Sunday, March 20, 2016

Dominate Me - Finale (VIXX Hyuk)

Thank you for making it this far!  Yay!  Hyuk and Hobi's adventure has been so much fun to write, but alas we have reached the end of their journey.  Let me tell you, this is one of the hottest things I've ever written.  I think it even tops "Can't Be Friends" which seems insane.  All I can say is bondage is fun!  Or something.  LOL!

I'm sorry for having such a delay between each update.  I've been insanely busy with work, but I have been writing a lot.  I also went and got my hair done yesterday.  A deep burgundy red with deep royal purple undertones.  It looks amazing!  I love my colorist.  :D

And with is the finale to their story.  Enjoy!

Hoseok sat in Dope Brew waiting for Sanghyuk to meet him.  It had been six months since they’d started this relationship they found themselves in and things were going well.  Stupendously well, if he’s being honest with himself.  After Sanghyuk finally bared his soul and explained why he was so standoffish, they’d been able to take a big step forward.  Now they were more intimate with each other in both actions and voices.  They finally talked instead of being awkward with each other.
Hoseok could say without a doubt that he’d fallen in love with the stubborn man.  He still had no idea how Sanghyuk felt about him, but he was content for the moment to let the relationship take its course.  

“Sorry I’m late,” Sanghyuk said as he bent down to brush a kiss over Hoseok’s lips before sitting down across from him.  “Have you been waiting a long time?”

“No, I just got here myself.  How are you?”

“Exhausted.  The shop just keeps getting busier.  We’re all at our wits end and need a break, but we’re all too stubborn to hire someone to help us out.”

“You’re going to have to break down sooner rather than later.  I’d hate to see any of you collapse from exhaustion.”

Sanghyuk sighed and ran a hand through his hair.  Hoseok winced in sympathy as he looked his soulmate over.  Sanghyuk looked like death warmed over if he was being honest.  Dark circles under his eyes and his hair was in desperate need of a cut.  Hoseok wanted to snuggle him and let him get a good twelve hours of sleep, but their relationship hadn’t progressed that far.  

“You’re right, but we’re hesitant.  It took us such a long time to get the shop up and running.  Plus, it’s hard to trust people who come in looking like they skulk around in dark alleys.”

“Sanghyuk, you look like you skulk around in dark alleys.  Pot calling kettle?”

“Shut up!”

Hoseok snorted and looked over his shoulder to see if he could flag down a server.  Once they’d ordered, he sat back with a contented sigh.

“You know, I might have someone you could look at hiring.”


“He’s a regular at the studio, but he’s an artist and he more than fits your studio’s aesthetic.  I can give him your contact information and see if he’d be interested.”

“That’d be great!  I’ll talk to Wonsik and Taekwoon.  I think it would do us all good to have help.  Like you said, we don’t need to end up collapsing from exhaustion.”

Food was served and their conversation turned more casual as they talked about their respective days.  Hoseok felt a sense of happiness and contentment flow through his body at the closeness they’d achieved.  He wished that Sanghyuk felt comfortable enough with him to have it go further, but he wasn’t going to push.  If he had to take himself in hand on a regular basis, it was what he’d do until Sanghyuk was ready.  

He knew that he could have sex with Sanghyuk any time, but that’s not what he wanted.  He wanted there to be the emotional connection that would come when they were both ready.  He didn’t want empty promises.  He wanted a true romance, which was cheesy as hell, but it was how he felt. 
After they finished dinner, Hoseok offered to give Sanghyuk a ride home, but Sanghyuk just shook his head and gestured at the chrome and black monster parked out at the curb.  The Harley glowed in the streetlights and Hoseok felt a smidgen of jealousy at the look of love on Sanghyuk’s face as he swung a leg over it as they were getting ready to go.


Hoseok glanced at him with his eyebrow cocked up in question.


“Aren’t you going to kiss me goodnight,” Sanghyuk asked, an impish grin crossing his lips.

