Sunday, January 3, 2016

Wreck Me - Part One (VIXX Ravi)


First off, I want to profusely apologize for not posting recently.  As many of you might have figured out if you follow me on Twitter or Tumblr, 2015 was an absolute nightmare for me.  Sadly, 2016 isn't shaping up to be all that awesome either.

December 24th was my one year anniversary for this blog.  I know it says April 16th, but that's when I had to restart everything.  Though things may not be perfect, I'm very thankful to each and every one of my readers.  Thank you so much for always coming back, even when I don't post for a month.

I'm hoping, as time progresses, that I'll be able to post more often.  I have a lot of plans and a lot of things coming up that I hope will excite you.  That being said, you'll also see that I've removed Surfacing Part One.  I don't plan on removing it forever, but just for now.  I've lost any and all want to continue that story, which makes me sad because it's got so much potential.  I've also deleted my other blog for the time being.  Sadly, the story that I put so much effort in has gotten very little in the way of views and I'm thinking y'all just aren't ready for a story like that by me yet.  I will be bringing it back, but I don't want to do that one thing that drives me crazy.  I refuse to leave unfinished stories up on my blog.

With all that being said, welcome to my new story.  This is going to be a wild ride and poor Wonsik has no idea what's in store for him.  I'm not going to put anything at the beginning, but I hope with the ending, you'll see what I'm trying to do here.  Man, I'm all mysterious and stuff.

All I can say is enjoy and as always, please comment.  Please.  I know it sounds like I'm begging, but honestly, comments are the only thing that make me come back.  And now, let the games begin.

Kim Wonsik did his best not to think about his soulmate; that person who was meant for him and him alone.  He had seen it in reality, his parents a perfect example.  His left wrist was still blank even at the age of thirty, his soulmate still out in the ether somewhere.

He was happy though, his life content.  A successful tattooist, co-owner of After Dark Tattoos with two of his best friends, Taekwoon and Sanghyuk, he had seen many people come into the shop, their wrists on proud display.  He’d also had people come in to get their tattoos covered, not wanting the reminder of their failure.  People forgot that a soulmate was a choice.  The universe might have decided someone was perfect for you, but as a person with free will, you didn’t have to accept it.

It was a Tuesday, busy as most of his days were.  He was doing a back piece for a regular customer, working on the outline of a massive dragon.  He’d been bent over Donghyuk’s back for the past three hours, bullshitting as his gun ran over Donghyuk’s skin.

Donghyuk was razzing him like usual, teasing him about some chick that wouldn’t take no for an answer.  She’d come into the shop one day, had seen Wonsik and decided he was the one for her, tattoo or not.  She had come into the shop so many times that Wonsik had finally gotten fed up and kicked her out.  There wasn’t necessarily anything wrong with her per se, but she was too damn needy.  He didn’t need that kind of drama.

“You were too harsh on her, man.  Did you see her cry?”

“You’re an ass.  She wasn’t crying.”

Donghyuk snorted before hissing out a breath as the needle dug a little too deep.

“Yah, watch what you’re doing!”

Wonsik rolled his eyes and glared down at Donghyuk.

“Stop moving, you ass.  If you don’t move, it won’t hurt.  Shit, man, how many times have we done this?”

Donghyuk scoffed before settling back down.

“Shut up, asshole.”

Wonsik snorted and went back to work.  He was almost done and even he had to admit that this was some of his best work.  Once the outline healed he would start on the coloring, but for now, the black ink looked fierce.  As he finished up the last bit, he wiped off the excess ink and blood with a towel and sat back with a sigh.  The tendons in his neck and shoulders popped as he stretched his arms over his head with a groan.

Donghyuk rolled over and sat up, pushing to his feet so he could go take a look.  Wonsik set the gun down, tossing the towel in the basket beside his station.  He pulled off his gloves and stood up to hand Donghyuk a mirror.  Donghyuk turned his back to the full length mirror in the corner and held up the mirror Wonsik had handed him so he could see his back.

“Damn!  I think you’ve outdone yourself, man!  That’s some kickass work.”

Wonsik grinned and turned back to clean up his station a bit while Donghyuk admired himself in the mirror.  Once Donghyuk was covered up and out the door, Wonsik sat back in his chair with a long sigh.  Taekwoon glanced up from his own station, pencil hovering over a sketch he was working on.

