

"Would you like me to order for you?"

"Sure, this time."

He grinned and motioned for attention.  Once he placed the order they sat in silence.  It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, far from it.  Instead it was peaceful.  He stared at her, memorizing her features, wanting to make sure he didn't forget a single detail.  She took a sip of her water and smiled at him.

"You're staring at me, Hakyeon.  Do I have something on my face?"

"No.  I just missed you."

"I missed you too.  Thank you for the ticket, but upgrading me to first class?  How am I supposed to pay you back for that?  It's going to take me forever."

He shook his head, waving his hand dismissively.

"You don't have to do that.  It was my pleasure."

She rolled her eyes.

"It might have been your pleasure, but it was the deal, remember?"

"I don't know why you're turning this into a big deal.  I have the money.  I wanted your trip here to be comfortable.  I upgraded your ticket.  That should be the end of it."

Her eyebrow cocked up and she glared at him.  When he saw the anger in her eyes, he realized he might not know her as well as he thought.

"Excuse me?!  Did you just dismiss me?  I'm not your subordinate, Cha Hakyeon, I'm your girlfriend!"

Before he could say anything, the food was brought to them.  He served her, watching as she picked up her chopsticks and began to eat without acknowledging him.  The meal passed in silence, the quiet no longer comfortable.  After he finished, he sipped his tea and watched her.  He honestly couldn't understand why she was so angry with him.  In his eyes he'd done nothing wrong.  He wanted her to have a comfortable flight, so he'd made sure she'd flown in first-class.  Why was it such a big deal?

When the meal was over and paid for, he went to lead her out to the car, but she pushed past him and got in the backseat without saying a word to him.  He sighed and ran his hand through his hair before sliding in beside her.  He glanced at her and saw her arms crossed tight over her chest, a mutinous expression her face.  He couldn't stand the idea that was she was mad at him and needed to make it right.

"I'm sorry."

She glanced at him and shook her head.

"No, you're not.  I wasn't kidding when I said I'm not your subordinate, Hakyeon.  You might be rich and used to getting your way, but that kind of heavy handedness will not work with me."

"I just don't understand why you're so pissed off with me.  I didn't do it to show you how wealthy I am.  I did it because I wanted you to have a comfortable flight over here."

"I understand that.  And I appreciate it.  But, here's the thing.  We made a deal and then you broke it without even asking me.  I realize we're dating and you want to pamper me, but you overstepped yourself.  And that's not cool.  At all."

He nodded and reached over to place his hand on her knee.

"Baby, look at me."

She did, the anger not fully gone but not as hot in her eyes as it had been.

"You're right.  I did overstep myself and do this without asking you.  I'm sorry I was a dick.  Please, forgive me."

She let out a huffy sigh, her arms uncrossing and she reached down to place a hand over his.

"Ah, Hakyeon, why are you so good with apologies?  This isn't the first time you've made a boneheaded move.  I don't know why I keep forgiving you."

"Because you love me."

She snorted and patted his hand.

"If you say so."

He bit his lip to stop himself from saying that he loved her.  Now was not the time.  He wanted to tell her when there wasn't this animosity in the air. 

"Is it all right if I show you my job and introduce you to my partners?  They're very curious about you."

"Fine.  I mean, yes, I'd like that."

He leaned over and tapped the driver's shoulder, telling him to go to Medusa's head office.  Once there he took her up the his office and showed her around.  The expression on her face as he led her through the main office made him proud.  The six partners had worked hard to make Medusa perfect.  Every detail had been chosen by them and he was thrilled to show it to her.  He sat her down at his desk and went to get the others. 

Once they were all gathered, he went behind her and put his hands on her shoulders.  He introduced her, shocked when she stood up, bowed and introduced herself in Korean.  The others looked shocked as well before catching themselves and welcoming her.  Wonsik and Jaehwan did most of the talking, introducing themselves and asking her how she liked Korea so far.  When she glanced at him askance over her shoulder before answering, he had to hold back a smile.

Taekwoon was the first to leave, bowing before stepping out.  The others soon followed suit.  Sanghyuk stopped by the door and grinned at them.

"She's pretty.  You made a good choice."

Hakyeon snorted before waving him off.  He spun her around to face him, tilting his head down to make eye contact with her.

"Someone's been practicing with Hyuna."