“You sure you want me to?  You might not want to leave.”

“Shut up and kiss me.”

Hoseok snorted before stepping forward and placing his hand on the nape of Sanghyuk’s neck.  He loved how soft the fine hairs were there and he couldn’t help curling his fingers into them.  He leaned forward, his lips brushing gently over Sanghyuk’s; barely a tasting, let alone a kiss.  The hum that escaped Sanghyuk’s lips sounded like disappointment as Hoseok stepped back.

“You call that a kiss?”

Before Hoseok could form a response, Sanghyuk’s hand had come out to cup the back of his head and pull him close.  The kiss that was brushed over his lips was sweet and soft, but the brush of tongue over his lower lip had him gasping.  Sanghyuk took the advantage, his tongue slipping between his lips.  

Hoseok’s hand clenched on Sanghyuk’s shoulder before he stepped closer, his legs pressing against the metal of the bike.  This was the deepest kiss they’d ever shared and it made his knees weak. 
He pulled back, his chest heaving as he made eye contact with Sanghyuk.  He could see the desire in Sanghyuk’s gaze; that and affection, but not the emotion he so desperately wanted to see.  He stepped back, his hand sliding down to clasp Sanghyuk’s wrist.  He lifted Sanghyuk’s hand and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of it.

“Go home, Sanghyuk.  I’ll see you tomorrow, hmm?”

“Okay.  Good night, Hoseok.  Sleep well.”

“You too.”

He stepped back onto the curb and watched as Sanghyuk started the bike.  With a cheeky salute Sanghyuk pulled away, the roar of the Harley sending shivers down Hoseok’s spine.  He wondered what he’d need to do to get a ride.


A week before their one year anniversary of being soulmates, Hoseok stared down at a text on his phone, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.  

‘Remember that marker?  I’m calling it in now.  CH’


Sanghyuk looked up from the couch, his eyebrows cocked up in surprise.


“Um…so, remember when I showed up at After Dark the day after?”


“Did you ever wonder how I found you?”

“Not really?  I thought it was just random and you got lucky.”

“Oh, if only.  No, I went to Crimson and asked Cha Hakyeon how to find you.”


“Yeah and now he’s calling in his marker.”

“You owe Hakyeon?  Oh, wow!”

“Yeah and now I’m terrified.”

“I don’t blame you.  The man’s ruthless.”

“Which is why I’m terrified.”

“Maybe it’s something harmless?”

“I can only hope.”

“What are you going to do?”

“What else can I do?  I’ve got to accept it, Sanghyuk.  It’s not like I have a choice.”

“You could change your name and run away, but I’m pretty sure he’d still find you.”

“You’re not helping me, babe.”

Sanghyuk stood up and walked over to him, putting his hands on his shoulders.

“Don’t worry, Hoseok, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

“You say that now.”

Sanghyuk leaned forward and brushed his lips over Hoseok’s forehead.

“You’re worrying too much.”

“Wouldn’t you?”


Hoseok smacked Sanghyuk’s chest lightly before leaning against him, his arms wrapping around Sanghyuk’s waist.  

“You’re not helping me, Sanghyuk.”

“If I could, I would take your place, Hoseok.  You don’t need to be scared.”

It was moments like this when Sanghyuk would say things that made Hoseok able to handle the fact that Sanghyuk still hadn’t told him he loved him.  He knew that Sanghyuk cared for him; it was obvious in everything he did to and for him.  He’d finally broken down and allowed them to be intimate, their sex life more than enough to make him happy.  He couldn’t hold back anymore; needed that physical connection if he couldn’t have the emotional.  He just wished that Sanghyuk trusted him enough to love him.  He knew he would just have to wait it out.

“Maybe it won’t be bad.  I’ll just keep telling myself that until he tells me what I owe him.”

Sanghyuk squeezed him close, his chin resting on top of Hoseok’s head.  They stood like that until Hoseok’s tummy growled, letting him know he needed to make something to eat.  He pulled back and smiled at Sanghyuk.

