Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Gift (VIXX Leo)

One of my favorites.  Dom Leo just can't stay submissive for long.  Heh.

"I don't know if I can do this."

You stood next to your boyfriend, handcuffs in hand as you stared at him.  Taekwoon smiled at you, his fingers on the buttons of his shirt.  He slowly started to undo them, making you lose your train of thought as you watched.  As his chest was revealed you licked your lips and then snickered when you realized what you'd done.

"You're turning me into a pervert," you said as you walked over to the bed and sat down.  He snickered as he pulled off his shirt, tossing it aside.  His hands reached for the clasp of his jeans and you watched as he undid each button.  Before he could pull them down, you shook your head.  "No, let me do it...later.  Just, lay down, would you?  Before I lose my nerve?"

His hands dropped and he moved to comply, stretching out on the bed.  You stared down at him, wondering how in the hell you'd gotten so lucky.  He was gorgeous and everything you'd ever wanted in a man.  He was also extremely dominant, especially in the bedroom.  Not in a whips, piercings, fetish-type way, but in a "he takes over and makes you come multiple times in one sitting" way.  It was magnificent and you would never, ever complain because you weren't an idiot.  The fact that he knew what he was doing made him even sexier to you.

That he was willing to let you take over the reins tonight told you how much he loved and trusted you.  And you'd come prepared.  You snapped the handcuff on his wrist and lifted his hand up so he could reach the headboard.  You pulled up his other arm and did the same thing.  He shifted his weight slightly, his hands clasping the metal bars on the headboard. 

"You okay," you asked.  You felt odd doing this, but he really liked to use his hands when he made love to you and you didn't want any distractions tonight.  You wanted to touch him to your heart's content and his hands would definitely take your mind off what you were doing.  You needed to be able to focus.

"Yeah, I'm good."

You smiled at him and went to the chest of drawers to take out your night mask.  You went back to him and hooked it on.  He looked practically edible, his eyes covered, hands stretched high over his head and that naked chest right there in front of you.  You let out a deep sigh of appreciation before going into the bathroom to get a few more things.

It was your birthday and this had been his gift to you.  You'd hinted on and off since your last birthday that all you wanted to do was just touch him.  Have your way with him.  Be the dominant one for a change.  When you'd gotten home from work he'd been waiting for you.  When he'd handed you the handcuffs and that smile came to his lips, you knew this would be the best birthday ever.

You brought the supplies back to your room and set them down on the bed beside him.  You didn't know if you were going to use it all, but you wanted to be prepared.  You were determined to drive him absolutely wild.

"Can you see me," you asked, hoping you'd gotten the mask on tight enough to blind him.  You wanted him to just feel and enjoy every second of it.  He'd done it to you before and it had made the sex even better...if that was possible.


You took a deep breath to calm yourself and got up on the bed so that you straddled his thighs. Leaning forward, you pressed a quick kiss to his lips, hoping it would settle you down and allow you to do this.  He kissed you back and you sat back, looking down at him, trying to decide where to start.  You had free access to his body and the thought of that was almost overwhelming. 

You started simply, pressing gentle kisses over his cheeks, his neck, his ear, your tongue brushing over the sensitive skin below his ear.  A hiss of air escaped his lips, but otherwise he stayed silent, letting you explore to your heart's content.  You didn't want that to last though.  You wanted him to lose it, to get to the point where he was moaning your name.  It gave you goosebumps just thinking about it.  You shifted, scooting farther down his legs.

Lips brushing over collarbones, chest, nipples, teeth nipping gently.  He grunted, his body shifting under yours.

"Stay still," you said, your voice more authoritative than you expected.  You grinned, but it made him quiet down.  This was fun!

Sliding down farther, fingers brushing over skin.  He was warm and firm under your touch, his body solid.  You loved his body, the way he was built so beautifully but without being massive.  Every inch of him was a masterpiece.  Tongue slipping into his navel, fingers brushing over the sizable bulge in his jeans.  Since he'd unbuttoned his jeans already, you had easy access to his cock.  Sliding your hand inside, brushing the tip of your finger over the head, feeling the moisture there.  He was already primed and ready.

Scooting down until you were at his feet, you reached for the waistband of his jeans and underwear, pulling them down his legs.  His cock sprang into view and you licked your suddenly parched lips, wanting to taste him as soon as possible.  But you resisted the urge, tugging his bottoms down until you could pull them both off, tossing them onto the floor beside the bed.

You got up on your knees, crawling until you were between his legs again, his cock right in front of you.  You took him in hand and bent down until you could brush your tongue over the head.  His taste on your lips, precum leaking from the tip.  You slid down, taking as much of him in as you could, feeling the tip touch the back of your throat.  Holding the position as long as you could handle it, hand tight around the base of his cock.

He let out a grunt, his thighs shifting under you, but you were relentless.  Sliding back up and off.  Deep breath in.  Taking him in again.  You kept this up, doing it slow, tormenting him.  Flicking your tongue over the head at random intervals, giving him no easy pattern to follow.

