Sunday, May 10, 2015

Hello There, Mr. Kim (VIXX Ravi)

Ah, yeah.  The start of the CEO sexiness.  Booyah!  Have fun, y'all.

You had started a new job and you were beyond excited.  You were the new secretary for Kim Wonsik, the Vice President of Lyrical Designs.  It was the most prestigious fashion house in the country and it was your dream job...until you met him.  He was everything you'd ever wanted in a man: tall, dark, gorgeous, successful and a total sweetheart; to everyone but you. 

You didn't know what set him off in regards to you, but there was something in the way he treated you that made you, not necessarily uncomfortable, but wary.  With the other women in the office he was friendly and cordial, but with you he was so business-like as to be unfriendly.  He was never rude to your face, but he wasn't easy to work for either.

And it sucked, because you found yourself painfully attracted to him.  That gravelly voice, the timbre so low it sent shivers down your spine when you heard it.  Those long, slender, tapered fingers that you'd imagine brushing over your skin.  That lean body, so beautifully proportioned, making the suits he wore look like works of art.  It was so unfair that he seemed to hate you. 

The longer you worked there, the better you got at brushing him off.  You were no longer intimidated by him and when he'd get on your case about something, you weren't afraid to fight back.  There were many a time your raised voices would have heads popping out of doorways, listening in.  It almost became a joke amongst your coworkers on how long the quiet would last. 

The weird thing was that you weren't afraid of losing your job.  You got the impression he was struck by your lack of intimidation towards him and impressed by the way you stood up to him.  You heard through the grapevine that you weren't the first secretary he'd gone toe-to-toe with but you were the one that had stuck around the longest.  There were days you wanted to scream and smack him upside the head, but for the most part, you'd come to actually enjoy your job.

It wasn't easy.  You were responsible for many different things.  The biggest responsibility was his insane schedule.  He traveled a lot, usually one-nighter's and there were times you found yourself pouring over his calendar wondering how on earth you were going to get it all done.  But you did, all the time.  There was a reason you were paid handsomely, even if he never actually acknowledged your hard work.

A year after you started working there, you found yourself settled into a routine of sorts.  You always arrived to work twenty or so minutes early to make sure coffee was prepped and ready to go before he got in.  Reports were always printed and on his desk.  Everything was in tip top shape and you were proud of the fact that you'd gotten everything so organized you could almost do it in your sleep. 

You were sitting at your desk, your fingers busy typing on your computer when he stopped at your desk and cleared his throat.  Your fingers froze on the keyboard and you looked up at him, your eyebrow cocked in question.

"May I help you?"

"Is your passport up to date?"


"Good.  Book us two tickets to Ireland.  We're leaving in the morning."

With those words he left, leaving you staring after him, your mouth open in shock.  Did he just say you were going to Ireland with him?  Really?  Your hands were shaking as you picked up the phone to call the airport.  The company's private jet would be ready and waiting for you first thing in the morning.

You'd never traveled, not even out of the province you were born in until you went to college.  Now, you were getting on a plane and traveling to Ireland.  The mind boggled. You went home early, needing to pack.  He'd given you no clue how long you'd be there, so you packed for a week, hoping it would be enough. 

You were up bright and early the next morning, your nerves riding you hard.  You'd never flown before and the idea of being in a plane for 19+ hours wasn't necessarily your idea of fun.  But, you were determined to put on a brave smile and pretend like you did this all the time.  Saving face was more important than acting the fool; though you desperately wanted to scream as your front door buzzed.  You went to open it and smiled at the driver.  He took your bag as you gathered up your purse, your jacket and made sure you had everything, including your passport.

Once in the car, you settled down, your focus on the computer on your lap.  You were busy finalizing your itinerary for this trip, since he'd finally texted you late the night before with how many days you were going to be there.  Thankfully you'd packed enough and when the car stopped on the tarmac and the driver came around to open your door, you were ready. 

You walked up the steps of the jet, your mind reeling with the fact that you were walking into a super fancy jet, a woman in a sharp looking uniform bowing at you with a smile.  Mr. Kim was already there, a newspaper open in his lap.  He barely glanced at you as you sat down in the aisle across from him, your fingers fumbling with the seat belt.

