Sunday, September 20, 2015

Can't Be Friends (VIXX Leo)

All righty!  Well, this one kind of came out of nowhere.  Um...hmm...what do I say?  Be prepared to flail, make awful noises and then get ice water and a fan.  You're welcome.

Also, happy birthday!  Your birthday was last weekend, but I...yeah.  I suck.  I hope you enjoy Taekwoon.  Your BFF is set to kill you.  Just FYI.  :)  

"So how long have you been dating Taekwoon?"

You glanced in the mirror, the tube of lipstick paused at your lips.  The woman behind you walked to the sink next to you and washed her hands.

"Excuse me?"

"How long have you been dating Taekwoon?"

"We aren't dating."

She paused, her eyebrow cocking up as she made eye contact with you in the mirror.

"You aren't?"

You finished swiping the lipstick over your lips, before capping it and sticking it in your clutch.  You fluffed your hair and turned to look at her.

"No, we're not dating."

"So what is he to you?"

"My best friend.  Why are you asking me?"

She smirked as she leaned over to grab a handful of paper towels.

"Your best friend is gorgeous.  If he isn't taken, he's fair game.  So, thank you, honey, for not claiming him."

She tossed the towels in the garbage, leaned over to look herself in the mirror, adjusted her boobs under her dress and strutted out of the bathroom.  You stared after her bemused, wondering what in the hell had just happened.  You shook your head and followed after her.

You stayed far enough behind her to watch as she made a strategic beeline in Taekwoon's direction.  He stood in the shadows like he normally did, leaning against the wall, looking all dark and mysterious.  It made you snort, because you knew it was all a bunch of BS.  You'd been friends with him since you were ten years old.  You knew him well enough now to know that that facade wasn't real.

You sat down at your table, your gaze never leaving her as she strutted up to him, her body language screaming "Take me!"  You couldn't hear what was said, but you could see Taekwoon rebuff her, his body language completely closed off and cold.  You snickered to yourself as he shook his head and walked over to your table.  Sitting down he reached for his glass and took a sip of champagne.

"Not interested?"

He glanced at you and shook his head.

"There's such a thing as subtlety.  That woman doesn't know the meaning of the word."

You chortled before taking a sip of champagne.  You were at a function as Taekwoon's date, since he wasn't dating anyone and the other members of VIXX were.  You were there to make the group even and as a friend.  This wasn't the first time it had happened and it probably wouldn't be the last time either.  You didn't mind.

You hadn't lied to her when you said you weren't dating.  You'd been friends with him for so long that you could barely remember your life without him.  You'd been there through school, through puberty, through first loves and first heartbreaks.  You loved him dearly, but that just wasn't a part of your relationship.

"You want to hear the best part?"

He looked over at you, eyebrow cocked up in question.

"She asked if we were dating."

"And you told her no?!"

"Was I supposed to lie?"



He let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair.

"We've been friends for how long?  I've been in this world for the last seven years of my life.  Women want to fuck me because of what I do.  You should know to answer that yes we're dating by now."

You let out a huffy breath.

"Well, excuse me!  I'm sorry I forgot to lie and tell that barracuda that we're dating.  Jesus, Taekwoon, it didn't even cross my mind!"

He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could, Hakyeon and his girlfriend came over to the table and sat down.

"What's going on?  I could see the thunderclouds forming from the other side of the ballroom."

You shook your head, motioning at Taekwoon.

"He's having a hissy fit."

Hakyeon glanced at Taekwoon and reached over to clasp his wrist.

"Taekwoon-ah, we're in public.  If you're going to have a hissy fit, at least do it inside your head so that the rest of the world can't see how pissed off you are, hmm?"

Taekwoon pulled his wrist free and pushed from the table.  You watched him walk away, completely bewildered by what had just happened.   You took another sip of champagne, wondering if you should go after him.  Hakyeon looked at his girlfriend, shooing her away, before moving over until he was right next to you.

"What the hell happened?"

You set down the champagne flute and shrugged.

"I don't know!  We went from laughing about this skanky chick hitting on him to him flipping out on me for not claiming that we were dating!  The mood shifted so quickly I got whiplash!"

Hakyeon stared at you for a moment, sucking his teeth before his mouth opened.  He must have thought better of it because his mouth closed.  This happened a few times before you let out a huffy sigh.

"Just spit it out, Hakyeon."

"I think you need to go talk to him."

You stood up.


He stood up as well and clasped your wrist in his hand.

"Just listen to him.  Don't go in angry.  This whole thing snowballed, so make sure it doesn't go any further."

You nodded and he let go.  You picked up your clutch and headed in the direction Taekwoon had disappeared in.  As you walked, you couldn't help thinking that you wished you'd stayed home.  Home in your jammies with a good drama and your favorite ice cream.  Not trussed up in a dress with heels that were killing your feet.

You found Taekwoon outside, leaning against the railing of the balcony, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared out into the darkness.


He glanced at you before turning his attention back out to the shadowed garden down below.  You walked over to him and placed your hand on his sleeve.

"Are you okay?"

