Sunday, May 3, 2015

Fantastic Journey (VIXX N & Leo)

Putting up more old stories for now.  I was going to write something tonight, but I've got a killer headache & just want to chill.  

You stared down at the invitation on your desk, afraid if you touched it you'd spontaneously combust.  The heavily embossed velum was fancier than anything you'd ever received in your life.  Your name was written out in beautiful script and you tapped it with your fingernail, wondering who had sent it to you. 

Picking it up, you flipped it over.  All that was written was an address and a date; your thirtieth birthday.  Saturday night.  You dug your cell phone out of your bag and dialed your best friend's number, since she was the only person you could think of who would do something like this.


"It's me."

"What's up?"

"I just received something here at work that's making me question my sanity.  Did you send me an invitation?"

"No.  What does it say?"

"Nothing but an address and the day of my birthday.  It's super fancy and kind of scary, honestly."

"Oh.  Oh!  Oh!  I know what this is!"

"What did you do?"

"Don't kill me, but remember the last time we hung out?  We were talking about your birthday and you told me what you wanted.  Something about multiple orgasms and some other things I blush to think about."

You blanched, pulling the phone away from your ear to glare at it before putting it back.

"Oh, my god!  You didn't!  I wasn't serious!  I just got so tired of everyone asking me what I wanted for my birthday.  I was being flippant.  You know me."

"Which is why this is your birthday present.  Honey, you haven't been with a man in so long I'm afraid your parts are going to shrivel up and die if you don't get laid soon.  Just think of this as an opportunity to have your mind blown.  And lots and lots of orgasms.  Lots of orgasms."

"I have a lot of orgasms, thank you."

"Self-induced don't count.  Take this as a chance to just explore sex.  I know you don't want to get married and dating isn't a big thing for you, but you need to have sex.  This is an opportunity for you to do whatever you want, no questions asked.  And FYI, I've heard these men are beyond delicious.  If that doesn't intrigue you, I give up on you."

You tapped the invitation, your tongue swiping suddenly dry lips.  That you were intrigued spoke volumes on how long your dry spell had been. 

"So, what do I do?"

"Follow the instructions on the invitation.  That's it."

"I'll think about it."

"If you don't, I'll be disappointed.  I think it's something you need to do."

"I understand what you're saying, but this is a pretty insane thing for me to do.  You know how much I like control."

"Yes, I know."

"If I decide on this, no strings, no worries?  No sexually transmitted diseases?"

"Don't worry.  They're all tested regularly and use condoms.  You'll be fine, I promise."

"I can't believe I'm actually contemplating this.  I must be insane!"

"No, you're horny.  There's a difference."

"Oh, shut up!"

"I love you too."

She hung up and you tossed your phone on your desk.  You ran your fingers through your hair, shocked at what she had decided on as a gift.  She was right in the sense that you hadn't been with someone in so long you'd forgotten what it felt like to be touched by a man, but at the same time this was a bit extreme.  You hadn't lied when you told her you liked to be in control.  You had mild OCD and had to have everything in its place at all times.  The idea of not having planned this out yourself made you want to scream.  That it had been in her hands all this time made you feel completely out of your element.  And that it was related to sex made it even worse.

Were you going to do this?  Could you see yourself doing this?  These were the questions that rang through your head constantly over the next week.  But when your birthday came, you drove to the address provided, no idea what was in store for you.  The stately Colonial situated on the outskirts of town welcomed you as you pulled up the long drive.  A valet helped you out of your car and took your keys.  You grabbed your purse and stared at the stairs in front of you, giving yourself a mental pep talk. 

Straightening your shoulders, you walked up the stairs and knocked on the front door.  It swung open on silent hinges and a woman in a black suit smiled at you in welcome.  She stepped back, motioning for you to step inside.  When she shut the door behind you, the finality of it seemed to sink in.  You were really doing this.


"Thank you.  I'm sorry, I'm very nervous.  I have no idea what to do or what will happen.  I received this invitation in the mail and have been vacillating on if I should do this or not since then."

She smiled at you and patted you gently on the arm.

"Ah, I understand.  Won't you sit down and I'll explain it all to you.  How does that sound?"

You sat down on the chair she motioned towards and watched as she went behind the desk.  She pulled out a dark blue folder and handed it to you.  You flipped through it, shaking your head as you realized your friend had listed every sexual thought you'd ever voiced aloud.  She'd also described your tastes down to your favorite scent.  That she knew you so well should have made you feel better, but all you felt was nerves.  You looked back up at the woman who'd sat behind the desk, her hands clasped on top. 

"Please explain this to me.  Please."

"Very well.  We are here to fulfill your fantasies.  Our goal is your pleasure."


"Amongst other things.  Our employees have been trained to recognize and work with every type of customer.  The men who have been chosen for you tonight are two of our best."