She blushed and nodded.

"I didn't want to make a fool of myself.  I'm nowhere near fluent.  That's going to take me awhile, but at least I can understand a lot more than I did when you were in Chicago.  I didn't want to embarrass you."

He cupped her cheek, his thumb brushing over her skin.

"Baby, how could you embarrass me?  They know you're not Korean.  I sincerely thank you for trying.  It means the world to me."

He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead.

"Are you ready to go home?"

"No.  Oh, you mean your home!"  She giggled and rubbed her hand over her face.  "I'm sorry.  I'm so tired I'm a bit punch drunk.  Yes, I would love to see your home."

He laughed and helped her to her feet.  He kept hold of her hand as they walked to the elevators and stepped inside.  Once inside, she leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed.

"Even though you managed to piss me off in less than two hours of my arrival, I'm glad I'm here."

He kissed the top of her head and leaned his head back against the wall of the elevator.

"I'm glad you're here too."

They were quiet as the elevator opened up and they stepped out.  All the way to his condo there was silence.  He glanced down at her and saw her sleeping.  He knew he should wake her up, but at the same time she looked so peaceful he didn't want to disturb her.  When the car pulled up in front of his condo, he got out first and reached inside to gently pull her out.  She stood up, weaving on her feet as he wrapped his arm around her waist and led her inside.

Once they'd reached his floor and walked down the hallway to his door, he got it open and led her inside.  He glanced at the clock and realized it was after seven, so letting her sleep wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.  He got her into his room and sat her down on the edge of the bed, slipping off her shoes before maneuvering her so that she lay stretched out, her arms wrapped around the pillow as she huffed slightly and rolled over.

Hakyeon stared down at her, a sense of rightness filling him.  Any plans on his part of seducing her were put aside for now.  After their stupid argument and the subsequent awkwardness, he knew he'd have to move a bit slower than he'd originally planned.  He pulled the sheets up to cover her and carried her shoes out to the main room, setting them down beside his own.  He wasn't tired enough to sleep nor did he want to disturb her.

He sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on low, switching channels until he came across something to keep himself occupied.  He stretched out, a pillow under his head.  He couldn't wait for the morning and the chance to take her exploring.

The next day he came to, groaning at the kinks in his neck.  He rolled over, almost falling off the couch before realizing where he was.  He sat up, rubbing his hands over his face in hopes that he'd fully wake up soon.  He stretched with a yawn and stood up, wandering into his bedroom where he expected to find her still sleeping.  Instead, he heard the shower going in the adjoining bathroom.

He did an about face and went back into the living room.  Images of her wet and naked in his shower ran through his head as he wandered into the kitchen to get some coffee going.  He'd seen her wet and naked in a shower so he didn't have to imagine too hard.  All that hot, soapy water sliding down her body.  He slapped himself gently, trying desperately to get that image out of his head.  He didn't want to greet her with raging hardon.  He was trying to be a gentleman.

He heard movements and she came out of the bedroom, hair wrapped up in a towel.  At least she was fully dressed, but that didn't settle him down.  He clenched his hands into fists, doing his best not to grab hold of her and kiss the breath out of her.  He was not a morning person that day, his body and mind warring against each other.  On one hand he wanted to just take her to bed, fucking her until neither of them could think straight.  On the other hand, he wanted their time together to be romantic and fun.  Not that sex wasn't fun.  No, sex was too much fun, especially with her.

He poured himself a cup of coffee and gave her a quick smile.

"Would you like some?"

"Hmm," she asked, glancing up at him.

"Coffee...would you like some?"

"Oh, yes, please!"

He handed her the cup he'd poured for himself and reached into the cabinet to grab another mug.  He poured another cup and took a sip.  The hot coffee slid down his throat, the caffeine kicking his brain into full gear.  He excused himself and went into the bathroom to take a shower.  He carried the mug in with him, leaving it on the counter as he stepped under the hot water.  The bathroom smelled of her; apples and an intriguing spicy scent he couldn't quite put his finger on.

If he didn't take care of himself soon, he'd make a fool of himself.  That he was being crass and rubbing one off while she was in the other room went through his head, but at this point he didn't care.  He took himself in hand and began, images of her running through his head.  It didn't take him long to reach his breaking point, cumming so hard that it made his knees weak.  He leaned against the wall of the shower, staring down at the floor as the water swirled down the drain.