“You good?”


They lapsed back into silence as Wonsik contemplated the ceiling, his tongue running over the snake bite piercings in his lower lip.  He was tired; exhausted even.  It was only Tuesday but he hadn’t had a day off in almost a month.  He desperately needed a vacation but they were short-handed and extremely busy.

The bell over the front door chimed, alerting him to a new customer.  He stood up, pasting a smile on his face, mentally groaning at the nervous smile he received in return.  It was going to be a long day.

When the shop finally closed at midnight, Wonsik locked up.  He slung his bag over his shoulder and strode into the back alley where his baby was waiting for him.  All shiny black metallic and chrome, the Harley sparkled in the sparse light.  He shoved his bag into one of the saddlebags and slung his leg over.  Key in the ignition and a turn of a switch brought the machine to life, the engine purring, the rumbling between his thighs giving him a slight thrill like it always did.

Once out on the street he opened up the throttle and grinned, a feeling of peace engulfing him.  There was nothing better than feeling the wind whipping through his hair, the bite of cold snapping at his face, the way he felt free.  He wished he had that freedom all the time, but it was only these moments when he could push the speed to the limit that he felt that way.

Sadly, that feeling didn’t last long as he reached his apartment and pulled into his designated spot.  He turned off the ignition and got off, kicking down the kickstand and dug his bag out of the saddlebag.  Slinging it over his shoulder, he spread the tarp over his baby, patting it once before running up the stairs two at a time and unlocking the door.  

Once inside he tossed his bag on the floor and reached down to unlace his boots.  Kicking them off, he shuffled into the kitchen to get something to drink.  As he sipped his water he wandered out to the small balcony on the back of his apartment.  It was pitch black, no lights to disturb the darkness.  He closed his eyes, his head falling back as he took a deep breath.  It was moments like this that he missed cigarettes.  

The blaring of his cell phone’s ringtone shook him out of his reverie and he dug it out of his pocket, swearing when his fingers fumbled over the keypad.  When he finally answered, he was less than cordial.


“Whoa, pissy much?”

“Sanghyuk, what do you want?  It’s late and I’m beat.”

“I was going to ask if you wanted to go clubbing with me tomorrow night, but if you’re going to be such an asshole, I don’t know if I want to.”

Wonsik rolled his eyes and let out a deep sigh.

“What time and what club?”

Sanghyuk snickered.

“2 AM and Crimson.  I got an in.”

Wonsik felt his eyebrow cock up in shock.  Crimson was a new club that had just opened up a few blocks from After Dark and was already making a name for itself.  To get in was next to impossible.

“How the hell did you do that?”

“I have my ways.”

“Yeah, clubbing sounds good.”

“Later, loser.”

“Hey, is that any way to speak to your elders?”

Sanghyuk snorted and disconnected.  Wonsik shoved his phone back in his pocket and finished off the water before going back inside.  A quick shower to wash off the day’s sweat and he was crawling into bed.

The following night after closing shop, Wonsik hurried home to dress into something a bit more club appropriate: black leather pants, his favorite Docs, a sleeveless band t-shirt and a leather jacket.  Hair mussed just so and smudged eye liner finished the look.  He smirked at his reflection before hurrying to meet Sanghyuk at Crimson.  He stumbled in surprise when he saw Taekwoon standing behind Sanghyuk, looking dark and brooding as always.

“You ready,” Sanghyuk asked, a mischievous grin on his face.  Before Wonsik could answer, Sanghyuk was leading them in.  The bass thumping inside the club could be heard out on the street, but when the doors opened and they went into the club proper, the noise was almost deafening.  Wonsik glanced around trying to take it all in.

Crimson described the club well, the color saturating the room.  The lighting was dark, a hint of something smoky and seductive floating in the air.  The music was the main focus, the DJ keeping the momentum going with each song.  Male and female dancers dressed in dark red leather danced on mini stages strategically placed around the room, their bodies moving sensuously to the beat.
But what really caught Wonsik’s eye was the mass of bodies writhing on the dance floor, the crush so thick you couldn’t tell where one body ended and the next began.  Inhibitions seemed to have been abandoned at the door and the air was filled with an intoxicating mix of sweat and sex.