You were scared; there was no other word for it.  Terrified, even.  The captain's voice came over the speakers telling you how long the flight would be.  Your fingers twisted in your lap as you heard the sound of the engines kicking in, the sound enough to put your nerves even more on edge.  You looked up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath, hoping you wouldn't do something stupid embarrassing like throw up in fright. 

"You've never flown before?"

You glanced over at him, your head shaking in terror.  You knew your eyes were open wide, dilated in fear.  You couldn't even feel stupid at how terrified you must look.  All you knew was that you wished you could hide your head somewhere, make this terror disappear.  Mr. Kim set the newspaper aside and reached down to undo his seat belt.  He stepped across the aisle, sliding into the seat next to yours. 

Without a word he hooked his seat belt and sat back, his hand coming down over yours.  His fingers entwined with your own and the feeling of his touch settled your nerves.  The sound of the engines had kicked in even more and then you were off.  The g-force knocked you back into your seat, your body straining as the jet sped down the tarmac.  You knew your fingers were squeezing his to the point that you were cutting off his circulation, but he didn't say a word.  Eyes closed, praying in your head that this pressure would be gone soon. 

The jet reached altitude much quicker than you expected and leveled off, the smoothness surprising.  You'd expected it to feel like you were bouncing around, but instead it felt like you were barely moving.  He sat next to you, his fingers still entwined with yours, but he hadn't said a word since asking if you'd ever flown before.  You glanced down, the contrast of his swarthy skin against your much paler fingers jarring.  You'd always found the golden color of his skin delicious and the fact that he was touching you, voluntarily, blew your mind. 

You didn't want to move, afraid if you did, it would ruin the moment.  Instead, you closed your eyes, your head went against the head rest and you let yourself drift in the sensations his touch evoked.  You heard him clear his throat and then his fingers gently disentangled from your own.  Your eyes stayed closed as you felt him move away from you.  Keeping a sigh from escaping your lips was hard, but you did.

The flight was long and boring.  You slept through most of it, curled up on your seat.  The chair reclined fully, turning into a mini-bed, allowing you to actually get some sleep.  When the plane touched down in London to refuel, you barely registered it, snug in the blanket someone had put over you when you were dead to the world.  You only came fully awake when the attendant woke you up, her hand on your shoulder.  You sat up, pushing your hair away from your face, knowing you probably looked like death. 

You had enough time to go to the bathroom, splash some water on your face and freshen up before you had to get back in your seat for the final landing.  Once the plane had stopped and you were allowed to disembark you gathered up your things and stepped onto the stairs.  The weather in Ireland was much cooler than you expected and you shivered as a gust of wind hit your body.  You got down to the tarmac and stepped aside.  You set your bag down on the ground and pulled on the hoodie you'd had the presence of mind to bring with you.  Zipping it up you turned to watch as he disembarked. 

Where you had dressed for comfort in jeans and a t-shirt, he was dressed as he always was in a designer suit.  He looked gorgeous, not a hair out of place or a wrinkle to be found.  You glanced down at your ruffled appearance and sighed.  You had yet to acquire that talent and wondered if you ever would.

You were ushered into a waiting car and taken to the hotel where you'd be staying.  It was a stately old building with all of the modern conveniences and when you were shown to your suite, you knew you looked like a country bumpkin as you walked around the main room, your mouth open in shock.  You'd never seen anything like it and the way money wasn't even discussed but was just there, made it hit you just how wealthy Kim Wonsik really was. 

You would be sharing the suite with him, in your own room.  Your room was huge with a massive bathroom that was all yours.  You settled into your room, your ever-present computer on the bed in front of you.  You knew you should be wiped out, the time difference enough to kick your ass, but you were wide awake.  It was eleven at night and yet your body was telling you something completely different. 

You emailed your family, telling them you'd arrived safely and then putzed around on the internet, bored out of your mind.  You needed something to distract you and decided on a hot shower, hoping it would relax you enough to put you to sleep.  When that didn't work, you pulled on pajama bottoms and a hoodie, before going out into the main part of the suite.  You went to the small kitchen and dug through the cupboards looking for something to eat. 

