Sunday, February 14, 2016

Wreck Me - Finale (VIXX Ravi)

Well, folks, you made it to the end of Namjoon & Wonsik's story.  This isn't the end though.  Far from it.  The next members of VIXX and BTS have a little somethin' somethin' coming up.  All of them will get their happy endings.  Yay!

That being said, I know some of you are upset with me for writing m/m and not writing VIXX/you stories, but in all honesty, I write whatever comes to me.  Sometimes I'm not inspired to write from a woman's POV and write whatever is in my head.  And sometimes that just so happens to be two men falling in love.

BUT...I have plans.  The other members still need love in the CEO VIXX 'verse and I've already started on Jaehwan's.  So, once I'm done finishing this soulmate AU, plan on seeing that one.

I hope y'all enjoy the end of this fun, sweet, sometimes sad journey.  I've had a ton of fun writing Namjoon and Wonsik's adventures and I hope this finale shows just how much.  Thank you to the few who've left me messages.  You made my day.

And, without further ado, the end to their journey begins.  Have fun!

10 Ways to Woo Kim Wonsik-
A Comprehensive list by Kim Namjoon:

1.       Send him a text every night before bed and every morning when I wake up.
2.      Send him flowers
3.      Um…I have no idea.

Namjoon stared down at the piece of paper in front of him, pen tapping a rapid beat on his desk.  He’d started the list eight hours ago after saying goodbye to Wonsik in the alleyway and this was as far as he’d gotten.  Out of a list of ten, he’d come up with two and they were about as cliché as they came. 

He tossed the pen onto the desk and sat back in his chair, pushing a hand through his hair.  He was an epic failure at this wooing business.  What the hell had he been thinking?  Telling Wonsik he’d woo him of all things.  With his IQ and his massive vocabulary, that was the one word that had popped out.  He wanted to face palm himself just on that alone.

“You look like shit.”

He glanced up to see Yoongi leaning in the doorframe, his arms crossed over his chest. 

“Thanks, dude.”

“Have you been here all night?”



Namjoon pushed his chair away from his desk and turned around to face Yoongi.

“I took your advice and talked to Wonsik.  I apologized like the grown up that I am.”


“I might have said something about wooing him.”

The snort that Yoongi let out was loud, but the guffaw that left him after that was even louder.  He straighthirteened and ran a hand over his face, trying to get his laughter under control.

“You promised to woo.  You’re fucking kidding me.”

Namjoon shook his head.

“Do I look like I’m kidding?”

“When I told you to apologize, that didn’t mean you were supposed to make an ass of yourself.  Jesus, Namjoon.”

Namjoon pushed to his feet and began to pace, his hands running incessantly through his hair.

“I don’t know what to do, Yoongi.  I don’t know how to woo, damn it.  I’m the king of casual hookups.  I don’t do…this.”

Yoongi snorted again and walked up to him, his hands on his arms stopping him in his tracks.

“You can do emotions, Namjoon.  Jesus, you’ve been in love with Wonsik all these years, I’m sure you’ll be fine.  Just stop thinking with that massive brain of yours and think with something smaller.”

“My dick?”

Yoongi reached up and flicked him hard on the forehead.  He winced and lifted a hand to rub the throbbing spot.

“Your dick got you into this predicament, dumbass.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.”

He flopped back down in his chair and spun it around a few times, wishing he could just fast forward to a time when he’d have Wonsik by his side and didn’t have to go through all of this bullshit.

“So what do I do?”

“I don’t know.  Flash the dimples?  Brag about your intense tongue game?”

“How did you woo Jimin, Yoongi?”

“I didn’t have to…ugh…woo Jimin.  We just clicked.”

“But you’re an asshole and he’s like the sweetest fluff ball in history.  You couldn’t have just “clicked.””

Yoongi held up his hand, his fingers curved in threat.

“Do you want me to flick you again?”

“No, that shit hurts.”

“Then shut up.  Jimin and I clicked.  That’s all you need to know.”

“So you just figured out you were soulmates and that was that?  Why can’t I have it that easy?”

Yoongi shook his head and leaned against the desk.

“It wasn’t that easy, Namjoon.  We’ve been together for five years.  We fight.  We get pissed off at each other.  But I love him.  He loves me.  That’s all that matters.”

“You’re not helping me, Yoongi.”

“What do you want me to say?  I don’t do this romance bullshit.  You know that.”

“I don’t know how Jimin puts up with you.”

“I don’t either.  Just…I don’t know.  Take him out for coffee.  Take him to the movies.  Talk.  You’re good at that sort of thing.  Find out who he is now, not who he was.  Figure out what he likes and just go from there.”

Namjoon turned back to face the piece of paper on the desk, his finger tapping on his lower lip.

“You might be onto something.”

“You’re still an idiot.”

“I love you, too.”

Yoongi left the office after a somewhat affectionate smack to the back of the head.  Namjoon picked up his pen and bent over the paper, his list filling up quickly. That night he texted Wonsik and asked him to meet up the next morning.  He was going to take Yoongi’s advice and see if it worked.  He was completely out of his element in this wooing business and hoped that keeping it simple would please Wonsik.  

The next morning he got to Dope Brew early with the inthirteention of working on a new song before Wonsik met him for brunch.  Yoongi’s soulmate Jimin smiled at him from the other side of the counter when he walked in.

“How is it that this is the first time I’ve seen you here in weeks, Namjoon?  You avoiding me?”

Namjoon snorted and shook his head.

“No, just got busy.”

“Mmm…I heard.  Yoongi told me you’re trying to woo your soulmate.  That’s cute.”

“Shut up, Jimin.”

“No, I’m serious!  It’s adorable!  Kim Namjoon is trying to be romantic.  The mind boggles.”

“I need to tell Yoongi to keep his mouth shut.”

Jimin snorted as he handed over Namjoon’s coffee.

“That won’t work.  I’ll just bug him until he spits it out.  He keeps no secrets from me.”

“I know.”

Namjoon took a sip of his coffee before taking a deep breath and asking Jimin what he’d asked Yoongi the day before.

“How do you do it?  How do you put up with Yoongi?  He wouldn’t answer me when I asked him yesterday.”

