Sunday, May 10, 2015

Pure Magic (VIXX Leo & Ravi)

Menage.  Have fun.  Heh

I've always been known as a "good" girl.  I never drank, did drugs or anything else that would be termed bad.  I didn't even lose my virginity until I was twenty-three.  So how I found myself in my current situation is beyond me.

I could say it all started when my best friend dragged me to a new club that had just opened up.  The music was thumping and the crowd was ridiculous.  I had no interest in going, but she was determined to get me out there to have a good time...whatever that meant.  I'd fought it as long as I could, but found myself leaning against the railing of the balcony overlooking the dance floor.  I was bored out of my mind and wished I was at home in my pajamas with my laptop and some music.

My best friend was out on the dance floor, surrounded by a bevy of men, like usual.  Joy do I say this without sounding mean?  A free spirit.  Men love her and she loves them.  Me, on the other hand?  I'm chronically single and male challenged.  Men like me as a buddy and that's usually as far as it goes.

I wish I had the guts to get out on the dance floor and let loose.  I love music and I love to dance, just not in public.  I've got chronic stage fright and am horribly self-conscious.  For me, the idea of being surrounded by people while dancing just gives me the willies.  I prefer quiet solitude over, well, this.

I'd been at the club for at least an hour, maybe longer when I saw him, or should I say, them?  And my God, they were beautiful.  Both tall and lean, one darker than the other, but both so gorgeous it was almost painful to look at them.  I stared down at them wondering if I'd finally lost my mind.  I'd never seen human beings who looked that good.  It was almost unreal, in all honesty.

The taller one was dressed all in black, even his jeans.  Hair dyed a platinum blond that set off the golden tone of his skin.  The other was much paler with leonine features and the broadest shoulders I'd ever seen.  His clothing style was a bit more relaxed with jeans and a button-front shirt, but he made it look like it was high end.    I glanced down at the jeans and simple sweater I was wearing and let out a big sigh.  Even if I wanted them to notice me there was no way that would happen.  I was about as plain and simple as they came.

I knew the minute Joy spotted them.  She left her little group of suitors and made a beeline for them, being her usual flirty self.  I just stood on the balcony watching it all, wishing I had the guts to be like her.  How we were even friends boggled my mind sometimes since we're complete and total opposites.  I envied her ease at being herself in front of other people while I just wanted to stay at home and hide.

When they rebuffed her advances, my mouth dropped open in shock.  The darker one very gently, but firmly steered her away, leaving me wondering what the hell just happened.  Guys never rebuffed her.  Usually she was surrounded by so many men you could barely see her in the crowd.  That they had?  It honestly made me wonder if they were a couple.

But the more I watched, the less likely that seemed to be.  They were definitely looking at women, but the ones who flirted outright, they ignored completely.  I watched until my lack of a drink made me leave my station.  I walked downstairs to the bar and passed right by them.  It took everything in my power not to stare as I leaned against the bar and placed my order.  I did glance over my shoulder when I felt like someone was watching me and made eye contact with the taller one.  He smiled at me, but I wasn't expecting that reaction and glanced over my shoulder to see who he was smiling at.

Not seeing anyone on the other side of me, I looked back, my eyebrows scrunched up in question.  He'd smiled at me?  Really?  I could hardly believe it and when the bartender handed me my drink, I drank it down so fast I'm amazed I didn't choke.  I just swallowed my water and looked away.  He was too overwhelming to my poor eyes and I couldn't look at him any longer.

I honestly just wanted to go home.  I was tired after working over fifty hours that week.  Yes, it was Friday, but I had a lot to do before the weekend was over.  Flirting with a guy who was so totally out of my league it wasn't even funny wasn't even on my list.

I turned to walk away and go back to my perch up on the balcony, but a hand on my forearm stopped me.  I looked down at it, barely comprehending that someone was touching me.  When I glanced up and saw it was him, my first reaction was to wrench away from his touch and glare at him.

"Can I help you," I asked, my tone much grouchier than I'd intended.  His eyebrow cocked up, but he didn't address my rudeness.  Instead, he bowed his head at me and smiled again.

"I apologize.  I was just wondering if you would like to dance...with us."

"With you?  As in both of you?"


"At the same time?"


I stared at him, my mouth agape.  Why me?

The music changed, going from fast & intense to slow & sensual.  For the life of me and I'll never understand it so don't ask me why, I said the first thing that popped into my head.