After drying off and getting dressed, he went back out to the kitchen where he found her leaning against the counter, mug in hand.  She smiled at him and turned to put the mug in the sink.

"What would you like to do today?"

"Show me around?  Take me wherever and just show me your world?"

"I can do that," he said, walking up to her and kissing her gently.  Her hands came up to rest on his shoulders and she let out a little sigh as he deepened the kiss.  He brushed his tongue over the seam of her lips and she opened for him, allowing him to slip his tongue inside.  Her taste on his tongue made him want to whimper.  He knew he'd missed her, but hadn't realized just how much until that moment.  He pulled back, his forehead resting against hers.  She opened her eyes and looked at him, confusion evident.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong."

"Then why did you stop?"

He sighed and shook his head.

"I'm trying to romance you again.  I keep screwing up and pissing you off.  I don't know why that keeps happening and I want you to be happy around me.  I want you to have fun.  I want you to feel loved.  Because you are."

The blush that covered her cheeks was endearing.  He chuckled before he kissed her forehead and pulled back.

"If you're going to react like that every time I tell you I care for you, I'll tell you all the time."

She snorted and swatted him lightly on the arm.

"Oh, hush!  I can't help that I blush easily.  And it doesn't help that you're flustering me."

"But I love to fluster you.  You're just so cute."

She rolled her eyes and pushed him back gently.


He laughed outright and wrapped his arms around her, spinning her around.

"You're here!  I still can't believe you're here, in my home!"

She held him tight as he set her down gently, rocking her in place.

"I'm glad I'm here too."

She stepped back and reached up to pull the towel off of her head.  Her damp hair draped over her shoulders and he reached out to tweak one of the curls.  She swatted him away.

"Stop that!  Let me go dry my hair and then I expect Mr. Romance to take me on a tour."

He saluted and watched as she disappeared into the bedroom.  He pulled out his cell and began to make arrangements.  She wanted romance and he was more than willing to provide.  When she came out, her hair up in a high ponytail, he was ready.

He took her to every romantic spot he could think of.  A small diner for an amazing breakfast.  A walk along the Han River that ended in a picnic.  It all culminated with a trip to Namsan Tower.  He'd wanted to take her there since he found out she was coming.  He wanted her to see how beautiful the cityscape of Seoul was.

As they stood on the observatory just before sunset, he watched her face as she looked out at the city stretched down below them.  The awe on her face and the way the light hit it just made him happy.  Happier than he could remember being in a long time.

"Baby," he said, his voice quiet, barely above a whisper.

She glanced at him, her eyebrow up in question.  He cupped her face gently and leaned forward, brushing his lips over hers.  The kiss escalated quickly, their bodies wrapped tight around each other.  The need he'd had for so long just exploded, making him want to just pull her into a blind corner somewhere and fuck her senseless.


He pulled back and looked down at her.  Her eyes were blissed out, hazy, full of lust.  He cleared his throat and stepped back.

"I'm sorry."

She shook her head as if trying to clear it.

"What do you mean you're sorry?"

"I keep manhandling you."

"Hakyeon, if I didn't want to be kissed by you, you'd know it.  Will you please just take me home and make love to me?  I missed you so much.  Only having those two days with you...I need you."

Without another word, he took her hand and they were off.  Out to the waiting car and into silence.  The drive back to his condo was quiet, but they were wrapped in each other and didn't notice.  His eyes closed as he breathed in her scent, his arms wrapped tight around her middle.  Her head rested on his chest, her arms around his waist.

When they reached the front door of his condo, he entered the security code and then turned to her.  He swept her up in his arms and pushed the door open.  Carrying her into his room, he laid her gently on the bed and leaned down to kiss her.  That first kiss on his bed was nothing but soft, languid kisses, brushes of lips against skin.  Soft moans, heartfelt curses, fingers brushing over clothed curves.

His fingers slid slowly down her torso to the hem of her shirt, slipping underneath.  Brushing over the sensitive skin right below her navel.  She shivered and looked up at him through half-closed eyes, lips soft and slightly swollen from his kisses.

"Hakyeon...love me."

"I do, baby.  I do love you."

She gasped, her head arching back as he gently bit the skin right below her ear.