Jimin smiled, his cheeks blushing slightly.

“It’s not always easy, Namjoon.  Yoongi and I are like opposite sides of a coin, but we fit.  I love him, he loves me and we work with each other to make each other happy.  I don’t know how else to describe it.”

“You’re lucky that you don’t have to figure this stuff out.”

“We went through our fair share of drama when we met, you know.  It isn’t all sunshine and light.  Some days I want to smack Yoongi upside the head for being so obtuse, but at the same time I wouldn’t give him up even if I had to.”

“Do you think I’m crazy for trying to woo Wonsik?”

Jimin grinned and shook his head.

“I think it’s cute.  That you’re willing to do something out of character to make your soulmate happy…you’re growing up, Namjoon.  It makes me happy to see.”

“You do realize I’m older than you.”

Jimin snorted and shooed him away.

“Go, sit down.  I can’t wait to see this soulmate of yours.”

“He’s hot.”

“I hate you.”

Namjoon snorted and went to go sit at his favorite table.  He watched as Jimin puttered around the café, humming softly under his breath.  He had always been curious about the relationship between his caustic best friend and his soulmate.  Yoongi was pragmatic to a fault and Jimin was so sweet sometimes it could be nauseating, but he saw the way they were together.  They had just the right balance in their dynamic to make it work.  He would be lying if he said he didn’t want that with Wonsik.  

He was bent over his laptop, his fingers typing as lyrics flowed from him when he sensed someone standing next to him.  He jerked, his fingers sliding over the keyboard, leaving a weird mix of letters that made no sense as he looked up to see Wonsik smiling down at him. 


“Hi!  Sorry, let me save this real quick.”

He erased the gibberish and saved his work before closing his laptop and pushing it aside.  Wonsik smiled as he slid into the seat across from him and took of his sunglasses, setting them on the table next to him.  

“You look good.”

Wonsik grinned and shook his head.

“I probably look tired, but thank you.  I closed last night.”

“Why didn’t you say so?  We could have met for lunch instead.”

“It’s all right.  I was glad to get your text.  And I don’t think I’ve ever had brunch before, so this will be an experience.”

Namjoon chuckled.

“It’s food, Wonsik.  It’s not all that exciting.”

“It’s food, which is always exciting.”

They grinned at each other before Namjoon stood up.

“Want me to order or do you want to come up with me?”

“Go ahead and order.  Surprise me.”

“I could get something you don’t like.”

“As long as it’s not caviar or escargot, I think we’re good.”

“Um, ew.”


Namjoon laughed again as he walked up to the counter.  Jimin was practically bouncing out of his skin as he skipped over to help.

“He’s cute!”

“I know.”

“No, I mean he is cute!  Like, super cute.  Lucky Namjoonie.”

“Could you say that any louder?  Jesus, Jimin.”

Jimin leaned over and beckoned for him to do the same.

“If you screw this up I will never forgive you, Kim Namjoon.  He’s cute and he is here.  Make him happy.”

Namjoon sighed.

“I’m trying, Jimin.  I have no idea what I’m doing, but I’m trying.”

“Just treat him with respect.  Ask him what he likes to do.  Find out who he is.  Everything will fall into place from there.”

“You sure you don’t share a brain with Yoongi?  He told me the exact same thing yesterday.”

“My man’s smart.”

“Just…bring us some food, huh?  Just no caviar or escargot.”

Jimin snorted.

“This is a coffee shop, Namjoon.  I’ll bring you some sandwiches.”

Namjoon straightened up with a nod before walking back to the table.  He slid back into his seat and smiled at Wonsik.

“He’s bringing us sandwiches.”

“Looks like you know him pretty well?”

Namjoon chuckled as he pushed a hand through his hair.

“You could say that.  He’s my best friend’s soulmate.”

“Oh!  Nice!”

“Yeah, he’s a good guy.  He owns this place with a friend of his.  That’s why this place is my favorite place to come.”

“That and you probably get free food?”

“Like I said, my favorite place to come.”

Wonsik laughed and shook his head.

“Hey, free food is a good thing.  Lucky you.”

“Yeah, I am.”

They lapsed into silence as Jimin brought over the sandwiches and refilled their drinks before waltzing away with a cheeky wink.  Namjoon rolled his eyes before picking up his sandwich and taking a bite.  

“I see why you love this place.  The food is delicious.”


He took a look at Wonsik and saw him chewing his sandwich, a slight smile on his face.  He was happy Wonsik liked the place since it was basically his home away from home.  He glanced over at Jimin and saw him motioning with his hand towards Wonsik while mouthing at him.  He chose to ignore the words he couldn’t understand and rolled his eyes.  Jimin scrunched up his nose and shook his head.  

“So, um, tell me about yourself.”

Wonsik choked on his sandwich and reached for his drink.  After a quick sip and a light smack to his chest he glanced at Namjoon with a quizzical frown.

“Tell you about myself?  Is this a new way of wooing that I’m unaware of?”

Namjoon shook his head and made a dismissive motion with his hand.

“Sorry, I’m just…I’m trying to get to know you and obviously failing miserably.  I’m not so good at this sort of thing.”

Wonsik smiled, his eyes creasing with it.  

“Namjoon, don’t stress so much.  You don’t have to be something you’re not to impress me.  I hope you know that.”

“I know.  I just…I don’t want you to see the awkward kid I was, you know?  I want you to see who I am now.”

“You don’t have to worry.  I’m very aware of the man you are now.”

He looked down at his empty plate, his fingers tapping a nervous rhythm on the table.  He looked up when he saw Wonsik’s fingers reach across the table and brush against his hand.

“Go for a walk with me?”

He nodded and gathered up their empty plates and glasses, taking them up to the counter.  Jimin took them and looked over his shoulder at Wonsik.

“You need to relax, Namjoon.  You’re stressing me out and I can’t even hear what you’re saying.”

“I know.  We’re going for a walk.”

“Hold his hand.  He’ll think you’re cute.”

“Or a creep.”

“He’ll think you’re cute.  Stop being so pessimistic.”

“Yes, sir.”

