Sunday, March 6, 2016

Dominate Me Part 2 (VIXX Hyuk)

Ah, Sanghyuk's soulmate is revealed.  I wasn't planning on writing multi-parters for all the members, but my muse has other ideas.  This one ends abruptly, but there's a reason for it.  Dun dun dun.  LOL!

You get introduced to more of the members as well!  Yay you!  :D

I hope y'all enjoy!  :)

It wasn’t often that Jung Hoseok was taken aback, especially by his own actions, but as he stumbled out of Crimson, his body trembling in delayed reaction, he realized he’d taken things a bit too far.  That was an understatement of epic proportions, if he was being completely honest with himself.  He wrapped his hoodie tighter around his middle, his fingers shaking.  What the hell had he done?  

He was one of the most cautious people he’d ever met, his every move mapped out for himself ahead of time.  To do something like he’d done was so completely out of character that it scared him.  He’d just fucked a random stranger in front of other people.  What the fuck?  Inside of his car, he collapsed forward, his head on the steering wheel as he struggled to get himself under control.  

“Take a deep breath, Hoseok.  Holy shit, take a deep breath.”

He could feel the panic bubbling up into his throat, his chest constricting.  He lifted a hand, rubbing tight circles over his heart, wishing he could take back the last hour of his life.  It wasn’t often that he had panic attacks anymore, but this situation called for one. 

How had he even found himself in this position?  His friend Taehyung had told him about Crimson; about its reputation as not just a club.  He’d gone out of curiosity, meeting Taehyung and his current squeeze for a drink.  When he’d seen the banner over the entrance announcing the bondage exhibition, something in him had taken over.  He’d stepped inside and seen the setup, that dark, twisted spark he usually hid deep inside rearing its ugly head.  And when that beautiful, built naked man had been lead out, the blindfold covering his eyes, he’d snapped.  

And God, had it been a thing of beauty.  The way the man had writhed on his cock, the helpless noises he’d made behind that gag would haunt him for the rest of his life.  He’d come so prettily, his ass tightening so snugly around his cock that it had made him lose his breath.  

Sitting up, he scrubbed his hands over his face before turning the key and starting the car.  As he drove to his apartment, he made sure the stereo was blasted to a deafening level, drowning out his thoughts.  He had all of the windows down, the cool night air slapping him in the face as he drove. 

It was as he was locking up his car and trudging up the steps that he looked down at his wrist, something catching his eye.  The black script with “Han Sanghyuk” was as clear as day on his wrist.  His already weak legs went out from underneath him as he sunk to the ground, his hand coming up to cup his mouth.  He had to swallow hard, the bile trying to force its way up his throat.  This wasn’t happening.

The next morning when the sun was rising over the horizon, Hoseok was curled up in his bed, his fingers rubbing absent circles around the name on his wrist.  He’d found his soulmate in the most unlikely of places and he couldn’t wrap his brain around it.  He didn’t even know how to find the man and wasn’t even sure he wanted to.  How had he gotten himself into this situation?  He was horrified at himself and his actions.  How could he do something so completely out of character?

The sound of his front door slamming open had him sitting up, shoving a hand through his hair.  Taehyung stumbled into the bedroom, his hair in disarray and a rather impressive string of hickeys circling his neck and collarbones.


Hoseok let out a hefty sigh before swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up.

“Yes, Tae?”

“Where did you disappear to last night?  After that rather impressive display of your sexual prowess, you missed out on the insanity.”


“Orgy of fucking epic proportions.  My ass is so sore, but it was so worth it!  I don’t think I’ve ever cum that many times in one go.”

“I didn’t need to know that, Tae.”

He scrubbed his hands through his hair before stumbling into the bathroom to splash water over his face.  He took the towel Taehyung handed him and ran it over his face, before looking at his friend.  Tae grinned at him, that familiar boxy grin endearing in his otherwise sexed out expression.  Hoseok shook his head and went back into the bedroom.

“You look like hell, Hoseok.  What happened?”

Hoseok didn’t say anything, just lifted his arm, twisting his wrist so the name on his wrist was clear.  

“Holy shit!  You found your soulmate?  Was it the guy you fucked?”

Hoseok rolled his eyes and waved his hand.

“What do you think?  Yes, it was the guy I fucked.  I’m so screwed.”

“Why are you screwed?  Dude, you found your soulmate!  I thought you’d be thrilled when or if you ever met them.  Instead you’re hiding in your bedroom like you’re terrified.”

“It’s because I am terrified, Tae.  He’s my soulmate and he has no idea who I am.”

“You should have stuck around.  Introduced yourself and then taken him home with you.”

Hoseok let out a heavy sigh and shook his head.

“I don’t know what to do, Taehyung.”

Taehyung sat down on the bed beside him and slung a companionable arm around his shoulders.  

“Go back to Crimson.  Talk to the owner.  Show him your wrist.  I’m sure he’d answer your questions if he knows the guy is your soulmate.”

