Saturday, March 5, 2016

Dominate Me Part 1 (VIXX Hyuk)

I'd say sorry about this one, but I am so not.  *ahem*  Let me just say, in my defense, that Sanghyuk has been whispering his story to me since I finished Wonsik and Namjoon's story, but I've been so busy I haven't been able to properly write his story.  That being said, here is part one of his story.  I wonder who his soulmate is?  Any guesses?  O.o

And yes, this is shorter than usual, but trust me, Part 2 should be MUCH longer.  Oh, snap!

Han Sanghyuk had never felt the need to hide who he was.  He was always the first to jump headfirst into new experiences.  Sometimes that was a good thing.  Sometimes it was a disaster.  As he stripped off his shirt and handed it to the man dressed in head-to-toe black leather, he wondered what this adventure would be.  

“Take off your pants.  Underwear too.”

As he shucked off the rest of his clothes, he shivered in the cool room, goosebumps breaking out over his skin.  He was doing something he never thought he’d do in a million years.  Trepidation warred with excitement as he put on the items he was handed.  As the blindfold was slid over his eyes and the ball gag stuck between his lips, he knew he was in for the ride of his life.  

With his eyes covered and the gag in his mouth, he had never felt so vulnerable.  It was a strange sensation for someone like him; a man always in control.  He was led into another room and settled into place, his arms cuffed over his head and his legs spread, cuffs around his ankles holding him in place.  He knew he was on full display to anyone in the room.  It was both embarrassing and strangely exhilarating.  

The silence was unnerving, as was the anticipation.  He had absolutely no idea what was going to happen to him.  When he’d heard of the exhibition at Crimson, he’d signed up, answered a few questions and now here he was.  He knew Crimson was more than just a club, he just had no idea it went this far.  And now, he was in the middle of a bondage exhibition; something he’d never done before. 

“Are you ready, kitten?”

The dulcet tones of Crimson’s owner purred next to his ear, a gust of warm breath making him inhale sharply.  A finger dragged down his chest, fingernail scratching over his skin.  When said finger flicked over his flaccid cock, he whined.  

“Tonight you’re at our mercy, hmm?  If you want us to quit at any time, what is your signal?”

He straightened the index finger on his right hand and curled it twice.


With that, no further words were spoken.  Instead, touch; fleeting touches over his exposed skin, brushing over nerve endings he didn’t even know he had.  He grumbled under his gag, his hands closing into fists as those touches skimmed down over the sensitive flesh behind his knees, over his inner thighs, up along the divots of his hip bones.  He twitched when those fingers brushed over his cock again, brushing over the sensitive head.  

Inside his head he still had the faculties to wonder what he looked like to anyone watching.  He’d participated in the bondage scene before, back when he was first experimenting with sex and figuring out what he liked.  He’d always been on the dominating side, not having a submissive bone in his body.  To be on the other side was an experience.  He knew he had an exhibitionist kink, but knowing just how on display he was, his every reaction clear to anyone watching; it turned him on even more.
His flaccid cock twitched, blood beginning to flow south.  The idea that people could see his excitement made him want to squirm.  Being confined had never been a thing for him, but the way he felt in that moment made him reconsider.  The feeling of helplessness mixed with the forbidden excitement was almost more than his mind could handle.  

Fingers wrapping around the base of his semi-hard cock had him inhaling sharply, his head arching back against the wall.  The grip was snug without being uncomfortable and the feeling of those fingers sliding up his cock made him whimper under the gag.  It felt so good, the sensation making him feel slightly lightheaded.  Not being able to see just heightened it more, making him bite into the gag, his jaw clenching tight.  

He wanted to beg, to plead for whomever it was stroking his cock to go faster, to do something.  His hips moved without thought, rocking up as much as he could, chasing after sensation.  He could hear breathing close to his ear, the sound harsh.  His head turned, wanting to feel some sort of connection to the person tormenting him.  A hand caressing his cheek, made him keen, the connection he desperately needed centering him.  

