Sunday, May 10, 2015

Welcome to the Family (VIXX Ken)

I love this story!  The end makes me laugh every single time.  This is the last of my old stories.  Everything from this point forward will be new.  Thank you for your patience.  I'm battling either a hot flash from hell or just yucky hot weather.  I'm melting & my brain is too.  :(

When your boyfriend asked you to come over to the dorm to spend the day with him, you knew he meant help him clean.  If there was one thing Lee Jaehwan wasn't, it was a good housekeeper.  You reluctantly agreed, kissing your quiet Saturday goodbye.  You'd had plans to sleep and be lazy.  If the day went like you expected, you'd be exhausted in more ways than one by the end of the day.

You arrived and Jaehwan opened the door with a whoop, sweeping you into his arms and planting a huge kiss on your neck.  You snickered as you batted him away and straightened up, brushing your hands over your shirt. 

"Jaehwan!  Shoo!  I'm here to help you clean!"

He gave you puppy eyes, his long lashes and droopy eyes making you want to melt on the spot.  But you held strong and walked further into the main room, stopping to kick off your shoes.

"Where is everyone?"

He sighed, running his hands through his hair. 

"Practice.  Well, Sanghyuk and Hongbin.  Taekwoon is with Hakyeon and Wonsik working on something.  They didn't tell me and I didn't ask.  Let's play!"

You snickered as you rolled your eyes and turned to survey the living room.  It wasn't as bad as you thought, but it was still messy.  The guys took turns cleaning and it never failed that Jaehwan would call you to come over on his day to clean.  You didn't mind since you actually liked it, but sometimes it was a bit annoying.

"Are you sure you don't date me just because I'm a clean freak?  Because sometimes I get the feeling that's the reason why you like me."

Jaehwan walked up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. 

"I date you because I love you, you silly woman.  Your cleaning abilities are just a nice side bonus."

You giggled, before leaning up to kiss him.  He tried to deepen the kiss, but you had work to do.  You pulled away and clapped your hands together.

"I need garbage bags, a rag, dust spray and gloves!  Chop, chop!"

Jaehwan shook his head, but did as you bid, disappearing into the back room.  He came out with the supplies and handed them to you with a bow.

"For you, my lady."

You took them with a curtsy and a smile.

"Why thank you, kind sir.  Now, go sit and let me clean.  The faster I clean the sooner we can hang out, okay?"

He nodded and went to sit on the couch.  You began to clean around him, humming under your breath as you did so.  You didn't even realize it until Jaehwan started to sing, harmonizing with your humming.  You continued putzing around, humming along, the sound of your man's voice sending goosebumps down your spine.  His voice was a gift from God and you were so thankful he shared it with you all the time.  There wasn't a moment when he wasn't humming or singing something, his passion for music contagious.

You finished up the living room and went into the bedroom, gathering up dirty clothes to put into the wash.  It amazed you that six men living in pretty cramped quarters were as clean as they were.  Yes, there was always stuff laying around, but it wasn't a pigsty like you'd expect.  You had a feeling 99% of it was Hongbin since he was a neatfreak like you.

Jaehwan continued singing in the living room, making you giggle.  The man was giving you a full-blown concert for free.  You just needed to hurry up and finish so you could enjoy it fully.  You got the clothes in the wash and cleaned the bathroom, washing your hands when you were done.  You went to the doorway, leaning against it, your arms crossed over your chest as you watched.  Jaehwan was standing on the couch, his eyes closed and his head back as he belted out one of your favorite VIXX songs.  He was so into it he didn't notice you were standing there until you clapped when he finished the song with a flourish.

"Bravo!  Encore, encore!"

He hopped off the couch, a blush covering his cheeks.  He flopped down on the couch and motioned for you to join him.  You did with a sigh, stretching your legs out over his lap.  He began to rub gentle circles over your legs, his hands warm through your jeans.

"Thank you, baby.  You did good work."

"Thank you for the mini-concert.  You sang beautifully as always."

His blush got darker and he ducked his head.  You could never understand why compliments, especially from you, made him so shy, but they did.  It was endearing and made you want to snuggle him.

"What do you want to do?  I have the entire day free."

He sighed and patted your leg.

"Do you want to just stay here, cuddle and watch a movie?  In all honesty I'm exhausted and just want to cuddle with you."

You sat up and scooted your legs away so that you could snuggle up against his shoulder.

"Works for me."

He leaned over to pick up the remote, before snuggling you up against him again.  It was winter and cold, so you soon had a blanket wrapped around you both, keeping the cold at bay.  The movie began to play and you wrapped your arm around his, your head against his shoulder.  He leaned his head against yours and you just drifted.  