Pulling out a carton of juice and an apple, you sat at the counter and munched.  You were going more on adrenaline than anything, the events of the day not far from your mind.  What bothered you more than anything was the way he'd sat next to you on the jet.  Why did he do that?  It was so out of character from the way he usually was towards you.  It was throwing you off balance. 

"You couldn't sleep?"

You jolted in surprise, glancing over at the sound of his voice, the apple frozen inches from your mouth.  What you saw made you want to swallow your tongue.  You had never seen him dressed in anything but his suits.  Seeing him dressed in a gray t-shirt and black pajama bottoms was almost too much for your poor brain to take in.  The t-shirt was snug enough to show off the body underneath it and you coughed, your hand coming up to cover your mouth.  You felt the blush coming up your cheeks and looked away, shaking your head.

He went to the fridge and opened it, pulling out a bottle of water.  He twisted off the lid and took a long gulp, his head tipping back with it.  You watched his adam's apple bob and it made you want to lick him.  God, you had it bad.

You cleared your throat and stood up, gathering up the juice and apple.  You walked away, not wanting to be in his presence anymore than you had to.  It was too much like torture to your poor hormones.  Once back in your room, you set the food down on the table before flopping down on the bed, your hands coming up to cover your face.  This trip had been a terrible idea.  Not only were you forced to be in his presence, you had to see him in his pajamas.  His sexy, gorgeous body just..right there.  It was cruel!  Cruel and horrible and you wanted to go home.  Pretend this had never happened.  Wash your eyes out with bleach so that you could forget the sight of that glorious t-shirt stretched so firmly over his chest. 

The next few days were a test to your self-control.  The entire reason behind this trip was to make overtures towards a particular wool farm.  The wool they produced was some of the best in the world and Mr. Kim wanted to get his hands on it before someone else did.  Listening to him speak to the farmers and other people in his clear, slightly accented English made your heart do weird things.  You were fluent in English as well, since it had been your Minor in college, but since he didn't need you to translate, you wondered what you were doing there.

He told you to go and explore, leaving you on the fifth day before the sun had even come up.  You took him up on his offer and did exactly that.  You'd never seen a place that was so green.  The grass, the trees, everything was just so beautiful in its color. 

You got lost driving down a country road, praying you wouldn't kill anyone as you drove on the other side of the road from what you were used to.  You were flirted with by a couple of young farmers, their accent music to your ears.  You ate an amazing meal in a tiny bar, surrounded by the sound of local music. 

When you finally got back to the suite, you found him pacing the main room, glancing down at his watch.  He was dressed in a tuxedo, his hair slicked back from his face.  You stopped dead when you walked inside, bags dropping from nerveless fingers.  He looked over at you with a frown, taking in the jeans and t-shirt you were wearing, your hair up in a loose bun.

"You're late."

"Late for what," you asked, as you bent down, gathering up the bags.

"I sent you a text.  We've been invited to a special dinner.  You were supposed to be back an hour ago!"

You stood up, your hands going to your hips as you glared at him.  The bags impeded your hands, but you still got the point across.

"If it was so important, why didn't you just call me?  I'll never be ready!"

"You will.  Just, hurry."

You rushed into your room, dropping the bags on the bed.  Stripping off your clothes, you dashed into the bathroom to take a quick shower.  When you stepped out, a towel around your middle, you let out a shriek as you spied the woman who was standing on the other side.  Without a word she whipped off the towel and began to dress you.  At first you fought her, the idea of a complete stranger seeing you naked slightly unnerving, but she ignored you.  You found yourself snugged in, turned out and beautiful in fifteen minutes flat. 

The dress was a deep, shimmering blue.  Spaghetti straps holding the delicate heart-shaped bodice up.  Short enough to show off quite a bit of leg.  The most daring part was the plunging back that stopped just before you were no longer modest.  The woman disappeared into the bedroom and came back with a pair of silver heels that she slipped onto your feet. 

She sat you down, her fingers in your hair.  A few quick pulls and twists and you looked like a totally different woman, your hair elegantly coiffed.  A small amount of makeup, smoky eyes the main focus.  A spritz of perfume.  Diamond earrings and a gorgeous bracelet finished the ensemble.  She stepped back with a smile, bowed and left, leaving you feeling slightly dazed and confused.  You stood up and looked at yourself in the mirror, taken aback by what you saw.