He nodded, but didn't say a word.  You stared at his profile, wishing you were a mind reader for once, just so that you could figure out what he was thinking.  You stood in silence, crickets in the background the only sound.  Where your silences with Taekwoon were usually peaceful, this one had a weird undercurrent you'd never felt before.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?"

He didn't say anything for a long moment before he let out a deep sigh and uncrossed his arms.

"Nothing's wrong.  I apologize for going off on you like that."

"It's okay, Taek, but there's got to be something wrong if you're biting my head off for no reason."

He glanced at you and smiled slightly.

"Don't worry about it.  I'm fine.  We're fine.  I'm just a bit stressed is all."

You watched him, before nodding your head.

"Okay.  Let's go back inside, hmm?  Hakyeon wasn't looking too happy when he shooed me out here.  We might need to placate him."

Taekwoon snorted and turned, holding out his crooked arm for you to take.

"He's twenty-five years old and acts like he's my father more often than not.  He'll get over it."

You snickered as you slid your hand into place and walked with him inside.  You were glad things were back to normal.

But things weren't back to normal.  As the days passed you began to see that things weren't like they were before.  You'd still text almost every day.  Still talk about your lives.  Still listen to him whine about the members, but something was off.

On your next day off, you texted him asking him if he was free.  He said he was and you asked him to meet you at your favorite soccer field.  You got there first and were warming up when he arrived.  He got out of his manager's car and waved him off, before slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking towards you.

You straightened up from your stretch and watched as he tossed his bag down on the ground and began to stretch as well.  He didn't say hi.  He didn't tease you as he normally would.  He just went right into his stretches.  You shook your head, but didn't say anything.  You leaned over, your hands flat on the ground as you stretched out your back.

Soccer was what got you into your friendship with Taekwoon all those years ago.  You'd both played and had both been good.  It was common ground and it had started everything.  Now all these years later, it was still something you did together in your free time.

You finished warming up first and got the ball out of your bag.  You set it on the ground and jogged out to the middle of the field, your feet automatically moving in long-remembered patterns.  How many times had you done this over the years?  Enough to find peace as you jogged, your footwork impeccable.

Taekwoon jogged over to you and moved to steal the ball from you, but many years of training kicked in and you spun out of his reach.  You snickered as you picked up speed, your feet moving fast as you deftly kept the ball out of his reach.  When you reached the goal, you kicked, whooping when it sailed straight down the middle, catching in the net.


Taekwoon ignored you as he jogged over to get the ball.  What had started as a normal activity had changed into something else you couldn't quite put your finger on.  He was always intense, always focused and always competitive, but there was something about the way he was acting that made you realize that the stakes were higher.  You just had no idea what those stakes were.

The game continued, the score changing rapidly.  Your competitive streak had kicked in and you weren't going to let him win.  Not when you didn't know what you were playing for.  As the playing intensified, he got even more fierce than usual.  More physical too as you tried to block him and he pushed you aside.  You stumbled, stopping, your hands on your hips as you gasped for breath.  Taekwoon ignored you as he jogged down to the goal and kicked the ball in.

When he tossed the ball your way, you ignored it, letting it bounce past you.  You watched as he walked closer to you before speaking.

"Taekwoon, what is going on?"

He stared at you, expression stoic and more closed off than you could ever remember seeing.  He didn't say anything, barely blinking.  You kept eye contact with him, feeling like you were caught by the gaze of a predator and if you looked away, he'd pounce.


He began to stalk you, his gaze never leaving your face.  You began to step back, your tiny flight instinct kicking in.  He reached you and your hand went up, but you didn't know if it was to ward him off or to punch him.

"Taekwoon, what..."

His hand around your wrist, reeling you in, his other hand coming up to cup the back of your head.  Your eyes widened as he leaned in, his mouth brushing gently over yours.  Your hand rested against his chest as he kissed you, your eyes wide open as you struggled to comprehend what was happening.  When your brain caught up to what was happening, you began to fight it.  Swatting him on the chest, you pushed, wrenching your head away from him.

"Jung Taekwoon, what the hell are you doing?"

Without a word he turned on his heel and walked away.  He gathered up his bag and walked to his manager's car, leaving you staring after him, your hand covering your mouth.

The kiss was never far from your mind after that.  Your best friend, the guy you'd known since you were ten years old, had kissed you.  And not just a peck, but a full-blown, no tongue kiss.  Why?  What on earth caused him to do something like that?  Was this some bizarre mind game he was playing?  Something you were completely missing?  What the hell was going on in that man's mind?

Two days of stewing later, you'd had enough.  You sent Hakyeon a text asking if they had any schedules for the day.  His response was vague, but it was enough to let you know that Taekwoon would be at the dorm.  And that was enough for you.

You were riding on righteous indignation and two nights of tossing and turning.  You were tired and extremely confused.  All you wanted to know was why?  Why would he kiss you and potentially throw away all of these years of friendship?  It just didn't make any sense to you and it honestly hurt your heart.

You got to the dorm and rode the elevator up to their floor.  You buzzed the door and when Sanghyuk opened the door and saw the expression on your face, he stepped back immediately, holding the door open for you.  You kicked off your shoes and dumped your purse.

