Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Pure Bliss (VIXX Leo)

Old but so good.  Yum!

"I hate my life!"

Those were the words that came out of my mouth when I slammed the front door of the apartment I shared with my boyfriend.  Taekwoon looked up from the couch where he was reading, a look of concern on his face.

"You okay?"

I shook my head as I kicked off my shoes, tossing my bag on the floor next to the shoe rack.

"No, I'm not okay!  I'm ready to kill my boss, my coworkers are idiots and I'm hungry!"

Taekwoon stood up, tossing the magazine on the coffee table.  He walked over to me, putting his hands on my shoulders and rubbing gentle circles into them.

"Go take a shower, hmm?  I'll get you some food."

"Can we do food first?  I'd kill for pasta."

He chuckled as he leaned his head down to kiss the tip of my nose.

"I'll make you some spaghetti.  Sit."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned against his chest, his warmth relaxing me almost instantly.  I've never felt as safe as I do when I'm in his arms.  There's something about his strength that makes me feel cherished.  Sometimes I feel like I need to pinch myself to make sure this is real and not a dream.

His arms were snug around me, holding me close.  He may not be a man of words, but the way he holds me tells me how much he loves me.  We've been together for four years and every day it just gets better and better.  I'd be a liar if I said I couldn't see us being together forever.  I just didn't want to jinx myself.

Pulling back, I smiled at him and went to sit on the couch where he'd directed me.  Since our apartment was open concept, I could watch him as he cooked.  There was nothing sexier than a man who knew his way around the kitchen.  Watching Jung Taekwoon cook was enough to make me weak in the knees.

I turned so I could stretch my legs out on the couch, my body so tired it hurt.  My job wasn't physical, but it was mental and the strain made me want to pull my hair out sometimes.  I actually liked my job a lot, but days like today made me question my sanity.  All I wanted was food, a hot shower and at least eight hours of sleep, the order in which I got them didn't matter.

Warm fingers against my skin brought me awake, my body jerking in surprise.  My eyes opened and I looked into Taekwoon's eyes, so close to mine.  His hand cupped my face, his thumb brushing over my cheek.

"Maybe you should just go to bed, hmm?  The food can wait."

My stomach chose that moment to let out a very unflattering growl.  I laughed as I placed my hand over my tummy and shook my head.

"I don't think food can wait.  Feed me!"

I expected him to help me to my feet, but when his arms slipped around my shoulders and under my knees, lifting me easily, I let out a squeak, my arms going up around his neck.

"Taekwoon!  I can walk!"

He just looked at me.  I bit my lip to hide my smile as he carried me to the dining room table, setting me on my feet next to my chair.  I sat down and watched as he dished up a plate, setting it on the table in front of me.  I dug in, my hunger feeling like it was gnawing at my bones.  The first bite made me sigh in bliss.  My man knew his way around spices.

We ate in silence, neither one of us big on conversing while eating.  Not only that, I was afraid if I stopped eating I'd fall asleep.  I ate quickly, not savoring the food like I normally would.  I was in a hurry to get into a hot shower.  My muscles were so tense they felt like they would snap.

I finished and stood up, my hand reaching out for the plate.  Taekwoon placed his hand over mine and shook his head.

"Go shower.  I'll clean up."

I kissed the top of his head and walked towards the bathroom, stripping off my clothes as I went.  Once in the bathroom I turned the shower on, making sure the water was as hot as I could stand it before stepping inside.  The water poured down over my head, feeling like liquid magma, but it also felt so good.  I could feel the stress leaving me slowly but surely, the heat seeping into my flesh.

I got my head drenched and reached for the shampoo.  I hurried through the shower as quickly as I could, wanting nothing more than to collapse on the bed and pass out.  Wrapping a towel around my head, I dried off with another, before stumbling into the bedroom.  I wasn't prepared for what I saw, stopping dead in my tracks.

Taekwoon sat at the foot of the bed, his hands hanging loosely between his knees.  Candles were lit everywhere and soft music played from the stereo.  He smiled at me, holding up something in one of his hands.  When I saw the vial, I wanted to cry.

"God, I love you!"

He chuckled and reached out to grasp my hand.  He pulled me until I stood between his legs and smiled up at me.

"Lay down, baby."

Letting go of his hand I did exactly that, stretching out on my stomach, my arms crossed under my chin.  I felt the bed shift as Taekwoon stood up.  I glanced over my shoulder and watched as he turned to crawl over to me, settling down so his butt rested on my upper thighs.  The first touch of his hands made me let out a whimper, barely able to process how good it felt.  My head lay flat against my arms, my eyes closing in bliss.  It wasn't often Taekwoon would give me a massage, but when he did, he left me feeling like I'd melted into a puddle of goo.  His fingers were my guilty pleasure.  He could do no wrong with them.

