Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wreck Me Part 3 (VIXX Ravi)

All righty!  Sorry it took me a week to put up part three.  Things are just...really, really intense IRL right now and it's hard to concentrate.  BUT, I've been working on this bad boy since last weekend.  Again, a lot of words as per usual and a lot more angst than I normally write.  But, I'm very pleased with the way it's turned out and I hope you enjoy the continuing adventures of Wonsik and his soulmate.

And as always, please comment!  It really helps me keep plugging along with feedback.  And I've got it set up where you can leave comments anonymously if you're shy.  :)

I hope y'all enjoy and that this coming week is good to you!

The ride home the next morning passed by in a blur.  All Wonsik could see was the name on his wrist.  He ran his fingers over the script emblazoned there, wishing he could rub it off like ink.  Kim Namjoon…the name seemed like it was mocking him, the black so dark against his skin.

He got home and took a shower, scrubbing over his wrist until the skin was raw and painful.  As he dried himself off, he did his best to ignore it, wishing he could go back to the night before and do things differently.  He never would have gotten tipsy and he never would have gone home with the handsome stranger.

The worst part was knowing that sex with Namjoon the night before had been the best sex he’d ever had.  He’d been wrecked, his body completely at Namjoon’s mercy.  He couldn’t even say it was a mistake since it had been so intense.  

But now, here he was, wondering what to do next.  Should he find Namjoon?  Ask for forgiveness for being a clueless dick all those years ago?  Ignore it and see what happened?  He felt lost and he did not like that sensation at all.  He wished it was all a bad nightmare he would just wake up from.  

Walking into work, he was immediately accosted by Sanghyuk who dragged him over to his station and shoved him into his chair.

“All right, where did you disappear to last night?”

He tried to push Sanghyuk away, but he was tenacious like a pitbull and finally got Wonsik pinned to his chair, hands on his shoulders.  Wonsik shook his head.

“Does it matter?”

“You left your favorite leather jacket behind.  Taek had to rescue it and take it home so it wouldn’t get lost.  Now…spill!”

“I don’t want to.”

Sanghyuk’s eyebrow cocked up and he smirked.

“You don’t want to or you’re embarrassed?  Oh!  Did you have really bad sex?  Is that why you’re turning every shade of red?”

Wonsik finally pushed Sanghyuk’s hands off his shoulders and shoved him away.

“No, I didn’t have bad sex.  Jesus, Sanghyuk, mind your own business!”

“It’s not every day you disappear.  Come on, man!  Appease my curiosity!”

“Sanghyuk, leave Wonsik alone.”

Taekwoon tossed Wonsik’s leather jacket on his lap and pulled the youngest away, pushing him towards the piercing station.  Wonsik let out a deep sigh and stood up, getting ready for the day.  He didn’t want to be there, but it was his job and he’d do it.

But halfway through the day, even Taekwoon had lost his patience.  Wonsik was sitting at his station, staring blankly into space like he’d been doing all day between clients.  Taekwoon stalked over and smacked him lightly on the shoulder, startling him out of his daze.

“All right, enough is enough.  What the hell is your problem?”

Wonsik bit his lip as he looked down to where his fingers played with the leather cuff he’d slipped on that morning.  Making his mind up, he stood up and dragged Taekwoon back to the break room, slamming the door shut.  He pulled off the cuff and held his wrist up for Taekwoon to see.


“Yeah, that was my reaction this morning when I woke up and saw it.”

“Kim Namjoon…Jesus.”

“So now you understand why I’ve been spacing out all day.

“What are you going to do?”

“Ignore it and pretend it didn’t happen?”

“Wonsik, you can’t do that.  I’m sure he’s reeling just like you are.  You need to find him and talk it out.”

“I don’t want to.”

Wonsik could have smacked himself when he felt his lower lip jutting out in a pout.  He was acting like a child and he knew it, but he honestly didn’t know if he could face Namjoon again.  They’d been friends once; best friends even.  Knowing that Namjoon had liked him more than a friend had terrified him back then and he’d reacted like a child, scaring him off.  Now, as a grown ass man, he was still acting like a child and it pissed him off.  

“Kim Wonsik, grow up!”

He glared at Taekwoon, knowing he was right.

“I don’t know what to say to him, Taek!”