 It was so nice to spend time with him, since his insane schedule didn't allow you to see each other as often as you'd both like.  It was even better because you were alone, which was really rare.  Usually at least one of the others was there, disrupting any private time you might have.  It had been a few weeks since you'd made love and you were admittedly antsy.  But, you held it in, not wanting to disrupt your quiet time. 

Jaehwan let out a sigh, shifting his arm to wrap it around your shoulder, pulling you close so that your head rested against his chest.  You could hear his heart beat and it gave you a sense of comfort that was hard to explain. 

"Did you ever think when you met me that we'd find ourselves here," he asked, his voice quiet and contemplative.  You sat up and glanced at him, your eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.

"Why do you ask that?"

He shrugged, not looking at you, his eyes focused on the TV in front of you.

"Jaehwan, look at me.  Why are you asking me that?"

He glanced at you, but wouldn't focus, his gaze moving away from your face.

"I don't know.  I guess, sometimes I wonder what you see in me.  Why you love me.  Why you're with me.  I know why I'm with you, but I'm just amazed that you want to be near me."

You reached out, your hand cupping his jaw, forcing him to look at you.

"Baby, what's gotten into you?  Did I do something to make you feel like this?"

He shook his head, his eyes trying to look away.  You wouldn't let him.

"Jaehwan, honey, what's wrong?  Please, tell me."

"I don't know what's wrong.  You haven't done anything.  I just...sometimes I think about stuff like this.  I know why I love you.  I know why I'm with you.  But sometimes I can't understand why you're with me.  I can be such a goofball and I always call you to come help me clean, but then don't help you.  That's got to drive you insane sometimes."

You leaned forward, kissing the tip of his nose.  Your faces were millimeters apart and you wanted him to see the sincerity on your face when you told him what you had to say.

"You're looking at me, right?  You can see my face?"


"Then listen to me, okay?"

He nodded, his eyes focusing on your face.

"I fell in love with you because of the man you are.  You're the most generous, kindhearted person I've ever met.  It didn't take much for me to fall for you once I saw the man you really are.  I don't want to hear you doubting my love for you ever again, do you hear me?"

There was a long silence as he stared at you.  You couldn't read his expression, which was odd since he was usually an open book around you.  The way he was talking scared you, making you wonder if he was trying to break things off with you.  What you said to him wasn't a lie.  You loved him dearly.  All of the things you'd listed plus so many more were what made him irresistible to you.  The fact that he was even questioning it made you wonder if you were failing as his woman. 

He pulled away and stood up, leaving you staring after him as he disappeared into the bedroom.  You bit your lip as you waited, wondering what on earth he was doing.  That he hadn't said anything made you nervous.

"Jaehwan?  What are you doing?"

There wasn't an answer, just the sound of a drawer closing with a thump.  He came back out into the living room and sat at the other end of the couch, as far away from you as he could be.  A pang of hurt went through you as you realized that you weren't crazy.  Something had made him think you didn't love him and it terrified you.


He glanced down at whatever he held in his hand and then looked at you.  You weren't expecting to see tears in his eyes and it made your heart break.

"Are you breaking up with me?  If you are, why?"

He let out a deep breath and shook his head.  He turned and scooted down the couch until he was right next to you, facing you.  You turned so that you could face him, wondering what in the world was going on.  For a long moment the only sound was the TV droning in the background.  Jaehwan finally let out a deep sigh and began to speak.

"First, I'm so sorry that I gave you the impression I was going to break up with you.  That's the farthest thing from the truth, honestly.  I've just...I've had a lot on my mind these last few weeks, being away from you.  And, I've come to a conclusion."

"What's that," you asked, your hands twisting nervously in your lap.  You had no idea where this conversation was headed and it was making you antsy.

He held his hand out and opened his palm.  Nestled there was a simple ring; a platinum band with a beautiful sapphire as the main stone.  It sparkled at you, making you gasp.

"I want to marry you.  We've been together for three years and it's been the best time of my life, but I don't want to do this anymore.  I don't want to spend weeks away from you.  I want to be with you every night.  I want to spend the rest of my life with you.  Will you marry me?"

You blinked, trying to see through the tears that were threatening to overflow.  You were so completely gobsmacked you had no idea what to even say.  Breathing became difficult, your lungs struggling to take breath in.  Your hands came up to cover your mouth as you looked at him.

"Oh, my God!  Jaehwan!"

"Is that a yes?  A no?  A maybe?"

"Yes, you idiot!  Oh, my God!"

The tears started to fall in earnest as he took your left hand in his and slid the finger onto your finger.  You could barely see it through your tears as he leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead. 

"I love you.  So much!  I can't wait for you to be my wife."

"I love you too!  And I can't wait for you to be my husband.  My husband.  I can't even believe it!"

He laughed and reached out to grasp your face between his hands.  He kissed you, the kiss full of the joy he couldn't articulate.  You cried through it, the tears flowing outside of your control.  The sense of relief you felt was almost too much.  You'd gone from sheer terror to absolute joy so quickly you were reeling.