He started at my shoulders, his fingers kneading just so, hitting every sore spot I possessed.  The bottle of oil he'd showed me was put to good use, his fingers sliding up to my neck and down.  Every time his fingers hit an especially painful place, it made me let out a deep, heartfelt sigh.  How had I gotten so lucky to find a man who knew how to do this?  It was like he knew my body so well that he didn't have to think about it.

His fingers pulled gently on the towel tied loosely around my middle, pulling it down so my entire back was exposed.  I could tell he wasn't unaffected by what he was doing for me, the bulge pressing against my ass making it obvious, but nothing he was doing to me was remotely sexual in nature.  He was taking care of me in that way he had.  It made me feel like the luckiest woman on earth.

I wasn't unaffected either.  Being touched by him in any way was the best aphrodisiac for me.  His touch made me weak in the knees and it just got stronger the longer we were together.  He knew how to make me very, very happy and I'd be a fool not to enjoy that.

Before I'd met him, I never thought I could be with someone who was so quiet.  He wasn't one for unnecessary words, but he wasn't silent all the time.  He'd tease me and laugh just like anyone else would, but that wasn't his usual personality.  But somehow we worked, his quietness counteracting my bubbly nature, creating a cohesive unit that made others jealous.  I couldn't help feeling smug when I saw how my friends were treated by their men.  I'd gotten lucky somehow and I was thankful every day for it.

Oil slick fingers slid over my skin, firm and yet oh, so gentle.  I was putty under his hands and had no inclination to move.  I was perfectly content to lay there forever, my lover's hands all over me.

I felt him slide down my legs, pulling on the towel until I lay naked underneath him.  His fingers slid over my ass, his fingers digging into the muscles.  It took everything in me not to squirm as his fingers drifted closer and closer to my sex without touching me where I really, really wanted him to.

A long glide down one leg, fingers digging into the arch of my foot, making my toes curl.  The same was done to the other leg.  I let out a moan because it just felt so good, but also because I was getting frustrated.  I'd gone from so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open to horny.

"Roll over, baby," he whispered, his soft voice like sin.  I wasted no time, rolling over onto my back, my head nestled in the pillows.  The towel wrapped around my head was gently pulled away, my damp hair fanning around my head.  I stared up at him, knowing that this night was going to end in me being very happy indeed.  I couldn't wait, but I made no move to touch him.  He'd made it clear this was all about him cherishing me and it was something I wasn't going to mess with.

He started at my feet, his fingers gently pulling on my toes.  It tickled and made me giggle, but he just smiled.  Each foot got the same treatment, relaxing me to the point that my eyes closed.  I could easily drift off, sleep just on the edge of my subconscious, but having Taekwoon's hands on me made it impossible to fall completely.

The bed shifted as he moved, his hands sliding up my legs, up over my stomach, cupping my breasts.  Fingers circling my nipples without touching them, making me squirm.  My eyes blinked open and I looked up at him, a frown on my face.

"Touch me," I whispered, wrapping my fingers around his wrists.  The smirk that crossed his face should have been criminal, but as he leaned forward, his lips pressing against mine, I couldn't bring myself to care.  That first taste of him made me moan.  His tongue slid between my lips, brushing against my tongue.

I'd never been kissed by anyone the way Taekwoon kissed me.  It was like he couldn't get enough of my taste, his lips and tongue tasting me like I was a delicious treat.  It always made me feel like I was precious to him, making me love him even more.

He pulled back, his hands cupping my breasts fully, fingers tweaking my nipples.  My hands dropped from his wrists and I sighed in delight.

"You're killing me."

He chuckled, his expression wicked.  It did things to my insides, making me shiver in pure ecstasy.  There was no way I was going to be able to sleep now.  Not with him looking at me like that, those beautiful eyes of his so intense that it felt like they were searing me.  My tongue wet my lips, wishing I could taste him.  He was my favorite dessert, his taste like ambrosia on my tongue.

But I forgot all that when he slid back down my body, his hands pushing between my thighs, spreading my legs.  My knees bent, feet pressed firmly to the bed.  I knew I was in for it when he used his fingers to spread me open, his eyes focused on my sex.  I felt goosebumps spread over my skin as he let out a sigh before leaning forward, his tongue brushing over me.

The noise that came out of me was a cross between a moan and a whimper at the sensations he brought out of me.  The way the tip of his tongue flicked over my clit made me squirm, my hands reaching down to clasp his head.


He chuckled, looking up at me, a devilish twinkle in his eyes before he went back to work, trying to drive me mad.  The way he tasted me made delicious shivers go up and down my spine.  When his fingers slid inside me, curving just so, my thighs clenched around his shoulders, my body shuddering.