"Where is he?"

"Um...he's in the bedroom."

Without another word you stormed in that direction.  You smacked the door open and glared at Taekwoon where he laid stretched out on his stomach, ear buds in his ears.  You kicked his foot and waited as he rolled over.  When he saw you, he made no move to greet you.  He didn't even take the ear buds out and that sent you over the edge.  Stalking over to his side you reached down and yanked one out of his ear.

"Jung Taekwoon, so help me, I'm ready to kill you!  Why did you kiss me?  What possessed you?"

Taekwoon sprawled on his back, holding his weight up on his elbow.  He pulled the other ear bud out and slowly got to his feet.  You stepped back, not wanting to touch him or have him touch you.  This was getting weird and you didn't like it.  He tossed his MP3 player onto his pillow and looked at you, face closed off and eyes dark.

"You want to know why I kissed you?"

His voice was soft, which wasn't unusual.  It was the tone that had the hair on the back of your neck standing on end.  There was a hint of menace there.  Of anger.  Of something you couldn't quite put your finger on. Your back was up against the wall before you processed the fact that you'd even moved.  Taekwoon stood right in front of you, his face inches from your own.

"I don't just want to kiss you.  I want to fuck you.  I want your legs wrapped around my head as I lick your pussy.  I want you screaming my name.  Is that clear enough for you?"

Your mouth dropped open as you gaped at him.  He what?  No, this wasn't happening.  This was just a dream.  A really weird very realistic dream.  Why would your subconscious be doing this to you?  No...this had to be real.  You shoved him as hard as you could, your hands against his chest as you pushed him away from you.

"Jung Taekwoon, you are such an ass!  Why are you doing this to me?  Why are you telling me this?"

You walked to the door and turned on him.

"That you're willing to throw away fifteen years of friendship just to fuck me?  I...I don't even know what to say to you right now."

He watched you, his expression giving nothing away.  You shook your head and walked out of the room, slamming the door behind you.  You hurried to the front door, your cheeks hot and humiliated tears burning your eyes.  You didn't want to cry, not there, but you felt one escape, sliding down your cheek.

You slid your feet into your shoes and picked up your purse.  Without a backward glance you left, running down the hall to the stairwell.  You didn't want to wait for the elevator and the chance that just maybe he might come after you.  No, you needed out of the building immediately.

The run down the stairs was a blur as the tears you'd tried so valiantly to hold back slid down your cheeks.  Your breath kept catching in your chest as you ran, but you couldn't stop.  You had to escape.  Escape his words.  Escape this horrible nightmare you'd just found yourself in.  You just wanted to wake up and have it all be a bad dream.

You didn't remember the ride home, it was only when you were collapsing on your bed that everything hit you all at once.  The sobs you'd tried to control burst from you, your hands coming up to cover your face.

How could he do this to you?  Throw fifteen years of history away just to fuck you?  It just didn't make any sense!  You weren't blind.  You knew Taekwoon was attractive.  You'd even gone through a short period back when puberty first struck when you thought about kissing him, but this...this was too much.

You wanted to scream.  To hit him.  To shake some sense into him.  You knew you wouldn't be so hurt and so angry if there had been something else.  Him telling you he cared for you.  That he saw you as a woman.  But this...this was him being just like every other man out there.  He didn't have feelings for you.  He didn't even care for you as a friend if he was dumb enough to do this.

You sat up, brushing the tears off your cheeks.  You refused to cry over him.  Refused to think about how this broke your heart.  Refused to think about all those years tossed into the toilet.  You refused to think...period.

The buzzing of your front door had you scrambling off the bed.  If it was Taekwoon you didn't want to talk to him.  He'd already said everything there was to say.  You hurried into the living room and looked at the monitor.  Seeing Hakyeon standing there, his fingers tapping against his thigh had you gaping at the monitor before you got your wits about you.  Pulling the door open, you glared at him.

"What do you want?"

His eyebrow cocked up at your disrespectful tone, but he didn't reproach you for it.  Instead he pushed past you, stopping to kick off his shoes before moving into the living room and sitting down on the couch.  You shut the door and turned to glare at him, your hands on your hips.

"What do you want, Hakyeon?  I'm not in the mood for this right now."

He watched you for a long moment before patting the cushion next to him.

"Come sit.  We need to talk."

You shook your head, not moving from your position.  The expression on Hakyeon's face hardened, turning into that of VIXX's leader.  He crooked a finger at you, pointing to the couch.

"Sit your ass down now!"

You let out a huffy sigh, but did as he asked, flouncing across the room and flopping down on the couch next to him.  You refused to look at him, your arms crossing over your chest as you stared straight ahead.  You heard him sigh and felt the cushion move as he shifted his position.  His hand on your shoulder had you letting out a deep sigh, your arms dropping from their defensive position.

"Hakyeon, why?"

"Look at me."

You turned, facing him.  The compassion on his face made tears threaten to well up again, but you wouldn't let that happen.  Not now.

"Sanghyuk told me what happened."