“Apologize for being an ass all those years ago and move on from there.  It’s not hard, Wonsik.”

“Why are you always right?”

Taekwoon smirked and rolled his eyes.


“Or a know-it-all?”

“Ha!  No, from dealing with your dumb ass all these years.”

“Hey, now!”

Taekwoon snorted and motioned at Wonsik’s wrist.

“So, are you going to man up and find him?”

“Not like I have a choice, really.”

“You do, but if you did make that choice, you’d be a bigger idiot than I give you credit for.”

“Dude, shut up!  I’ve grown up a lot since we dated, you know.  I’m not a stupid fucking teenager anymore, thank you.”

“I know.  I’m proud of you, Wonsik.  You’re doing the right thing.”

Wonsik heaved a huge sigh, the anxiousness he’d been feeling seeming to finally disappear.  

“So, how do I find him?”

“No clues from your encounter with him?”

“I was tipsy and horny as hell.  I wasn’t paying attention to anything but his cock, if I’m being honest.”

The look Taekwoon shot him made him squirm.

“TMI, man, TMI.”

“You asked.”

“Not for that.  I don’t need to know that, Wonsik.”

“Yeah, well, I was needy, okay?  I hadn’t had sex in three months and that club was not good for me.”

“You sure about that?  Seemed like it provided everything you needed.”

“If I’m being honest that’s what Namjoon did, Taek.  It’s like he knew my body better than I do.  He completely wrecked me and maybe that’s why I’m scared to face him again.”

“No, that’s why you need to find him.  If he wrecked you, that means there’s something there 
already.  Don’t be stupid and run away from what Fate wants for you, Wonsik.  Embrace it.  Embrace him.  Otherwise you’ll hate yourself forever.”

“Is that how you feel?”

Taekwoon bit his lip, looking down at his wrist.  Even after all these years you could still see the letters of his soulmate’s name etched into his skin.  The black rose he had tattooed around it in memoriam.

“If I hadn’t pushed him away, he wouldn’t have died.  I live with the guilt every single fucking day, Wonsik and I don’t want you to feel like that…ever.  It rips your heart out and every day that passes makes you feel like shit for living when the one you were meant to be with is dead.  Knowing you’ll never have that back is hell.  I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”

Wonsik reached out and grasped Taekwoon’s shoulders, pulling him close in a tight hug.  He’d been there, had seen how happy Taekwoon was when he met Seunghyun and had seen how it all fell apart.  He’d seen the aftermath when Taekwoon had gotten news of Seunghyun’s death and how he had never been the same.  It hurt him and made him wish with all his heart that it had never happened.  Fate was a fickle bitch and would either give you pure happiness or absolute heartbreak.  There was no in between.

Taekwoon wrapped his arms around Wonsik’s waist and held tight.  Even though it had been seven years since Seunghyun’s death, it still seemed like yesterday.  Wonsik knew Taekwoon still grieved and probably would until the day he died.  He just hadn’t realized how much it still ate at him.  Feeling the way his body shook as he buried his face in Wonsik’s shoulder made his heart ache.  He hated the fact that his best friend still hurt so much.  Knowing his soulmate was gone and would never be coming back had to have killed something inside of him.  And Wonsik wished with everything in him that he could do something for him.

“Taekwoon, I love you, you know.”

“I know.  I love you too.”

Wonsik pressed a kiss to the side of Taekwoon’s head and ran a soothing hand over his back.  They stood like that, the only thing pulling them apart was Sanghyuk’s voice screaming for them from the front.  They pulled apart and Wonsik looked away as Taekwoon ran a shaking hand over his face, wiping away the tears that tracked down his cheeks.  

“Thank you, Wonsik.”

Wonsik shook his head, a bittersweet smile coming to his lips.

“I should be saying thank you, Taekwoon.  You’ve always been there for me, even when I’m being a complete and total dumbass.”

“You’ve been there for me too.”

“I hope you can find your happy again someday, Taekwoon.  If anyone deserves it, you do.”

“The only way that would happen is if Seunghyun came back, Wonsik, and we know that will never happen.  But, I’m content with my life.”

Wonsik shot his best friend a look, the skepticism clear.  Taekwoon chuckled softly.