Jimin shooed him away and he walked back to the table.  Wonsik slid his sunglasses on and smiled at him.

“You ready to go?”

“Yeah.  Anywhere in particular you want to go?”

“Not really.  I just thought a walk would do us good.”

“All right.”

He waited while Wonsik checked his pockets before following behind as Wonsik led the way outside.  It was a brisk, cool day, a light breeze pushing Wonsik’s hair into his face.  Namjoon had to bite back his natural response, which was to run his hand through that lock of hair.  But they hadn’t progressed that far.  He didn’t want to do something that would look awkward.  Instead, he fell into step beside Wonsik as he meandered down the street.

At first they walked in silence, their shoulders brushing.  The street was relatively quiet, most people at work.  The only other people on the street were young mothers with their children and a few random young people who looked too young to not be at school. Namjoon wasn’t really paying much attention to their surroundings until Wonsik came to a stop and turned to face him.  

“Bring back memories?”

He shook of his malaise and looked around.  Realizing where they were he had to fight the smile that wanted to cross his lips.  

“I can’t believe you took me from one coffee shop to another.”

“Hey, I wasn’t planning on it.  My feet just kind of led me here.”

Namjoon turned his head and looked at the empty storefront where “The Right Stuff” used to be housed.  The nostalgia that struck him surprised him.  How many hours had he spent there as a teenager, studying and worrying about his grades?  The hours he’d spent tutoring Wonsik until they’d become friends.  That he’d almost forgotten the place seemed like a sacrilege.  

“How long has it been closed down?”

“I have no idea.  This is the first time I’ve been by here in…what…six years?  I don’t even know why I decided to walk by here just now.  Maybe memories?”

“Did you ever wonder how we became friends?  I mean, I know I tutored you and all, but sometimes I think back to what I was like then.  I was such a nerdy little shit, it makes me wonder what you saw in me.”

Wonsik snickered and reached out to smack him lightly on the arm.

“You were a nerdy little shit, but you were still cool.  I can’t believe I just used that word, but you were.  You were funny and smart and I liked hanging out with you.  Then you got all emo on me and well, you know what happened after that.”

“I did get emo on you, didn’t I?  You know, I knew I was gay from the time I was a kid, but that year I really figured it out, you know?  I had my first boyfriend and fell in love with you.  Jesus, that sounds terrible, but I was an emo brat back then.  I just wanted you to notice me.  And not just as your friend.  And then it all went to hell.”
Wonsik crossed his arms over his chest, his hands rubbing up and down his arms as he turned back in the direction they’d come.  Namjoon followed behind, seeing the way Wonsik’s head was bent down, his gaze on the ground in front of him.


Wonsik glanced over his shoulder, his eyes hidden by his sunglasses.  Namjoon couldn’t read the expression on his face and he stepped forward to put his hand on his arm.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“You don’t seem like it.”

Wonsik reached up to place his hand on Namjoon’s where it rested on his arm.

“I’m okay, I promise.  Just…thinking about thirteen years where we didn’t talk.  I don’t regret the things I did in that span, but I do regret the fact that we could have had those years together and didn’t.”

Namjoon turned his hand so that he could wrap his fingers around Wonsik’s hand and lifted it up so that he could press a soft kiss to the back of it.  He smiled when he felt Wonsik’s fingers curl around his own.

“Don’t regret it, Wonsik.  We’re coming together with thirteen years worth of life experience.  If we haven’t learned anything but now, we might as well give up now.”

“I don’t want to give up.”

“I don’t either.  I want to fall in love with the man you are now, Wonsik.  I know that sounds really cheesy and cliché, but it’s how I feel.  I know sex between us is outstanding, but I want to know who you are.  And I know I promised to woo the hell out of you, but I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

Wonsik chuckled and squeezed his hand.

“You’re doing an okay job, Namjoon.  If I didn’t want to be here I wouldn’t be.  You’re not the only one who wants to see where this will go.  I wasn’t in love with you all those years ago, but now?  Now I can see it.”

“Can we stop being so awkward with each other?  Or is that just me?”

Wonsik snickered.

“I think that’s just you.”

Namjoon pulled on Wonsik’s arm until they were chest to chest and wrapped his arm around his waist.  

“I need to fix that then.”

With that he leaned in and pressed his lips against Wonsik’s.  The kiss was chaste in comparison to their previous kisses, but it was enough to bring a flush to both their cheeks.  When he pulled back, it was to press their foreheads together while they caught their breath.  

“You don’t need to fix anything if you keep doing that,” Wonsik said under his breath, bringing their clasped hands down to his waist.  


“Yeah.  You’re a menace.”

Namjoon chuckled and pressed a kiss to the tip of Wonsik’s nose before stepping back.  

“Come back to my apartment?  Not for sex.  I don’t want to do that until we’re sure we’re into this for the long run.  But, I think it would be good to just talk and get to know each other, if that’s all right with you.”

“What?  No sex?  Oh, now that’s a travesty.”

“Smart ass.”

“You like my ass.  Don’t even try to say you don’t.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

They cracked up before walking back towards Namjoon’s apartment.  This time, their fingers were entwined and the awkwardness was long gone.  Once back at Namjoon’s apartment they kicked off their shoes before Namjoon looked at Wonsik with a smile.

“Would you like a tour?”

“I’d love one.”

Namjoon kept hold of his hand as he led him through the two-bedroom apartment, showing him every nook and cranny.  He saved the best for last, leading him up to the rooftop terrace and gesturing with a hand. 

“Wow!  I’m jealous!”

“Gorgeous, isn’t it?  It’s one of the reasons why I took this place.  The view is killer and it’s a great place to hang out during the summer.”

“You can see the whole city from up here.  This makes my apartment seem puny in comparison.”

“What can I say?  My work pays well.”

Wonsik chuckled under his breath.


“I’m embarrassed to admit that I didn’t know what you did until I looked you up on Facebook.  When I realized how many songs you’d had a hand in, I couldn’t believe it.”

Namjoon sat down on one of the lounges scattered over the terrace and pulled gently on Wonsik’s hand, pulling him to sit next to him.

