Saturday, May 30, 2015

Dreams Come True (VIXX Leo)

So, I’ve been thinking about VIXX with kids, which is never a good idea.  It always gets me right in the feels.  I’ve wanted to write a one-shot of their futures for a long time.  It feels kind of weird, but I just see them all as being insanely amazing fathers.  This one is Taekwoon, but you’ll see the others as fathers too.  I hope y’all enjoy and that the feels don’t kill you.  They’re going to kill me as I write this.  And this is also a really old scenario request.  To the person who requested, I hope you like. 

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Naughty Boy (VIXX Ravi)

I really shouldn't be allowed on Tumblr or anywhere else.  Seeing other prompts makes my head explode.  So, this is a combination of a prompt I saw on Tumblr and one that was requested.  I hope y'all like it.  All I know is writing it had me in a constant sweat.  I'm thinking that's a good sign, no?  :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

I'm Alive

I disappeared again. Sorry about that. I'm still here, still writing & will be posting this weekend. Things have been a bit chaotic lately, but that's all calming down, so yay!  I was hoping to have something up tonight but I'm exhausted. So, have a tiny bit more patience with me & I hope to have something up tomorrow. :D

Monday, May 11, 2015

Ultimate Distraction (VIXX Ken)

So, last night I was on Tumblr and saw a prompt someone had sent someone else for Yoongi from BTS.  Since I don't write for BTS, I thought...HMMMMMMM...LOL!  I've changed it up some so it's not a literal translation, but enough.  I'm hoping it'll be hot, sweet and funny.  *crossing fingers*

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Welcome to the Family (VIXX Ken)

I love this story!  The end makes me laugh every single time.  This is the last of my old stories.  Everything from this point forward will be new.  Thank you for your patience.  I'm battling either a hot flash from hell or just yucky hot weather.  I'm melting & my brain is too.  :(

Fever (VIXX Ravi)

Aw, yes, jealous Ravi.  Booyah!

Expendable Targets (VIXX Leo & Ravi)

This one went places.  *shakes head*  Have fun!  :D

Firsts (VIXX Hyuk)

I love this one.  Virgin Hyuk.  So cute.  Aw shucks.

Pure Magic (VIXX Leo & Ravi)

Menage.  Have fun.  Heh

Hello There, Mr. Kim (VIXX Ravi)

Ah, yeah.  The start of the CEO sexiness.  Booyah!  Have fun, y'all.

The Gift (VIXX Leo)

One of my favorites.  Dom Leo just can't stay submissive for long.  Heh.

The Heart Wants What It Wants (VIXX N)

This one went places.  Boy, did it go places.  I still have no idea what prompted me to write it.  Have fun with it.  LOL!

Perfect In My Eyes (VIXX N)

Some would say this is my most...controversial scenario.  It's still one of my favorites and still makes me sniffle when I read certain parts of it.  I hope you enjoy!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Quiet Protector (VIXX Leo)

Okay, first of all, let me just say thank you Lord Jesus, the dry spell seems to be over.  *cries copious tears*  Writer's block sucks big hairy balls & I'm so thankful it seems to have gone away.  Let's hope it stays that way.

Secondly, this story...went places.  Trigger warnings maybe?  It definitely gets dark there for a bit.  It's also really, stupid long.  I couldn't help myself.  I needed to prove I could still write.  Yay for you, I suppose.  :)  Anyway, enjoy!  As always, comments are definitely appreciated.  :D