Your eyes closed and you ducked your head as embarrassment rode you hard.  Oh, God!  That Sanghyuk had heard made you want to crawl into a hole and die.

"Just listen to me for a moment, okay?  Don't be so embarrassed.  You didn't do anything wrong."

You opened your eyes and shook your head.

"It's not so much embarrassment.  I just...why did he do that?  Why did he throw away fifteen years of us to tell me he wants to fuck me?  Hakyeon, this has to be a nightmare.  It just has to be!"

"I've known you just as long as I've known Taekwoon.  You are his dearest friend.  You've been there for him through everything.  Honey, that boy loves you."

You snorted.  Hakyeon shook his head and reached out to grasp your chin in his hand.

"He loves you.  He's loved you for a long time.  And he couldn't deal with it anymore."

You rolled your eyes, pulling your chin out of his grasp.

"If he loved me so much, why didn't he tell me?  Why did he degrade it into that?"

"Do you think straight when you're angry and frustrated?  You were in his face, yelling at him.  He said what was on his mind.  In this instance, fucking."

You pushed up from the couch and walked a few steps away, rubbing your hand up and down your arm.

"Are you telling me this as Cha Hakyeon, my friend?  Or are you doing this because you're VIXX's N?  Are you doing this to make peace?"

Hakyeon let out a huffy sigh and got up, walking over to you and grasping your shoulders in his hands.

"I'm doing this as your friend.  As someone who loves both of you and hates seeing you hurt. to him.  Don't let this fester.  Losing your friendship would devastate him.  And I don't want to see that happen in my role as his leader or my role as your friend.  Promise me."

"I will think about what you told me, Hakyeon.  Just let me wrap my mind around all of this, please?  It's so much and it is just too much for me to take in all at once."

"I understand.  Thank you."

You hugged him and smiled slightly.

"No, thank you, Hakyeon.  He's going to be seriously pissed off if he finds out you did this."

Hakyeon snorted as he walked over to put his shoes on.

"When isn't he pissed off?  I'll see you in a few days?"

You nodded and watched as he left.  Once you were alone you collapsed on the couch, your hands coming up to cover your head.   As much as you appreciated Hakyeon coming to you and talking to you, this extra knowledge he'd dumped on you was just this side of overwhelming.

According to him, Taekwoon loved you.  And not just as a friend, but as in full-blown, loved you as a woman.  And from what it sounded like, it wasn't a new development.  Just how long had he had feelings for you?

Your hands dropped to your lap as you thought back on the kiss on the soccer field.  It hadn't been a tongue down your throat, ravish your mouth kind of kiss.  It had been a sweet, gentle tasting.  As you thought about it, you realized you had felt his emotions in that kiss, you just hadn't recognized it at the time.

You got up and went to your phone, bringing it back to the couch.  You sat down and pulled up your camera, going through the last few months worth of photos.  Most of them were ones you'd sent back and forth.  Gifs of him that had made you snort with laughter.  Silly things.  But there were ones of the two of you together.  Ones you'd taken for granted.

As you flipped through them, there was one in particular that made you stop and stare.  It had been a few months ago at the ISAC.  Taekwoon was dressed in his yellow sweats, his chin on your shoulder as you held the camera up over your heads.  Your fingers were up in a "V" pose, but for the first time you realized what he was doing.

Taekwoon's face was down, eyes closed, mouth pressed to your shoulder.  You made the picture bigger and stared at it.  You'd had a huge smile on your face, giddy at the fact that you'd been able to be there.  But Taekwoon.  Taekwoon looked like he was in agony.  His eyes were squeezed closed and you could see the tension in his face.  How could you not have seen this before?

Had you friend zoned him so hard that nothing was going to break past that barrier?  For someone who claimed to love him so much, you were a blind idiot.  How could you say you loved him when you hadn't realized just how much he'd suffered?

You began to flip through the pictures quickly, going back as long as you'd had the phone.  As each picture went by, you wanted to kick yourself.  In every single picture dating back almost two years, you were smiling like the fool you were, but Taekwoon wasn't.  In fact, half the time he was looking at you, an expression on his face that made your heart clench in your chest.  Was it longing?  Pain?  Whatever it was, it made you want to hug him close.

Tossing the phone down on the table you stood up and began to pace.  You did your best to shake off his title of BFF and think about him as a man.  He was tall; taller than you.  Those broad shoulders and that long, rangy body.  A hairstyle that really suited his face currently gracing his head.  A clothing style you really enjoyed, a lot of which you'd helped choose.  That sweet, soft voice.  That smile that seemed to be reserved only for you.  His laughter, which you didn't hear very often, but when you did, it automatically made you smile in return. 

Were you attracted to Taekwoon?  If you didn't have him as your friend, would you want to date him?  The more you thought about it, the more you realized the answer was yes.  If he didn't have the mantle of friend hanging over him, he would be more than just your type.  He would be perfect for you.  And dear God, did that make you want to beat yourself over the head.  You were the biggest moron in the history of stupidity and that was saying something.  

You stopped in the middle of the room, your thoughts clear for the first time since this all happened.  You knew exactly what you needed to do to make this all better.  It was terrifying and exhilarating and you had no idea how to go about doing it.  Hakyeon would have to come to your rescue again.  Damn it.  Now you'd really have to be in his debt.