“I am!  My life isn’t perfect, but I have you and Sanghyuk.  I have this job.  Life may not be all sunshine and light, but I AM content.”

 “And that’s really all you can ask for, isn’t it?”

“Sometimes, yeah.”

They smiled at each other and had just turned to leave the break room when the door swung open with a bang against the wall, Sanghyuk standing there, arms akimbo as he glared at them.

“I don’t care what’s going on back here, but you left me alone and we’re getting slammed.  Get your asses out here!”

The two men saluted and hurried out front, greeted by the sight of ten different customers.  They exchanged glances and got to work.


The search for Kim Namjoon wasn’t as difficult as Wonsik had predicted.  He had the basic facts such as birthday and previous schooling.  He put his limited internet skills to work and within an hour or so, he was looking at Namjoon’s profile on Facebook of all things. 

‘Kim Namjoon-29, producer, composer, lyricist, entrepreneur.’

There was a black and white picture of him, a microphone in one hand and a beanie pulled down low over his brow.  Wonsik stared at the picture, seeing the passion Namjoon had for his work.  He felt a sense of pride for his one-time friend, seeing that he’d used his smarts to make something of himself.  There was a list of songs he’d produced, composed or written lyrics for and Wonsik wanted to smack himself when he recognized ninety percent of them.  Namjoon had always been around him, he’d just been too dense to see it.

He hovered the mouse over the “Add Friend Request” for the longest time, his lip between his teeth as he contemplated hitting send.  He felt weird having to friend request his soulmate.  It was like he was back in high school all over again as he finally clicked send and then closed his laptop in reaction to the rush of adrenaline shooting through his body.  He’d done it and now he had to wait to see what Namjoon’s reaction would be. 

He began to pace, his fingers twisting as he walked the width of his living room too many times to count.  When he psyched himself up enough, he went back to where his laptop sat and lifted the lid.  When he saw the notification waiting for him, he gulped before clicking on it.

‘Kim Namjoon has accepted your request.  You are now friends.’

“Oh, God!”

He blew out a deep breath and had to wave a hand in front of his face.  He was flushed and nervous.  He also kind of wanted to throw up.  He pushed away from his laptop and went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face.  Grabbing a towel, he buried his face in it, wishing he could wipe away the nerves that shook him.  He’d taken that first step by finding Namjoon.  

His laptop chimed advising him of a new notification and he went back to it, his fingers trembling as he clicked on the notification.

‘Hey, man, I’m sorry I took off so abruptly this morning.  Meet me for coffee?’

The message from Namjoon seemed to be mocking him as he stared down at it.  What should he do?  Be as casual as Namjoon seemed to be and act like nothing happened?  Freak out like he really wanted to and ignore it?   Before he could overthink it, he clicked the respond button and typed out a quick message.

‘Yeah, that’s good.  Any suggestions on where?’

The response was almost immediate making him wonder if Namjoon was camped in front of his computer too.

‘Dope Brew in twenty?’

‘I’ll see you there.’

He logged out and hurried to dress into something less tattoo artist and a bit more appropriate for a first time conversation with his soulmate: jeans with no holes and a shirt with sleeves.  He pushed his hair off his face and slid on a pair of sunglasses before jogging out of his apartment.  Dope Brew wasn’t very far from his apartment and when he arrived, Namjoon was already there, a steaming mug on the table in front of him.  Wonsik went up to the barista and ordered a straight Americano, needing caffeine to psych himself up to the conversation he knew was coming.  

He took his mug and walked over to where Namjoon sat, sitting down on the seat across from him.  Pushing his sunglasses to rest on top of his head, he took a sip and cleared his throat nervously, running his finger around the rim of his mug as the silence dragged on.  He finally couldn’t handle the silence anymore and looked up, making eye contact with Namjoon.

“You’re making me nervous.”

Namjoon snorted softly and his eyebrow cocked up as he took a sip of his own drink.

“I make you nervous?  Didn’t we already have this conversation?”

“There are different types of nervous, thank you.”

Namjoon chuckled and set his mug down with a soft click on the table.  He clasped his fingers, resting his hands on the table as he stared at Wonsik.  It took every bit of willpower Wonsik had not to fidget under that intense stare and he settled for staring at Namjoon’s collar.

