Thursday, November 10, 2016

Writing Prompts & Things! Huzzah!

Hey, everyone!  Long time, no see!  :P  I have to apologize for disappearing.  I've moved twice since mid-July and things are just now settling down.  It hasn't been easy to get my mind in a writing mindset, which is extremely frustrating.  I've been trying so hard to write, but everything just comes across as stupid.  :(

BUT, I have a ton of great ideas that I can't wait to share with you all.  That being said, I AM trying to get back into the writing game.  I've done this before with good results and we shall see if things work for me this time.  I came across this list online and changed a few of them to fit my style.  I really hope y'all are still around and that you'll participate.  The more prompts I get, the more likely I am to get inspired.

So, the rules:  You can choose 1 or more members.  You can also choose up to four prompts from the list below the cut.  When you list your choice, if you want to expand on the choice, please do (example: blindfold with a silk scarf and chains of spider silk.  Fingers spreading chocolate over the skin...etc.) Whatever you want to do is good with me.  :)

Members you can choose:  VIXX or BTS.  The deadline for this is Sunday, November 13th at midnight Pacific Standard Time.  Each person can have up to four requests.  :)  

And PS: has anyone else died because of BAP's new album?  That it's called Noir slays me.  Black is right in the best possible way.  *happy sigh*

Thursday, September 22, 2016


I keep feeling like a heel because I'll come back for a second and then disappear again.  In my defense, life is super chaotic right now.  I just started a new job and am in the midst of moving...again.  Ugh!

But, things are looking up!  Today is my 40th birthday and I'm making some major changes for myself.  One is to write more often.  Let's see how well I do at keeping that promise to myself.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Hey Y'all!

First of all, I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who submitted on my last post.  I really appreciate it.  Leo was hands down the biggest winner.  I don't even want to tell you how many requests I got for him.

I'm sure you've noticed I haven't been online much.  It's not that I don't want to write.  Honestly, I really, really want to write.  The problem is timing.  Since moving to Oregon, I've been looking for work.  Actually, if I'm being honest, the first month I didn't look at all.  My best friend told me to just rest and get my mojo back because with everything that happened up until my move, I was completely burned out.

I'm finally feeling like me again, but my life has definitely not settled down at all.  We're getting kicked out our house because the landlords need to get their heads examined, so we're trying to figure out our living situation.  To say that we're pissed is an understatement.  Plus, my best friend is getting married and it's just...insane.  I kind of want to crawl into a corner and whimper.  LOL!

And I don't know about y'all, but this heatwave that's going on right now can go far, far away.  It's currently 97 outside and it is absolutely nauseating.  Our central air doesn't work, so I've been doing my best to keep myself and my BFF's dog from melting.  We're both still alive, so that's something, I suppose.

I would really like to write.  I'm hoping things will settle down here soon and we can just move on.  I just want to live somewhere and not feel like I've got to move in five minutes.  That would be ideal.

So, I'll be around, I hope.  Stay cool and stay blessed.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

I Need Some Motivation...Or Something

Here I am again.  I don't know if anyone saw my rant on Twitter yesterday, but I've hit a creative dead spot when it comes to VIXX.  I haven't liked ANY of their songs since Error and even really good pictures of the boys isn't enough to get my motor running (so to speak).  So I'm at a standstill.  

I honestly don't know if I want to continue doing fan fiction anymore.  It is really hard to keep the creativity flowing, especially when feedback is next to nil.  When I do ask for feedback, I get maybe two responses, which makes it seem less than worth my effort.

So, with that being said, I want to try something.  I've done these before, but this time I want to do it a little differently.  Instead of writing full stories, I think I'm going to do little drabbles.  Just short little stories that fit the prompt.  I just need...something.

  • 1: Catching your muse watching porn 
  • 2: Having your muse sneak up on mine in the shower
  • 3: Being inappropriately touched by your muse under a dinner table
  • 4: Waking my muse up with oral sex 
  • 5: Getting a drunken kiss from your muse
  • 6: Getting a nude pic of your muse that was meant for someone else
  • 7: Spanking my muse in a public place
  • 8: Being asked to be drawn naked by your muse
  • 9: Whispering dirty things into my muse’s ear
  • 10: Watching your muse touch themselves without your muse knowing
  • 11: Having sex with your muse in a closet at a dinner party
  • 12: Getting flashed by your muse
  • 13: Having your muse join mine in the bathtub
  • 14: Ripping my muse’s shirt open
  • 15: Waking up next to your muse after a night of drunk sex
  • 16: Listening to your muse read an erotic novel to my muse
  • 17: Doing a striptease for my muse
  • 18: Calling my muse a different name during sex
  • 19: Walking in on your muse having sex with someone else
  • 20: Surprising my muse at work with a quickie

Please select a number and a member of VIXX, BTS and GOT7.  At this point I just want to write something.  