“You’re staying over for dinner?”


Hoseok nodded and went into the kitchen to put something together.  As he worked he heard Sanghyuk puttering around in the living room.  When the meal was ready, he carried the pot into the small dining area, stopping in his tracks when he saw what waited for him.  Sanghyuk had lit candles and stood beside his chair, his arms clasped behind his back.  

“You’re getting romantic on me, Sanghyuk.  Should I be worried,” he asked as he stepped forward to set the pot down.  

“I can’t be romantic for you?”

Hoseok leaned over and kissed him gently before sitting down.

“That’s not what I meant.  You’re always doing sweet things for me, Sanghyuk.  I’m just not used to you doing anything with a romantic bent.  But, I like it.”


Sanghyuk dug into his food, leaving Hoseok staring at him, his chopsticks held loose in his hand.  He wasn’t sure how to take the way Sanghyuk was acting around him.  He could be hopeful and say he thought just maybe that Sanghyuk loved him, but he didn’t want to get his hopes up.  As confident as he seemed to be, when it came to Sanghyuk he was floundering and he hated it.  

There were times he wished being soulmates allowed him to be able to read Sanghyuk’s mind because it would make a lot easier and make him doubt himself a lot less.  At the same time, it was an adventure to try to decipher the little things.  

With a sigh he tightened his grip on his chopsticks and leaned forward to scoop up some food.  He wouldn’t dwell on it, not tonight, when he had Cha Hakyeon to worry about.

Three days later he walked into After Dark long before normal business hours.  Hongbin stood behind the bar, a cloth in his hand as he cleaned glasses.  He perked up when he saw Hoseok walk in.

“Ah, I remember you!  Did you find your soulmate?”

“Yes, yes, I did.  Thanks for that, by the way.”

“You’re very welcome.  What can I do for you today?”

“I’ve got a meeting with Hakyeon.  He’s expecting me this time.”

Hongbin laughed and motioned at one of the seats in front of the bar.

“Go ahead and sit down.  I’ll get him for you.”

Hoseok sat down and waited as Hongbin disappeared into the back.  This time when he came back, Hakyeon wasn’t bitching like he had the last time Hoseok had been there.  Instead, he was dressed and ready for their meeting.

“Ah, you’re here!  Follow me.”

Without waiting for a response, he turned on his heel.  Hoseok stood up and followed him to his office.  Hakyeon sat down at his desk and motioned for him to sit down.  He did, his hands clasped in his lap.

“So!  You owe me.”


“Are you ready to pay me back?”



When Hakyeon rubbed his hands together, a look of glee crossing his face, Hoseok wanted to crawl into a hole and die there.  He just knew this wasn’t going to be good.

“So what do I need to do?”

“You’re going to be my star exhibition.”

“Excuse me?”

“The bondage exhibition we had last year was one of our most popular events and we are going to have another one this year.  Since you were one of the main reasons why we were so popular, I’d like you to participate in this one.”

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me, Hoseok.  You’re going to be the main exhibition.”

“You’re kidding me!”

Hakyeon cocked his head, his fingers coming up to steeple in front of his chin.

“Are you backing out, because I could have asked for something a lot harder for you to do.”

“No, I'm not backing out, but I have a request.  I'll do it, but I want Sanghyuk to work with me."

"I'm sure that can be arranged."

Hoseok ran a hand through his hair, heaving out a heavy sigh.

"When is the exhibition?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"What?  That barely gives me any time to prepare!"

"Or to freak out.  I expect you to be here Friday night, Hoseok, along with that soulmate of yours.  You will more ways than one."

"Oh, God."

Hakyeon reached across the desk and patted his hand.

"Save your prayers today, Hoseok.  They won't be answered."