The smile that crossed his lips was stunning to behold.  It made his eyes crinkle up into the cutest eye smile I'd ever seen in my life.  He bowed his head again and held a hand out to me.


I looked down at his hand and watched as my hand went out to clasp his.  He led me out onto the dance floor, right into the thick of things and pulled me close.  His hands rested low on my hips as he began to move to the beat.  I followed along so easily it was like we moved as one.  When I felt the warm body snug up against my back, I glanced over my shoulder and saw the other man standing there.  His hands slid around to rest on my lower belly, right above the waistband of my jeans. 

I was snug between these two men, in a sandwich I'd had no plans in making, but when they moved, I moved right along with them.  The music flowed around us, surrounding us in our own little bubble.  I didn't know what to do with my hands, finally resting them on the upper forearms of the one in front of me.

"I feel really weird doing this when I don't even know your names," I said, my voice hidden by the sound of the music.  He shook his head and leaned closer to me.  I lifted up until my mouth was next to his ear and repeated myself.  He leaned back and smiled.

"You can call me Ravi.  That is Leo."

I nodded, happy that I had something to call them.  I found it odd they hadn't asked for mine, but as the music took over again, I found I honestly didn't care.  Ravi had his hands on my hips, snugging me up against him so that I could feel how happy he was with the situation.  Leo was pressed tight up against my back and he was happy too.  I was in a hot guy sandwich and being the filling wasn't all that bad.

Our bodies moved in perfect synch, me following Ravi's lead effortlessly.  I had no idea why they chose me out of all of the women in that club, but I honestly wasn't going to question it.  Things like this never, ever happened to me and I felt like this was my one golden opportunity.  I was going to seize it with both hands and see where it led me.  My eyes were closed, letting my other senses take over while I let the music wash over me.

I could smell their cologne, smoky and seductive.  I could hear their breathing, even over the bass.  I could taste the sweat on my tongue as it slid over my lip.  It was hot between them, their body heat more than enough to heat me up.  I could feel...everything.  Their hard bodies tight up against me, solid and somehow comforting.  I honestly didn't know what to do with myself and all I could think was "What would Joy do in this situation?".  But they hadn't been interested in her at all.  It was me who'd caught their attention.  Little old plain Jane me.

The self-consciousness I'd normally feel in this situation never materialized.  Instead, all I felt was a low-key hum of seduction slowly sliding up to engulf me.  And I'd be an idiot to say I didn't realize I was being seduced.  Their hands hadn't gone anywhere inappropriate, but they weren't hiding their intentions either.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Joy's voice brought me up short, making me freeze in place.  My eyes blinked open and I glanced over to see her standing just behind Ravi, her hands on her hips.  To say she looked pissed was an understatement.  I opened my mouth to speak, but Ravi beat me to it.

"We are dancing."

"But, you're dancing with her!  Why?"

My eyebrows cocked up at the petulant tone she was using.  I knew she didn't mean it the way it sounded, but it seriously pissed me off.  Before I could say anything, Ravi's hands dropped from my waist and he turned to face her.  I couldn't see his face, but from his body language, he was just as pissed as I was.

"We are dancing with her because we want to.  She is beautiful in her own way and your obnoxious behavior is why we ignored you to begin with."

I was still stuck on him saying I was beautiful in my own way when he turned back to me, his hand wrapping around my wrist.  He looked over my shoulder at Leo and I felt Leo step back, his hands sliding away from me.  Ravi looked back at me and smiled.

"Are you ready?"

I had no idea, but I nodded anyway.  He rewarded me by lifting my hand and kissing the back of it, before stepping back and leading me towards the main entrance.  I glanced over my shoulder as we stepped outside and saw Joy standing there, her hands on her hips and her mouth open in shock.  I knew no one had ever spoken to her that way and a small part of me wanted to dance with glee.

Ravi led me out to where a car was waiting; all sleek and black, fitting him to a "T."  He helped me inside and slid into the driver's seat.  Leo sat in back, silent.  He'd yet to speak a word, which normally would make me uncomfortable, but for some reason it didn't.  Maybe it was the way he was in his silence; like this was his normal behavior.  Whatever the reason, I didn't feel remotely scared or uncomfortable.  In fact, I honestly felt like I'd known them forever, my comfort level with them shocking.

We drove for a bit, no words spoken, no noise other than the sound of the engine purring.  I stared out the window, watching the city pass us by.  My exhaustion had disappeared, turning into a strange anticipation.  I knew where this night was heading and though it made me nervous, I wasn't scared, not even a little bit.

