Saturday, July 30, 2016

I Need Some Motivation...Or Something

Here I am again.  I don't know if anyone saw my rant on Twitter yesterday, but I've hit a creative dead spot when it comes to VIXX.  I haven't liked ANY of their songs since Error and even really good pictures of the boys isn't enough to get my motor running (so to speak).  So I'm at a standstill.  

I honestly don't know if I want to continue doing fan fiction anymore.  It is really hard to keep the creativity flowing, especially when feedback is next to nil.  When I do ask for feedback, I get maybe two responses, which makes it seem less than worth my effort.

So, with that being said, I want to try something.  I've done these before, but this time I want to do it a little differently.  Instead of writing full stories, I think I'm going to do little drabbles.  Just short little stories that fit the prompt.  I just need...something.

  • 1: Catching your muse watching porn 
  • 2: Having your muse sneak up on mine in the shower
  • 3: Being inappropriately touched by your muse under a dinner table
  • 4: Waking my muse up with oral sex 
  • 5: Getting a drunken kiss from your muse
  • 6: Getting a nude pic of your muse that was meant for someone else
  • 7: Spanking my muse in a public place
  • 8: Being asked to be drawn naked by your muse
  • 9: Whispering dirty things into my muse’s ear
  • 10: Watching your muse touch themselves without your muse knowing
  • 11: Having sex with your muse in a closet at a dinner party
  • 12: Getting flashed by your muse
  • 13: Having your muse join mine in the bathtub
  • 14: Ripping my muse’s shirt open
  • 15: Waking up next to your muse after a night of drunk sex
  • 16: Listening to your muse read an erotic novel to my muse
  • 17: Doing a striptease for my muse
  • 18: Calling my muse a different name during sex
  • 19: Walking in on your muse having sex with someone else
  • 20: Surprising my muse at work with a quickie

Please select a number and a member of VIXX, BTS and GOT7.  At this point I just want to write something.  


  1. 14 and ravi! (and for the record i love all your fanfics. you really have a way with words)

  2. 9 and namjoon please

  3. Can you please do 10 with Jackson from got7

  4. Prompt 1 was made for Rap Monster, right ;)

  5. 16 with GOT7 Junior!

  6. 20 and Hakyeon!!

  7. 7 with Jimin and 8 with Leo/Jung Picasso

  8. 1 with Leo and 4 with Ravi please!

  9. 10 with ravi please!!!!!!

  10. 20 with VIXX's Leo.

  11. 19 with Leo... feeling angsty.

  12. Taekwoon and 19, cause I'm feeling angsty.

  13. 5 or 20 with Hyuk.

  14. 16 and Leo... can you imagine that voice!!

  15. 20 and Ravi!
    And welcome back!

  16. 3 Hyuk, cause he seems like such a shit.

  17. 2 with Hongbin! I love you and your writing!

  18. 2 with Hongbin! I love you and your writing!

  19. nobody has asked for 10 with Leo yet so here it is! thank you~

  20. 11 Leo he knows better but can't help himself aND has to hAve it. Unf.

  21. 10, 11, 14, 17, 20 with VIXX's Leo please!

  22. Hi, I've been reading almost all of your fics but I never gave any feedback so I just wanna tell you that I really enjoyed reading them and I honestly haven't read any other fics after I read yours because they're just THAT good. I understand that having your feelings towards your idols fades is pretty normal so you don't have to force yourself to keep trying to love them the same way again because it might make you becomes even more disinterested (?). But you can probably watch their old shows/old videos just to reminisce the feelings you had for them before. Sometimes the feelings just eventually comes to you again naturally..

    okay, so I'm choosing 11 with Ravi ^^