Wonsik exchanged glances with Sanghyuk, a grin stretching his lips.  It had been a long time since he’d allowed himself the freedom to just let loose.  Now that he was here, he realized he desperately needed this.

The three men claimed a table, their discarded jackets staking their territory.  Wonsik walked straight into the crowd, needing to lose himself.  The exhaustion he felt was still there riding him hard, but as he began to move his body, it seemed to recede.  Music had always been his escape and dancing was his drug.  Hot sweaty bodies pressed against him on all sides.  He closed his eyes, losing himself in the beat.  

A warm body pressed against his back, familiar scent teasing his nose.  Long, tapered fingers riding low on his hips, pulling him close.  He glanced over his shoulder to see Taekwoon smirking at him, lips pouty and pink. 

“What are you doing,” he muttered, voice pitched for Taekwoon to hear.  


“No shit, Sherlock, but shouldn’t you be dancing with someone other than me?  We tried this once before and it failed spectacularly.”

Taekwoon rolled his eyes and pulled him closer.  Their bodies were pressed tight from neck to pelvis and Taekwoon definitely knew how to move to the beat, his hips rolling sinfully against Wonsik’s.  Wonsik did his best not to be affected by his friend and ex-boyfriend’s proximity, but it was difficult.   
They hadn’t been together in a relationship sense for almost ten years, but even after all this time, it was hard not to want to turn around and curl against him.  Wonsik wanted to blame the music and Taekwoon’s proximity for the way his body was reacting, but he couldn’t.  Even after all this time, his body still craved Taekwoon’s touch and the way he knew him so well.  He pulled away, shaking his head.

“I can’t do this, Taek.”

Taekwoon stared at him, eyes dark and fathomless, before stepping back with a nod and disappearing into the crowd.  Wonsik watched him go, teeth biting into his lower lip.  Though they were good friends, best friends even, sometimes the past would come back to haunt him.  At the age of eighteen, he’d thought he’d found his soulmate in the quiet, stoic man.  When their wrists remained blank even after two years of dating, it had broken something inside Wonsik.  After they’d broken up, he’d dedicated himself to his career and had pushed the thought of love and soulmates out of his mind.  Now at thirty he could look at it more objectively, but sometimes he forgot…like tonight.

Running a hand through his hair, he turned towards the bar.  He needed a drink, stat.  He walked up to the bar and motioned to get the bartender’s attention.  When the bartender walked up to him with a smile and asked what he wanted, he shrugged.

“Something hard.  I need to forget.”

The bartender smiled in sympathy and turned to start a drink.  Wonsik leaned against the bar, his gaze on the pattern his fingers were drawing randomly on the glossy black wood, his expression blank.  A warm hand on his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts as he glanced over to see a stranger smiling at him.

“Bad night?”

Wonsik shrugged and took the drink the bartender handed him with nodded thanks.  He knocked it back, hissing as the alcohol burned its way down his throat.  He turned back to the stranger with a smile.

“I’ve had better.”

“I haven’t seen you here before.  I would remember.”

Wonsik’s eyebrow cocked up in surprise, the flirtation more than obvious in the other man’s smile.  He checked him out, not even attempting to be subtle.  The man was slightly shorter than he was, features fine boned and almost feminine.  Dusky skin shone to perfection by the pure white suit he wore, collar of the blood red shirt underneath unbuttoned enough to show off his sharp collarbones.  A flirtatious smirk on his lips, dark eyes smudged perfectly, liner showcasing the slant at the edge.  Wonsik was tempted, but at the same time, he had a feeling he needed to stay far, far away from this man.

“My first time.”

“Ah, fresh meat.  And what do you think of Crimson so far?”

“It’s nice.”

“Nice,” the man said with a delicate snort.  “I’ve heard many words used to describe my baby, but I think this is the first time I’ve heard the term “nice”.  I don’t know how I feel about that.”

“You’re the owner?”

“Yes.  Cha Hakyeon at your service, cutie.”

Wonsik could feel the blush climbing his cheeks at the sheer audacity of Hakyeon’s flirting, but at the same time, it felt nice that someone was noticing him.  He ducked his head and looked down at the empty glass his fingers were playing with.  A long tapered finger pressing gently against his chin lifted his head so that he couldn’t not meet Hakyeon’s gaze.  