Ravi pulled into the underground parking lot of an exclusive hotel and stopped in a reserved space.  He got out and came around to open my door.  His hand on mine, helping me out of the car.  Leo followed as he led me into the waiting elevator and swiped his keycard over the reader.  As we rode up to the designated floor, I leaned back against the wall and just looked at them.

How had this happened?  Why did they choose me?  What made him say he thought I was beautiful?  I knew my limitations and that I wasn't beautiful.  I could pass for pretty when I did my makeup, but that was so rare I'd forgotten what I looked like.  I was


I'd finally broken the silence and it was to say that one word.  No clever words out of my mouth, just a simple why.  Ravi and Leo exchanged a glance before Ravi smiled at me.

"Why not?"

I let out a huffy sigh and shook my head.

"Please don't act like that with me.  I am genuinely curious and honestly a little confused.  Out of all of the women there, why me?"

Ravi slid his hand from my wrist down to my fingers, lacing his through mine.

"What I said to that woman isn't a lie.  You are beautiful in your own way and you intrigued us."

"But, I'm boring!  I'm not intriguing at all!"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"You may not think so, but we do."

"I...I don't know why I'm doing this, to be honest.  This is so out of character for me.  I'm not the type of woman to go anywhere with men I don't know.  And I'm smart enough to know exactly where this is heading.  So, why am I not terrified?"

The door to the elevator slid open, directly into the main entrance of their suite.  Ravi didn't answer me right away, leading me down the hallway to the living room.  He sat down on the couch, pulling gently until I sat down next to him.  Leo sat on my other side, his thigh pressed up against mine.

The nerves were starting to kick in, now that we were there, in that room, alone.  I looked down at my lap, the sight of Ravi's fingers entwined with mine surreal.

"Look at me."

I glanced up, making eye contact with him.  The look on his face was gentle and the smile he gave me was pure sweetness.

"Leo and I would never hurt you.  That I want you to understand more than anything.  We weren't looking for a quick fuck.  This is important to us.  You're important to us.  Don't ever forget that."

"But why?  That is what's bothering me more than anything.  Why me?  If you could answer that question, maybe I wouldn't feel so completely out of my element."

"I don't have a definitive answer for you.  All I can tell you is that this night is all about you.  We are here for your pleasure and your pleasure alone.  We want you to feel like the most beautiful woman in the world...and you are, to us."

The sincerity in his voice and on his face decided me.  I'd already stepped so far out of my comfort zone that taking this one last, final step wasn't all that hard.  I took a deep breath and smiled, hoping he'd be able to read my expression.  And I knew he did when he leaned forward and kissed me.

I've been kissed before, obviously, but nothing prepared me for his kiss.  It was soft, yet firm, his lips perfect against mine.  The way his tongue swiped over my lower lip, enticing me to open my mouth, made me smile as I did so.  His taste on my tongue, all hot and delicious.

Lips against my neck, tongue swiping just below my ear, made me jump.  I didn't back away from the kiss though, settling when I remembered that Leo was there too.  My eyes were closed and I let myself be taken away by the way I felt.  Firm body against my back, hands on my shoulders as he nibbled his way up to the bottom of my ear, tugging gently.  Ravi's lips plundering mine, hands on my thighs, rubbing gentle circles.  It was nothing I'd ever expected and yet everything I'd ever wanted.

Fingers brushing up my thighs to the hem of my sweater, tugging it up.  Air as he pulled away, lifting the sweater over my head.  I opened my eyes to see him smiling at me, his hands coming up to cover my breasts.  I looked down, the sight of his swarthy skin over my white bra shocking.  I bit my lip as he slid his hands under the shoulder straps, sliding them down my arms.  I felt fingers on the back hooks and then it was loose.  Pulled down and away, exposing me to Ravi's eyes.

Fingers brushing over the curve of my breast, tweaking the nipple gently between index finger and thumb.  I inhaled deeply, the feeling more intense than I'd expected.  I've never been a big fan of breast play, my nipples not being overly sensitive, but they were sensitive tonight!  He'd barely touched me and they were already standing at attention.

I shivered and barely held back a moan as he leaned forward, brushing his tongue over one of them, sending goosebumps over my skin.  I did moan when he took the nipple gently between his teeth and flicked his tongue over it just so.  My hands automatically went up to cup the back of his head, pulling him closer to me.  It felt so good, so right, so perfect.

"Let's go into the bedroom."