"Yes, two.  N and Leo have been with us for a long time.  They're very, very good at their job."

"N and Leo?"

You knew you sounded like an echo, but you were in shock.  You'd psyched yourself up to having sex with one man, but two?  It was so overwhelming you were reeling.  Two men.  For your own personal pleasure.  The mind boggled.

"Yes, N and Leo.  Would you like to see their photos?"

"No, thank you.  I have a feeling if I know anymore, I'll run away screaming.  I'm already so nervous I feel nauseated.  I don't know how much more I can handle."

Her smile was sympathetic.

"I understand.  You aren't the first.  That is why we'll move slowly.  Get you relaxed and comfortable first."

She stood up and bowed her head.

"If you would follow me?"

You stood up and followed behind as she led you down a long hallway.  She tapped on the door at the end of the hall and pushed it open. 

"Go on inside.  I'll be back in an hour to get you.  For now, relax."

She turned and walked away.  You went into the room and realized it was set up as a massage room.  A young woman stood beside the massage table, her hands clasped in front of her.  She bowed her head and greeted you with a smile.  She led you to a changing screen and handed you a robe to put on once you'd removed your clothing. 

Stripping out of your clothes, you pulled the robe on and tightened it around your waist before going back to her.  She helped you stretch out on the table and slipped the robe off your shoulders until it pooled around your waist.  You lay on your stomach, your body nervous and tense.  You heard her rummaging around and then felt warm liquid being poured over your back.

The first touch of her hands on your skin made you jump, before you began to relax.  Her every movement was professional and you realized she wasn't part of your evening entertainment.  She was there specifically to relax you.  Once you realized that, you were able to relax.  She hit every bundle of tightened muscles, her fingers strong but gentle. 

You were drifting, just this side of asleep when you heard a tap on the door.  You heard the first woman's voice and your masseuse's response, but none of their words registered.  You wanted to sleep, your body more relaxed than you could ever remember.  The masseuse helped you sit up, pulling the robe up and belting it around your waist.  She got you to your feet and bowed, before leaving you. The first woman led you to another room and stopped to face you with a smile.

"N and Leo are waiting for you.  Please, enjoy yourself."

She patted your arm again and nodded towards the door.  She left you and you watched her walk away, gulping when you realized you had to do this yourself.  You were terrified, but also very, very intrigued.  Taking a few deep breaths, you pushed the door open and stepped inside.

It was as if your fantasy had come to life.  The room was your ultimate dream bedroom, down to the color of the bedding.  The walls were cream, the accents a pale blue.  A huge fireplace took up an entire wall, a fire blazing merrily.  But what caught your attention was the four-poster bed, bigger than any bed you'd ever seen in your life.  You gaped at it, not aware that you weren't alone until you heard a chuckle. 

Glancing around you saw the two men.  One of them was tall and pale, his leonine features fearsome in the dimmed room.  The other was smaller, his features elegant and sharp.  His coloring was stunning; a beautiful burnished copper.  The taller one stood leaning against the foot of the bed, his arms crossed over his chest.  The other sat in a wing back chair next to the bed, his legs crossed.  He was the one that had chuckled, the smile on his face stunningly beautiful.  He was the one you focused on, the other man intimidating in his silence. 

"Welcome.  I am N.  This is Leo."

The quiet one gave a nod of his head, but didn't say anything, his gaze focused on your face.  You gave him a nervous smile, but his gaze was too intense.  It felt like he could see into your soul and it scared the hell out of you.  You didn't introduce yourself.  They knew who you were.  And you didn't want the situation to be any more intimate than it already was. 

You stared at N, unsure on how to proceed.  You knew you probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but you were frozen in place, your nerves taking over.  You couldn't have moved even if you had to.  N seemed to realize this as he stood up, his every movement sensual as he walked towards you, his long, lean body beautiful in the firelight.  He stopped in front of you, his hands coming up to rest on your shoulders.

"You look beautiful tonight.  Do not be nervous or afraid.  We are not here to scare you, all right?"

You nodded, your teeth biting into your lower lip.  His hands were warm on your shoulders, grounding you in the reality of the moment.  You were really here, in this decadent bedroom, with two of the most beautiful men you'd ever seen in your life.  You let out a breath and decided in that moment to go with the flow.  You were there.  It was a once in a lifetime opportunity and you'd be a complete idiot to pass it up. 

"Thank you," you said, your voice coming out scratchy.  You cleared your throat and tried again.

"Why are you thanking me," he asked, his head cocked in question.  "We haven't done anything yet."

You chuckled and shook your head.

"I'm thanking you for having patience with me.  I've never done anything like this before and feel a bit like an idiot.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Ah, I see!  You do not seem like an idiot to me.  You are not the first person we've had come in with no clue as to how to proceed.  That is what we are here for.  What would you like to do?"

You shrugged, at a complete loss for words.

