Thursday, April 23, 2015

Quick Flyby Post

Hello!  *waves* 

I had all these great plans to write this week, but that didn't happen (obviously).  I'm working anywhere up to 12 hours a day this week, plus I'm coming down with something, so I'm pooped.  That being said, I'll have a new story up this weekend for sure.  Hold me to that.  If I don't, you're allowed to chastise me.  :{

I'm also in the middle of setting up a new website.  I wanted to create a place where people can congregate, talk about VIXX, share art, have conversations, etc.  I also wanted a place to put my old stories where you can access them easily.  But, since I've never actually created a website before, it's all trial and error on my part.  I should have that up sometime next week?  Maybe?  LOL!

I'm also working on the series I hinted at before.  There's a lot going on behind the scenes at the moment and I'm sorry it's taking me so long to get it up and running.  This is what happens when you're creative but have to work a real job to support said creativity.  LOL!  I am trying to get it done soon so I can share it with you.  I'm super excited and am working with some extremely talented people to bring this to you.  I hope you'll be happy with it when it's ready.

I've got a lot of prompts to work through as well, so I'm a busy, busy girl.  Yay for productivity!  *throws hands up*

Again, I love communicating with you.  You can email, contact me on KKT, twitter, tumblr, etc.  I'm pretty easy to find.  And I always respond to comments too.  I've made it super easy for you to stay up to date on my stories as well.  You can add me via google, email, etc.  All of the links should be on the right side of this page.

In the meantime, I'm going to go pass out now.  Colds suck.  :(


  1. Wooohooo, my hands are up in the air right now!!! I was thinking that maybe you should have closed your blog again because I tried to enter and this told me that the website was not found, AND I SWEAR I SCREAM WHAAAAAAAAT!!!! But I was able to find it again!!! I hope this project of the website goes really well, like always I'll be waiting for your posts... By the way, my name is Madahi...

  2. All the best with making your plans come to life!