The soft voice shook me out of my reverie, making me sit up straight, jarring Ravi away from my breast.  I looked up to see  Leo standing next to me, his hands held out towards me.  I glanced over at Ravi and saw him smile before he stood up as well.  I shrugged and took Leo's hands, letting him help me to my feet.  He didn't let go as he walked backwards, leading me towards the bedroom.  I expected lights to be flicked on overhead, but instead Ravi went around the room lighting candles.

The soft, ambient glow made the room seem like it was part of a dream, with the two of them starring in my ultimate fantasy.  Leo sat down on the bed, pulling me until I stood between his legs.  Ravi stood at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched us.  It felt odd to have an audience as Leo let go of my hands to slide his hands up my stomach to cup my breasts.  But his hands were so warm and so big, covering me up completely, that I lost all train of thought, my eyes closing in bliss.

When I felt his lips on my belly, tongue brushing over my navel, I wanted to cry.  His touch was so gentle, so sweet, so...caring, it made my knees weak.  Instead, I let out a soft moan, my hands coming to rest on his shoulders as he placed gentle kisses along the waistband of my jeans.  My fingers dug into his shoulders when I felt his fingers brush over the button of my jeans, before popping it free and sliding the zipper down.

Kisses brushed over each increment of skin that was exposed as his hands slid around and down into the back of my jeans, cupping my ass.  Pushing down, slipping them down my legs.  Bunching around my ankles.

"Step up."

I lifted each foot as he pulled each leg off.  I was standing there in nothing but my panties while they were still fully dressed, but I didn't feel uncomfortable.  All I felt was this need inside of me that had been slowly building ever since I saw them in the club.  The fact that they were there to satisfy this need still blew my mind.

But as his fingers slid beneath the waistband of my panties and tugged them down, I forgot all about my insecurities, my lack of confidence, everything but the way his hands felt on my skin.  I opened my eyes and watched as he slid them down my legs, leaving me completely naked.  My normal reaction would have been to cover myself, but instead, I stood there proud, my shoulders back.  My body may not be perfect, but they'd already told me that in their eyes I was.  And that meant more to me than any other words they could have said.

Leo glanced up at me then, his eyes so dark and intense.  He'd barely spoken a word all night, but there was something about him that spoke to me.  Where Ravi was all charisma and outward charm, Leo seemed deeper and more introspective.  They were both so attractive in their own way, appealing to me on different levels.

I don't know what possessed me, but I bent forward, kissing him gently.  His lips were just as sweet as Ravi's, full of explicit temptation.  He tasted of spice and vanilla, dessert on my tongue.  His arms wrapped loosely around my hips, his fingers curving over my ass, digging in gently.  I sighed as his mouth opened, allowing me to slip my tongue between his lips.

The kiss was all lazy exploration, breathless sighs on my part.  I'd never been kissed so beautifully or so thoroughly in my life like they kissed me.  It was as if they knew exactly what I wanted and needed without me having to say a word.  And it was lethal to my senses.

I pulled back with a gasp, needing to get my bearings.  I glanced around for Ravi and saw that he'd moved away from his post, his shirt long gone.  He smiled at me when he saw me looking for him and walked over to stand behind me, his body pressed up against my back.  I leaned into him with a sigh of bliss.  

"You're lethal," I whispered, my head tilting to the side as Ravi brushed a kiss over my shoulder.  I felt him smile against my skin, before he pulled back.

"No, baby, we aren't lethal.  We're just giving you what you crave."

And he was right.  I did crave this.  Craved it like it was my ultimate fix.  My back was braced against Ravi as Leo got up and went down on his knees.  Hands sliding between my thighs, pushing them open until I was exposed to him.  Fingers sliding along the lips of my sex, learning all of my secrets.  And all of my pleasure as his tongue brushed over me lightly, barely grazing my skin.  Lips around my clit, tongue flicking gently.  I let out a moan as my head tilted back, pressing against Ravi's shoulder.

"Oh, God!"

"Not God, baby.  Definitely not God."

Ravi's teeth nipped my ear lobe, making my head tilt farther to the side to give him better access.  Nips here and there, leaving no skin untouched as he finally settled where neck and shoulder met, sucking hard enough to leave a mark.  Leo busy between my thighs, tongue flicking relentlessly against my clit while his fingers slid deep inside of me.  Thrusting fingers along with flicks of his tongue, making me arch against his face, needing more.