Hakyeon dismissed him and he stumbled from the office, his mind in a blur.  It wasn't until he was back in his apartment that he realized he would have to tell Sanghyuk about this development.  What was he going to say?  He didn't want to postpone it and called him to tell him.  The ringing of the phone had him biting on a cuticle, his nerves shot.


"Sanghyuk, I just got back from my meeting with Hakyeon."

"Oh?  How did it go?"

"Are you somewhere private?  You're not going to like this."

"Oh, shit.  Give me a sec."

He heard mumbling on the other line before a door shut and Sanghyuk's voice came back over the line.

"I'm in the break room.  What's up?"

"Remember how we met?"

"You fucked me in a room full of strangers.  Not something I'd forget."

"Yeah...about that..."

There was silence on the other line for the longest twenty seconds of Hoseok's life before Sanghyuk burst into laughter.

"He wants you to be in the exhibition?  Seriously?"

"He said that our little display at the exhibition last year was his biggest draw.  He said he'd like me to participate again.  I kind...well, I volunteered you."

"Well, duh!  Like I'd let you do that with anyone but me."

"Wait, you're not mad?"

"Hoseok, why would I be mad?  It's not like we haven't done this before."

"You know, sometimes I really can't figure you out."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know.  You just never react the way I expect you to."

"I'm a free spirit, Hoseok.  You know that."

"You're an adrenaline junkie with a death wish, but that's totally off topic.  I told him we'd do it.  Now I'm scared shitless."

"Aw, baby, don't say that.  This will be fun!"

Which is how Hoseok found himself in the back rooms of Crimson staring at Hakyeon, his mouth gaping open and his eyes wide with shock.

"You want me to what?"

"You'll be wearing what Sanghyuk wore last time."

"You want me to bottom?"

"You telling me you never have?"

"Uh...honestly, that's none of your business."

"So you have.  Hoseok, stop being so ridiculous.  Just put on the blindfold and ball gag.  The rest will go as it's meant to go."

Hoseok scrubbed his hands over his face, cursing his stupid self from a year ago for agreeing to give Cha Hakyeon a marker.  What the hell had he been thinking?  But Sanghyuk was definitely worth it, so he couldn't say it was a complete mistake.  If only his marker had been something easier to handle, both physically and emotionally.  Knowing he was going to be completely in Sanghyuk's hands was both extremely exhilarating and absolutely terrifying.  How was he going to handle being so vulnerable?  And not just with Sanghyuk, but doing it in front of so many people.

With shaking hands he took the items from Hakyeon and waited until he was alone before stripping out of all of his clothes.  The room was cool, not something that did his ego any favors.  He wanted to laugh at himself worrying about shrinking dick, but he couldn't do anything but flop down on a chair, his hands coming up to grab his head.  A headache was beginning to form behind his eyes and his chest hurt.  It felt like his heart was trying to beat out of his chest.  

He could hear the distant thrum of voices outside the room he was in.  He could tell there was a large crowd and it made him cringe.  Why had he agreed to this again?

The door burst open, making him squeal and scramble to cover his private parts.  Taehyung stood posed in the doorway, his favorite black leather pants and unbuttoned white shirt showing he'd been there for awhile.


"Tae, what the fuck?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and shook his hand dismissively.

"It's not like I've never seen your dick before, Hoseok."

"We were drunk, Tae."

"Well, you're hung like a horse, so you have nothing to worry about.  No pencil dick for you!  Yay!"

"I hate you so much right now."

"No, you don't!  In fact, you're going to love me here in a second."

"Oh, God, what did you do?"

"You'll see!  Or hear, anyway."


"What?  You're about to have really kinky sex in front of a room full of people.  Why is me talking about fucking freaking you out?"

"You're not helping me right now!  I'm nervous, okay?"

"Hakyeon won't let anything happen to you.  And Sanghyuk is your partner.  So you'll be fine.  Don't freak out.  Just think about all those people and how jealous they'll be when they see you having intense sex with your soulmate!  If that's not something to be excited about, then I don't know sex."