“It’s okay.  Even though this is my dream and something I’ve always wanted to do, it’s not something I really brag about, you know?  I know I’ve got the songs listed on my profile, but I use it for networking.  I don’t talk about it in casual conversation.  I don’t want to sound like a complete douche.”

“Don’t worry, you don’t.  You should be proud of your accomplishments.  It’s a big deal.”

“It’s really not that big of a deal.”

Wonsik smacked him lightly on the arm.  

“Yes, it is!  You’ve made a success out of your dream.  That’s something to be proud of.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“Are you happy with where you life has taken you?”

Wonsik looked down at their entwined fingers before looking back up, a soft smile on his lips.

“Yeah, I am.  Back in high school I never thought I’d be a tattoo artist.  It wasn’t something I ever considered.  Then when I was nineteen I got my first tattoo and just…fell in love with it.  That I do it with two of my best friends just makes it all the better.”

“I must say the art on your body is intriguing.  I’m sure the stories behind them are fascinating.”

Wonsik snorted.

“I guess some of them are.  I don’t know about a couple of them.  I’m pretty sure I don’t have a story behind this one.”

He held up his free hand and turned his arm around so that Namjoon could see the back of his arm. 

“Is that…”

“Wonder Woman?  Yeah, I got this one on a drunken dare.  I don’t mind but it doesn’t fit the rest of my aesthetic.”

“I don’t know how I missed it.”

“We were rather busy.”

Namjoon snorted.

“True.  You’re an excellent distraction.”

“So are you.”

They shared a smile before lapsing into a comfortable silence.  Namjoon felt content for the first time in a long time and it wasn’t something he was used to.  He turned Wonsik’s hand over and watched as his fingers traced over the back of his hand.  Wonsik’s fingers were long and slender, his nails nicely trimmed.  He had masculine hands, but they were soft as well.

“I like your hands.”


“Yeah, they’re nice.”

“They’re just hands.”

Namjoon chuckled.

“Does it matter?  They’re pretty.”

Wonsik snorted and shook his head.

“I’m a man.  Men don’t have pretty hands.”

“You do.”

“You’re just full of flattery tonight, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I am.  Can you take off your sunglasses?”

Wonsik removed his glasses with a quizzical frown, settling them on top of his head.


“I just wanted to see your eyes.  Every time we’ve hung out, you’ve worn your glasses.”

“Oh, I don’t do it on purpose.  I’m just used to wearing them.  I don’t do well during daylight hours.  I’m a nightowl.”

“So am I.  I always get more inspired at night than I do during the day.”

“Me too.  So we’re compatible in that sense too.”

“Yes we are.  Spicy or mild?”

Wonsik snickered.

“Spicier the better.”


“You’re ridiculous.”

“I know!  But at least I’m trying.  I could just sit here staring at you, but I don’t think you’d appreciate that.”

“Random small talk for the win.”


Namjoon pumped his fist, making Wonsik burst into laughter.  They spent the next hour curled up on the lounge talking and laughing.  When Wonsik finally decided it was time to go home, Namjoon walked with him to the front door and kissed him goodbye.  He watched as Wonsik walked down the hall to the elevator and waved as the doors closed.  As he shut the door, he felt happy for the first time in a long time.  It was a good feeling.

The next three months passed, that happy feeling slowly building and intensifying as he spent more time with Wonsik.  Their bond was slowly but surely becoming stronger, something that gave him a sense of security he’d never had before.  They still hadn’t had sex, something he was adamant about.  He wanted to make sure they were both fully committed to their bond before he would let them take that final step.  He knew it was a bit ridiculous since they’d already had sex before, but this time he wanted it to be because they really wanted it, not because of alcohol or a need that needed to be fulfilled.  Instead, he wanted it to be something that cemented their soulmate bond.  Thankfully, Wonsik seemed to be of the same mindset.  The farthest they’d gone was an intense makeout session on Namjoon’s rooftop terrace.

Namjoon wanted Wonsik more than he’d ever wanted anyone else in his life.  He knew sex with the man was intense, but as his feelings changed from a childhood infatuation to something more, he wanted more.  He wanted that intimacy, but he also wanted to worship Wonsik now.  Take his time and have him a writhing mess under him, their bodies so entwined that you couldn’t tell one from the other. 

There were mornings he would wake up, his cock so hard it was painful.  A quick jerk-off session in the shower wasn’t how he wanted to get rid of it, but it would do until they were both ready.
Wonsik spent more time at Namjoon’s apartment than anything, cooking on his nights off, which were rare.  The only day they really got to spend together regularly was Sunday, which sucked.  But it made the time they spent together even more special.

“What are you making,” Namjoon asked as he walked into the kitchen to see Wonsik standing at the stove, looking ridiculously adorable in an apron with a spatula held in his hand.  

“Kimchi jigae.”


“Always.  We’re going to turn red with all the red pepper paste I’ve used.”

Namjoon snorted and went on instinct, walking up to stand right behind Wonsik, wrapping his arms around his middle and resting his chin on Wonsik’s shoulder.

“What are you doing?”

“Watching you cook.”

“You’re more of a hindrance than a help at the moment.  You know that, right?”

“I know.  But you look cute in that apron.  So domestic.”

“Shut up.”

“What?  You don’t want me to tell you how cute you look?  Fine.”

He let out a huffy breath before Wonsik turned in his arms and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

“Go sit down.  It’ll be ready soon.”

“Fine, fine.”

He straightened up and let go before grabbing bowls and utensils.  He set up the dining room table and sat down, waiting for the food.  Wonsik brought out the pot and set it on the middle of the table before sitting down across from him.  They dished up and began to eat.  

“This is delicious.”

“Thank you.”

“Did I ever tell you I think a man who can cook is fucking sexy?”

Wonsik smiled and shook his head.

“No, I can’t say that you have.”

“Well, I’m saying it now.  You’re too hot for your own good, Kim Wonsik.”


“Honestly I’m just jealous because I can’t even boil water without trying to burn down my apartment in the process.”

“That is…sad.”

“Yoongi says that it’s best I avoid electronics and fire at all costs.  Ironically, the only electronics I don’t break are work-related.”