“What’s your name?”

“Wonsik.  Kim Wonsik.”

He couldn’t speak above a whisper, the words sticking in his throat.  

“Well, Kim Wonsik, I’m glad you walked into my club tonight.  If you need anything, don’t be afraid to tell me.”

Wonsik nodded, watching as Hakyeon grinned before walking away.  He knew he had a gobsmacked expression his face, overwhelmed by the sheer presence of Cha Hakyeon.  How was he supposed to be unaffected by someone like that?  He shook his head and turned back to the bartender, holding up his empty glass.

Four drinks later and he felt it.  He leaned against the bar watching the crowd, his body loose and relaxed.  He wasn’t drunk, just really, really tipsy.  He was also so horny he could cry, Taek’s dancing from earlier making him want to squirm.  He was hard, his cock pressing against the leather of his pants, making him antsy.  He wasn’t usually one for one night stands, but with the way he was feeling, he knew his hand wouldn’t cut it tonight.  

He turned his focus on the crowd, wondering if there was someone out there who would catch his eye.  Men and women alike were intriguing, their bodies on display for his eyes to wander over.  Did he want to be fucked tonight or did he want to do the fucking?  His hand drifted down to cup himself through his pants as he bit his lip, realizing he didn’t care.  All he wanted tonight was the chance to let go, to get this ridiculous antsy feeling out of his system.

With a sigh he straightened up, moving his hand and running it over his face, wondering where Taekwoon and Sanghyuk had disappeared to.  Not that it mattered, since he wasn’t going anywhere until he found the right one to spend the night with.  

Knocking back his fifth glass of the night, he pulled out his wallet and paid his tab before heading back out into the crowd.  Warm bodies pressed in at all sides, but this time, he paid attention, looking for that one.  And when the hard, warm body pressed up against his back, hands coming to rest low on his stomach right above the waistband of his pants, he knew he’d found them.  

He shifted, pressing his ass back, feeling the hard line of his dance partner’s cock pressing against him.  He bit his lip, eyes closing as he leaned back, his body resting against a firm chest.  The hands at his waist slid down, one reaching between his legs to cup him, making him bite back a moan.  It felt so good; something he hadn’t had in such a long time.  

The other hand slid under his shirt, drifting up over his stomach to press between his pectorals, pressing him closer.  He wanted to whimper at how good it felt, but he held it back.  The hard thigh sliding between his legs and pressing against him made the whimper escape outside of his control. 

“Oh, God,” he whined, his legs going weak.  This was exactly what he’d needed; even better than he could have ever expected.  Whoever his mystery partner was, he seemed to anticipate Wonsik’s needs faster than Wonsik could articulate them and if it was like this on the dance floor, he couldn’t wait to see how he’d be in bed.  

“We are getting out of here.  I’m taking you home and fucking you until you can’t walk straight.”

 Wonsik couldn’t bring himself to respond, following after him willingly, wrist held in a firm grip.  The man led him through the crowd, out to the parking lot where he directed Wonsik into a waiting taxi and gave directions before pulling Wonsik to him, his hands resting on Wonsik’s hips.  

Their first kiss was slow and soft, just a press of plush firm lips against his, tongue slicking over his lower lip.  He opened for him right away, wanting his taste on his tongue.  It was when the kiss deepened, tongue brushing over his that he let out the moan he’d been holding back.  It was swallowed by the other man who leaned back, nipping his lower lip.

“You’re so fucking responsive.  When I have you naked on my bed, will you beg me to fuck you?”

Wonsik stared into his eyes, seeing the lust there, but also the determination to have Wonsik do exactly what he said.  And it made him shiver, goose bumps breaking out all over his skin.  The shiver didn’t go unnoticed; the chuckle the other man let out sinful against his neck as he leaned forward and licked over Wonsik’s skin.  

“Shit, fuck, damn it,” Wonsik hissed as the other man nipped at the skin where neck and shoulder met, making him arch into his touch.  


“I don’t have any,” he grunted as warm hands slid up under the back of his shirt, fingernails scoring gently over his skin.  “You’re not helping.”

“I like seeing you squirm.”