Hoseok rolled his eyes.

"If anyone knows sex, it's you."

"Exactly!  So, go have fun!  I'll send Sanghyuk in!  Just enjoy it!  Sanghyuk won't let you get away with faking it."

"It's not like I could fake an orgasm."

"No, but you can fake your enthusiasm.  I know you, Hobi.  You're a stick in the mud.  That horse dick of yours has gone to waste all these months."

"Tae, shut the fuck up."

Taehyung giggled and waved.  

"Bye, Hobi!"

The door slammed shut behind him, leaving Hoseok feeling like he'd just been stuck on a very fast merry-go-round.  He stood up, looking down at the items he'd dropped on the table when Taehyung had made his dramatic entrance.  The blindfold and ball gag looked innocuous enough, but he knew what they would do when he put them on.  They would leave him vulnerable and at Sanghyuk's mercy.  It wasn't that he didn't trust Sanghyuk, because he did.  It was the idea of it all that terrified him more than anything.

The door swung open, quieter this time.  Sanghyuk came in and shut the door behind him.  He walked over to Hoseok and put his hands on his shoulders.

"You okay?  You look like you're getting ready to be lead to your death."

"I'm not going to lie and say I'm fine.  I'm fucking terrified."

Sanghyuk began to massage his shoulders, his fingers gentle.

"Babe, you'll be fine.  I'll be there with you through the entire thing and I won't let anything happen to you.  If you begin to feel too overwhelmed, just remember your signal and I'll stop everything, okay?"

Hoseok blew out a breath and leaned up to place a gentle kiss of thanks on Sanghyuk's lips.  It was only when he was stepping back that he saw what Sanghyuk was wearing.  Sanghyuk's long, lean physique was put on epic display in the skin-tight black leather pants he wore, his tattoos and piercings on display with the harness that covered his chest.

"Holy shit!"

Sanghyuk snickered and looked down at himself, his hand running over his chest.

"I look ridiculous, don't I?'

"Um...yeah, ridiculous."

Sanghyuk smirked at him.

"You like?"

"You have no idea."

"Aw, I'll be sure to take it with me when we get out of here tonight."

"Yes, please."

Sanghyuk snickered and lifted a hand to run it through Hoseok's hair.

"You okay?"

"I will be.  Help me put these on?"

He picked up the gag and blindfold, holding them out for Sanghyuk to take.

"Turn around for me, hmm?"

Hoseok did as requested, swallowing hard as the blindfold went over his eyes.  Before Sanghyuk stuck the gag in, Hoseok spoke up.



"I just...I wanted you to know something before we do this.  I know, it's really stupid for me to tell you this here, but..."

"But what?"

"I love you, Sanghyuk and I'm putting all of my trust in you tonight."

It was the first time he'd spoken the words out loud.  Words he'd held close to his chest for a year.  He heard Sanghyuk's deep intake of breath, like the words had shocked him.  Sanghyuk didn't say a word as he slid the gag between Hoseok's lips, his fingers gentle as he tightened the straps behind his head. 

Hoseok felt Sanghyuk's hand clasp his upper arm, leading him out into the noise.  The volume went up as he was led further into the room, gasps and murmurs heard loud and clear before silence filled the room.  Silence that was so consuming, Hoseok swore he could hear a pin drop.  

He was stopped, Sanghyuk's hand tightening on his arm before he was left standing alone, bereft, as Sanghyuk stepped away from him.  He could hear clinking and thuds before Sanghyuk's hand was on his arm again.

"Lift your leg up for me, babe."

Sanghyuk's voice was barely above a whisper, only loud enough for Hoseok to hear.  He used it as an anchor as he did as directed.  He felt something firm but soft under his knee, his head cocking as he tried to figure out what the hell they were doing to him.  It was only when his other leg was lifted up and he found himself in a kneeling position that it started to click. 