You were one for simplicity and comfort.  You always wore presentable clothes to work, mostly pencil skirts and pretty blouses, but never, in a million years, would you ever think you'd find yourself decked out like this.  You leaned forward, your hand coming up to touch your lips.  You looked like a completely different person and it was disconcerting. 

You heard him call your name and you picked up the small purse she'd left for you, taking careful steps out to the main room.  He stood with his back to you, his hands jammed in his pockets, ruining the lines of his tux.  You cleared your throat and he turned to look at you.  His eyebrow cocked up as he took in your new look, but he didn't say a word.  His hands came from his pockets and he pulled out his phone.  He called the driver and went to the door.  He left without saying a single word to you, making you feel like this was all a wasted effort.  With a sigh, you followed him.

The dinner was being held at another hotel and you arrived in the back of a car that was more expensive than ten years of your annual salary.  He got out first, turning to hold a hand out to you.  You slowly slid out of the car, doing your best to maintain your modesty.  You started to step away, but he tucked your hand into the crook of his arm and walked with you to the main door.  You knew you had a look on your face that basically said "what the hell," but you were so confused by his actions you couldn't keep it off your face.  Where had this chivalrous behavior come from all of a sudden?

The evening went by at a snail's pace.  The food was delicious and you enjoyed it, but it seemed like time had come to a dead stop.  You watched as he made his way around the room, schmoozing and seducing, the people pretty much falling at his feet.  You sipped your champagne, wishing you could find a quiet spot to sit and rest your poor feet.  The heels you were stuffed into were higher than anything you'd ever worn before and you weren't used to them.  You wanted to kick them off and get into your jammies. 

Dancing began and you found yourself on the dance floor, a stranger's hand on your waist, his other hand on yours.  The dance was a waltz, something you had no idea how to do, but thankfully he was a good partner, leading you in the correct steps.  You only stepped on his toes once, leading you to blush and apologize.  He just laughed, turning you in another circle. 

You slowly began to enjoy yourself, finding yourself never without a willing partner.  The music played, conversation flowed and you had a waiting glass of champagne anytime you needed to sit down.  When you did sit down, you always had a willing conversation partner, in particular a handsome older gentleman who claimed dances with you more than anyone. 

He was entertaining and full of wonderful stories that had you laughing, your head thrown back as you let go.  The champagne had gone to your head, so you were feeling a bit happy, but you were still sober enough to know you needed to stop drinking.  When he got up to get you a drink, you declined.  You sat back, your fingers coming up to rub your forehead.  You were tired and a headache was forming, but you'd lost sight of Mr. Kim an hour ago.  You couldn't leave until he was ready to go, which sucked.  You just wanted to go to bed.

Your partner came back, a bottle of water in his hand.  You took it from him, happy to have something cool to drink.  You twisted off the top and took a deep swig, a sigh escaping your lips as the water slid down your throat.  The conversation continued to flow, but you were so tired.  So tired, your body starting to droop.  It was as the older gentleman was helping you to your feet that you realized something had gone terribly wrong.  Terribly wrong.  Terror tried to pump adrenaline into your bloodstream, but you were too far gone.  As your eyes started to roll back in your head, you heard a dull roar in the back of your head. 

At first you thought it was because you were blacking out, but you blinked, your eyes blurry.  You saw Mr. Kim's fist fly, smashing into the older gentleman's face.  The solid arms that wrapped around you, lifting you gently, were his and you allowed yourself to surrender to the darkness.

When you came to, you sat up, only to crash back down to your bed, your hand coming up to cover your pounding head.  What the hell had happened?  The door to your room swung open and he walked in, a laden tray in his hand.  He stopped when he saw you were awake, a look on his face you couldn't decipher.  He walked over to the bed, setting the tray down on the table beside you.  You groaned, your eyes closing at the way your head throbbed.  You heard him sigh and then a hand was behind your back, lifting you up.

"Open your mouth."

You did and he slipped something onto your tongue before lifting a glass to your lips.  You swallowed, grimacing at the bitterness on your tongue.


"Look at me."