“So imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning to find your name on my wrist.  It’s been thirteen years since the last time we spoke and I wake up from intense fucking to find the guy who broke my fucking heart’s name on my wrist.  Care to explain to me why you decided to go home with me last night?”

Wonsik blinked, shocked at how direct Namjoon was being.  Where had the quiet, shy nerdy kid gone?  Who was this direct, confident, ridiculously hot man?  He felt blindsided and it took a second for his brain to come up with a response.

“Uh…I didn’t know it was you.  Obviously, since I asked you for your fucking name, more than once if I recall.  What’s your excuse?”

“I knew it was you, Wonsik.”

His mouth dropped open as he gaped at Namjoon, those words taking him aback.

“You knew it was me?  All along?”


“So this was a revenge fuck for you?”

Namjoon let out a heavy sigh as he ran a hand through his hair; the first gesture he’d made that didn’t have confidence behind it.

“I don’t do revenge fucks.  But I saw you last night.  I recognized you.  And…I wanted to see you again.  Maybe say hi.  It’s been thirteen years, but you were my best friend back then, even though you were a dick.  I didn’t know it would go that route.  I swear.”

“You groped me on the dance floor, Namjoon.  It’s kind of hard for me not to believe you didn’t plan this out.”

“I didn’t, Wonsik.  But…,” he heaved out another sigh and shook his head.  “Fuck it, you’re too fucking hot for your own good, all right?  You got up all in my space and I couldn’t resist.  So, yeah, I groped your ass, but you were just…right there.”

Wonsik snorted and rolled his eyes.  

“You’re an asshole, Namjoon.”

“You’re one to talk.”

Wonsik shook his head and pushed his mug away, not wanting to listen to this bullshit anymore.  He was tired and just wanted to go home.  He pushed to his feet, shoving his sunglasses back on and made to leave.  The scrape of a chair over tile and a hand on his shoulder stopped him.  He looked over his shoulder to see Namjoon standing, a look of panic on his face.

“Don’t leave, Wonsik.  Please.  We need to talk about this.”

“I didn’t choose to make you my soulmate, Namjoon.  I may have been a dick all those years ago, but you disappeared that night and I never saw you again.  I never got the chance to apologize and now here we are, thirteen years too late.  You wrecked me last night…and I don’t know if I can forgive you for that.”

With that, he shrugged Namjoon’s hand off his shoulder and hurried out of the café, doing his best to bite back the tears he could feel clogging his throat.  This wasn’t how he’d wanted this to go.  He had looked for Namjoon all those years ago, wanting to apologize for the way their friendship ended.  But it had been like Namjoon had disappeared off the face of the earth.  He’d given up and turned his attention on Taekwoon.  

Now, knowing what their history could have been like, it hurt.  Knowing that only months later Namjoon’s name would have shown up on his wrist if they had still been talking made him think about all the years wasted.  He was thankful for his sunglasses as he stumbled home, his thoughts not on his surroundings, but stuck in the past.  

Once home he tumbled into bed and pulled his covers up over his head, wishing he could just hide.  God, this sucked so much.  Knowing that Namjoon had recognized him last night made him cringe.  That he’d been that gone not to recognize Namjoon who hadn’t changed much made it even worse.  Why was this happening to him?  What had he done to deserve this kind of hell?

He called in sick to work the next day.  Sanghyuk took the call and bitched him out, but he hung up before it went too far.  He curled up in bed, not wanting to face the day.  He was so tired.  He felt like he was on an emotional rollercoaster that he would never get off and it exhausted him.  He just wanted to go back to the way life was before all of this happened.  

Wallowing lasted until after midnight when a heavy knock was heard at his door.  He ignored it the best he could, but he recognized it and knew Taekwoon wouldn’t stop until he opened the door.  Stumbling to his feet, he made his way to the front door and pulled it open, barely avoiding Taekwoon’s fist as he went to knock again.  Taekwoon opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again.  


 “You look like shit.”

Wonsik growled, before heading back into his bedroom.  He curled back up on his bed and pulled his covers up.  He could hear Taekwoon swear under his breath before his footsteps came into the bedroom.  The bed dipped under Taekwoon’s added weight and Wonsik shifted away, rolling over so his back faced him.  

“What happened?  You’re acting like a high school girl whose crush broke your heart.”