"How can you love me after such a short amount of time?"

"How could I not," he asked, pushing up to a sitting position.  He helped her sit up as well and braced his hands on either side of her face.  "I fell in love with you in those two weeks."

She opened her mouth to protest, but he shook his head.

"No, let me finish, please."

She nodded and he continued to speak, his fingers brushing over her cheeks.

"When I first stepped off the plane and saw you standing there with my name on the placard, I thought you were so pretty.  The way you were so shy, but went out of your way to work with me even when you thought I couldn't speak English.  The way you'd smile at me when you were talking, your hands gesturing.  Everything about you struck me.  And when you became my lover, it all came together for me."

He stood up and went over to his desk where he'd moved the journal.  He pulled it out and carried it back to her.  He held it out with a smile.

"Please, just...read this?"

She took it and he walked away.  He went into the living room and sunk down on the couch, head cradled in his hands.  He felt like he'd made a muck of it.  He hadn't wanted to confess before making love to her.  To him that was tacky and cheesy.  But he couldn't hold it back anymore.  He waited for what seemed like hours.  When she came in and sat down beside him, handing him the journal, he took it without a word.

"Open it, Hakyeon."

He did and looked down, realizing it wasn't his copy, but hers.  She moved away, sitting at the other end of the couch as he began to read.

'My dearest Hakyeon,

When I received this journal in the mail along with your note, I admit, I stared at it for days before I began writing.  I honestly didn't know what to say.  Those two weeks with you were the most amazing days of my life.  I've never been so struck by a person's essence before, until I met you.  

Hyuna told me that when you fall in love, you know.  I've never been in love before, but I'm pretty sure that the way I feel about you is love.  The way you held me in your arms those two nights.  The way you always smiled at me, your eyes sparkling with laughter.  Everything about you makes my heart hurt in the best possible way.  If this is love, I'm thankful for it.  

 It was the only journal entry she'd written, but it was enough.  He set it down on the coffee table and turned to her.  She'd pulled her legs up onto the sofa, her arms wrapped around her knees.  She stared at him, apprehension clear on her face.

"Are you mad I didn't write more?"

He shook his head, scooting down until he was right next to her.  The kiss he pressed to her lips was a gentle tasting, but he put all of his emotions into it.  Her legs straightened and she put her arms around his neck holding him close, her head tilting as she deepened the kiss.

"I do love you, Hakyeon," she whispered when she pulled back.  "I love you so much it hurts.  Watching you walk away that day it felt like something had torn inside of me.  That you love me too?  It just...it makes me so happy, but at the same time I'm terrified."


"We're two very different people.  You're wealthy and have the whole world at your feet.  I'm barely able to make ends meet and I have a roommate.  You're secure in your life and I struggle daily to even get out of bed sometimes.  We're from two very different cultures and I don't think I'll ever fit in here.  You can try to make things better, but there's no guarantee."

He sighed and pulled her close, tucking her head under his chin.

"In life there are no guarantees.  But, I can tell you this.  I don't care about those things you listed.  I don't care that I make more money than you.  What I do care about is that you are happy.  That you are content.  If that means giving up some parts of the life I've acquired here, that's what I'll do."

"I'm not asking you to give up your life, Hakyeon.  That's selfish and immature.  I'm just concerned that you want more from me than I'm able to give."

He pulled back and tilted her face up so that he could look her in the eye.

"What do you want?  Tell me truthfully.  What would you like from me?"

She shrugged and shook her head.

"I don't know.  I could say your love, but how long will that be a guarantee?  I can't ask you to give up everything just to make me happy.  All I want is for us to work together.  Stop using your wealth to get what you want, not just from me but from other people.  I'm not a chess piece.  I'm a thinking, feeling woman.  I do love you more than I've ever loved another person, but I can't live on just that.  I need something more."

"Would you marry me?"

She shook her head adamantly, her hands coming up to ward him off.

"No!  At least, not right now!  Oh, Hakyeon!  Why?"

"It was hypothetical.  I know I want to marry you.  I want you to be my wife and the mother of my children...some day."

She reached out, her hand cupping the back of his head.

"I would love to have your children...some day, Hakyeon.  But now...now I think we just need to get to know each other.  As much as we can in this short time I'm here.  And then we can figure it out from there."