His body was shifted around until Sanghyuk and whomever else was setting up was satisfied.  He found himself held into place, slats around his wrists and over his neck, holding his head in place.  He was in stocks; in actual stocks, his body strapped into place with him completely at Sanghyuk's mercy.  Normally he would be terrified, but there was something about knowing he was on full display to everyone in the room that made that terror drift off deep into his psyche.

Endorphins were kicking in; anticipation of the things Sanghyuk would do to him.  Their sex life wasn't boring by any stretch of the imagination, but they hadn't really delved back into this world since their first night.  That he was on the receiving end this time, just filled him with exhilaration.  

The first true touch of Sanghyuk brushing over his skin had shivers running down his spine.  He couldn't see, he couldn't speak and his heart was beating so hard in his chest it was the only thing he could hear. 

Sanghyuk's touch was gentle, tender, loving as he brushed his fingers over Hoseok's back.  Hoseok could feel the warmth of his body and knew he was standing close, but the only thing he could feel were those tantalizing fingers.  It was when Sanghyuk began to speak that he knew he was in serious trouble. 

"Ah, babe, if you could see yourself.  You look so good.  Your body on display for all of these people to see.  I can see you shivering.  Are you cold or is it me?  Hmm?"

Hoseok gulped behind the gag, his teeth biting into it to keep from whimpering.  Sanghyuk's voice had dropped, deeper than he'd ever heard it.  It was still soft, but loud enough he knew everyone in the room could hear him.

The fingers skimming over his back slid down over his waist, sliding along the dimples right above his ass.  He wanted to squirm away from the light touch or move towards it, his body conflicted.  But he was completely immobile, his body at Sanghyuk's mercy.

A stinging swat over his ass made him groan in surprise.  It didn't hurt, just shocked the hell out of him.  He didn't know spanking was going to be a part of this little exhibition and he wondered what other surprises his soulmate had in store for him.

The swats alternated from cheek to cheek until he was a whimpering, slobbering mess, his teeth clenched tight around the gag between his lips.  He knew his ass was turning a bright shade of pink, probably the same shade that matched the blush on his cheeks if the heat there was any indication.  He never thought he would ever get off from something like this, but he could feel his cock getting hard between his legs.  That others could see it made the heat in his cheeks even hotter.

But he wasn't embarrassed.  Instead, he was so turned on it hurt.  Sanghyuk placed one more swat on his ass before the palm that had been spanking him circled gently over his reddened flesh.

"Look at you," he cooed, his fingers brushing over him.  "Look at how red you are!  You're so pretty, baby.  I can't wait to fuck you.  To hear you moan as I fill you with my cock.  You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

Hoseok whimpered, his hands clenching in their bonds.  How he wanted to touch Sanghyuk, to feel the muscles of his back as he fucked into him.  But to be here with him was an experience he knew he'd never forget.  What Taehyung had said earlier was true.  This moment he was sharing with his soulmate was intense.  It was something he never thought they'd do again, but now, in this moment, he was okay.  Because Sanghyuk was with him.  Sanghyuk was bringing him this pleasure.  He was safe.  That was all that mattered.

When Sanghyuk palmed his ass, spreading his cheeks and exposing him, he grunted behind his gag.  A brush of something moist and warm over his opening had him gasping, his body going taut as he realized what was happening.  Sanghyuk was eating him out, right there for the entire room to see.  The pressure of his tongue swiping over his hole made him groan again.  It felt so good, especially when he pushed against him, the tip of his tongue sliding inside.

Hoseok's head slumped down, his chin resting on the wood holding him in place.  He was breathing heavy through his nose, his hands clenched so tight they were going numb.  When Sanghyuk's lubed finger slid inside, pushing past his tongue, Hoseok wanted to die on the spot.  It felt so good.  Knowing what it must look like to the audience, an act so intimate and so private.  He could hear gasps as people reacted to it. 