“I followed your advice.  Tracked Namjoon down and met him for coffee.  It went about as good as could be expected.”

“So you basically talked in circles and ended up getting your feelings hurt.  Jesus, Wonsik, you’re so predictable.”

He rolled over and sat up, pushing his hair away from his face as he glared at Taekwoon.

“Excuse you, asshole.  He knew who I was.”

Taekwoon’s eyes widened in shock as he stared at him, his mouth open.

“Yeah, so now maybe it makes sense why I’m acting like a hormonal teenager.  He fucking knew, Taek.  I don’t know if I can forgive him for that.”

“Jesus, Wonsik.  I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault, Taekwoon.  I’m just a fucking moron who let someone take me home.  Damn it all to hell and back!”

He smacked his hand on the mattress for emphasis, but all it did was give him a sore hand.  He massaged it with the other while leaning against the headboard, his gaze on the ceiling.  Taekwoon let out a sigh and shifted on the bed until they were sitting side by side.  Wonsik leaned his head on Taekwoon’s shoulder, needing the comfort only his best friend could give him.  

“What am I going to do, Taekwoon?”

Taekwoon wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer, his hand coming up to cup the back of his head.  His fingers threaded through his hair, relaxing him.

“I don’t know, Wonsik.  It’s my fault for telling you to find him.”

Wonsik shook his head.

“No, you were right.  I needed to confront him.  Confront this.  I just can’t believe he knew and let it go that far.  I didn’t think he had it in him to be that heartless.”

“Did he give you an explanation?”

“He told me he just planned on saying something to me, but that I was too hot.  Basically, utter bullshit.”

“Wonsik, the boy was in love with you all those years ago.  You dance up on him at a club, he’s not going to ignore that.”

“He groped me first!”

Taekwoon pulled away to give him a look.  Wonsik rolled his eyes and let out a huffy sigh.

“Fine, you’re right.  But I swear, I didn’t recognize him!  I was too far gone and all I wanted was to lose myself.  And I did, in more ways than one.”

“Do you regret the fact that he’s your soulmate?”

“I don’t know,” Wonsik said, leaning back into Taekwoon’s embrace again, wishing he could just disappear.  

“If he tries to communicate with you again, will you talk to him?”

Wonsik shrugged.

“I don’t know.  I really don’t.  I’ve gone through so many emotions these last few days that it feels like my head is spinning.  I’ve been knocked off my axis and am spinning out of control!  I’m scared shitless to be completely honest.”

Taekwoon squeezed his shoulders tight.

“I understand, Wonsik.  I think you need to talk to him if he reaches out to you.  There are too many things left unresolved and it’s going to drive you crazy if you don’t fix it.”

“I know.  I just…I don’t want to.  I know I sound like I’m whining, but I don’t.  I feel like we’re just going to keep going in circles until one of us gets dizzy and falls down.  And I don’t want to be on this ride anymore.”

“But you will talk to him if he reaches out to you?”

“Yeah, because you’re right.  If I don’t, it’ll drive me crazy and I can’t deal with that.  I just wish all of this was over and done with, you know?”

“I know.  You’re doing the right thing, Wonsik.”

“I know and it sucks.”

Taekwoon snorted and smacked him lightly on the back of the head.  Wonsik sat up fully and ran a hand through his hair.

“I feel like I’m a broken record, but thank you, Taekwoon.  You’re my voice of reason, as per usual.”

“I’ve known you for a long time, Wonsik.  I know your quirks and your stupidity level.  If I didn’t pressure you talk to him, you’d sulk until we all hated you.”

Wonsik snorted before reaching over to punch him lightly in the thigh.

“You suck.”

Taekwoon chuckled and sat up as well; shifting so his feet were flat on the floor.

“You good now?”

“Yeah, I’m good.  I’ll see you at work.”

“You’d better.  Sanghyuk spent the entire day bitching about slacking employees and I wanted to muzzle him, except the little shit would probably like that.”

Wonsik burst into laughter at that, because sadly it was true.  Sanghyuk was a little freak and didn’t hide that fact.  There was a reason all three of them had dick piercings and it all had to do with too much tequila and a bet.  Not that he was complaining.  He liked his dick piercing.  It was cute.

“You want food?”