“So basically you’re an accident waiting to happen?”

“Yep, daily.”

“That’s scary.”

“I know.  I’m not the God of Destruction for nothing.”

“And yet you’re so debonair.  You’re an interesting fellow, Namjoon.”

“As long as I keep you intrigued, that’s all that matters.”

“I don’t think that will ever be a problem.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

He took a sip of water before setting down his chopsticks and looking at Wonsik, a serious expression on his face.


“Are you happy?”

“What do you mean?”
He sighed.

“I mean, are you happy with me?  Do I make you happy?”

“Where’s this coming from, Namjoon?”

“I don’t know.  Insecurity, I guess.”

“Have I done something to make you feel I’m not happy?”

He shook his head.

“No, you haven’t.  I’m just…I’ve never really pursued someone before, you know?  I dated someone in high school for a few months, fell in love with you, had my heart broken and then just stuck with simple hookups because then I wouldn’t have to feel anything.  This is the first time I’ve really pursued someone and I keep feeling like I’m an epic failure at it.”

Wonsik set down his own utensils to reach across the table to grasp Namjoon’s hands in his own. 

“Namjoon, look at me, please.”

“I am.”

“No, I mean, really look at me.”

He focused his attention on Wonsik’s expression, seeing something soft and sweet in his gaze that made him feel just a tiny bit giddy.  It was the same thing he felt deep inside and it made him smile.

“I’m looking at you, Wonsik.”

“What do you see?”

“I see you.”

“What else do you see?”

“You’re still here.”

“Exactly.  You may have never pursued anyone before, Namjoon, but you’re not a failure.  You’ve been nothing but sweet and kind to me in these months we’ve been getting to know each other again.  Your every concern is about me and you go out of your way to see to my comfort.  You might think you’re not good at this, but you are.”

“Can you see yourself falling in love with me?”

Wonsik stared at him for the longest time, his expression open but unreadable.  

“You don’t see it, do you?”

“Wonsik, you’re confusing the hell out of me.  What am I supposed to be seeing?”

Wonsik let go of his hands and stood up, walking around the table to take his hands again and help him stand up.  

“Follow me.”

Namjoon followed as Wonsik led him down the hallway to the master bedroom.  

“Sit down.”

Namjoon frowned, but complied.  He sat at the foot of the bed and looked up as Wonsik pulled his shirt over his head, revealing all of that beautiful tan skin to his gaze.  

“Wonsik, what are you doing?”

“Isn’t it obvious?”

“Are you sure you want to have sex?”

Wonsik walked up to him and straddled his legs before sinking down and wrapping his arms around his neck.

“I don’t want to have sex, Namjoon.  We’ve already done that.  What I want is to make love to you.”

“I don’t bottom.”

Wonsik leaned forward and took his lower lip between his teeth, nipping gently before pulling back.

“Today, you will.”

Namjoon opened his mouth to object but before he could, Wonsik was kissing him with intent, his tongue pushing into his mouth to lick at his tongue.  The spices of their meal tingled on his tongue as he moaned into the kiss.  He pulled back, his hands coming to rest on Wonsik’s hips.  

“Are you sure?”

“Namjoon, stop being so obtuse, baby.  Yes, I’m sure.”

With that, Wonsik pushed until Namjoon toppled over, his back resting against the mattress.  Namjoon watched as Wonsik crawled up his body until he could lean down and press kisses over his face.  Lips pressing first against the faint wrinkle right between his eyes, then the tip of his nose. 
Namjoon chuckled as he ran his hands up from Wonsik’s hips to his shoulders.

“What are you doing, Wonsik?  You’re handling me with kid gloves.  Just because I don’t usually bottom, it doesn’t mean you have to be gentle with me.”

“I might not have to be gentle with you, Namjoon, but maybe I want to.  I want to cherish you.”

“Oh…,” he moaned, his voice dropping off as Wonsik bent farther, his lips brushing over Namjoon’s jaw, his touch whisper soft.  Namjoon closed his eyes, letting his neck arch back as Wonsik nibbled gentle kisses down his jawline to his ear.  Moist warmth as Wonsik's tongue swiped over the skin right below his ear.  He had to hold back a shiver at the sensation.



"I don't know if I can handle this tonight, baby.  You're killing me."

Wonsik pulled back to smile down at him.

"Remember the night we had sex?"

"How could I forget?"

"Even though I didn't know who you were and thought it was just a one night thing, you made me feel.  Not just the sex, but the emotions.  When I told you that you wrecked me that night, I wasn't lying.  You ripped away any and all walls I'd built up over the years with ease and it terrified me.  But, you never once made me feel anything less than cherished that night.  Tonight, I want to return the favor.  And if that means taking it slow until I've touched and tasted every inch of you, then that's what I'm going to do.  And you're going to love every single fucking second."

He stared up at him, his eyes wide as Wonsik's words resonated in his head.  

"Jesus, Wonsik."

"So close your eyes and shut up, hmm?"

"Yes, sir."

Wonsik chuckled as Namjoon closed his eyes and settled back comfortably against the sheets.  He heard the rustling of fabric as Wonsik's hands slid up under his shirt, pushing it up to reveal his stomach.  Lips brushing over his skin as fingers circled one nipple before pinching lightly.  He flinched, not from pain, but from sensation.  

He'd never been on the receiving end of seduction.  He was always the dominant one in his sexual hookups, making his partners very, very happy.  To lay there passively as someone else did all the work was a foreign concept, but as he felt Wonsik's fingers brush over the waistband of his jeans, he couldn't find it in himself to complain.

The sound of his zipper lowering was harsh in the silent room.  Fingers sliding over his cock, separated only by the cloth of his boxer briefs had him biting back a moan.  He felt it as Wonsik slid down his body, fingers tugging his pants down, hooking in the waistband of his underwear to bare him to Wonsik's gaze.  

He could hear Wonsik's breathing as he inhaled deeply before a warm tongue was sliding over the head of his cock.  

"Oh, fuck!"

"Feel good?"

The warm moist breath ghosting over his cock had him biting his tongue to keep from whimpering.  

"It feels fucking fantastic."