"You're so tight.  Look at your little hole clenching around my finger.  Jesus, baby, I could eat you out until you cum on my tongue.  Would you like that?"

Hoseok wanted to cry, but he nodded as much as he could.  Jesus, to have something like this happen.  Could Sanghyuk make him cum with just his tongue alone?  The lubed finger slid out of him, making him whimper again, but Sanghyuk started to tongue fuck him in earnest and he knew it was all over.

He could feel his cock pulsing, the blood rushing from his head down to his groin so quickly he was getting lightheaded.  Fingers clamping around the base, holding snug made him want to scream.  A click as something was locked in place before the fingers let go.  A cock ring?  Sanghyuk had put a fucking cock ring on him?  So he really couldn't cum until his soulmate gave his okay.  When they got home, he was so getting his revenge.

He grunted as Sanghyuk's hands tightened on his hips, pulling him closer to that questing tongue.  He felt it as Sanghyuk's tongue slid inside, deep enough for him to see stars.  He could hear the obscene sounds, wet and dirty in the air.  His thighs trembled as he struggled to move, to cum, to do something other than take it so passively.

He knew he was getting close, his body trembling so hard the only things holding him upright were the straps and Sanghyuk's hands.  He'd never had a dry orgasm before, but he was close to having one now.  With a final thrust of Sanghyuk's tongue, he was done.  With a long, drawn out moan, his head arched back as far as it would go as he rode the way of ecstasy that flowed through his body. 

"Fuck, baby, you look so beautiful!"

Fingers replaced Sanghyuk's tongue.  First just one, sliding in deep.  Then another, sliding in deep, scissoring, making him want to scream from overstimulation.  Soft kisses brushed over his lower back, his ass, his inner thighs, Sanghyuk's warm breath like a balm against his sensitive skin.  He heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper being opened and wanted to cry in relief.  Soon, Sanghyuk would be inside him and would end this terrible torture. 

He felt the blunt head of Sanghyuk's cock brush against his ass, along his crack, before pushing against his hole.  He breathed out deeply through his nose as Sanghyuk slid home, filling him deep and thick all at once.  This wasn't the first time he'd had Sanghyuk inside of him, but for some reason it felt like it was their first time.  

He could feel every inch of his cock inside of him, hot and pulsing.  Their heartbeats were in sync, beating the same rhythm.  Hoseok let out a soft sigh as Sanghyuk pulled out slowly, inch by inch, leaving just the tip inside before sliding back in.  

Sanghyuk kept up the slow, steady rhythm, filling him deep every time, catching on his rim on every pull out.  He kept up a steady litany of praise in Hoseok's ear, telling him how good he took his cock, how he looked so pretty stretched out for all of Sanghyuk's whims.  

Hoseok let himself drift, his thoughts mercifully blank.  Instead, he allowed himself to feel.  To feel the way that Sanghyuk was so very gentle with him, his every touch meant to give him pleasure.  He wanted him to fuck him harder, whimpers escaping him in frustration at the smooth, slow thrusts he was getting instead.

"Do you want me to fuck you harder, is that why you're whimpering like a little bitch?  Hmm?  Moan for me, baby.  Moan for me and let me know just how hard you want me to fuck you."

Hoseok began to moan in earnest, his voice cracking as Sanghyuk began to fuck him harder and faster, the stocks creaking from the added pressure.  It felt so good, but he didn't want to cum dry again.  He wanted to cum for real and to feel Sanghyuk do the same deep inside of him.  

A hand gripping his cock, sliding in movement with Sanghyuk's thrusts had him crying out, his mouth opened as wide as he could around the gag.  He was so close to cumming again.  So close to that point of sheer ecstasy.  He wanted to scream, to beg, to tell Sanghyuk just how good it felt, but he was completely at his mercy.  

The hand kept a tight grip, just as tight as the hands gripping his hips.  Oh, God, Sanghyuk wasn't the only one there.  Knowing that someone was jacking him off as Sanghyuk fucked him made this even more intense.  