“You are so beautiful, pet; your pretty cock hard for the whole room to see.  Does it turn you on knowing you’re on display?”

The voice murmuring in his ear was unknown to him, the voice a deeper tenor than he was expecting.  The timbre made him shiver.  It was the first time in his life that a voice turned him on.  He’d always been more about sight than sound, but he wasn’t complaining.  

As the voice continued murmuring dirty words in his ear, the grip around his cock tightened; the stroking beginning in earnest.  If he could speak, he’d be swearing a blue streak.  It felt so good; too good.  He couldn’t control the whimpers that escaped his throat, muffled though they were by the ball gag.  

The hand on his cheek was moved, making him whine.  He missed that connection immediately, his focus switching back to the hand sliding up and down his cock.  The grip was perfect tightening around the head on every up glide, except that the pace was almost glacial.  Every movement was there to tantalize, not to get him off.  

“You’re so good for me.  Will you cum for me?  Can you do that for me?”

Sanghyuk wanted to cry.  It was his choice to be in this position, but the torment he was going through was more than he expected.  He didn’t expect to find someone who seemed to understand his body better than he did.  The hand around his cock disappeared, making his head smack back against the wall in desperation.  Why would someone do this to him?  

A finger slicked with lube brushed against his ass, making his hips twitch from the unexpected sensation.  It circled his hole, slicking him up before the tip slid inside.  Sanghyuk hissed, the intrusion something he was definitely not used to.  

“You’re doing so good.  Your cock is so hard for me.  I can feel how tight you are.  Have you ever been fucked or do you usually do the fucking?  Hmm?”

Sanghyuk shook his head, unintelligible mutters escaping around the gag.  The finger slid in incrementally, the slide smooth from all of the lube.  He could feel how his hole clenched and then loosened around the finger, the intrusion not so much an intrusion anymore.  


“Feel good?  I wish you could see how beautiful you look as you take me.  I wonder how you’d take my cock.”

Sanghyuk’s teeth clenched tighter around the gag, wanting nothing more than to tear it out and kiss the breath out of the man tormenting him.  He wanted to hear him whimper on his tongue, not be in this position where he had no power or control.  If he were free, the tables would be completely turned.  He wondered what his tormentor would do if that were the case.

A second finger joined the first, making him feel unbearably full.  If two fingers did this to him, what would a cock do to him?  A high-pitched moan floated in the air between them, a warm chuckle his reward.

“Good boy, pet.  You’re so pretty.  God, I want to see you writhing on my cock.  I want to fuck you right here for everyone to see you are mine.  Fuck!”

Sanghyuk shook his head, not sure if he was acquiescing or saying hell no.  It was all muddled up in his head, making him whine under his breath.  The fingers inside of him slid out, only to push back in, a third finger joining.  This time, he felt a jolt of pain down his spine, the stretch more than he thought he could take.  

“Shh…take a deep breath, pet.  Just relax for me.  This will feel so good for you, I promise.  Can you relax for me?”

Sanghyuk took a deep breath in through his nose, hoping his tormentor’s words were true.  At least they held still as he did his best to relax.  After a few deep breaths, he felt his muscles relax, the sting slowly receding.  

“Good boy.”

The fingers inside of him slid out until the tips caught on his rim before sliding back in just as slowly.  He grunted, but not in discomfort.  It felt good; more than good, it felt like every nerve ending in his body was on fire.  The sensation was almost too much, his body screaming for release. 
He heard a click and then his legs were free.  His legs were hitched up, wrapping around trim hips.  The fingers slid out of him before he felt the head of a cock brushing over the crack of his ass.  He’d agreed to penetration in the questionnaire, but now he was questioning his sanity.  He knew that his partner was wearing protection, since that had been one of the stipulations, but this was more intimate than even he could have expected.  

As his partner continued to tease him, running the head of his cock back and forth without entering him, he wanted to curse.  Smack him just to stop this torment.  When his partner finally slid inside, he let out a deep, heartfelt sigh, the relief almost overwhelming.  