Three days later and everything was in place.  As you got off the elevator and hiked your bag up higher on your shoulder, you were ready.  More than ready.  Three days of planning, of deciding that this was right, made you feel like everything was at it should be.  You should be scared half to death, but you weren't.  You knew you'd made the right decision.

You reached the door and hit the buzzer.  Sanghyuk opened the door, grinning when he saw it was you.

"You look a lot better this time around."

You smiled as you walked inside and kicked off your shoes.

"I am much better this time around."

"Hakyeon is in the kitchen."

You nodded and made your way to the back where Hakyeon stood next to the fridge.  He smiled at you and motioned with his hand.

"It's all in place."


"I shall leave him to your trusted hands.  You'll have the dorm to yourself.  We all have plans."

"Thank you, Hakyeon.  I owe you.  Big."

He smiled and shook his head.

"No, you don't.  You're my friends.  I love you and want you to be happy.  If you do that, then you don't owe me a thing."

"Your girlfriend is a lucky woman."

He snickered, a light blush darkening his cheeks.

"Tell her that the next time you see her, will you?  She just yells at me for forgetting to put the toilet seat down."

You laughed and shooed him away.


He laughed and went to gather the other members.  Their commotion as they gathered up their things and left made you smile.  When you were alone, you put things into motion.  You set your bag down on the counter, rolled up your sleeves and the real work began.

Forty-five minutes later and you were ready.  The table was set.  The food was waiting to be plated.  You were dressed.  Everything was in place.  Now the guest of honor just had to show up.


The sound of his voice echoed through the apartment.  You bit your lip from where you were standing in the kitchen.  Now that he was here, the nerves were kicking in.  You heard his footfalls as he came towards you and watched as he rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks.

"What are you doing here?"

You bit your lip, your hands clasped tightly behind your back.

"Um...hi, Taekwoon."

"You didn't answer my question.  What are you doing here?"

Bravado kicked in and you straightened up, your hands coming round to gesture towards the table.

"I made you dinner."

"Fuck dinner."

You felt your eyebrows cock up at his language.

"Jung Taekwoon, shut up!  I know how much you like to eat.  I made you dinner.  You'll eat it and thank me later."

He set his bag down on the ground with a thump and walked towards you, his movements slow and steady.  You swallowed hard, your gaze never leaving his face.  He stopped just in front of you, close enough you could feel the heat of his body, but not actually touching you.

"I don't want to eat food."

You held up your hand, resting it against his chest.

"Taekwoon, please eat.  I need to talk to you."

He let out a gusty sigh, but stepped back and sat down at the table where you directed him.  You served him and yourself before sitting down across from him.   You began to eat, the food tasting like sawdust.  Taekwoon was eating, but his eyes were on you.  And if what you saw there was any indication, you weren't going to be able to walk in the morning.

You couldn't even finish and got up when the plate was more than half full.  You wrapped it in plastic wrap and stuck it in the fridge, your fingers around the handle as you tried to get yourself under control.  The warm body pressing against your back had you gasping, your hand tightening its grip on the handle.

"You're here.  You're shivering, not from cold.  Are you turned on?  Are you here to fuck me?"

Taekwoon's lips ghosted over your shoulder, your neck, your ear, his hot breath making you quiver.  Your eyes closed as you leaned your head against the metal of the fridge, hoping it would cool down your flushed skin.

His teeth nipped your ear and you couldn't hold back the moan.



"I need to talk to you."


You shook your head, jarring yourself out of this sensual haze you'd fallen into.  You pushed away from him, going to the sink and leaning over it.  You needed to get yourself under control.  You turned and looked at him.  He was standing where you'd left him, his arms hanging loose at his sides.  His head was cocked as he watched you and you could see the flush covering his cheeks.  He was just as turned on as you were.

"Taekwoon, I need you to listen to me.  You need to stay there until I'm done, please?"

He nodded and shifted so that he could lean against the fridge.  You took a deep breath before letting it out in a sigh.

"This isn't easy for me to say or admit to.  I'm blind.  And stubborn.  And an idiot.  I've spent the last week having everything I've ever known about you, about me, about us thrown on its head.  I've been reeling, trying to get my head wrapped around everything that's happened.  I'm sorry I've been so stupid not to see that your feelings for me had changed.  I'm sorry that I had you so entrenched in the friend zone that I couldn't see what was right in front of me."

"What have you figured out?"

"I figured out that you're not just my best friend.  That you're not just the guy I could go to whenever I needed to talk to someone.  I figured out that I love you and not just as a friend.  And as terrifying as that is, I wouldn't change it for anything.  Because I do love you, Taekwoon.  More than I ever thought possible."

You'd just spoken the last word when he was on you.  He moved across the kitchen so quickly you barely saw him move.  His hands were on your waist and he was pulling you to him, his lips on yours.  You gasped, your hands coming up to grasp his shoulders as he deepened the kiss.  His hands slid up from your waist, pulling you closer as he leaned forward, draping you over his arms.