Thursday, July 28, 2016


So, when I said I was going on hiatus, I wasn't lying.  BUT, I'm finally settling into my new home, 2400 miles from where I was.  Things are still at loose ends since my belongings are still back in Michigan, but my best friend has been an absolute godsend and has done her best to make my transition to Oregon a smooth one.

My trip was actually really lovely.  I took the train a week ago Monday from Dearborn to Chicago and then transferred to a sleeper train in Chicago.  If I hadn't been so completely exhausted from everything that had happened the week prior, I probably would have enjoyed the train ride a LOT more.  Sadly, I was so tired that I basically spent the entire trip as a zombie and barely looked out the window.

It was absolutely gorgeous scenery.  The train went from Chicago up to St. Paul/Minneapolis the first night.  When I woke up the next morning we were halfway across North Dakota.  Got into Montana on Tuesday and spent the majority of the day going thru that.  We reached the Rockies around 7 pm Tuesday night, which was a trip.  They start out as these itty-bitty little bumps on the horizon and the closer you get, the bigger they get.  Absolutely gorgeous and so green!!!

Got into Washington State around 1:30 in the morning on Wednesday and spent the morning going down the Columbia River Gorge.  I'd forgotten just how beautiful this part of the country is.  Got into Portland early and my best friend picked me up.

I currently live in Salem, which is about an hour south of Portland.  I seem like I'm out in the middle of nowhere, but I'm only fifteen minutes from the city center.  It is absolutely gorgeous out here.  We live on three quarters of an acre and are completely surrounded by trees.  Every night I go to sleep to the sound of the trees rustling in the breeze.

So far, things are good.  I still haven't started looking for a job because my best friend told me not to.  She wants me to be rested and in a good mindset before I start looking so I don't snap up the first job that comes my way.  I honestly have no idea what I want to get into.  I'm at a standstill because with my last job I just worked.  It wasn't what I WANTED to do.  It's a bit daunting to think about because I'm in total limbo right now and don't even know where to start.

That being said, I AM happy with my choice.  Right now I feel like a housewife because she's working and I'm not, so I make sure the dishes are done as well as the laundry.  I don't want her having to do more than she already is.  The house we live in is great.  Two huge bedrooms and 1.5 baths.  Wide open and if the doors are open, there's an amazing cross breeze that keeps the house cool.

She has two cats, a dog and three goats, which is a bit to get used to.  We'll more than likely be moving into Portland in January when her lease is up just to be closer to her work.  I'd LOVE to find something close to here with good pay so I can just take over her lease, but I have a feeling that isn't going to happen.

The sad thing about Oregon is how high the income tax is, so that makes it hard to find a really good paying job that will actually give me good take home pay.  I'm hoping to find something in the $20 an hour bracket since minimum wage is $15 here, which is ridiculous.  Thank God for no sales tax!

I hope to start writing soon.  I'm sorry I've been AWOL for so long.  With working more than full time + cleaning out my apartment, I just didn't have the wherewithal to be able to think, let alone write.  At least write anything coherent, anyway.

I hope y'all are doing well and I hope to have something up for you very soon!  :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Hey, all!  Just a FYI that I will be on hiatus probably until August.  I'm in the middle of a cross country move & am so busy I can't think.  I will start posting again once I'm settled.

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Couple of Things

First of all, I'm going to be completely offline from Wednesday to Tuesday.  I'm going back to my hometown to visit my bestest friend and I'm going to be focusing on my time there.  That being said, I'm sure I'll be doing a crapton of writing while on the plane, so I'm hoping to have something to put up when I get home.

I actually got requests for answers to ALL of the questions I put up, which surprised me.  Most of them were via KKT and other platforms, but I figured I'd respond here to all of them.  And I wanted to apologize for not responding directly to most of your comments.  Blogger hates me.  :(

Answers to the questions below the cut.  :)

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Greetings & Salutations!