"Shit!  Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Hearing those words coming from his mouth made you giggle once you'd pulled away, your grip tight.  His voice had roughened, gotten huskier, desperation making him sound as sexy as sin.

"For shame, Taekwoon!  Potty mouth!  I should punish you for that."

There was a long silence and then...

"If you do, don't forget, once I'm free, your ass is mine."

You gulped, glancing at his face.  You couldn't see his eyes, but the set of his mouth said it all.  You bit your lip, wondering if you wanted to take things that far.  But him retaliating?  That wasn't a bad punishment.  Not at all.

Letting go of his cock, you reached over to the lube you'd set next to you and uncapped it.  The loud snap of the cap lifting had him jerking.  You knew he knew what that sound was.  The fact that it was you and not him using it made this all the sweeter.

Pouring the lube over two of your fingers, you leaned down again, taking his cock in your free hand.  You took him back in your mouth, your fist tight around the base and your lips snug around what you could take.  You began sucking him off in earnest, your tongue swirling as much as you were able.  His hips weren't still, rolling under your ministrations.  When his hips went up high after a particularly hard suck, you struck.  Sliding your fingers along the crack of his ass, slipping them inside.

His hips froze, his body trembling under you.  You'd never done this before, but you'd heard your friends talk and knew that this would be something that would make his orgasm super intense.  You waited, your fingers barely inside, wondering what he'd do.  It took a moment, but he settled, his hips slightly canted up to give you better access.

You rewarded him by sucking again, softly this time, your tongue busy.  Your fingers inched inside of him, slowly, allowing him to get used to the sensation.  When you touched his prostate, all hell broke loose.  A stream of obscenities came from his mouth, his arms jerking where they were cuffed as he tried to get free.

Ignoring him you continued to work him over, your fingers sinking in past the knuckle, brushing against him.  His hips arched higher, his body not knowing which direction to move.  Closer to your mouth or to your fingers, either way granting him insane pleasure.

"Jesus, baby!  Please!"

You pulled back, freeing your mouth to speak.

"Please what?"

"Let me come!"

"Mm...not yet.  Definitely not yet."

"You're asking for it.  You know that, don't you?"

Your body shivered, your panties getting wet at the menace you could hear in his voice.  God, the idea of him doing this to you, torturing you until you begged for him to let you come.  It was your ultimate fantasy.  You didn't say anything, going back to your task.

Swirling your tongue around the tip of his cock, wetting it with your saliva.  Blowing gently over it, making him shiver under you.  Goosebumps had already sprouted all over his body, hairs standing on end.  You knew he'd probably never admit to it, but it was obvious your man was getting off on this.  And so were you.  It was almost impossible to not just strip and crawl onto him, but you kept your resolve.

Sliding down, running the flat of your tongue over the prominent vein that ran the length of his cock.  Leaving nothing untouched, leaving him a swearing, breathless mess under you.  His cock was hard, tapping his lower belly, precum leaking from the tip.  The fingers inside of him continued to torture him, slowly gliding in and out, brushing his prostate each time they went deep inside.  His head thrashed against the pillows, his arms tugging uselessly at the cuffs.  Legs moving restlessly, hips unable to stay still.  He was close, you knew it.

You decided to take pity on him.  Fingers slipping from inside of him, you reached for another thing.  More lube and you slid it down over the crack before sliding it inside him.  It was thicker than your fingers, curved and meant to stay in place.  He let out a howl, his head arching back into the pillows.  You smirked as you rolled off him, stripping off your clothes.

"A butt plug?!"

You snickered, rolling back up and straddling him.

"You liked what I was doing before, right?  How can I continue doing that if I'm fucking you?"


The inarticulate noises that came from his mouth made you giggle as you reached for his cock and lifted up to slowly slide down, inch by inch.  Once he was fully seated inside you, you sat still, savoring the feel.  He was so perfectly proportioned.  Thick enough and long enough to fill you just right.

You began to ride him, your movements slow and patient.  Taekwoon lay under you, his body constantly moving as he tried to take over.  Bending down you kissed him, sliding your tongue inside to play with his.  He moaned into your mouth, his hips rolling underneath you.  Every time his hips arched into the bed, he groaned, the butt plug doing its thing.  Either way he moved he was fucking himself and it gave you a thrill.

The kiss turned more carnal, wetter, deeper.  You wanted him to feel how much you wanted him.  How much this meant to you, having him under you control.

Your hips stopped moving, instead you relaxed and tightened your inner muscles, massaging his cock deep inside of you.  It felt so good, too good, the way he fit you just so.  You sat up, arching your back slightly, your fingers going down to brush your clit.  The first brush of your fingers made your body twitch.

"Jesus!  Please, baby, you're fucking killing me!"

You began to stroke faster, your inner muscles clenching and releasing, the orgasm just on the horizon.  Taekwoon rolled his hips, making his cock thrust just enough to have you fall, screaming over the edge as the orgasm hit you.  You arched back, your body convulsing over him.  You felt Taekwoon come right after you, his body arching up into yours.

Collapsing over him, your face buried in his chest, your hands clenched on either side of him.  Your body was lax, completely without any energy to move.  You let out a long, contented sigh, thrilled that you'd finally gotten your wish.