His mystery man’s voice was deep, as deep as his, and it seemed to skitter over his nerves like electricity.

The taxi arrived at their destination and Wonsik stumbled out, his limbs uncoordinated with pent up lust.  He felt completely out of control and didn’t know what to do with himself.  Before he could think about it too hard, his companion wrapped an arm around his waist and led him inside.  The ride up the elevator was silent, except for the sound of their breathing.  His companion’s fingers dug into his hip, a constant reminder that the night hadn’t even started yet.  

The walk from the elevator to the door was a blur.  Wonsik only really came back to himself when he felt the wall against his back, his companion’s body pressing him against it.

“You ready?”

Wonsik looked into his eyes, unable to help the smirk that crossed his lips.

“You realize you’re a lot of talk, right?  I’ve been ready.”

Seeing that eyebrow quirk up, the dimples showing in his cheeks, made Wonsik want to touch, so he did.  He moved his head, brushing the tip of his tongue over the slight divot.  The growl that escaped his companion’s lips was not lost on him as rough hands clasped his hips and snugged him up against solid thighs.  

“You’re asking for it, aren’t you?  Let’s have you put that tongue to good use, hmm?”

The hands moved up from his hips to rest on his shoulders, gentle pressure pushing him to his knees.  He went willingly, fingers immediately reaching for the clasp of his companion’s jeans.  Each button slowly undone, his fingers brushing over the hard cock underneath.  Dipping under the waistband of his briefs, clasping the warm flesh that pulsed under his touch.  A deep moan from the man standing above him made him smile as he let go, reaching to pull pants and briefs down, revealing the hard cock to his gaze.  He licked his lips at what he saw, wanting to feel it on his tongue.

He shoved the pants and briefs down to the floor and shuffled closer until his lips were millimeters away.  A fist around the base, angling it down so that he could taste.  Tongue flicking over the slit at the tip, the taste bitter and slightly salty on his tongue.  He exhaled, hot breath ghosting over skin.  He could see the shiver and the goose bumps that broke out over his companion’s flesh.  

He looked up through his eyelashes, wanting to see his companion’s expression.  What he saw made him groan under his breath.  Eyes heavy-lidded, lip caught between white teeth, hands clenched at his sides.  Completely wrecked and it was at Wonsik’s hands, lips and tongue.  

“You look too fucking sexy down on your knees like that.  You’re going to suck me down deep, until I’m hitting the back of your throat.  You want me to choke you, don’t you?  You’re such a fucking slut for my cock and I haven’t even fucked you yet.”

Wonsik shuddered, his hand automatically going down to cup himself, his need stronger than it had ever been.  As filthy words escaped his companion’s lips, it physically hurt him, making him want to cum more than he’d ever wanted to before.  

“Damn it, you’re killing me,” he whispered, his fingers tightening around the base of his companion’s cock.  

“Shut up and put that mouth to use, hmm?”

Fingers cupping the back of his head, tightening in his hair, brought his attention back to his task.  He went back, sucking a deep breath in through his nose before taking his companion’s cock back in his mouth, intent on bringing him to his knees.

He kept his movements gentle at first, the suction barely enough to be felt.  The fingers tightening to a painful degree in his hair egged him on.  He deepened the suction over the head, tongue flicking over the slit, fingers sliding up the length of the shaft to meet his lips. 


He would have chuckled at that deep growl, but he was intent on his task.  He began to bob his head, suction tight as he moved his hand in rhythm to the movements of his head.  Sweat trickled down the side of his face, hair plastered to his skin.  His efforts were not going unappreciated, words of praise escaping his companion as his head smacked against the door, hips pushing up towards Wonsik’s lips.  

It was only the pressure of the fingers in his hair pulling his head back that made him stop.  He glared up at his companion, eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

“Why did you stop?  I hadn’t even gotten you halfway down my throat yet.”

“Not ready to cum yet.  Take off your clothes and get on the bed.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“I don’t know what you’re playing at, but telling me what to do is not how the rest of this night is going to go.”

That damn eyebrow cocked up again, the smirk on his companion’s face enough to make him want to smack him.

“If you think I’m a bottom, you’re sadly mistaken.  You’ve been taking my commands just fine so far this evening.  Don’t think I can’t see how much it turns you on, me telling you exactly how this night is going to go.  And it’s going to continue until you’re cumming around my cock.”