With that the tongue was back, circling the head of his cock.  Sliding down along the bottom of his cock over the dominant vein there.  It took him squeezing the sheets underneath him not to squirm under that touch.  

"Lift your hips for me."

He did and felt the drag as his bottoms were pulled off.  His feel still touched the floor, his legs bent at the knees.  But he had no inclination to move, not when Wonsik's lips slid down his cock, his tongue swirling around the head on the down glide.

The moan that came from his mouth was deep, sounding like it was dragged from his soul.  His hands moved on their own accord, wrapping in the strands of Wonsik's hair as he  went down until his nose brushed the trimmed hair around the base of Namjoon's cock.  He felt the tip of his cock brush the back of Wonsik's throat and wanted to cry when he felt him swallow.  The constricting sensation around his cock was almost too much.  

His toes curled as he did his best not to thrust up into that delicious moist suction, his fingers squeezing the sheets so tightly he couldn't feel them anymore.  All of his focus was on that wicked mouth and the tongue that flicked over the slit at the head of his cock every time Wonsik went up for air.  The way the ball of Wonsik's tongue piercing dug into the skin just a little, giving him a zing every time it happened.  He wanted to grip the back of Wonsik's head and fuck his mouth until he came, but he held back.  Wonsik had told him he wanted to cherish him.  Even though he wanted raw, intense fucking, he would let Wonsik do whatever he wanted to him.  As long as that beautiful suction never ended.

"Wonsik, baby, I'm going to cum."

"Not yet, you're not."

He blinked his eyes open and looked down to see Wonsik kneeling between his thighs, his lips spit slick and swollen.  Eyes blown with tears caught in his lashes.  It almost made him blow his load right then and there, if not for the tight grip Wonsik had around the base of his cock.  

"You're not cumming until I'm balls deep inside of you.  But I might let you cum on my fingers.  Remember how I begged you to let me cum and you made me cum on your fingers?  Yeah, you might just get that from me tonight."


"I'm not Jesus.  And I don't know if I'll grant you mercy tonight, Kim Namjoon."

"Oh, shit."

Wonsik moved, shifting to the side.

"Get up onto the bed fully.  Spread your legs for me, hmm?"

He sat up, pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside before following instructions.  He scooted up the bed until his head was on the pillows properly and parted his legs.  He could feel the flush on his cheeks, the embarrassment of his position making him sympathize with all of his past partners.  There was something very vulnerable about laying there with his legs spread, waiting for Wonsik to make his move.
 "Where is the lube, baby?"

"Bedside table."

Wonsik leaned over and pulled open the drawer, pulling out the bottle of lube and a packet of condoms.  He crawled back to settle between Namjoon's legs.

"Have you ever been the bottom before?"

"Once.  A long time ago."

"I'll make sure you're more than ready for my cock."

"Of that I have no doubt."

Wonsik smiled before leaning down, his mouth brushing over the prominent ridge of Namjoon's hip bone.  

"Put a pillow under your hips for me, hmm?"

Namjoon scrambled to get one of his pillows, shoving it under his hips so that they were canted up.  He leaned his head back against the other pillows and watched as Wonsik slid down until his stomach was flat on the bed.

"What are you doing?"

"You ever been rimmed before?"

"What?!  No!"

"Then I'm about to make you feel so good, baby."

 With that, Wonsik set out to destroy him.  Namjoon's head smacked against the pillows as Wonsik licked over his cock, the movements almost kittenish.  Soft flicks, the ball bearing in his piercing rubbing just right.  A long lick down the length of his cock, making him squirm.

"Stay still."

A light swat to his inner thigh, making him flinch.  He couldn't hold back the noises as Wonsik licked around his balls, sucking one gently between his lips.  Namjoon slapped a hand over his mouth as a high keen escaped his lips.  It felt so good.  Too good. His cock was throbbing, precum leaking from the tip.  He wanted to reach down and take himself in hand, but he wouldn't.  He wouldn't until Wonsik told him to.  He was doing this for Wonsik.

Who was he kidding?  He was doing this for himself.  He wanted the sensations to last as long as possible.  Though his brain was screaming at him to cum, his pleasure center was screaming at him to let it continue.  Endorphin was shooting through him, his body feeling electric.  He'd never been on the receiving end of such relentless pleasure and he didn't know how to handle it.


He couldn't control the moans of Wonsik's name as Wonsik sucked lightly on his balls, rolling first one and then the other between his lips.  Fingers on the crease of his ass, pulling his cheeks apart had him freezing, his head coming up off the pillow to look down.  

The expression on Wonsik's face as he looked down at him was nothing short of sinful.  The carnality was so powerful he felt it almost as a physical caress.  Wonsik licked his lips and looked up to make eye contact with him.  He kept that eye contact as he leaned forward, his tongue licking over the skin around his hole.  

The sensation made him jerk, the feeling slightly ticklish.  He couldn't look away from Wonsik's gaze, even as warm heat infused his cheeks, the embarrassment trying to sneak up on him.  He was vulnerable and oh, so needy under Wonsik's touch, his body craving whatever it was Wonsik had in store for him.

The first swipe of Wonsik's tongue over him made him squeak.  His instinct was to close his legs, but he held fast.  Another swipe, circling around and around, making his hips arch towards Wonsik's tongue.

"Oh, fuck!"

The chuckle Wonsik let out vibrated over  his skin, making goosebumps sprout over his skin.  He wanted to scream, to flail, to move both away and closer to that wicked tongue.  He wanted to look away from Wonsik's intense gaze, but for the life of him he couldn't.  

When Wonsik's tongue pushed against the ring of muscles before retreating, Namjoon had to take a deep breath.  It felt strange, but good.  Too good.  The nerves there were more sensitive than he could have ever imagined as Wonsik's tongue continued to tease.  A press, a flick and a retreat; the movements continued until Namjoon was writhing under his touch, his legs spreading as wide as he could get them.

"Wonsik, please!"

All he got in response was a hum.  But he knew Wonsik had heard when the tip of his tongue slid inside, pushing past the muscles that he instinctively tightened.  He had to take a deep breath and relax, allowing himself to just feel.  