You whimpered, your hands sliding up to cup the back of his neck.  Your bodies were plastered together from chest to pelvis.  You wanted to feel his skin against yours and it made you shiver, knowing that was only moments away. He pulled back, straightening up, his hands coming up to cup your face.  His fingers brushed over your cheeks before sliding to the back of your neck.

"I can't believe you're here.  I can't believe you're telling me you love me.  I've loved you for so long that I'd gotten used to the idea that you'd never reciprocate my feelings.  This feels like a dream."

You leaned up and brushed a soft kiss over his lips.

"I'm here, Taekwoon.  And I do love you.  I'm so sorry it took me so long to realize.  To see you as a man.  Well, I've always seen you as a man, but as a man I could love."

You were starting to babble now, your need for him to understand you too great.  He chuckled and kissed you back.

"You talk too much."

You felt his smile as he kissed you again.  All of the pent up emotions you'd had the last week felt like they just melted away as his tongue brushed over your lips.  You opened for him, moaning when his tongue pressed against yours.  His fingers brushed soft circles on the back of your neck, soothing you as he licked at your mouth, groaning at your taste.

"You are fucking amazing.  I can't wait to taste you.  My tongue on your clit and my fingers deep inside of you.  God, this is just..."

You shuddered, your forehead resting against his chin.  You could picture it perfectly and it almost brought you to your knees.  With that thought, you stepped back from him and reached for the bottom of his shirt.  His eyebrow cocked up but he didn't say anything as he raised his arms over his head.  You pulled his shirt up, biting your lip as his chest was revealed to your avid gaze.  You'd seen him shirtless a gazillion times, but seeing it now, in this context, made you feel like you were seeing him for the first time.

You tossed the shirt on the floor and ran your hands over his chest, your teeth biting into your lower lip as you felt his muscles contract under your touch.  You slid your hands down to the waistband of his jeans, undoing the buttons slowly, the idea that you were doing this making you almost giddy.  Your fingers in the waistband as you pulled it down, your knees bending until you were kneeling at his feet.

His jeans pooled around his knees, leaving him in a pair of black briefs that cupped his hard cock with loving precision.  You looked up at him as you hooked your fingers in the waistband and began to tug them down.

He stared down at you, his eyes dark and intense.  He bit his upper lip, his eyes going to half mast when you leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lower belly, right above his pubic bone.  You leaned back, pulling his briefs down until his cock was revealed to you.  It was fully erect, bobbing against his lower belly as you freed him fully.  You shoved his briefs and his jeans down to his ankles, pulling them off and away when he stepped out of them.

You scooted forward, your finger brushing from the base of his cock all the way up to the tip, sliding through the precum that glistened at the slit.  You set out to worship him, to learn what made him gasp your name as you took hold, your fingers wrapping around the base.  You pumped his cock twice, smirking slightly as he gasped out a curse, before you set out to wreck him.

You angled his cock down as you straightened up as much as you could, taking him deep on your first pass.  You felt his cockhead brush the back of your throat and swallowed.

"Fuck!  Fuck!  Damn it!  Oh, fuck!"

His head smacked against the fridge as his hips arched towards you.  You would have smiled, but your mouth was full.  His hands tangled in your hair as you began to move.  You pulled back, until just the head was between your lips, your tongue flicking lightly over the slit.  His taste was slightly bitter, musky, Taekwoon.  And it made you so wet you thought you were going to cum right then and there.

With your free hand you cupped his balls, your fingers testing the weight.  They were warm and the texture was smooth.  And you couldn't wait.  You bent down farther, brushing your tongue over one side and then the other.  Taekwoon's fingers tightened in your hair, almost to the point of painful, but you didn't care.

When you took one between your lips, he let out a hiss of air, his hips canting up so high he was on his tip toes.  You sucked it gently into your mouth, rolling your tongue around it.  He let out a whine, his hips jerking towards you.  You hummed, knowing the vibrations would make him lose it.

He let out a grunt, his fingers pulling on your hair.  You pulled back with a lewd pop, straightening up and going back to his cock.  You began to suck him off in earnest, your mouth moving up and down his cock and your fingers moved along the base.  You continued to fondle his balls, rolling them gently between your fingers. 

"Jesus!  You're...Jesus!"

His body began to twitch under your ministrations, his hips rolling as he started to thrust into your mouth.  His fingers were wrapped so tightly into your hair that your scalp was numb, but as he began to cum, filling your mouth, you felt victorious.  You'd brought him to his end, almost to his knees, as you continued worshiping him until he'd softened under your touch.  With a gentle kiss to the head you pulled back and stood up.

Taekwoon looked completely wrecked.  Head against the fridge, eyes closed, mouth open as he gasped for air.  Sweat dripped down his face, plastering his hair to his skin.  You lifted a hand and cupped his face, before leaning forward and brushing your lips over his.


His eyes opened and you gulped.  If you'd thought his gaze was hot before, it had nothing on how he looked at you now.  He shook his head before straightening, his hands coming to your waist and pulling you into him.  His mouth was on yours, teeth nipping your lip before his tongue was pushing inside.  You grunted, your hands going to his shoulders as he hiked you up and turned, planting your butt on the counter.