The authoritative sound of his voice had your eyes blinking open as you looked up at him.  He stared down at you, his hand on his hip, his other holding the glass of water.  He shook his head, placing the glass back on the tray.

"Do you have any idea how lucky you are I was there?"

He hadn't raised his voice, but the menace you heard in that soft tone made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.  You shook your head, not knowing what to say.  You'd made a stupid mistake, trusting the fact that you'd been at a party to keep you safe.  He was right, if he hadn't been there, who knows what would have happened.

"I'm sorry," you whispered, tears spilling down your cheeks.  Residual terror reared its ugly head, making the tears flow faster than you could keep up.  Your hands came up and you covered your face, rolling over onto your side facing away from him.  You were scared, but more than that, you were humiliated.  You heard him sigh again and then a warm hand was resting on your shoulder.  You didn't want to look at him, the humiliation much stronger than any other emotion you felt.  You just wanted to curl up and die.

"You're okay.  You're here, safe, with me.  You're fine."

The litany of words continued as you battled the tears, wishing he'd just leave.  At the same time, the sound of his voice was comforting.  You were so confused by it all.

"Why did this happen to me," you asked, once you'd settled down.  You felt the bed dip as he sat down, his hip resting against your behind.

"I don't know.  I didn't stick around to question what had happened.  I was more concerned about you."


"Why?  You want to know why?"

You shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

His hand on your shoulder pulled until you lay on your back, his furious face inches from yours.

"You want to know why I saved you?  Why I beat the hell out of that asshole?  Are you insane?"

You stared up at him, your eyes wide with shock at the barely suppressed fury you could both see and hear.  He was absolutely terrifying and yet, you knew it wasn't directed at you.  He might have been an ass towards you, but he'd never been cruel.  This anger was directed at someone else.

"Do you have any idea what it felt like when I saw you on your feet, your body barely functioning?  And to see that man with his hands all over you?  You have no idea, do you?"

"Any idea of what?"

He pushed to his feet, his hands coming up to fist in his hair.  He shook his head, storming out of the room, leaving you feeling horribly confused.  You rolled over until you could sit up, your feet on the floor.  With a groan, you pushed to your feet and stumbled into the bathroom.  When you caught sight of yourself in the mirror, you let out a gasp of horror.  You looked a fright, your hair standing on end, makeup smeared, dress disheveled.  Swearing under your breath you stripped off your clothes, stepping into the shower, hoping you could wash away the memories and the feeling of his hands on your skin.  Not Mr. Kim's, the other one.  The man who more than likely would've violated you in ways you shuddered to think about.

You hurried through your shower and got dressed in a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt.  You wanted to find Mr. Kim and apologize.  And find out what he'd been so cryptic about.  Your thoughts were on his final sentence.  What didn't you have an idea about?  The way he'd spoken, he'd sounded almost possessive, which was just weird.  Why on earth would he feel possessive of you?  Yes, you were his employee, but that was it.  Wasn't it?

You went out to the main room, but he wasn't there.  The door to his room stood open, so you knew he wasn't there either.  You looked out on the balcony and saw him pacing, a lit cigarette in one hand and a glass of something in the other.  You watched as he lifted the cigarette to his lips, taking a deep drag.  His head tilted back as he held it in, before letting it out in a plume of smoke.  You'd never found smoking sexy before, but there was something about the way he did it that just screamed sex at you.

You pushed the door open and stepped out, your arms coming up to wrap around your middle.  He glanced at you and stubbed the cigarette out, tossing it over the side.  You went to the banister and leaned against it, looking at the city spread out before you.  He came to stand beside you, smelling of aftershave and the clove of his cigarette.

"I didn't know you smoked," you said, needing to start somewhere.

"Only when I'm stressed out," he said, leaning forward, his hand resting on the rail.  He took a sip of his drink and turned his head to glance at you. "Are you okay?"

You nodded, not knowing what else to say.  You stood in silence for a long time, the only sounds the noises of the city below you.  You let out a sigh, your hands rubbing over your arms.

"I'm sorry," you said, your voice barely above a whisper.  "I'm such an idiot.  I had no idea that anything like that would ever happen in a situation like that.  I feel so stupid."

He shook his head.

"It wasn't your fault.  I should have kept a closer eye on you.  I know you've never been to events like that and I should have kept you closer to me."