Wonsik stared up at him, lip caught between his teeth as he realized his companion was right.  He did like the way his companion told him what to do.  It made his cock so hard it throbbed and he wanted more.  So much he craved it.  Without another word, he pushed to his feet and reached for the hem of his t-shirt, pulling it over his head.  

“Holy shit.”

He glanced at his companion to see his gaze on his chest and the silver barbells pierced through his nipples.  He flicked one absentmindedly, smirking when he saw the way his companion’s pupils dilated.  His hands went to the waistband of his pants, but his companion stopped him, stepping forward so he could press his hands against Wonsik’s chest.  

Fingers traced over the intricate tattoo he had that covered him from his clavicle all the way down to just above his navel.  It was his biggest piece and the one that had taken the longest due to how much it hurt, but it was his greatest work of art, even though he hadn’t done the actual tattooing.  He’d left that up to Taekwoon after doing the drawing.  

“That is the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”


“Piercings and tattoos.  Any other surprises in store for me?”

“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

“God, you’re such a cliché, but I still want to fuck you senseless.”

“If what I’m saying is so annoying, why don’t you shut me up?”

Hands on his hips, pulling him close, lips against his, tongue slicking over his lips before sliding inside his mouth.  He moaned, his hands sliding over sharp shoulders to rest at the base of his neck.  His companion’s taste was like nectar on his tongue.

“What's your name?”

His companion pulled back and looked at him, the surprise evident on his face.

“You’re asking now?”

“I’d like to know the name of the person who’s going to fuck me.  I want to know what name to moan.”

“Moan?  Or scream?”


Instead of an answer, he found himself pushed back towards the bed.  Hands on the center of his chest, pushing him back onto the bed.  He landed with a soft grunt that turned into a gasp as his companion pulled off his shirt, leaving him naked to Wonsik’s gaze.  All long lean muscle and that gorgeous cock on proud display.  

He held out a hand, beckoning his still nameless companion to join him on the bed.  The feeling of the solid warm body over his, arms resting on either side of his head, caging him in, made him moan.  He slid his hands up, pulling him down so his weight was against his fully.  

“Let’s get those pants off, hmm?”

Fingers busy at the waistband of his pants, sure fingers unzipping and shimmying them down.  He lifted his hips and waited as they were dragged down his legs and tossed aside.  Those same fingers sliding up his legs, fingernails dragging over his skin, made him close his eyes, his head arching back with a groan.


He opened his eyes and looked down to see his companion staring at his cock, the expression on his face nothing short of salacious.  

“First you go commando and then I see you have a fucking cock piercing?  You’re just full of surprises tonight.”

“You sure you don’t want to feel it inside you?  Because it’s my understanding it feels like heaven.”

His companion rolled his eyes before sitting back on his heels and flicking a fingertip gently over Wonsik’s piercing.  The sensation made Wonsik moan, loudly, his hips automatically thrusting up towards his companion’s touch. 

“I see it feels good for you too.  I’m good with that.”

Wonsik’s response was lost as his companion bent down and took him in his mouth, engulfing his cock in sweet, moist heat.  Tongue doing wicked things to the head of his cock, making him shake as he did his best not to cum right then and there.


It was the suction of lips over the piercing that had him losing control.  He reached down, his fingers threading through sweat-drenched hair, wanting to bring that glorious suction closer to him, a whimper of sheer desperation escaping his lips.

“Oh, please!”

“You ready to beg me already,” asked against his skin, hot breath skittering over his throbbing cock.  Wonsik couldn’t believe he was in this position already; that he was so desperate to cum just from the shortest blowjob in history, but the last hour had been nothing but the most intense tease he’d ever experienced in his life and he was done.

“Fuck yes! Just make me scream!”

“I can do that.”

Body shifting, scooting up until they were face to face.  A quick brush of lips over his before his companion was shifting, leaning over to open up a drawer and pull out condoms and lube.  

“You were prepared for this.”

The sound of a cap popping open and cold, slicked up fingers were brushing over him, circling before the tip of one finger slid inside of him.  He grunted, shifting his hips slightly at the intrusion.  It had been a long time since he’d been on the bottom and his body was fighting the intrusion.