He nodded and leaned forward to kiss her.

As he lifted her and carried her into the bedroom, he was set on a course of pure seduction.  As he lay her down, reaching down for the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head, he kept that thought in his mind.  Whereas before their love making had been fast and hard and intense, this time it was all about him pleasuring her.

Sliding her shorts down her legs, pressing gentle kisses to her exposed skin as he slid them over her feet and tossed them aside.  A kiss to her bellybutton, tongue flicking teasingly over it, making her breathe out a giggle.  Fingers hooking into the waistband of her panties, sliding them down and tossing them over his head.

Pushing her legs apart, exposing her to him.  She was already wet for him, glistening in the pale light of the side lamp.  Spreading the lips of her sex apart, brushing his tongue over her.  Her taste, tangy and slightly salty on his tongue.  A heartfelt sigh as he went to work, glancing up to see her face.  Eyes closed, head arched back as her hands grasped the sheets below her.

His fingers slipping inside of her, muscles clamping tight around him before relaxing.  Keeping a steady rhythm, tongue flicking over her clit as his fingers slid slowly in and out, building her up.


His name on a gasp, her hips rolling under him.  Bringing her to a slow climax, her body writhing under his touch.  Fingers tight in his hair, holding him against her as she arched into him.  Keeping at it as she reached her peak again, her fingers almost painfully tight in his hair.

Fingers pulled from her sex, licking the tangy essence of her off of them.  Opening the side drawer and pulling out a condom, ripping it open and rolling it on.  On top of her, lips against hers.  Hot breath gasped against his skin as he slowly slid inside, the feeling of her moist heat making his eyes roll back in his head.  He'd missed this.  Missed the feeling of her legs wrapping around his thighs, pulling him tight against her.  Arms around his neck, fingers pulling at the fine hairs at the base of his head.

His name, chanted in increasingly husky tones, body arching up into his thrusts.  The sound of his hips smacking her pelvis.  Sweat dripping down his back, from his forehead, onto her skin.  The rosy tint to her skin as she reached another climax, a raspy scream escaping from her throat.

Rolling them so they were on their sides.  Rolling his hips, barely thrusting inside, her thigh draped over his.  Hand sliding down her back, cupping her ass, pulling her tighter against him.  Lips pressed against her forehead as he slowly reached his peak, his eyes closed and his head arched back.  Laying there, gasps for breath, arms trembling from how tightly they held each other.  He pressed a kiss to her skin, his head on his pillows as exhaustion started to hit.

"I do love you, baby, with all of my heart.  I'm going to do everything in my power to show you that."

A sigh against his neck, hot against his skin.

"I love you too, Hakyeon.  So much."

He pulled out and got up to dispose of the condom.  He got back on the bed in the same position, draping her thigh over his hip.  Arms around each other, holding each other in silence.  There were no promises he could make.  No words he could say that would convince her that being together was the answer.  He would have to do everything in his power to convince her, just not with words.  As they drifted off to sleep, he knew just what he had to do.  And he hoped it would be enough.


  1. So sweet how Hakyeon wants to romance her but kinda fails at times but how can she not forgive him? Him trying to hold back in front of her made me giggle but then the confession, I would have melted right there. The idea with the diary exchange was so sweet. Congrats on your first continuation, writernim. Love it.

  2. OooooO~ YAY! I have been waiting for CEO N <3 Such a sweetie, but so misguided. And sexually frustrated Hakyeon is not something I knew I needed, but there you go! Thank you, thank you <3

    1. Hi! *pounces* Long time no talk! I'm glad you liked CEO Hakyeon. He was a bit misguided, but that's okay. He made up for it.

      Just wait until this next story. I'm super happy with it, but it's not done yet. And then in August...this blog will never be the same. Dun dun dun...*foreshadowing* Heh

    2. *cues Taekwoon who plays the piano ~dramatically~*
      "Foreshadowing you say?" More like FOREPLAY. But that's ok, I like it when you tease <3 (*is all excited now*)

    3. I'm gonna be teasing for awhile. Why does this all sound so pervy? LOL!

      But yeah...I'm doing something totally different & I can't wait. I just hope my readers like it. *bites nails*

  3. I'm glad you're back!!! Right now I'm like your profile picture... To much sweetness and romanticism, I LOVE IT!