"It was my own fault for being so trusting.  God, I'm such an idiot!"

He set down the glass and turned to look at you, his hands coming to rest on your shoulders so he could turn you to face him.

"You're not an idiot!  Stop beating yourself up over it!  What's done is done.  He has a broken nose, you're here safe with me, okay?  You'll be fine."

You stared up into his face, the passion you saw there startling.

"Why do you care," you asked, genuinely curious.

Just as you spoke, it began to rain, a typical Irish storm that came out of nowhere.  You went to step back, but he held onto your shoulders. 

"Why do I care?  Are you seriously fucking asking me that right now?"

The sound of him swearing jolted you and you pulled back, but he held you tighter, his fingers almost bruising.  Before you could react he'd pulled you to him, his lips pressed against yours, tongue brushing over your lips.  You gasped and his tongued slipped inside, tasting of cloves and bourbon.  You stood frozen as he kissed you passionately, your eyes fluttering shut at the onslaught, but your hands hung at your sides. 

Wrenching away from him hurt, not just your shoulders, but your emotions.  The feel of his lips against your own had been the most amazing thing, but you weren't ready for this.  You turned and went inside, not even looking over your shoulder.  You went into your room and slammed the door shut, turning the lock before sliding to the floor, your hands coming up to cover your face.

This was wrong.  So wrong.  Him kissing you should have made you feel like the most beautiful woman in the world and yet, all you felt was emptiness and confusion.  How on earth were you going to face him after this?  You wanted to scream, to kick, to do something to get these roiling emotions out of you.  You wanted to start over.  Have him declare himself.  Fall in love.  Kiss you gently in the rain.  Well, the rain part had happened, but there had been nothing gentle about that kiss.  The only saving grace would be that you were leaving in the morning to go home.  Nineteen plus hours on  plane.  Alone.  With him.  If that wasn't torture, you had no idea what was.

And it was torture, pure and simple.  The plane ride was tense, awkward, weird.  He sat in his seat, newspaper pulled up to his face, ignoring you completely.  Now that you knew what to expect from the flight, you stared out the window, watching the clouds pass by.  You'd avoided him the day before, leaving once you'd gotten dressed and not coming back until it was past dark.  You knew you were being childish, ignoring the kiss that hung like a specter over you both, but you couldn't help it.  You had no idea what to say or how to handle it.  Ignoring it was the only way you could deal with it.

 You got very good at ignoring the white elephant in the room, doing your best to go back to work like nothing had happened.  Mr. Kim ignored you too, so much that people commented, asking you if something had happened.  You had no idea you were such a good liar, telling them he was preoccupied with this new deal.  And he was, but it wasn't enough to justify him ignoring your existence.

Enough was enough.  After two weeks of silence, you'd had it.  Gathering up files, you went and tapped on his office door.  A cryptic word of entry and you stepped inside.  You walked to his desk and set the files down on his desk, before stepping back.  You bit your lower lip, wondering what to say, when he glanced up, his eyebrow cocked in question.

"Can I help you?"

The blush struck hard, making your skin hot.  You shook your head and turned to walk away.  You'd reached the door when you straightened your shoulders and turned back to face him.  You needed to face this.  You both did.

"We need to talk about this."

"About what?"

Your hands went on your hips as you glared at him. 

"Seriously?  Mr. Kim!  Honestly, what is wrong with you," you cried, throwing your hands up in disgust.  You'd had it!  Enough, was enough!

He watched you, his eyes hooded and dark.  When he got to his feet, his movements slow and deliberate, you found yourself stepping backwards until your back rested against the door.  He stalked you, there was no other word for it, his gaze never leaving your face. 

"My name is Wonsik," he growled, not stopping until he was standing right in front of you, his hands braced against the door on either side of your head.  "Don't forget that.  I want to hear it coming from those pretty lips."

You stared at him, your mouth dry and your breath coming fast.  He was lethal like this, all caged animal and you gulped when you realized you'd unleashed the beast.  He leaned down, his lips brushing against yours, breath hot against your skin.  A whimper escaped your lips, your eyes still open, watching as a smile you'd never seen before crossed his lips.