"Is this why we're alone," you asked when he pulled back, his thumbs brushing the tears from your cheeks.

"Yeah.  They've known about this for awhile.  I wanted to plan some big thing, but Hakyeon told me you'd kill me if I did.  So, I asked them to leave and they did.  Hakyeon's so excited he told me to give you a huge hug from him.  He didn't want to leave."

You laughed and reached up to wipe the tears from your eyes. 

"He can hug me himself later.  I just...I can't believe this is real!"

Jaehwan moved his hands from your cheeks and clasped your hands, bringing them to his lips.

"Believe it.  I've wanted to marry you since the day I met you.  Do you remember that?"

"Of course I do!  How could I ever forget?  It's not very often an idol trips over his own feet and lands at yours!"

He snorted.

"I was stunned by your beauty!  I lost all control over my limbs!"

"I remember Taekwoon rolling his eyes and snickering as he helped you up.  I think that's the first and only time I've ever seen that man smile that wide."

Jaehwan shook his head.

"He told me after we got home that if I didn't date you, I was an idiot.  He's never wrong.  Bastard."

You cracked up, pulling your hands away from his, your head thrown back as a full-blown belly laugh escaped you.  The hysterical part was that you could totally see Taekwoon doing that, with a smack to the back of Jaehwan's head for emphasis.

The sound of your raucous laughter filled the living room.  It got so bad you fell over, your arms wrapped around your middle as you had the hysterics.  Jaehwan recovered first, his hand coming up to wipe the tears from his cheeks.  Why it had hit your funny bones like it did was beyond you, but when you made eye contact with him, it sent you right back into the giggles. 

"Stop!  God, stop!  My ribs can't handle anymore!"

You sat up, rubbing your stomach.  Your ribs ached to the point where it hurt to take a deep breath in, but the fit of laughter had been worth it.  All of the anxiety and stress you'd just felt seemed to have disappeared, leaving you feeling weightless.  You scooted over until you could put your head on Jaehwan's shoulder, holding your left hand up to look at the ring.

"You have amazing taste, baby."

"Thank Wonsik.  When I asked him to go shopping with me, he said yes.  This was the first one he saw.  He pointed at it, told me it was you and that was that.  He has excellent taste.  And it is you."

"Yes, it is.  I can't believe we're getting married.  I feel like I'm in a dream."

"Me, too.  I was so scared you'd say no I worked myself into a fit.  That's why I was acting so weird.  I couldn't say it how I wanted to say it and almost fucked everything up.  I'm sorry."

You turned your head, pressing a kiss to his shoulder.

"Don't be.  Once you stopped acting like you hated me, the proposal was beautiful.  Your words were perfect."

He leaned over and kissed the top of your head.

"Good.  I practiced for two hours last night."

You snorted and swatted his thigh.

"Oh, please!"

"I did!  Ask any of the guys!  They kept yelling at me for hogging the bathroom.  Hakyeon finally had to reach in and pull me out.  It was terrible."

"What should we do to celebrate?  I need to call my family."

Jaehwan shifted, pulling away so that he could turn to look at you.

"I had a totally different idea in mind.  And if you're not in the bedroom in ten seconds, it'll start here."

You stood up with a laugh and ran, knowing he was serious.  You reached the bedroom a second before he did, his hands coming to rest on your shoulders.  You found yourself spun around, your back against the wall as he kissed the life out of you.  Or so it seemed.  The kiss was beautiful in its intensity, his tongue brushing over your lower lip until you opened for him.  Your arms were around his shoulders, holding him as close to you as you could.  When he pulled back, you were both breathing heavy.

"You lose," he whispered, his breath hot against your lips.  You smirked at him, your fingers tightening in the back of his t-shirt.

"Oh, no, I think I won."

"Mm...I don't think so."

"Are we really going to argue about this or are you going to fuck me?  I want my celebratory sex, damn it!"

He snickered, his hands sliding down your sides and around to cup your ass.  His fingers squeezed, making your squirm against him. 

"Celebratory sex it is then," he said before lifting you up.  You found your back against the wall, your man up against you, his hard cock pressing against your pelvis.  You rolled your hips, sighing at how good he felt against you.  And you knew it would be even better once he was inside of you.

You began to pull his shirt up, lifting it up and off, tossing it to the floor.  You loved how Jaehwan was all lean muscle, his shoulders broad and his thighs so strong.  His body was perfect for you and you loved every inch of it.  But you especially loved his cock; how hard and thick it was when it was sliding inside of you.  And you wanted it desperately. 