"Good job, kitten.  Look at you writhing on Sanghyuk's cock.  You look so good.  Putting on such a pretty show.  You'll be rewarded so well."

Hearing Hakyeon's voice crooning so close to his ear, he knew it was his hand on his cock.  And when he felt the cock ring being slid off, he couldn't hold it in anymore.  Keening such a high note that his throat seized he came.  The orgasm blasted through him so hard he could barely breathe let alone function, his body straining against his restraints.  He could barely feel Sanghyuk powering through, his thrusts never faltering.  

Aftershocks rocked through him as he slumped into the wood that surrounded him, his body completely drained.  He heard Sanghyuk gasp behind him as his cock throbbed deep inside of him as he came.  Warmth as Sanghyuk draped over his back, body trembling as he worked through his own orgasm.

"Holy shit," gasped into his ear as Sanghyuk began to laugh.  He could feel the vibrations of his laughter deep inside of him as Sanghyuk's semi-hard cock was still inside of him.  Sanghyuk pulled out slowly, eliciting a whimper as Hoseok's body clenched around him, not wanting him to leave.  

Clanking as his bonds were released and warm hands rubbing his wrists gently.  The gag and blindfold were removed as he was helped to his feet, his legs trembling so badly there was no way he could stand on his own.  Sanghyuk stood beside him, arm braced around his waist, holding him up.  Hakyeon smiled at them from his spot at the front of the stocks, wiping his hands clean with a towel.

"You've more than paid your dues, Hoseok.  You're welcome to use one of the rooms to relax and freshen up."

Hoseok nodded his thanks and let Sanghyuk lead him out of the club proper.  They walked down a hallway he'd never been down before and Sanghyuk unlocked one of the doors, pushing it open.  Inside was a bedroom, a huge king-sized bed dominating the room.  Sanghyuk helped him to the bed and then disappeared into the ensuite bathroom.  Hoseok could hear water running and when Sanghyuk came back out, he'd collapsed back on the bed, his muscles too weak and trembling to hold him up.

Sanghyuk knelt on the bed beside him, gently rubbing a warm, wet washcloth over his skin.

"Do I want to know how you know about these rooms," Hoseok asked, looking up at Sanghyuk, a slight smile lifting the corner of his lips.  He would have laughed at the blush that dusted Sanghyuk's cheeks, but he was too damn tired.

"I had more than my fair share of adventures before I met you, babe.  I'll just leave it at that."


Sanghyuk maneuvered them around so that they stretched out on the bed correctly and pulled the blankets up over them. Hoseok was starting to drift off to sleep, but Sanghyuk wrapped his arms around his middle and snuggled him close, his back against Sanghyuk's chest. 



"Remember what I said about soulmates and how much they scared me?"


"I'm not scared anymore."

Hoseok bit his lip to keep from smiling.


"You scared the hell out of me when I met you. You fucked me so good and we connected in a way that I knew it wasn't going to be a one-time thing.  And it terrified me."

"And now?"

"You're my sunshine, Hoseok."

As Hoseok drifted off into deep slumber, his soulmate's words rang through his head. He may never hear the words "I love you" come from Sanghyuk's mouth, but that was okay. He saw it in every action and heard it in every single word that he spoke. And it was more than enough.

**The End**
PS. Blogger hates me & deleted the last few paragraphs. Had to go by memory, but I think it ends well. I need to find a different site. This is ridixulousm


  1. Fuck blogger! That was great and the sex was SO FUCKING HOT! oh my GOD. seriously. I think I came right with him. I am so loving this series and I can't wait to see who is next in this AU. *HUGS AND CUDDLES*

  2. Hekyeon, you....they both actually went for a second ride? /tries not to imagine this being a yearly hot sex show with returning participants/ Too late /faints/ OMG I wasn't ready for this >.< and the gag and the teasing and the roughness and the sex talk...phewwww lucky I read the warning ahead