"Baby, let me go."

You sat up, reaching for the key to unlock the cuffs.  When his arms were free, you gently pulled them down, chafing his shoulders and wrists to get blood flow going again.  Pulling off the mask, you were greeted by the look in his eyes.  It was enough to make you gulp.

You moved off him, his cock sliding out of you.  You made quick work of removing the toy and then sat there, waiting to see what he'd do.

You weren't given any warning.  One minute he was laying flat on his back, his arm up over his eyes and the next he was on you, his hands bracing your face as his lips ravaged yours.  It was the most intense kiss you could ever remember having.  It was like he was trying to take your life force, savoring every second of it.  It made you moan, your arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders. 

When he pulled back, you let out a whimper, your lips turning down in a frown.  Taekwoon looked down at you, his eyes dark and so intense they were almost blinding.

"What did I tell you," he asked, his voice husky with sex and sounding like sin.  It was a temptation you'd be a fool not to fall for.

"When," you asked, playing dumb.  You knew what he was talking about and your body was more than ready.

He leaned forward, his lips right by your ear.

"If you continued your torture, your ass was mine.  Well, you did and it is."

You stared into his eyes when he leaned back, transfixed at the transformation you saw there.  His eyes were always so expressive, but the desire and sheer beauty you saw there in that moment almost overwhelmed you.  Before you could say anything he had you flipped over onto your stomach.  Your hands were pulled over your head and the same cuffs you'd used just moments ago were snapped on your wrists.  Your fingers wrapped around the boards and you wanted to laugh in sheer giddy pleasure.

He got you up on your knees, your body bent forward, your head against the bed.  You felt him moving around and the bed dip when he got up.  You heard water running in the bathroom and then he was back, a warm washcloth wiping away the moisture between your legs.  He tossed the washcloth in the general vicinity of the bathroom and that's when the torture began.

Fingers on the lips of your sex, pulling them apart.  Tongue brushing over your clit from behind, nose brushing your skin.  You arched into him, your back curved as far as it would go.  You let out a long moan, the pleasure so good it was almost painful.  Tongue sliding inside of you, your legs twitching at the way it felt.

The loss of his warmth as he pulled back.  The hot sting as his hand came down and cracked over the cheeks of your ass, one cheek at a time.  He kept it up until the sting had you moving your hips, trying to ease it.  He wasn't hitting hard enough to hurt.  Far from it, the pleasure almost enough to have you come right then and there.  Who knew spanking could feel so good?

Lips brushing over your lower back, your ass, teeth nipping here and there, the sting so good.  You couldn't stop moving, your hips rolling outside of your control.  You were so turned on your brain had stopped functioning in all ways except for its need for pleasure.

"Please, Taekwoon!  Please, fuck me!"

You heard the snap as the bottle of lube was opened and you knew your wish was coming true.  You felt his fingers brush over you, sliding over the crack of your ass, fingers sliding inside.  At first just the tips, but as you adjusted he slid them in deeper, scissoring them, stretching you.

The warmth of his body along your back, his lips at your neck.  Fingers sliding from your ass.  Cock replacing them, sliding inside so slow it was almost torture.  Long moan, head arching back, hands pulling uselessly at the cuffs.  A deep grunt from him as he bottomed out, hips snug against your ass.  Fingers sliding over your clit, brushing it just right.

"Oh, God!"

He began to thrust, one hand holding your hip while the other brushed erratic patterns over your clit.  You thrust back against him, the feelings inside of you intense.   This wasn't the first time he'd fucked you like this, but this time was more than any other.  Maybe it was because you were helpless, unable to do anything but feel, your body under his complete control.

You let out a cry, your body seemingly on fire.  Everything was too much.  He was too much.  Your hips rolled, meeting him thrust for thrust.  The erratic glide of his fingers turned into a smoother pattern, making your head drop down as you arched your hips higher and harder into him.

He swore under his breath, his fingers tightening on your hip.  His fingers moved faster over your clit, making you squeak.  The orgasm hit hard, your head coming up as you arched back into him, your arms pulled taut as you leaned back as far as you were able.  Your body convulsed around his making him grunt against your neck as he thrust one last time, his body twitching around yours. 

Your bodies collapsed on the bed, his warm weight crushing you to the mattress.  Your face turned to the side as you gasped for air.  Fingers twitching uselessly around the headboard, going numb.  Taekwoon pulled out, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.  Gentle fingers unlocking the cuffs, massaging your wrists. 

Rolling you until you were on your side, his body wrapped snugly around yours.  Another kiss to your shoulder, to your ear, words of endearment soft against your skin. 

"I love you," you whispered, looking over your shoulder at him. 

He smiled, kissing you gently before settling back down on the pillow.

"I love you too.  Happy birthday, baby.  Did you like your gift?"

"Best present ever!"

"I'm glad.  I know what I want for mine."

"Are you going to tell me?"

"No.  You'll figure it out."

The promise in his voice made you mentally count down the months.  So many to go and such a thing to look forward to.