I wanted to watch him as long as I could, but the feelings were getting too intense.  My eyes closed as my head arched back into the pillows, my hands tightening in his hair.  He kept it up, his tongue flicking just so as his fingers thrust into me.  I could feel the orgasm coming, my thighs shaking as it started to hit.  My entire body spasmed as he continued, ignoring the pleas coming from my mouth.  I couldn't tell if I was begging him to stop or pleading for him to continue, everything a blur.

I started to come down, my thighs relaxing their death grip on his shoulders, only to have him bring me right back up again.  I let out a cry, my back arching up off the bed as I reached for it.  I wanted to scream, but all that came out was a pained gasp, my body twitching.  He let me go with one final lick, his fingers sliding from inside of me, making me spasm.

I lay gasping on the bed, my body splayed out across the sheets.  I couldn't move, every muscle feeling loose and tingly.  My eyes opened as I felt Taekwoon get up off the bed.  He stripped off his shirt, revealing his upper body to me.  I bit my lip, wishing I had the strength to touch him.  His body was a masterpiece, all long lean muscles and pale skin.  Watching his fingers as he undid his jeans made me let out a long sigh of appreciation as his hard cock was revealed to me.

He was so aroused that his cock was tapping his belly, precum leaking from the tip.  He wasted no time shucking off his pants before crawling back onto the bed.  He settled over me, the weight of his body deliciously heavy on me.  He placed kisses over my cheeks, the tip of my nose, the edge of my mouth before actually kissing me, his tongue brushing over my lips.  My arms went up around his shoulders, my fingers twining in his hair.

The feeling as his cock slid inside me could only be described as heaven.  He filled me so perfectly, the friction of his thrusts making me sigh.  I gasped into his mouth as he began thrusting slow and deep, his hands sliding down my sides to grasp my waist.  My legs lifted, wrapping around his thrusting hips, feeling the muscles undulate between my thighs.

Gasping breath, back arching as I tried to meet his thrusts, my fingers tightening in his hair.  His name whispered in hushed tones, lifting my head to kiss his jaw.  His hot breath against my neck as he nuzzled behind my ear, his teeth scraping lightly over the sensitive skin there.

"Taekwoon, you're driving me insane," I moaned, my fingers drifting from his hair to slide down over his back until I could palm the cheeks of his ass.  The muscles there so firm and delicious, the way they flexed under my touch a testament to his strength.

"Good," he growled as he bit at my neck, his teeth sinking gently into the skin.  My head arched back as he began thrusting faster, his hands tightening at my waist before sliding down to my hips.  He tilted me up, allowing his thrusts to reach deeper inside of me.

The orgasm hit out of nowhere, my body clenching tight around him as I let out the scream I'd tried for earlier.  My limbs wrapped tight around him as I rode it out, my body twitching as he continued to thrust.  I was exhausted, but he hadn't come yet.  His thrusts slowed down as I came down before he stopped completely, his body held still over me.  I felt him shake his head and opened my eyes to see him lean up.  He pulled out of me and I found myself on my stomach, his hands sliding around to lift me up onto my knees.

"I'm not done with you yet," he whispered as he slid back inside me.  I was on my knees, my legs splayed open, his body wrapped tight around me as he began to thrust in earnest.  My clit was so sensitive that every brush of his skin against me sent twinges throughout my body, but I didn't care.  He wasn't going to stop until he'd wrung every drop of pleasure out of me that he could.

One hand came up to circle my throat, his fingers tight enough to hold me in place but not enough to take away my air while the other slid over my stomach to delve between my legs.  His fingers were gentle as they brushed over my clit, but a whimper still escaped my throat.

"Oh, God!  Taekwoon!"

The pace he set was punishing.  My arms came up to clasp the back of his head, my body arching back against him.  I couldn't match his pace and let myself be taken over by him.  Tears welled in my eyes as he plundered me.  That was the only word to describe what he was doing to me.  Every move he made seemed to take me over, my will completely under his thumb.

I wanted to cry as I came again, my body clamping down around his thrusting cock.  He growled as he spent inside me, the weight of him collapsing against me sending me flat on the bed.  I lay on my stomach gasping for air, my body twitching uncontrollably.  Taekwoon lay over me, his solid warmth against me, cocooning me.

Sleep was coming for me, my body completely and totally exhausted.  I barely felt it when he pulled out, the kiss he placed on my shoulder at complete odds to how he'd just ravaged me.  His arms came around me as he rolled us onto our sides, my head pillowed on his forearm.

"I love you," I whispered as I began to drift off.  I felt the long exhale before he placed another kiss on my neck.  Sleep pulled me under, the words he whispered heard but not registering.

"Marry me."


  1. Your stories are the BEST aphrodisiac!!! This is WOW! How he takes care of my needs... How I feel after reading this is indescribable

  2. I want a boyfriend like him... NO! I WANT HIM!!!!