Hand behind my knee, lifting my leg up, draping it over his shoulder, giving him better access.  Tongue gliding down to where his fingers slid inside of me and back up, making me want to scream at how amazing it felt.  He was worshiping me.  There was no other way to describe his actions and how he was reading my body.  Every twitch, every moan, every move I made, he read me perfectly, matching his movements to my every need.

"Oh, please!"

"Would you like to come?  Come all over Leo's face and have him bring you to climax again until you're screaming both our names?"

"Yes, please!"

Ravi's chuckle next to my ear could only be described as devilish.  It made me squirm, his breath hot against my skin.

"Aw, you asked so nicely.  What do you think, Leo?  Should we let her come?"

Leo pulled back, making me whimper at the loss of his tongue.  I looked down at him, his lips slick with my desire.  His head tilted as he looked at me, before a smirk crossed his lips and he went back to tormenting me.  I didn't know if he'd given an answer or not, but I didn't care.  His mouth was back on me, which was all that mattered.

I knew his answer when he kept his movements barely a caress, upping my frustration.  I reached for his head, my fingers pulling at his hair, trying to pull him closer to me.  I wanted to cry, to beg, something, to get them to let me come.  I could feel the orgasm building inside of me, my breathing choppy as it robbed me of my ability to breath.  My heart pounded, my head was swimming and my toes kept trying to curl as I reached for it.

I bit my lip, tasting blood on my tongue.  My hips rolled towards Leo's mouth, trying to press closer to him.  I felt this gaping ache inside of me, the promise of orgasm so close, but so elusive.  Sweat slid down my body, skin flushing as it built higher and higher.

A scream as he finally pushed me over, my body pulsing around him.  Ravi's arms held me up, close to his body as I arched into Leo's face, my hands tight in his hair.  He was relentless, building it right back up again.  I convulsed against them both, my body trembling outside my control.  This continued until I was begging for them to let me breathe, my voice hoarse from my cries.

Fingers slipping from me, bodies moving away, helping me onto the bed.  I lay flat on my back, my body shuddering as I tried to catch my breath.  Arm draped over my face as I struggled to get my equilibrium back.  I was completely and totally wrecked.

Warm bodies on either side of me, naked against my skin.  Hands roaming over my body, gentling me.  Lips pressed against my neck, against my lips.  I lifted my arm, blinking at them as they leaned over me.

"You ready," Ravi asked, grinning at me.  I shook my head, completely overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of what had just happened to me.  And he was asking me if I was ready to go again.  I didn't know if I'd ever be ready, in all honesty.  Everything about this night was too much and yet not enough.  How could I possibly be ready for something like this?

Ravi rolled over and sat up, reaching for something on the table beside the bed.  When he laid back down beside me, he had condoms in his hand.  He handed one to Leo and then smiled at me, the look on his face wicked sexy.

"You're in for it now."

"Oh, God!"

He snickered as he leaned down to kiss me.

"Like I said before, we're not God.  And you like it that way, don't you?"

He was right.  I liked this devilish streak in them, the way he kissed me like I was his everything.  Lips and tongue, teeth nipping my lower lip.  Tongue soothing the sting.  The sound of a wrapper tearing beside me.  Hands on my hips, pulling me towards them.  Leo's mouth on mine, tongue brushing over my teeth.

"Straddle him."

I followed Ravi's instructions, rolling up onto my knees and sliding over Leo's prone body.  Legs on either side of his as he lifted me up, his hand around his cock.  Slowly lowering me, sliding in inch by inch, filling me to perfection.  Fully seated, him bottomed out, stretching me just right.  I kept still, savoring the feeling of him inside of me.

Eyes closed, beginning to move, rolling my hips slowly.  The way his hands came to rest on my hips, lifting me up and then pulling me down as he thrust up, making me moan.  Head arching back, pure bliss filling me.

Hot, firm body behind me, arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close.  Lips against my neck, words whispered against my skin.

"How does he feel inside you?  Fucking you so deep.  I bet you want to come all over his hard cock, don't you?"

I whimpered, Ravi's words making me shiver.  His hands came up to cup my breasts, fingers tweaking my nipples.  My head arched against his shoulder as Leo thrust into me, making me cry out.

"Lean forward, baby."

Blindly doing as he bid, my chest resting against Leo's.  I opened my eyes and saw him watching me, the look on his face so beautiful.  Teeth biting into his lower lip as his hands tightened on my hips, stilling my movements.  I heard the sound a cap snapping and I quivered, knowing what that meant.