“I’m going home.  I’m tired and my sister called me this morning to tell me I was neglecting my uncle duties.  So I’m going home this weekend.”

“Oh!  That’s good!”

“I’m excited to see the kids.  I miss them.”

“I’m sure they miss Uncle Taek too.  I’m going to make some ramen and then go to bed.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

Wonsik nodded and got up to walk Taekwoon to the front door.  They hugged and he shut the door, locking it behind Taekwoon.  He felt lighter now, less ready to kill.  He was still pissed off with Namjoon and with Fate, but if Namjoon reached out to him, he would talk to him.  Either that or punch him in the face.


A week later found Wonsik leaning over the tracing table working on an intricate tribal design.  Slipknot pounded from the speakers at a deafening level, allowing him to zone out on his work.  He was alone, Taekwoon and Sanghyuk on a food run.  He was hungry and wished they’d get back soon, but he was almost done with the piece and knew his client would be happy.  

“Excuse me!”

He glanced up to see a man staring down at him.

“Can I help you?”

“I called in for an appointment last week?”

“Your name?”

“Min Yoongi.  I have an appointment with Jung Taekwoon.”

“Oh, yeah.  He’s on a lunch run but should be back soon.  You can take a seat over there, if you’d like.  Have you decided on a design?”

Yoongi nodded and reached into the satchel he had slung over his shoulder, pulling out a folder.  

“Good.  Give it to Taekwoon when he gets in.”

Yoongi nodded and headed over to the reception area.  Wonsik turned back to his work, focusing on his task again.  Sanghyuk and Taekwoon came in shortly thereafter, brandishing bags of food.  Wonsik got up and went to turn down the stereo before grabbing the bag Taekwoon handed him.

“Your client is here.”

Taekwoon glanced over his shoulder at Yoongi and nodded.  

“All right.”

He shoved a fry in his mouth before wiping his greasy hands on his thighs, before he walked over to the reception area.  Wonsik took a bite of his burger and let out a sigh of contentment.  

“This is sin.”

Sanghyuk snorted and waved a fry at him.

“The way you’re eating that is a sin.  You don’t just shove it in your face.  You’re supposed to savor it.”

“I’m hungry!”

“You’re a pig.”

“Fuck you!”

Sanghyuk grinned and promptly shoved three fries in his mouth.  Wonsik rolled his eyes and continued to eat his burger as Sanghyuk began chattering about a client.  Wonsik zoned him out like he usually did, enjoying his food and the moment of normality before his day would pick up again.  He glanced over at Taekwoon and saw him squatting down beside Yoongi as Yoongi showed him the folder.  He wondered what was going on, the expression on Taekwoon’s face nothing he’d ever seen before.  Before he could think about it for too long, the door bell chimed as someone came in.  He set his burger aside and stood up, mourning the loss of his food.

The day passed by quickly, a constant stream of customers making the day pass by in a blur.  When the last customer left and he could lock the door, he collapsed in his chair and let out a gusty sigh.  Taekwoon sat stretched out in his chair, arms crossed over his chest and his eyes closed.  Wonsik thought he was asleep, but he opened his eyes and glanced over at him.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.  Glad the day’s over.”


Wonsik reached over to pick up his water bottle and twisted off the top before taking a sip.

“Hey, Taek?”


"What was going on with that one customer?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seemed really zoned out when you were talking to him during your consultation.  Was he creepy or something?"

Taekwoon shook his head.

"No, it was nothing.  Don't worry about it."

Wonsik set the water bottle down and got up to start cleaning up.  He finally had a legitimate day off the next day and wanted it to start as quickly as possible.  He finished up and slung his bag over his shoulder.  He stopped at the front door to glance back at Taekwoon who was still stretched out on his chair, his eyes closed again.



"Time to go home, man."

"I'll leave here in a minute.  Go ahead and go home.  I'll see you on Friday."

Wonsik waited another minute before turning on his heel and leaving.  As he was walking to his Harley, he heard a noise behind him and turned.  Namjoon stepped out of the shadows, his hands jammed in the pocket of his jeans.

"What are you doing here?"

"I've been waiting out here for you."

"For how long?  Why didn't you just come in like a normal person instead of skulking out here in the shadows like a weirdo?"

Namjoon chuckled softly and shrugged.

"I didn't want an audience."