“Breathe for me, baby.  Just breathe.”

The pet name said with that deep voice against his jaw made him quiver.  He did as instructed, taking in a deep breath through his nose, striving to relax his body.

“Good boy,” muttered against his skin as the finger slid in deeper, a gentle thrust making him whimper in the back of his throat.  As the second finger slid in next to the first, he did his best to hold himself still as he breathed through it, but it was so hard, especially when said fingers brushed against his prostate.

“Oh, God!”

At his moan, the next few moments could only be called torture as his companion’s fingers pressed against his prostate with every thrust into his more than willing body.  He squirmed, trying to get some sort of friction against his weeping cock, his hand moving down to take hold.

“No, no touching.  I want you to cum just like this.  You can do that for me, can’t you?”

The hand clasped around his wrist was tight, holding it firmly to the bed.  He stared up at his companion, wanting nothing more than to bite him or beg him for mercy, but a particularly hard thrust of those sinful fingers had him seeing stars instead.  His eyes closed tight as his head arched back against the pillows, wanting more.

He got it, with another finger being added.  The added stimulation, along with the scissoring motion, set him off.  With a ragged scream he came, painting his torso with his cum.  His companion was merciless, his fingers thrusting hard against Wonsik’s abused prostate, making him shudder through the overstimulation.

“Please, God, please, stop.  Let me catch my breath.”

He opened his eyes and looked up to see his companion staring down at him, an unreadable expression on his face.  The fingers were removed with a lewd squelching sound as his companion shifted and reached for a condom.  Before he could tear it open, Wonsik sat up and reached for it. 
His companion stared at him for a moment before handing the condom over and leaning back, presenting his cock.  Wonsik tore open the wrapper and pulled out the condom, before leaning forward and taking his companion’s hard cock in his mouth, his tongue licking up the bead of precum on the tip.  His companion groaned, but it was cut off when Wonsik lifted up enough to put the condom between his lips and go back down, sliding the condom over his companion’s cock with his tongue and lips.  

“Jesus!  Fuck, that is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Wonsik sat up, his fingers rolling the condom down the rest of the way, before leaning over and picking up the lube, pouring a generous amount over his companion’s sheathed cock.  He wrapped his hand around his companion’s cock and pumped him, spreading the lube.  He shifted on the bed, flipping over so that he was on his stomach.  He spread his legs and glanced over his shoulder.

“You gonna fuck me now?”

The low growl was the only warning before his companion was crawling over him, leaning down to kiss him thoroughly.  

“You’re a mouthy little shit, aren’t you?”

“You like it.”

The snicker huffed against his lips was answer enough, but it was soon cut off as his companion shifted, the blunt head of his cock brushing against Wonsik’s ass.   As his companion’s cock slid into him, the burn made Wonsik turn his head into the pillow as he breathed through the stretch.  He’d been prepped enough that it didn’t hurt, but he definitely felt it.  A gentle hand resting on his lower back grounded him as his companion slowly began to move, hips rolling gently, sliding his hard cock in and out.  

Wonsik bit his lip, his fingers clenching tight around the pillows smushed under his face at the sensations rippling through him.  He had never been taken so thoroughly or so gently.  Not even with Taekwoon had he ever been so completely fucked and it did something to him.  He could feel the tears burning at the corner of his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.  He didn’t understand this emotional turmoil that roiled through him as his companion fucked him into the mattress and he fought to lose himself in the passion.

His cock was hard again and every thrust of his companion forced it to rub against the sheets below him.  Whimpers escaped his lips as he curled his head forward, his forehead pressed hard against the pillows.  He wanted to move, to roll his hips up to meet the thrusts, but he couldn’t, his body pinned down under his companion’s weight.  Instead, he had to take the pounding.  It wasn’t a hardship, especially with the way his companion’s hips rolled so sensuously against his own. 

 "Christ, you feel so good around my cock.  You're taking my cock so good."

Wonsik whimpered, biting his lip hard enough he could taste copper on his tongue.  Why did this feel like something more than just a simple one night stand?  Why did he want this night to go on forever, the warm body above him making him feel secure and not like he was drifting like he had been for the last ten years?  The feelings in him terrified him, but at the same time, the body moving over him and in him felt so good he wanted to explode.