Lube-slick fingers brushing over me, sliding inside a place I'd never been touched before.  I clenched up, my body freezing at the intrusion.  Kisses over my shoulder, soft words whispered in my ear.  I slowly relaxed, his fingers sliding in easier.  It felt odd and very full, but it wasn't painful.  At first just one finger and then another, slowly stretching me, fingers scissoring when he got in deeper, readying me. 

Fingers sliding out of me and his body snug up against my back.  I felt the blunt head of his cock as he pushed against me.  I let out a moan as he slowly slipped inside of me, filling me.  My head dropped to rest against Leo's chest, my body overwhelmed by what was happening to me. 

"You okay?"

I nodded, because I was, but at the same time, I totally wasn't. The feeling of being stretched to the max, cocks filling me to perfection was more than I could put into words.  I never knew sex could feel this way and my senses were going haywire at the conflicting feelings.

Ravi waited, his body trembling over mine, letting me get accustomed to this intrusion.  When I let out a deep sigh and my body fully relaxed, he began to move.  The first thrust was barely there; a testing of the waters.  I gasped, my nerve endings on fire.  My body didn't know which way to move, so I lay there, pliant, in Leo's arms, letting them do all the work.

The angle shifted when Ravi lifted my upper body up enough to slide his hands around to cup my breasts, fingers tweaking my nipples.  I arched back against him with a gasp, only to have Leo thrust up just so.  My body twitched as nerves I didn't even know I had were brushed against.

I was being assailed from all sides, my body rolling with their movements.  When Ravi would thrust forward, Leo would slide out.  Back and forth, making me cry out in pure frustrated bliss.  I didn't want this to end, but at the same time I wanted to come again so badly I could scream.

And I did scream when Leo brushed his finger over my clit, sending new pulses through my body.  And I was completely powerless against their onslaught.

When the climax hit, I clenched around them, my body pulsing so hard I could feel it in my bones.  My head arched back as I screamed, before collapsing against Leo.  I felt it as they both came with me, their cocks jerking inside me.   We lay like that for a long time, our bodies trembling around each other.  My lungs struggled for air as I lay gasping, wondering what had just happened.

I felt completely boneless, unable to move.  They pulled out, a whimper coming from me at the loss.  I'd felt connected to them when they were inside of me and it almost hurt to lose it.  Ravi rolled away, disposing of his condom, before he wrapped an arm around me and rolled me off of Leo, snuggling me close to his chest.  Leo got up and disappeared into the bathroom, only to come back with a wet washcloth.  He wiped me off, brushing light kisses over my skin as he did so.  He tossed the cloth aside and lay on his side, facing me, his hand coming up to cup my cheek.

"You are so beautiful when you come," he whispered, leaning forward to kiss me.  I savored the kiss, before pulling back, my head resting against the pillow.  His words made a warm flush crawl up my skin, but at the same time gave me pleasure.  It was a beautiful compliment.

We lay like that, our bodies entwined as we drifted off to sleep.  I came to the next morning, alone.  The only proof that I had of the night before was the suck bruises on my skin and the delicious soreness between my legs.  I got up slowly and stumbled into the bathroom to shower.  As gross as it sounded I almost didn't want to, because that meant losing their scent that seemed to be embedded in my skin.  I dried off and pulled on my jeans and sweater, before leaving.

As the days passed, I realized something.  I had changed.  Not just on the outside, but on the inside.  At first it wasn't obvious.  I didn't even really notice until Joy brought it to my attention.  After the little scenario where her true, bitchy personality came out, I knew I didn't want her poison in my life anymore and had slowly weaned her out of it.  I was sitting at the table in the cafeteria where I worked talking to three of my male coworkers, the ease in which I did so not really registering.  Until she walked by and smirked at me.

"So, I see you've finally figured out how to flirt.  It's about time.  God, you were so pathetic!   Always so woe is me.  Now, look at you.  You're worse than me."

As she stormed off, leaving me gaping after her, I had to laugh.  She was right.  I had been pathetic.  But thanks to those two, wonderful, amazing men, I'd found the real me.  I just wished I could thank them.   


  1. They are not God, but they were sent from Heaven!!!!! God why are they SO FUCKING GORGEOUS!!!

  2. ok so, this story is my favorite. so much my favorite that I'm abandoning the lurking to tell you so. your writing is fantastic, you are such a gift to the starlight fandom. with every story i die a little because it leaves me breathless. just wow. you are great. amazing. super fantastic. i can't wait to read more from you (:

    1. I'm so sorry it took me so long to respond to this, but thank you. I mean that. :)