So, you may have noticed I haven't been writing.  I have excuses, but the honest truth is that I'm exhausted.  I've been working an insane amount of hours and by the time I get home I'm so tired I can't think straight. 

It isn't that I'm not writing, because I am.  I just haven't posted anything cuz nothing's done.  I've narrowed down my writing platforms to AO3 ( or maybe AFF.  Since I'm not a big of how AFF is set up, I'm more than likely going to be writing exclusively on AO3 once I get things set up over there. 

I've been on Blogger for a year and a half.  In that time I've had innumerable issues getting things to upload and epic formatting errors.  It annoys the crap out of me that I have to move...again, but if I can find somewhere I can write without worrying about major issues, I should. 

With that being said, I did want to post something while I'm figuring this all out.  I saw this post on Tumblr today and thought it would be a fun thing to do.  I'm doubtful of reader participation, but am posting it for the hell of it.  If you'd like answers to any of these questions or if you have on that isn't on the list, please put it in the comment section.  :)

And with that I bid you a good evening.  I should have something posted tomorrow night if it all goes well.  *crossing fingers*

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Hey, Y'all!

So, I've been doing some major thinking about this blog.  Blogger hardly works at all for me anymore.  I don't know why.  I've communicated with their customer service and I haven't gotten anywhere, so I'm thinking of moving my blog.  Putting it somewhere I'll have less issues with.  Maybe...if I'm lucky.  >__<

That being said, my options aren't very high.  I can either go to AO3 where I know I'll actually gets views or go to something like Wordpress, which doesn't thrill me all that much.  *sighs*

As much as I love this blog, the stress of trying to get my stuff to post and it not cooperating, is driving me insane.  If I DO transfer somewhere else, will you follow me?  Inquiring minds want to know.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Dominate Me - Finale (VIXX Hyuk)

Thank you for making it this far!  Yay!  Hyuk and Hobi's adventure has been so much fun to write, but alas we have reached the end of their journey.  Let me tell you, this is one of the hottest things I've ever written.  I think it even tops "Can't Be Friends" which seems insane.  All I can say is bondage is fun!  Or something.  LOL!

I'm sorry for having such a delay between each update.  I've been insanely busy with work, but I have been writing a lot.  I also went and got my hair done yesterday.  A deep burgundy red with deep royal purple undertones.  It looks amazing!  I love my colorist.  :D

And with is the finale to their story.  Enjoy!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Dominate Me - Part 3 (VIXX Hyuk)

Hoo boy, this one turned out to be a bit deeper than I was expecting.  Now we find out why Sanghyuk has issues with soulmates and why he's so emotionally constipated.  All I can say is, his poor soulmate gets a bit frustrated. 

Hyuk & Hobi get one more part after this and then it's the next pairing.  Anyone want to guess who is next?  I cannot wait to write them, that's all I'll say.  As always, I hope you enjoy the ride.  And comments are always appreciated.  :)

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Dominate Me Part 2 (VIXX Hyuk)

Ah, Sanghyuk's soulmate is revealed.  I wasn't planning on writing multi-parters for all the members, but my muse has other ideas.  This one ends abruptly, but there's a reason for it.  Dun dun dun.  LOL!

You get introduced to more of the members as well!  Yay you!  :D

I hope y'all enjoy!  :)

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Dominate Me Part 1 (VIXX Hyuk)

I'd say sorry about this one, but I am so not.  *ahem*  Let me just say, in my defense, that Sanghyuk has been whispering his story to me since I finished Wonsik and Namjoon's story, but I've been so busy I haven't been able to properly write his story.  That being said, here is part one of his story.  I wonder who his soulmate is?  Any guesses?  O.o

And yes, this is shorter than usual, but trust me, Part 2 should be MUCH longer.  Oh, snap!

Sunday, February 28, 2016

I'm A Busy Girl

So many things going on in my little world.  Working on the next BTS/VIXX story as well as other things.  And as always, I can't seem to be content with just one thing.  I just posted this to my AO3 account.  I can't not write BTS now.  Oh, the horror.  LOL!

And just so y'all know, I am writing, it's just a long process.  I'm working insane hours lately, so by the time I get home I'm so tired I can't think.  Plus I'm finally getting over a double cold that I've had for three weeks.  So everything has just been a bit chaotic.  Bleh.