"You're in for it now."

His fingers were at the buttons of your blouse, plucking them until your shirt gaped open.  Shoving it roughly off your shoulders before reaching behind to unclasp your bra.  Sliding the straps down your arms and pulling it away, leaving your naked from the waist up.  He stared down at your breasts, his hands coming up to cover them, squeezing gently.  Your head arched back as he leaned forward, his lips closing over the tip of one.  Sucking gently, tongue flicking over your nipple, making you ache.

Your hands corded through his hair, pulling him closer to you.  You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer to you.

"Taek," you gasped out, your fingers tightening in his hair when he nipped you with his teeth.


He switched over to the other breast before you could gather your thoughts and all that came out of your lips was a whimper.  Fingers at the waistband of your jeans, undoing the button and sliding down the zipper.  Hands sliding under your hips to lift you up so he could pull down your jeans and panties in one fell swoop, leaving you bare to him.

Your legs slid from his hips as he pulled back, dragging your bottoms down your legs and tossing them aside.  He pulled until your hips were off the edge of the counter, allowing him to kneel and put his mouth right where he wanted.

His tongue was ruthless as it flicked relentlessly over your clit.  Your head arched back and you let out a wail as he brought you up so quickly you could barely breathe.  Your fingers scrabbled for purchase before clenching around the edge of the counter as you came all over his tongue, your body trembling under his.  He pulled back with a chuckle and opened up the freezer door.  You blinked listlessly as you watched him rifle through something before he pulled out a freezer pop and turned back to you with a wicked grin.

Your eyes widened as he tore the plastic off, revealing the ice cold sticky treat.  He stuck it in his mouth, sucking on it until it was starting to melt.  You held your hand up.

"Jung Taekwoon..."

Before you could finish, he was on you.  His ice cold tongue on your hot flesh had you let out a whimper.  It felt so good.  Too good.  As his tongue flicked over your clit, you felt something even colder slide inside of you.  You let out a squeal, your hips bucking as you tried to get away, but his hand clamped down on your thigh, holding you in place.

As he licked at your clit, he slid the ice cold treat in and then back out, leaving just the tip of it inside you.  You wanted to cry, it felt so good.  The icy cold as it slid along your heated flesh made you feel like you were dying.  His tongue on your clit, bringing you back up again had your hands in his hair, pulling him closer to you.

"Taek...Taekwoon!  God, please!"

He chuckled, the vibration going directly through your clit.  You squealed, your thighs clamping down around his head as you fought to keep from cumming again.  You wanted to, desperately, but at the same time, you wanted this to last forever.  He was worshiping you, his tongue learning your every desire as he moved down to where the treat was sliding in and out of you, his tongue flicking over it, licking up your juices that were mixed with the melting ice.

"You taste so good on my tongue.  I could worship your clit for hours.  I want you to cum again on my tongue.  Do it for me.  Now!"

Clenching your teeth you did as he asked, your sex clamping down on the treat as you bucked against his mouth.  Your hands had a death grip on his head, but you didn't care.  All you cared about was the way your body felt as you collapsed against the counter, your head back and your eyes closed as you gasped for breath.

Your eyes opened as Taekwoon pulled the treat from your trembling sex and stuck it between his lips, sucking on the end.  You let out a shuddering moan at the sight and tried to sit up, but he shook his head.  He tossed the remainder of the pop in the sink and stood up.  He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up, settling you down on the table.

"Don't move."

You watched as he walked away, admiring the way the muscles in his back and ass flexed as he moved.  He came back shortly, a wet washcloth in one hand and a strip of condoms in the other.  He set the condoms down on the table next to you and proceeded to wipe away the sticky mess from between your legs.

He tossed the washcloth aside and set about making sure you were ready again, his tongue on your clit as his fingers slid deep inside of you.  You were sensitive and your insides were still quivering from his previous onslaught.  You let out a whimper as he brought you up, his talented fingers and tongue making you wonder how you'd waited all this time.

When he stepped back and reached for the condoms, you shook your head and held out your hand.  He smirked as he tore one off and handed it to you.  You got it open and reached out for his cock, rolling into on gently before giving him a pump for good measure.  He shook his head when you leaned back, your elbows holding up your weight.

He leaned forward and kissed you, the taste of you on his tongue as he slid it between your lips.  You bit down on the tip gently, swallowing his grunt.  You felt the blunt head of his cock brush over your thigh before he slowly slid inside of you.

His hands slid down your sides to your waist, pulling you closer to the edge of the table, allowing him to glide in even deeper.  You whined in the back of your throat, the feeling of having him inside of you more than you could describe.

He began to thrust, gently at first.  Your fingers slid up his arms, clasping his upper arms as he began rolling his hips, sliding in and out of you to perfection.  You wanted to cry, to laugh, to exult in this moment.  Everything was changing.  Changing in a way that you never would have expected, but it was good.  So good.