“Can it be that easy?”

“It’s up to you to find out, Hoseok.”

Taehyung let himself out shortly thereafter, leaving Hoseok to take a shower and get dressed.  Once dressed he decided to take Taehyung’s advice and go back to Crimson where everything had gone to hell.  It was barely noon when he parked in the parking lot and went to the front door.  As he pulled open the door and stepped inside, it was like he was walking into a totally different building.  Gone was the bondage gear and mood music.  Now it looked like what it was; a club before business hours.  A man was wiping down tables and putting down chairs, while a lone bartender stood behind the bar counting out the till.  Hoseok stood in the shadows watching before psyching himself up and stepping into the main room.  The bartender glanced up, an eyebrow cocking up in question.

“Can I help you?”

Hoseok ran a nervous hand through his hair, before speaking.

“I’d like to speak to the owner?”

“I’m sorry, but he’s unavailable outside of normal business hours.”

Hoseok bit his lip, looking down at the floor as the disappointment flowed through him.  He’d been hoping to do this easily, but this was turning out more difficult than he’d thought.  But he was determined.  He needed to find this man that Fate had deemed fit to be his.  And a stubborn bartender was not going to keep him from talking to the owner, damn it.  With that thought, he stepped forward, placing his hands flat on the bar and leaning forward.

“You will go tell your boss that if he’s not here in five minutes, I’m going to go to him myself.”

The bartender’s head reared back, his mouth dropping open in affront.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“Did you just threaten me?”

“Take it as you'd like.”

He let out a deep sigh and tried to smile.

“Look, I’m not doing this to be an asshole.  It’s just…I need to talk to him, okay?”

“Sir, I don’t know what you’re expecting, but I’m not going to go get my boss just because you’re demanding I do so.  You’re definitely not my boss.”

Hoseok knew he had to take drastic measures to get this man to help him.  He held out his left arm and turned his wrist over so the script there was clear.

“I found my soulmate here last night.  I don’t know who he is other than this name on my wrist and I need answers.  I know you probably think I’m a demanding asshole, but I’ve been up all night feeling like my life is over and I would really like to get things back on the right track.  Please, help me.”

“Oh, shit!  Why didn’t you say so?  Give me a second, yeah?”

Without waiting for an answer the bartender hurried away, leaving Hoseok staring after him bemusedly.  Tapping his fingers nervously on the bar, he waited impatiently for the bartender to come back with the owner.  

“Hongbin, I went to sleep at nine.  I don’t care if someone found their fucking soulmate last night.  I’m tired and you’re pissing me off.”

The bartender came back, the owner following behind him, looking slightly worse for wear, his hair in disarray.  Hoseok straightened up, rubbing his hands nervously over his thighs.  The owner stopped when he saw him, pushing a hand through his hair and pasting a very fake smile to his lips.

“I understand you wanted to speak to me?”

Hoseok bowed deeply before standing straight and smiling.

“Thank you for seeing me.  I apologize profusely for bothering you, but this is important.”

“You found your soulmate.”


“I was there when you met him, you know.  Your display for the exhibition was exquisite.  Now I understand why.”

“Can you help me find him?”

The owner looked at him closely, his gaze hooded and dark as he scanned over his face.  Hoseok did his best to not look as nervous and nauseated as he felt.  Something in his expression must have swayed the owner because he sighed and beckoned for him to follow.

“Come with me.”

Hoseok followed as he was led back the way the owner had come, down a long hallway to a closed door.  The owner typed a code into the door and pushed it open, gesturing for him to precede him.  He stepped inside, realizing he was in the owner’s private office as he sat and waited.  The owner sat down behind his desk and leaned back in his seat, his hands clasped over his stomach.

“Now, tell me exactly why I should help you?”

“Have you met your soulmate yet?”

“I cannot say I’ve had the pleasure, no.”

Hoseok looked down at his wrist, his fingers brushing softly over the name etched there.  

“It’s a very strange feeling to realize you’ve met the person Fate has chosen for you, only to let them slip through your fingers before you even know who they were.  It’s even stranger to realize you’ve shared an intimate moment with that person.”

“In front of others.”

“Yes, in front of others.  Sir, you have to understand, what happened last night is not something I would normally do.  I stepped outside of my comfort zone and this is the result.  I don’t know whether to be relieved or horrified by this.”

“Maybe a combination of both?”

Hoseok nodded.

“All right.  First of all, please stop referring to me as sir.  My name is Hakyeon.  Secondly, I will help you...for a price.”

“What does that mean?”

Hakyeon smiled at him.  This time, the smile was real.  There was also a hint of mischief in this smile that filled Hoseok with trepidation.

“What that means is I will help you find your soulmate, but in return, you owe me.”

“What do I owe you?”

“I don’t know yet.  When I do, I will call in my marker.”

Hoseok bit his lip as he thought about it, before nodding.

“Fine.  I will owe you one.”


Hoseok blew out a deep breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, the relief making him slightly lightheaded.  