But, I am writing!  I'm posting things as fast as I can.  I hope y'all enjoy my new stuff too.  :)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Wreck Me - Finale (VIXX Ravi)

Well, folks, you made it to the end of Namjoon & Wonsik's story.  This isn't the end though.  Far from it.  The next members of VIXX and BTS have a little somethin' somethin' coming up.  All of them will get their happy endings.  Yay!

That being said, I know some of you are upset with me for writing m/m and not writing VIXX/you stories, but in all honesty, I write whatever comes to me.  Sometimes I'm not inspired to write from a woman's POV and write whatever is in my head.  And sometimes that just so happens to be two men falling in love.

BUT...I have plans.  The other members still need love in the CEO VIXX 'verse and I've already started on Jaehwan's.  So, once I'm done finishing this soulmate AU, plan on seeing that one.

I hope y'all enjoy the end of this fun, sweet, sometimes sad journey.  I've had a ton of fun writing Namjoon and Wonsik's adventures and I hope this finale shows just how much.  Thank you to the few who've left me messages.  You made my day.

And, without further ado, the end to their journey begins.  Have fun!

Monday, February 8, 2016

I Apologize

I had hoped to have Part four up this weekend, but I'm extremely sick and my brain isn't working very well at the moment. Just know I AM working on it and will have it up as soon as I can. All I can say is this bug is awful and is making my brain completely fuzzy. Writing is just not working at the moment. It sucks. >__<

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wreck Me Part 3 (VIXX Ravi)

All righty!  Sorry it took me a week to put up part three.  Things are just...really, really intense IRL right now and it's hard to concentrate.  BUT, I've been working on this bad boy since last weekend.  Again, a lot of words as per usual and a lot more angst than I normally write.  But, I'm very pleased with the way it's turned out and I hope you enjoy the continuing adventures of Wonsik and his soulmate.

And as always, please comment!  It really helps me keep plugging along with feedback.  And I've got it set up where you can leave comments anonymously if you're shy.  :)

I hope y'all enjoy and that this coming week is good to you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wreck Me Part Two (VIXX Ravi)

All righty!  Here is part two.  I'd planned to have it up this weekend, but I got hit with a stupid bug and spent most of the weekend curled up in a ball feeling sorry for myself.

Can I just say I find it adorable how everyone seems to think Ravi's soulmate is Hongbin?  Because I don't remember saying it was going to be him.  In fact...I don't remember saying anything about his soulmate being a member of VIXX!  *gasps*

I don't normally write flashbacks since I find them to be a rather obnoxious trope.  BUT, in this instance, I felt it had to be done to give you an idea of why Wonsik wasn't thrilled to see his soulmate's name on his wrist. 

That being said, his soulmate WILL be revealed at the end.  And let me just say, if y'all aren't shocked, I cry.  I hope you like this one.  Welcome to the madness.  :)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Wreck Me - Part One (VIXX Ravi)


First off, I want to profusely apologize for not posting recently.  As many of you might have figured out if you follow me on Twitter or Tumblr, 2015 was an absolute nightmare for me.  Sadly, 2016 isn't shaping up to be all that awesome either.

December 24th was my one year anniversary for this blog.  I know it says April 16th, but that's when I had to restart everything.  Though things may not be perfect, I'm very thankful to each and every one of my readers.  Thank you so much for always coming back, even when I don't post for a month.

I'm hoping, as time progresses, that I'll be able to post more often.  I have a lot of plans and a lot of things coming up that I hope will excite you.  That being said, you'll also see that I've removed Surfacing Part One.  I don't plan on removing it forever, but just for now.  I've lost any and all want to continue that story, which makes me sad because it's got so much potential.  I've also deleted my other blog for the time being.  Sadly, the story that I put so much effort in has gotten very little in the way of views and I'm thinking y'all just aren't ready for a story like that by me yet.  I will be bringing it back, but I don't want to do that one thing that drives me crazy.  I refuse to leave unfinished stories up on my blog.

With all that being said, welcome to my new story.  This is going to be a wild ride and poor Wonsik has no idea what's in store for him.  I'm not going to put anything at the beginning, but I hope with the ending, you'll see what I'm trying to do here.  Man, I'm all mysterious and stuff.

All I can say is enjoy and as always, please comment.  Please.  I know it sounds like I'm begging, but honestly, comments are the only thing that make me come back.  And now, let the games begin.