Wonsik's tongue pushed in further, then retreated, the motions mimicking the fucking Namjoon knew he'd be getting soon.  He couldn't handle it anymore, his eyes closing as his head flopped back against the pillows.  The closeness of the moment was too powerful, too intimate for him to keep eye contact.  
 Instead, he lost himself in the feeling.  He heard the snick as the bottle of lube was opened, the squelching sound as it was poured over waiting fingers.  

"Relax, Namjoon," Wonsik whispered as he pulled away, the tip of his finger replacing his tongue.  "If you're too tense this is going to hurt and I don't want that for you.  I only want your pleasure."

"It feels weird, Wonsik."

"I know, baby, but it will feel so good.  I promise.  Just take a deep breath for me, okay?"

Namjoon complied, taking a deep breath in through his nose before letting it out slowly through his mouth.

"Good, baby.  Do it again."

On his deep inhale, the tip of Wonsik's finger slid in.


"You're doing so good.  Again."

With every deep inhale, Wonsik's finger slid in farther until he was in past the first knuckle.  Wonsik held still, allowing Namjoon to get used to the feeling.  Namjoon hadn't lied when he told Wonsik it felt weird.  It had been so long since he'd been penetrated that he'd forgotten the feeling.   

The slide as Wonsik pulled his finger back until the tip was the only thing inside was a smooth glide, the amount of lube he'd used making the insertion of a second finger almost seamless.

"Oh, whoa!  Wonsik, just...wait a second."

Wonsik kept his fingers knuckle deep, but pressed reassuring kisses over Namjoon's hip bones and inner thighs while Namjoon got used to the feeling.  It took a moment, but the sting soon disappeared and he relaxed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry."

"No, don't apologize.  Just continue to relax.  I promise this is going to feel amazing in a second.  I wouldn't lie to you."

"I know."

Wonsik began to slide his fingers in and out, keeping his movements slow.  Every second glide in, he would scissor his fingers, doing his best to stretch Namjoon open.  It was when he curled his fingers up as he was pulling them out that Namjoon just about came unglued.  His hips arched up as he let out a loud cry, his thighs shaking as he did his best not to pass out from the pleasure.  He knew what had happened, he knew where the prostate was.  But he'd never had it done to himself.  And the pleasure was so intense it would have brought him to his knees if he'd been standing up.

"Oh, shit, Wonsik, right there.  Please."

"Your wish is my command, Namjoon."

With that, Wonsik kept it up, his fingers sliding over Namjoon's prostate on every down glide.  By the time he had three fingers in, Namjoon was almost incoherent, the only words he could get past his lips was a slurred combination of Wonsik's name and a whimpered "Please."

"Please, Wonsik.  Please, fuck me.  I'm so ready.  God, baby, please."

Namjoon opened his eyes and looked down as Wonsik straightened up, getting on his knees between Namjoon's splayed thighs.  The sound of his fingers sliding out was wet and embarrassing, but when he reached over to grab one of the condoms, Namjoon reached out for him.  


His hand clasped around Wonsik's forearm.  Wonsik looked down at him, his eyebrow cocked in concern.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, just...I want to feel you."

"You want me to have sex with you without a condom?"

"I'm clean.  I get tested every six months and I've never fucked anyone without a condom...ever.  I just...this is you.  And me.  And I want to feel you."

The soft, tender expression that came over Wonsik's face was something that Namjoon knew he would remember for the rest of his life.  It was so sweet that it made his heart flutter in his chest.  Wonsik tossed aside the condom and shuffled forward on his knees, his hands coming to rest on Namjoon's knees.

"This might sting a little, baby.  I'm so sorry if it does.  Just tell me if you need to stop."

Namjoon nodded and watched as Wonsik reached for the lube again, pouring a generous amount over his swollen, flushed cock.  He watched as Wonsik's fist slid up and down, spreading the lube.  He bit his lip as Wonsik slid his cock up and down the crease of his ass, teasing him.

"Just do it, damn it!"

Wonsik snickered slightly before snugging the head of his cock between Namjoon's cheeks.  He could feel it as Wonsik's cock slowly slid inside.  In tiny increments he pushed in, stopping every half inch to wait for Namjoon to adjust.  It was only when he was balls deep did Wonsik let out a deep breath.  

Namjoon let his head rest against the pillows, waiting for his bod to fully adjust to the intrusion.  Wonsik's cock was a hot, pulsing fullness inside of him that made him feel incredibly full.  At the same time, it felt so right.  The feeling of skin on skin went beyond intimate into a whole new sensation he had no word to describe.  

"Fuck, Namjoon, you feel so good around my cock.  I can't...fuck!"

With that Wonsik began to move, his initial thrusts shallow and barely more than a roll of his hips.  Namjoon reached down to pull Wonsik closer, his arms going around Wonsik's shoulders.  Wonsik pressed his head into the cleft between Namjoon's neck and shoulder, his breath hot against Namjoon's skin.

Namjoon wrapped his legs around Wonsik's hips, pulling him closer.  The slide of Wonsik's cock deep inside made tears threaten to spill.  He'd never felt anything like it, his breath coming in stuttered grunts.  

Wonsik muttered praises against his skin as he began to thrust in earnest, angling his hips just so.  The scrape of the cock piercing against Namjoon's prostate made him freeze, his body clenching unconsciously on Wonsik's cock.

"Oh...Oh, my God.  Oh, fuck, now I understand what you meant.  Holy shit, that feels amazing!"

Wonsik breathed out a chuckle against his neck.

"I told you this would rock your world."

"You were drunk and horny, Wonsik.  You're lucky I listened to..."

His words caught on another moan as Wonsik did it again.  Namjoon couldn't have formed another word even if his life depended on it, his every sense focused on the slide of Wonsik's cock.  Sweat trickled from his brow, mixing with the tears that had started to slide down his cheeks.   

His hands slid from their death grip on the back of Wonsik's neck, curling over his shoulder blades instead.  Wonsik lifted one hand, wrapping his fingers around Namjoon's wrist.  He brought the hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back before entwining their fingers and pressing his hand to the bed.  