"Close your eyes, baby girl.  I don't bite.  Not very hard."

A delicious shiver went down your spine and you did as he asked, your eyelashes fluttering before closing completely.  You heard him chuckle, the timbre of it so beautiful to your ears.  His lips brushed against yours again, tongue slicking over your lower lip.  Your lips opened for him and his tongue slid inside, brushing up against yours.  His hands came down to rest on your shoulders before sliding down so he could clasp your wrists.  He lifted your arms, draping them so that they rested on his shoulders.  You sighed into his kiss, your hands coming up to twine through his hair. 

"You are so fucking sexy," he growled when he pulled back, only to lick over your collarbone, your head tilting to the side to give him better access.  "I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to fuck you on my desk, your knees up to your chin, you screaming my name as you came all over my cock." 

You moaned as he whispered dirty secrets in your ear, his breath hot against your skin.  You'd never been one to be swayed by someone talking dirty to you, but holy crap did he do it well.  Your panties were soaked and you could come just by his voice alone. 

"Why now," you whispered, your fingers busy sifting through his hair, the silky strands sliding between your fingers.

"I don't know.  After what happened, I realized something.  You're mine and I don't share."

Your eyes blinked open and you glared up at him.

"I'm no one's, Mr. Kim.  I'm my own woman."

He kissed you again, harder this time, his lips almost bruising against your own.

"My Wonsik.  Use it.  And baby girl, right now, you are mine.  And I don't share.  Ever."

You scoffed, wondering where this inner strength had come from.  Any other time your knees would have already buckled.

"And what makes you think I want to be yours," you asked, your fingers sliding from his hair to push against his shoulders.  He chuckled, his hands going down to cup your hips, pulling you snug up against his lower body.  You could feel how hard he was through his trousers and your skirt.  It made you lick your lips,

"The way you're looking at me right now.  Your eyes give you away.  I'm not blind, baby, I've seen the way you watch me.  Do you know how many times I've caught you staring at me?  That pretty blush on your cheeks.  The way your teeth bite into your lip?  Fuck, I've wanted this for so long and now here you are."

"But that doesn't mean that I'm yours.  You're not mine."

"Says who?  Baby girl, if you're mine, than I'm yours.  All yours."

You smiled, his words affirming what you'd hoped to hear.  Your arms wrapped tight around his neck, your fingers on the back of his head, pushing his head towards yours.  You kissed him, your tongue brushing his upper lip.  The full curve had always enticed you.  It was so lush and beautiful, you always wanted to taste him.  And now, in this moment, you were.  And his taste was unlike anything you'd ever had in your life.

He grunted under your onslaught, his hands coming round to grip your ass.  His fingers dug in, squeezing and lifting, making you moan against his lips.  He tightened his grip, lifting you up and staggering to the desk.  He sat you on the edge and reached out to shove things aside.  He stared down at you, his eyes dark with passion.  His hands rested on your knees, right below the hem of your skirt.

Very deliberately, his hands began to slide up, bringing the material of your skirt up as he went.

"I've always wondered what you wore under these skirts," he muttered, his lips right next to your ear.
You didn't say anything, tilting your head to the side as he nibbled his way down to juncture of neck and shoulder, teeth nipping gently.  His fingers found the top of your stockings and he let out a curse, his lips brushing over your skin.

"Fucking thigh highs.  And a garter belt?  Fuck, woman!  If I had known you wore this, you never would have been able to walk out of here.  I can't wait to fuck you with you only wearing this."

You whimpered, his words and his fingers doing naughty things to your equilibrium.  Your hands gripped the edge of the desk, your body tilting back as he slid your skirt up the rest of the way, exposing you to him.  You watched as he sucked his lip between his teeth, his fingers sliding up your thigh to brush over the seam of your panties.  Your head fell back with a cry.  It had been so long since anyone had touched you and his fingers felt like sin against your skin.

"You like that, hmm?"

He knelt between your legs, his hands sliding over your bottom to pull you to the edge of the desk.

"Lay back, baby girl."