His companion shifted, body moving back and hands around his waist, pulling him up so that his back rested against that solid, warm chest.  One hand slid up, caging around his neck, long fingers brushing over the sensitive skin below his ear.  The other went down, curling around his hard cock, squeezing the base.

"You're not going to cum yet, are you?  I can feel how you're squeezing my cock.  You're not cumming until I tell you can, you understand?"

Wonsik couldn't even whimper as a response, his entire focus on the man behind him.  The hand on his cock began to stroke, slowly at first, matching the gentle thrusts of his companion's hips.  Wonsik's head lulled back against the shoulder of the man behind him, wanting nothing more than to lose himself completely.

"Please, let me cum.  Let me cum!  Oh, God!"

Sharp teeth against his neck, fingers tightening around his throat.

"You want to cum on my cock?"


"Then do it!  Cum for me now."

With those words, he was lost.  He squeezed his eyes closed, his hands clenched into fists at his sides as he bucked into the hand around his cock, his thighs trembling so hard he would have fallen if he hadn't been held in place.  The orgasm struck hard, leaving him breathless, as cum splashed over the hand fisting him and the sheets below.

The thrusts from behind were relentless, milking him through his orgasm, making him gasp and squirm.  Face planted against the sheets, hard hands at his hips as the man behind him began to fuck him in earnest, the sound of flesh snapping against flesh filling the room.  Wonsik keened through it, his hands scrabbling for purchase over the soiled sheets underneath jim, head turned to the side as he gasped for breath.

He felt his companion's orgasm, the way the thick cock inside of him pulsed as he released into the condom.  The hot, sweaty body plastered over him, shuddering breaths against his ear as lips planted soft kisses over the skin of his neck and shoulder.

"You were fucking amazing."

Wonsik could do nothing but grunt in response, his body trembling so hard he could barely think straight.  He whimpered when his companion pulled out, his body clenching over the empty space inside of him.  He wanted that connection back.  That feeling of being surrounded.

He heard his companion get up, the sound of running water in the adjoining bathroom, before a warm cloth was being dragged over his skin, cleaning off the lube and drying cum from his exhausted body.  He was rolled over onto his back, the same cloth gently sliding over his spent cock, before warm skin was pressed up against his side.

A kiss pressed against his inner thighs, another right above his cock, over his navel, his nipples and finally a soft kiss to the outside of his mouth.  Solid arms wrapped around him, pulling him up against a warm chest.


And he did.

The next morning, when he woke up and rolled over, he was alone.  The only sign of the night before was the soreness of his body.  He sat up with a grunt, running his hands over his face to try to wake himself up.

It was when he went to run his fingers through his hair that he stopped, a feeling of sheer horror making his skin go clammy and a cold sweat break out.  He turned his left hand and looked down, his mind going completely blank.  There, clear as day, on his wrist, was a name that hadn't been there the day before.  And the name that resided there was one he'd hoped he'd never see again.


To Be Continued....



    That was so fucking hot, oh my GOD. Pretty sure I was shivering and trembling right along with Ravi....

    Damn woman, you are amazing you know that? I know I tell you all the time that your writing is amazing, but it REALLY is. You bring out their personalities, its not just names and smut on paper (screen?), but they feel more...real.
    Can't wait to read the next part *sighs* (and DAMNIT, stop getting me all worked up over Ravi, I like Leo, ok, LEO)

  2. seriously, the title is foreboding of what awaits the reader after just a few minutes into the first chapter. I need a cold shower and a lie down, can't cope.

  3. Wow, wow, wow. The smut was amazing, it always is tbh. And god that endinggg! Cripes, I don't think I can wait until the next update but I shall. I really like the idea of having a soulmate but having to the ability to choose not to accept it.

  4. I finally got time to finish reading this and freaking a bit because OMG OUR STORIES ARE SO SIMILAR YET SO DIFFERENT!?!?!? like do we share a brain or something??? its hilarious that we both have tattooshop AU's at the same time xD With that said, HOLY FUCK GIRL THAT WAS HOT *lays down* imma go fan myself for a bit *dead*

  5. So I finished Part II and went back to this story...imagining the soulmate now is wow... ;)
