Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Hey, y'all. Just letting you know I'm still alive. Dealing with a really bad case of writer's block at the moment. Everything I've been writing is just...terrible. I'm not giving into it though. I'm determined to work my way thru it. Just have patience with me.

99% of my problem is just crap going on in my real life. A lot of work drama, family health issues, and just life in general. I'm very stressed out & overwhelmed. Sadly, this is affecting my writing which is how I usual unwind. To say this is stressing me out is an understatement. *sighs* patient with me. I promise I'll be back soon & hopefully stronger than ever. *crossing fingers*


  1. DON'T STRESS TOO MUCH . im sure everyone has had writer's block on multiple occasions so please don't be too hard on yourself ;; . it will come back to you soon , LOVE YOU /HUGS/ <3

  2. Don't worry, at least you let us know that you are still alive, haha... Take all the time you need... I will be waiting for you.!!!