You did, your eyes closing as you felt him pull the seam of your panties aside, exposing your sex to him.  The first touch of his lips against your clit had you keening out his name, your hips trying to arch up to meet him.  His hand came up to brace against your lower belly, holding you in place as he began to eat you out in earnest, his lips and tongue hungry against your skin.  His fingers sliding inside of you, curling just so had you coming on a scream, your head arched back as far as it would go.  He didn't let up, bringing you right back up to another peak, his touch relentless.  Your hands grasped his head as you arched into him, your body undulating under him.

"You're so fucking sexy.  I can't wait to fuck you, my cock sliding inside of you.  You want that too, don't you, baby girl?"

You whimpered, your body too lax to even move.  He stood up, his fingers sliding from your body as he reached for the fastening of his trousers.  With quick work his pants and boxer briefs were pushed down around his knees, exposing his beautiful cock to your gaze.  Any other time and you'd be on your knees worshiping him, but right now you just wanted him inside of you.  He opened up a drawer and pulled out a condom.  Seconds later he was sheathed and sliding inside of you.

You both groaned, your legs coming up to wrap around his hips.  He began to thrust, each one deep and smooth, making you feel like purring.  He filled you perfectly, his pelvis tipping just so, brushing deep inside.  You couldn't believe you were here, in this place, fucking on his desk.  You were so far gone all you could do was moan his name like a prayer, offering yourself to him. 

He bent over you, his face buried at your neck, hands on your hips as he pulled you towards him with each thrust.  You needed to come.  Had to come.  It was the only thing on your mind, your body moving at will, doing what it needed to bring you to that peak.

You came again, your heels digging into his ass as you tried to pull him closer.  He grunted, head lifting, but continued to thrust, harder and more powerful than before.  You just held on for the ride, your arms coming up to wrap around his shoulders. 

You watched as he fucked you, the intensity of his gaze on your face almost too much.  Sweat dripped off his chin, landing on your chest.  His hair was plastered to his skull, his mouth open as he gasped for air.  It was a beautiful picture and it was enough to have you come one final time, your body arching back as you screamed.  This time he joined you, his body arching into yours, pumping deep inside of you.

He collapsed against you, his weight pressing you into his desk.  You lay there, your fingers brushing over the back of his suit jacket, wondering how this had happened.  You weren't upset.  Far from it.  It was everything you could have wanted and more.  It was just so...unexpected. 

Wonsik let out a sigh and lifted up, brushing a kiss over your chin as he pulled out.  He reached for a tissue and disposed of the condom, before helping you sit up and straightening your clothes.  He stared down at you, a slight smile on his face.  It wasn't smug.  It was just pure sweetness.

"I didn't lie when I said that you were mine and I was yours," he said, leaning forward to kiss your forehead.  "I've wanted you since the day I first saw you."

"Why didn't you say anything," you asked, pressing your head against his chest when he wrapped his arms around you.  His pants were still around his knees and you would have giggled if you didn't feel so wrecked. 

"I don't fuck with the office pool," he muttered, his hand brushing down your spine.  "But you're different.  You don't gossip.  You don't do the things the other women do.  I've thought about this long and hard.  I want you.  You want me.  We need to see where this goes."


"No, baby, no.  Just, hear me out, okay?"

You nodded against his chest, your arms going around his waist.

"I've watched you.  I've seen how you are around the others.  I know you like me.  I like you too.  I'm willing to try.  I promise that if things don't work out, I won't make life hell for you."

"How can your promise that," you asked, leaning back to look up at him.  "I'm your secretary, for God's sake!  How the hell can you say that?"

He chuckled and leaned down to kiss you.

"You'll just have to make sure that we don't break up."

You rolled your eyes.

"You're an idiot."

"Your idiot."

You snickered as he kissed you again.  He lifted you up and sat down in his chair, draping you over his lap.  Taking dictation took on a whole new meaning as he set out to ravage you once again.


  1. Re-reading all your previous stories like ;D This was both sexy and sweet and I'm fanning myself and smiling like an idiot XD Thanks for the reupload. This was just perfect timing :"3

    1. Yay! I'm glad. I like this one a lot. Wonsik is just too hot as CEO Mr. Kim, isn't he? LOL

  2. Mr. KIM... mmmhhmmm... it sounds delicious... kekeke...I really like this one...And I agree with Mis anonymous... re-reading old stories... made me react as if I were reading them for the first time