"I have no idea."

"Would you like me to start?"

"Yes, please."

He chuckled and slid his hands down your arms to clasp your hands, his hands leaving goosebumps in their wake.  He walked backwards leading you to the bed and stopped beside it.  He sat down, his legs opening to pull you to stand between them.  You stared down at him, wondering how such a beautiful man could exist.  He lifted your hands, placing them on his shoulders.  The warmth of his body was comforting, helping calm you nerves even more. 

His hands settled on your waist and you stared at each other before his hands slid up your back.  A slight pressure and you found yourself leaning towards him.  Your lips met, a simple brushing of skin against skin.  His tongue brushed over your lips and you found yourself opening for him.  His tongue in your mouth, his taste on your tongue.  He tasted of cinnamon and cloves, a combination that suited him. 

His hands were firm on your back as they slid down to cup your ass, his hands squeezing.  Your nakedness under the robe couldn't have been more apparent, but he pushed it no further, his hands resting there.  You found yourself straddling his lap, your arms draped over his shoulders as you continued kissing, his taste oddly mesmerizing.  You felt like you were under water, every movement languid and sensual. 

When you felt the warm body against your back, you were brought back to reality.  You pulled back from N's kiss with a gasp, your body straightening in surprise.  You'd forgotten you weren't alone, your senses completely focused on N and his kisses.  You glanced up over your shoulder and Leo stared down at you, his eyes dark and intense.  He didn't look away or close his eyes as he leaned forward, his lips pressing against yours. 

Where N's kisses had been languid, Leo's was the exact opposite.  There was no build up to passion, it was there from the very beginning, his kiss almost bruising in its intensity.  His body was pressed against your back, his hand coming up to fist in your hair.  You moaned, your lips opening under the onslaught.  You were completely overwhelmed, unable to focus on anything but his lips on yours.  How you were going to survive this night intact was beyond you.  They were going to drown you in sensation and you didn't know if you wanted to sink into it or try to swim. 

You pulled back from Leo's kiss, gasping for air.  Your body was shaking, your nerves on fire.  You'd gone from scared and nervous to turned on so quickly your mind was reeling.  You shook your head, trying to get your focus back. 

"What are you doing to me," you whispered.  N's hand on your chin pulled your attention back to him.  He smiled at you.

"We are doing what we promised," he whispered back, brushing a light kiss over your lips. 

"What does that mean?  Honestly?"

"Pleasure.  Nothing but pure pleasure."

Your head dropped to rest on his shoulder, unable to face either of them.  Leo's hand ran through your hair, his gentle touch shocking.  It was also strangely comforting and you realized that you could trust them.  They hadn't done anything to make you remotely uncomfortable since you'd stepped into the room.  It was like they were reading you, going by your body's cues. 

You sat up straight and smiled at him.

"All right.  I accept."

He laughed and kissed you, before helping you up from his lap, Leo staying pressed up against your back as N stood up.  Leo wrapped his arms around your middle, snugging you up tight against him.  His body was no joke, the muscles obvious even through the thin sweater he wore.  His chin rested on top of your head as you watched N bustle around the room, gathering things.  You had no idea what he was doing, but you'd given up all control.  You were completely out of your element, but you had decided to embrace it.  It was a chance you'd never have again and the idea of a night of pure pleasure was extremely intriguing, especially with these two beautiful men. 

N finished his preparations and came back to you.  Leo's arms dropped away as he stepped back.  You missed the warmth of his body, but N held his hands out to you.  You stepped forward, your fingers clasping his.  He helped you to the bed and held up a strip of fabric.

"I'm going to put this on you.  Let me know if it's too tight, hmm?"

You nodded and waited as he slid the strip of fabric over your eyes.  He tightened it enough that you couldn't see anything, not even a slice of light. 

"Are you okay?"

You nodded and even though you couldn't see, you knew he smiled.  You had never been blindfolded before and the effect it had on your senses was shocking.  You could hear fabric against fabric as they moved around the room.  Their breath as they pressed up against your body, hot against your neck.  Fingers at the belt of your robe, sliding it over your shoulders.  The sensation as it slid down your body made shivers go down your spine. 

A brush of lips over your shoulder, a finger tracing your collarbone.  A tongue brushing over your neck, hands sliding through your hair.  Every touch ignited something in you, your every sense focused on what they were doing to you.  The little hairs on your skin stood on end, every brush against you sending shivers through you. 

Your neck seemed to be unable to hold the weight of your head, but there was a warm chest to rest  against.  You knew it was Leo behind you, the feel of his body solid against your back.  His teeth nipped at your ear and you let out a squeal, the ticklish feeling making your neck scrunch up.  The sound of their chuckles echoed in your ear. 