His thrusts became stronger.  Deeper.  Making you moan every time he slid deep.  You needed him deeper.  Your head went back as your neck arched.  He obliged you, clamping his teeth over the muscle that connected neck to shoulder.  You began pulsing around his cock, the orgasm taking you by surprise.  Taekwoon grunted but rode it out, his thrusts never subsiding.  You were whimpering, your fingers tight on his arms when he pulled out and flipped you over.

Your chest to the table, his hands sliding down your arms to clasp your fingers.  He curled your fingers over the edge of the table and bit your neck again before whispering in your ear.

"Hold on, baby girl.  I'm going to fuck you until you scream."

With that his hands were between your thighs, pushing them apart as far as they would go.  You held onto the table for dear life as he angled your hips up and slid inside to the hilt.  You let out a cry, pressing your cheek against the table as he did exactly that.  His thrusts were hard.  Deep.  Intense.  His years as a dancer had built his endurance and he was using it to his advantage.

Your legs were trembling outside of your control, stretched wide to the point of almost being painful, but you didn't care.  All you could feel was his hard cock ramming inside of you, his hands tight on your hips as he pulled you into him.  You came again, your hips bucking into him as your fingers tightened around the edges of the table to the point you knew you'd be sore tomorrow.

Taekwoon let out a breathless laugh, sliding one hand from your hip to between your thighs.  His fingers brushing over your clit had you trying to get away, the sensitivity almost too much.

"We're not done yet.  Not even close."

He shifted, standing up, but not pulling out of you.  He got you maneuvered to his liking, his ass in a chair and you draped over his lap, your back facing him.  His legs kept your spread wide as he rolled his hips.  You held onto his thighs, your head tilted forward as you just tried to remember to breathe.

He was killing you and it was the most amazing way to die.  His fingers continued to torment you, brushing over your clit with no set pattern.  You whined, your teeth biting into your lip hard enough to bruise.  You needed to cum again.  Had to cum again.  It felt too good.  So good.  You wanted to scream.  To beg.  But all that came out was a breathy moan.

He pulled you against him so your back rested against his chest.  The hand at your waist slid up until his fingers could bracket your throat.  He tilted your head and bit down on the shell of your ear.

"You're going to cum on my cock.  You're going to cum hard.  And you're not going to stop until I tell you to."

You let out a whimpering moan, your head arched back as he began to fuck you in earnest.  You didn't know where your quiet friend had gone, but as his fingers began to flick over your clit with harder strokes, his cock buried deep inside of you, you didn't care.

With the scream you'd been holding back, you did exactly what he'd demanded.  You clamped down on his cock, your arms flailing as you spasmed on his lap, your body trembling so hard you would have fallen off if he hadn't been holding you so tightly.

His command was stuck in your head, your body more than willing to follow it.  His fingers tightened around your throat as he grunted, his hips slamming up into yours as he came deep inside of you.  When his fingers relaxed and his body settled down, he slid his hand from your throat and brushed your hair away from your neck.

"You did well, baby girl.  So good.  You came for me so good."

You cried out, your body still trembling above him.  His fingers flicked over your clit once more before he placed a kiss to your shoulder and told you to settle.  Collapsing against him, your head rested against his shoulder as you struggled to get your equilibrium back.

All of the events of that night were a jumbled mess in your head, but you knew you would never forget what had just happened.  Ever.

Taekwoon lifted you from his lap, swearing when his limp cock slid from you.  He shifted until he could settle you on the chair before moving away to dispose of the condom.  When he was done he came and lifted you into his arms, carrying your trembling body to the couch and settling down with you draped over his lap, your head tucked under his chin.  You let out a sigh, wrapping your arms loosely around his middle.

"What now, Taekwoon?"

"Hmm?  What do you mean, what now?"

"Where do we go from here?"

His hand came up and tangled in your hair, pulling you away so he could look at your face.

"Are you seriously asking me that right now?  We just had the most amazing sex I've ever had in my life.  The woman I love is draped over my lap blissed out from our fucking.  And you're asking me what now?  Are you fucking kidding me?"

You had to laugh, both at the indignation in his voice and at your words.

"I'm sorry, Taekwoon.  I'm so sorry.  I do love you.  So much."

He let go of your hair and brushed a strand from your face.

"That's better.  I love you too.  Now let's just chill here for a bit.  I still have a lot of plans for you."

He cuddled you close, tucking you back into position.  You snuggled into him, your eyes closing as you smiled.


  1. I love you so much.....(curls up in the corner a shivering, whimpering MESS)

  2. *silent tears* This was beautiful. Your talent never ceases to amaze me. I really liked the procession of the story, especially the part about the pictures and when Hakyeon came to visit.

    ~Dangerousluv1 (on tumblr)

    1. HI!!! *waves* Thank you! This one was so hard to write. Took me almost 4 days to write it, but I'm super happy with it. So that's something, I guess.

      Now it's on to the BIG thing that I'm not remotely ready for. *sobs*

  3. This was sooo good! Thank you for all the lovely stories!

  4. Oh. my. fudge. cake. This is... how can I even begin! I had to pause from reading every so often Leo does something (something really hot mind you ;)) because I couldn't with the feels. The way you write him and the character is amazing. Just... wow~