"For what?"

"For this."

With a deep breath he pulled his hands out of his jeans and knelt down on the ground at Wonsik's feet.  

"Uh...dude, what the hell?"

"My friend told me I was a dick and needed to grovel.  So yeah, that's me.  Groveling."

Wonsik rolled his eyes and reached out to pull him to his feet.

"Stop being so stupid and just spit out what you wanted to say."

"Fine...fine.  You were right.  I was a dick.  I should have told you who I was that night when I realized that you were tipsy.  And maybe in the back of my head it started out as a revenge fuck because of how we ended.  But, I swear, Wonsik, I did not plan on things going that far that night.  When I saw you leaning against the bar, I thought "Here's my chance!  I can go talk to him like an adult!"  But then when you went out on the dance floor and I could see that you weren't there just to dance, I had to take my chance!  I had to know how you tasted, how you felt in my arms!  And that might make me a complete bastard, but it's the truth!"

 Wonsik scrubbed a hand over his face, the exhaustion from the day hitting him hard.  A midnight apology from Namjoon was not what he'd been expecting.  He could hear the sincerity in Namjoon's voice and could hear the remorse.  As angry as he was, he wasn't completely heartless.  

"Namjoon, I forgive you.  Look, I know what I did to you all those years ago with Taekwoon wasn't the best, but I promise you, I did look for you.  I spent that entire night after you left feeling like shit because I wanted to apologize.  And then you completely disappeared and I...moved on.  I missed your friendship, but I was young and stupid.  I just wish we could have met again under better circumstances."

"Do you regret the night you spent with me?"

"Do you?"

"No...never!  You told me I wrecked you, but Wonsik, you wrecked me too!  When I woke up the next morning and saw your name on my wrist, it shocked the hell out of me.  Thirteen years ago I loved you, but after I confessed and ran home, I realized that it wasn't enough.  I ran away.  I went to school in New Zealand and traveled.  I needed to figure out who I was."

"I get that.  I do.  I needed to figure out who I was too.  We were kids back then.  I don't regret that night I spent with you either.  I just wish it had been under better circumstances."

Namjoon stepped forward then, his hand coming up to cup Wonsik's face.  Wonsik tried not to react, but couldn't help but lean into the warm palm.

"Will you give me another chance?  Allow me to redeem myself?  To show you the man I am today?"

"Are you going to woo me, Kim Namjoon?"

Namjoon chuckled, brushing his thumb over Wonsik's cheek.

"I'm gonna woo the hell out of you, Kim Wonsik."

"Then yeah, do your worst."

"What about my best?"

Wonsik rolled his eyes.

"You're so greasy."

The smile he remembered, those ridiculously deep dimples popping up spread across Namjoon's face.

"You like my greasy."

"I don't know yet.  You're gonna have to woo me so hard."

"It'll be my pleasure."

*To Be Continued*


  1. YAY! Finally, I have been waiting for these two idiots to work it out! More sex now? XD Especially if it involves Hyuk and a muzzle because YES PLEASE!
    And I'll forgive you for hurting my poor Taekwoon if we get to see HIS peircing (hint hint nudge nudge wink wink).

  2. Ahh~ I love how you're continuing this story ;.; I'm really enjoying it so far~

    (I also noticed you kept on mentioning Fate. Could it be a reference to Depend on Me, "the red string of fate"?:)

    Also that thing with Yoongi and Taekwoon. I take it that there's more to that meeting? I can't wait til you unravel their side of the story! :D More power and hope things may go well this week for you~

  3. What a twist, Wonshik had to actually also forgive Namjoon. Lucky for both they have friends, who know what's up and get those two to work it out after all those years (wonder who it was for Namjoon).
    and omg Taekwoon, I'm curious what you have in store for him. (the detail with the rose was beautiful)

  4. I am so into this story! Makes me wish I'd found it when it was completed so I could binge read the whole thing!

  5. Hehe Sanghyuk is a little shit but you gotta love the guy when he brings some sort of comical relief. The description you gave about Taekwoon's rose was short but powerful, you could just feel the love he had for his soulmate with those few words. Just like anonymous, I'm curious to see what was going on between Taekwoon and Yoongi. I just hope things work out between Wonsik and Namjoon whether it's as lovers or just close friends.