The intimacy of that act made Namjoon sigh out Wonsik's name, letting the last syllable escape his lips as a hiss.  He tightened his thighs around Wonsik's hips, urging him closer.  That prompted a shift in Wonsik's thrusts, making them come harder and faster, his piercing brushing over Namjoon's prostate in a constant, torturous glide.  

Namjoon's cock was so hard it almost hurt; the friction of Wonsik's thrusts making him want to scream.  He knew he was close, could feel it in the tingle at the base of his spine.  But he didn't want the moment to end.  He knew their relationship had changed irrevocably in this moment.  There would be no turning back from this moment forward.  And an hour ago, that would have terrified him, but as Wonsik pushed in deep, his head arching back as he came, Namjoon felt nothing but joy.  He lifted up, teeth clamping on Wonsik's shoulder as he came in thick spurts over their chests.  

He let go with a long, drawn out sigh, his body collapsing back against the sheets in a sweaty, exhausted sprawl.  Wonsik lay over him, body heaving as he gasped, working to catch his breath.  With a grunt Wonsik pulled out and flopped over to the side, his hand still gripped tight around Namjoon's.

Namjoon lifted his free hand and placed his arm over his eyes so he could compose himself.  Now he understood what Wonsik had meant when he'd said he'd wrecked him.  This was like nothing he'd ever felt before.  Adrenaline still pumped through his body, but also an intense lethargy that was pulling him under.


He lifted his arm and turned his head to see Wonsik looking at him.


"Are you okay?"


Wonsik kept looking at him, his gaze sharp and unforgiving, before he sat up.  He disentangled their fingers and got off the bed.  Namjoon watched as he padded across the room to disappear into the en suite bathroom.  He heard the sound of water running and something that sounded like gargling before Wonsik came back out, a wet washcloth in his hand.  

"What are you doing?"

"Taking care of you."

"You did that already."

"Mm...but this is aftercare, baby.  I want you to feel clean and then I want to cuddle the hell out of you."

Namjoon shivered as the warm washcloth brushed over his sensitive skin, removing the excess lube, sweat and cum that covered his body.  He felt both content and horribly disgusting as Wonsik dealt with the mess between his thighs.  

When Wonsik was satisfied, he tossed the washcloth aside and got onto the bed beside him.  Wrapping those long arms around Namjoon, he pulled him close, his back against Wonsik's chest.

"You good?"

"More than.  You wrecked me so good, Wonsik."

Wonsik pressed a soft kiss to the skin right behind his ear.





"Do you see it now?"

"Yes, I see it.  Do you?"



"Are you sure about this?"

Namjoon smiled as he settled down in Wonsik's station, his arm held out.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Tattoos hurt, sometimes like a bitch."

Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"I know that, but I want this, Wonsik."

Wonsik sucked his lip between his teeth before turning around to pick up a razor.  With careful movements he prepped Namjoon before picking up his equipment.  

"I'm giving you one last chance."

"Kim Wonsik, stop being such a dick and tattoo me!  Jesus Christ!"

Wonsik rolled his eyes.

"You don't have to be such a baby about it!  Jeez!"

With that he began.   It wasn't a complicated tattoo nor was it anything fancy, but when Wonsik sat back and Namjoon turned to look, Wonsik clamped his hand over Namjoon's eyes.

"No!  Not yet!  Taekwoon still has to do mine and then we can look together!"

With quick efficient movements, he finished up and waved Taekwoon over.  Namjoon spent the entire time Wonsik got his done with his gaze on the ceiling, doing his best not to give into temptation and just look.

"Okay, you can look now."

He looked to see Taekwoon finish wiping off the last of the excess ink from Wonsik's tattoo.  Wonsik grinned at him and held out his arm.

"On the count of three.  1-2-3!"

Namjoon held out his arm and looked down.  The tattoo was identical for both of them.  On their left wrist was an intricate, stylized ivy that wrapped all the way around their wrists.  Stylized flowers flowed throughout the ivy, their meaning only clear to them.  The ivy symbolized fidelity.  On the back of their wrists, visible to everyone, was a white tulip symbolizing forgiveness.  A forget-me-not on the left side of their wrist to remind them to remember this forever.  On the right side of their wrist was a wisteria, symbolizing steadfastness.  And surrounding their names a violet, symbolizing faithfulness.  

"You chose well," Taekwoon said softly, looking down at his own wrist and the black rose he'd had done in honor of his lost soulmate.  "Flowers are powerful symbols."

"Yes they are.  Thank you, Taekwoon."

He nodded and got up, leaving them to stare down at their new artwork.  

"It's beautiful, Wonsik."

"Yes, it is."

Wonsik glanced up, a soft smile on his lips.

"You realize what this means, don't you?"

"What's that?"

"You can't get rid of me now."

"I wouldn't want to."

"I know.  I wouldn't want to either."

Namjoon reached out, cupping Wonsik's cheek.

"I love you, Wonsik."

And for the first time, he heard the words he'd been craving for the last thirteen years.

"I love you too, Namjoon."



    *gathers Wonshik and Namjoon to my bosom and pets them* So sweet, so fluffy, so FUCKING HOT.

    God I cannot wait until you do the rest of them....I may die

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I swear you're the best VIXX fanfic writer. I've read all of your works and they're just...EPIC. ♥
    P.S. Looking forward to (or more like dying for) more Leo x reader fanfics. ;)

  4. This chapter had me go from n'aww at the cute wooing to blushing crimson red at the hot sex in the span of just a few minutes. How adorable is Namjoon trying to make it up to Wonshik and acting like an awkward little pup? Love it love it love it so much.
    Also, a "too bad" to all the one's being idiots about your m/m writings. You're missing out, people! If you don't like a story, fine, but don't get vocal and offensive about it but be mature enough to skip it and close the tab :D

    I'm already really excited about Taekwoon's story /gets tissue box ready

  5. Aw it's so cute how Namjoon was so willing to get out of his comfort zone and try his best to woo Wonsik. How can you make some thing so cute and fluffy be so hot and sexy at the same time?? Such skills :) I really liked how things ended up going for the two of them. And I commend them both for holding off on being intimate until they were both sure about the relationship and the bond between them.