Your fingers got busy with the buttons of his jeans, fumbling with them as he began kissing his way down your neck, his fingers busy with the zipper of your hoodie.  He got it unzipped and pulled you away from the wall to pull it off, before pressing you up against it again.  His mouth closed over your collarbone, sucking until a bruise formed.  Your shirt was torn off you, his impatient hands tossing the shreds of fabric to the floor.  Fingers over the front clasp of your bra and then you were exposed to him, his hands cupping them gently.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered as he shifted you up higher so he had easier access to your breasts.  Your hands braced on his shoulders as he began nibbling over your skin, his teeth nipping your flesh.  His lips closing over your nipple and his tongue gently flicking had you moaning his name, your hands tightening on his shoulders.


One hand lifted to cup the back of his head, holding him tight to you.  He knew your body so well, his every movement made to bring you pleasure.  But you knew his weak spots too and you aimed for one, your fingers gripping the hair on the back of his head and pulling gently.  With a growl he pulled back and reached down for the clasp of your jeans.  They were unzipped and his hand was down them faster than you could blink.

His fingers pressing into your damp heat made your head smack against the wall, your eyes closing at the feeling.  He knew how to play you, his finger brushing your clit so gently you could barely feel it.

You were on your feet, his hands tugging your jeans and underwear down.  When you had one leg free, he had you back up, your legs around his hips as he slid inside of you.  This was no gentle love making.  This was a full out celebration, his cock sliding into you hard and fast.  You yelped, your hands reaching for his shoulders to have something to brace against. 

His thrusts were hard and fast, building you up quickly.  You wanted to scream, to fight it as the orgasm washed over you too quickly, making you arch into him, your head back against the wall.  Jaehwan grunted when you clamped down around him, but didn't follow you.  Instead he turned away from the door and stumbled over to the couch, laying you down, his cock still rock hard inside of you.

One hand slid down to behind your knee, hitching your leg up higher.  He started to thrust anew, a deep grunt coming from him when you clamped down on him again.  It felt so good, too good, as he fucked you into the couch, the noises coming from him making you moan.  He was always so intense in bed, his focus completely on you.  It always made you feel like you were the only person he could see and it was the most amazing feeling.

You arched up into him, your hands running up and down his back, feeling the way the muscles bunched and rolled over you.  They slid down to cup his ass, pulling him closer to you.  He grunted and leaned down to kiss you, his teeth biting your lower lip gently. 

The orgasm snuck up on you, sending you screaming over the edge.  Your body wrapped tight around him, holding him close as you rode it out.  His head arched back as he joined you, your name on his lips.  Collapsing over you, his warm weight heavy but you didn't want him to move.  You wanted to stay there.

The front door crashed open and you lifted your head to see the other five members standing there, a cake in Hakyeon's hand as they stared at you in comical horror.  Without flinching, Jaehwan reached for the blanket you'd been wrapped up in and pulled it over you both.

"Oh, man!  I need bleach!  My eyes!"

Jaehwan rolled his eyes, pressing his forehead against yours.

"Shut up, Sanghyuk.  You knew what was going on here.  Next time, knock, yeah?"

"Dude, you're fucking her on the couch!  We all sit there!  That's it, we need to burn it."

You began to giggle, your hands coming up to cover your mouth in hopes that you could stifle it.  Jaehwan lifted his head and grinned at you.

"Welcome to the family."


  1. OMO!!!!! That was FUNNY!!!! "Oh, man!  I need bleach!  My eyes!" They were on the dorm, and they ended up in the couch!!! "Dude, you're fucking her on the couch!  We all sit there!  That's it, we need to burn it." Applause, Applause!!!!

  2. I think I read this a while ago, but I looooovveeee this story. Ken's sincerity when he says that he's been wondering why she's with him always gets me.

    1. People tend to forget that Jaehwan is a sensitive person. I see him as someone who needs that reassurance. This one was a lot of fun to write & the end makes me giggle every time I read it. :)

  3. I'm sorry if I had to be anonymous. I'm a Leo biased but this story really got me. I laughed so hard at the last part imagining Sanghyuk witg his hands over his eyes..LOL!! Keep it up!! And may I say..this is right in the Ken's feels...ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 안녕!! :)

    1. Yay! And hi, anon! I'm glad you liked this one. I can totally see Sanghyuk doing/saying what he did. He's a bit of a smartass. LOL

  4. asdfghjk this is adorable! who doesn't love a sensitive guy? As a person who is not a fan of VIXX i think you really showed his personality and carved out his character really well. I understood his insecurities and you kept him in character thoughout (at least in the non sex scenes lol)

    The ending was a great twist and finished it off really well. I honestly can't find any critiques in this (except maybe why did he have tears in his eyes right before he proposed? Though i get he's afraid of her answer and questioning her reasoning for loving him, the tears just seemed premature at this point, they would have come after her answer) however this point is only if im reaaalllly just trying hard to find something wrong with it which here really isn't so job well done! :D