"You are so sexy," you heard whispered before hands cupped your breasts, thumbs brushing over  your nipples.  You knew they were only saying it because of their job, but at that moment you felt sexy.  You were pressed between two hard male bodies, their every movement meant to give you pleasure and you knew they weren't immune to what they were doing.  You could feel Leo's hard cock pressed against your lower back and N's against your abdomen through their jeans and it made you feel...powerful. 

"Get onto the bed."

Hands on yours, helping you up onto the bed.  A warm body on either side of you, hands on your skin, lips brushing over your neck.  You felt like you couldn't breathe, your head pressed back against the covers.  Hands sliding down your arms, fabric brushing over your wrists.  Arms pulled gently over your head.  They had tied your hands.  A whimper escaped your lips, but you bit it back. 

The eroticism of it all seemed to smack you in the face.  You were completely at their mercy; no control over any of it and it didn't matter.  You wanted to feel pleasure, your body aching for it.  You were so turned on you could feel it between your thighs, your legs moving restlessly as you tried to alleviate the pressure you felt building up inside of you. 

Lips against yours, tongue sliding over your lips.  Mouth opening, kiss deepening.  Cinnamon and cloves on your tongue.  Hands sliding down your body, circling your breasts, brushing over your nipples.  A pillow under your hips, tilting you up.  A solid male body between your thighs, fingers spreading you.  A tongue brushing gently over your clit.  Lips on your breast, teeth nipping. 

Restless movement, throaty moans, whimpers.  You were at their mercy.  Every touch making you melt.  Every touch making you feel.  Fingers sliding inside of you, brushing nerve endings you'd forgotten about.  Arms pulling and twisting, wanting to touch.  No give, no mercy as they did everything to bring you to climax.  Screaming over the peak, your body arching up into their touch, every nerve ending on fire.

Body trembling as you came down from the high.  The sound of cloth rustling and crinkling of packets.  Hot, warm flesh pressed against yours;  a hard cock pressed against each hip.  No time to fully come down, their fingers brushing over your skin.  The shifting of one body and the feel of them sliding inside you, filling you to perfection. 

You moaned, arching up to meet their thrust.  Lips brushing against yours, a deep moan next to your ear.  Thrusts deep and slow, no hurry on their part.  Your legs lifting up to wrap around trim hips, muscles rolling over you.  Gasping breath, neck arched as you met them thrust for thrust.  A deep moan above you, thrusts becoming more powerful.  Fingers brushing over your clit, lips on your breast, teeth tugging your nipple. 

Climax just out of reach, your body struggling to meet it.  Pulsing deep inside, your muscles spasming as you hit orgasm again.  A deep moan as they pulled out, rolling you over until you were on your stomach, the pillow arching your ass up.  Teeth nipping each cheek, fingers spreading you wide.  A hard cock sliding in from behind, warm body pressed tight against you as they thrust deep. 

Fingers brushing hair from your face, touch tender.  Whispered encouragement in your ear, hands sliding down your hips.  A mouth against your, kissing you gently.  You had no idea who was who anymore, but it didn't matter.  They were doing exactly what they said they would, bringing you unbelievable pleasure, more than you'd ever felt in your life.

Your body was sensitive to the point of tenderness, but it didn't matter.  Another orgasm on the horizon, your body helpless under their onslaught.  You couldn't move, no leverage to meet their thrusts. 

Gasping cries, swallowed by the lips against yours.  Tongue against yours, cinnamon and cloves again.  It was Leo inside you, his thrusts powerful.  Hands tight on your hips as he pulled you back to meet each thrust.  Sweat dripping off of him, landing on your back.  Hot breath against your neck as he groaned with each thrust. 

Light as the blindfold was removed, N's handsome face next to yours.  You kept eye contact, your body moving with Leo's thrusts.  N brushed his fingers through your hair, a slight smile on his lips.  You leaned forward and kissed him, needing something to ground you.  His kiss gentle, a total opposite to the powerful thrusts inside of you.  Fingers tightening in your hair as he deepened the kiss. 

Moaning as Leo climaxed above you, his spasms sending you crying into another orgasm, teeth nipping N's lip.  Gentle fingers removing the binding around your wrist, limp cock sliding from your trembling body.  Pressed between them as the pillow was pulled out from under you.  Snuggled up against them you realized something.  It was the first time in your life you'd given over complete control to someone else and it hadn't been a disaster.  In fact, it had been the most amazing moment of your life. 

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"I mean it.  Thank you."

N lifted his head and smiled at you before placing a kiss to your forehead.

"I understand.  And you are welcome.  I'm glad we were able to bring you pleasure."

"I am too."


  1. OMG! I remember this one!!!! And I I asked God to tell me if a place like exists in Korea, please tell me where it is!!!! And please bring the 6 members!!

  2. Sorry if I was selfish!!! Get better, drink some tea... Take a warm bath

  3. Please!!!!!! Send me an Invitation to that PLACE!!!! I'm begging!!!!