“So, do you know who my soulmate is?”

“Yes, I do!  In fact, he’s a regular here.  Not in the scene; last night was a rarity.  But he comes regularly to dance.”

“I know his name, obviously, but nothing else.”

Hakyeon picked up a pen and scribbled something down on a piece of paper before handing it over.


Hoseok took the piece of paper and looked down, eyebrow cocking when he saw the address.

“What’s this?”

“His place of business.”

“Oh…thank you.”

“You’re welcome.  Now, is that enough?”


“Good.  Please leave.  I’m going back to bed.  Just remember, you owe me.”

Hoseok stood up and bowed in thanks.

“Thank you, Hakyeon.”

Hakyeon waved dismissively.

“You’ll thank me later when I call in my marker.  Now go.”

Hoseok bowed again before leaving.  As he strode down the hallway his fingers clenched tight around the paper in his hand.  Now he knew where his soulmate worked, but what was he supposed to do with that information?  Was he supposed to just randomly show up?  He wanted to flail and scream, but he held it back. When he stepped out into the main bar, the bartender perked up when he saw him.

“How did it go?”

He held up the piece of paper.

“I got an address.”

“Good!  I’m sorry about earlier.  My boss is rather cranky when he’s woken up early.”

“I could see that.  Thank you again for your help.”

“No problem.  Good luck!”

“Thank you.”

Hoseok hurried outside the club, his focus on the address he held clutched in his hand.  It was only a few blocks away and his curiosity was eating him alive.  Looking up at the storefront for After Dark Tattoos he had to snort under his breath.  Of course his soulmate worked at a tattoo parlor. Of course he did.  Why was he even surprised?  Yesterday might have been a blur of physical sensations, but he remembered the tattoos that covered his soulmate’s body, the piercings in interesting and unexpected places.  He shivered at the thought.  God, his soulmate was hot.  

He gave himself a mental slap, trying to snap himself out of it.  This was important!  This would make or break them.  Yes, he was being melodramatic, but he just had this awful feeling that if he screwed this up, it would ruin everything.  He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, doing his best to bring his raging emotions under control.  

Steeling himself, he pushed the door to After Dark open and stepped inside.  What he saw was unexpected.  He’d never stepped foot inside of a tattoo parlor before and had no idea what one was supposed to look like, but he wasn’t seeing what he thought he’d see.  Instead of dark and dingy, the lighting was bright, the walls were painted a light teal and the accents were all black and chrome.  Flash decorated the walls and metal blasted from the speakers.  

He stood hesitantly in the doorway, nibbling on his lower lip as he looked around.  A man, hair dyed an intense shade of cobalt blue, eyes lighting up with a smile when he spotted Hoseok standing in the doorway.

“Welcome to After Dark.  Are you looking to get a tattoo or a piercing?”

“Um…I’m…actually I’m looking for Han Sanghyuk.  Is he here?”

“Hyuk?  Yeah, he’s in the back.  Let me go get him.”

“Thank you.”

The man nodded and headed to the back of the building.  Hoseok stood, fingers twisting nervously at his waist as he waited.  A commotion as the man came back, Sanghyuk behind him, a whine coming from his lips.

“You’re bothering me during my break.  Couldn’t this wait?”

“You’re being rude, Hyuk.  The man asked for you.  I’d be a bad boss if I didn’t drag you out here.”

“You’re not my boss, Wonsik, we’re partners, asshat.”

“Manners, man, manners!”

“Fuck you!”

Hoseok watched this interaction, his eyebrows arched up as high as they would go.  This was his soulmate?  Oh, God!  

The man shoved Sanghyuk forward, gesturing towards Hoseok.

“Here he is.”

Sanghyuk shook his head and turned his attention on Hoseok.

“Yeah, can I help you?”


Hoseok watched as Sanghyuk’s mouth dropped open and then closed, making him look like a fish gasping for air.

“Holy…fuck.  It’s you.”


“What?  How did you find me?”

“Does it matter?”

Wonsik looked back and forth between the two of them, a look of confusion on his face.  When it connected, he gasped.

“Holy shit!  You’re his soulmate!”

*To Be Continued*


  1. DUN DUN DUN!!!! Yay Hobi! get your man!! My poor sweet sunshine and our bratty mankae~ I forsee ball gags being a part of their sex life routinely, though for varying reasons XD. I love it <3 Your stories are always wonderful.

    Poor Hobi....what is N gonna make you do though??

    ((I also love the Wonshik, Taehyung, Hongbin and Hakyeon cameo, btw~))
    Ahhhh i cannot get over this. I honestly didn't think it would be him but after reading, judging by his reactions, it is //him. Aww man. Can't wait for the next part~

  3. Ooh could there have been a strange sensation screaming at Sanghyuk saying "this is your soulmate"? Cause I remember in the last part that he was blindfolded the whole time and didn't get to see Hoseok. Hehe I would totally be Ravi in this scenario, being a little late to catch on to something important XD