His partner was taking utmost care with him, waiting until his body was ready before beginning to thrust slowly.  The glide of his partner’s cock was smooth, catching just right as it was pulled out to the tip and then thrust back in.  Warm hands on his hips, holding him in place as the thrusts deepened.  He could feel the muscles rolling under his thighs, the control his partner had over his every movement.  

Hands slid from his hips to cup his ass, canting his hips up to change the angle.  With the next thrust in, the tip of his partner’s cock brushed over something that made him see stars in his blackened world.  He inhaled, drool escaping from the confines of his mouth, pooling around the gag.  Swallowing was beyond him, his tongue pushing against the gag as he fought against his restraints, wanting to pull his partner closer.

 “You feel so good on my cock; the way you tighten around me.  You want to cum, don’t you, pet?”

Whimpers escaped him, the way his partner’s cock kept brushing over his prostate making tears gather at the corner of his eyes.  The thrusts of his partner went deeper, harder as they got closer to their own climax.  Sanghyuk wrapped his legs tighter around his partner’s hips, pulling him as close as he could.  His hands were clenched in tight fists as he pulled at his restraints.  He wanted to grab hold of his partner, pull them close, tangle his fingers in their hair.  Instead he was writhing on their cock like a slut, his body just this side of cumming.

“Oh, fuck!”

The long drawn out hiss was followed by the feel of warmth as his partner came deep inside of him, filling up the condom.  Sanghyuk followed right behind him, his body tensing as he came untouched all over his stomach. Harsh breaths hot against his neck as his partner leaned his full weight against him, body trembling as they caught their breath.  

“You were so good for me, pet.  Look at you; you’re so dirty for me.”

A soft grunt as his partner pulled out, gentle hands shifting his legs so that they’d bear his weight.  Prying as the gag was removed from between his lips, a thumb swiping over his lower lip, removing the spit that had accumulated.  A soft kiss pressed to his lips before the warmth was gone, leaving him shivering and discombobulated.  

A click as his hands were freed, fingers chafing his wrists to restore blood flow.  When he could feel his fingers again, he lifted a hand and removed the blindfold, blinking to bring the room into focus.  The owner of Crimson stood in front of him, a slight smile on his face.  

“You did so well.  You were beautiful to watch come undone.”

“Where is he?”

“Your partner?”


“He left.”

Sanghyuk shook his head, his hand coming up to cup his throbbing head.  A headache was sprouting behind his eyes, making him swear under his breath.

“What do you mean he left?”

“He left.  Bolted from the room like the demons from hell were on his tail.”

Sanghyuk let out a heavy sigh.

“Can you help me back to the room?  I need to put on some clothes.”

He was led to the room he’d entered from, bowing his head to keep from seeing the other occupants of the room.  His head was too full and too foggy for him to concentrate.  All he wanted was to go home and sleep it all off.  

Once dressed he left as quietly as he’d arrived, not wanting to draw any attention to himself.  There was no way he could face any scrutiny right now, not after what had happened.  He felt completely out of control of himself and it terrified him.  As someone who had always prided himself on his control, feeling like this made him squirm. 

He got home with no one paying him any mind and stumbled into the bathroom to take a hot shower.  He could still smell the musky, slightly spicy aftershave of his partner, the scent tormenting him.  He scrubbed himself raw, reaching between his legs to wash away any traces of the past hour.  He had no one but himself to blame for this.  Another one of his cockamamie adventures that had blown up in his face.  Why was he so reckless?  Why did he never think of the consequences before jumping into something half-assed?  It was like he had no sense of self preservation and boy had it come back to bite him in the ass.

After his shower he dressed in a pair of boxers and collapsed on his bed, his arms crossing under his head as he contemplated the ceiling.  What was he going to tell the guys when he limped into work tomorrow?  And he knew he’d be limping.  His legs still felt weak and his ass was sore.  But it was a good soreness; a sign of a good fucking.

“Aish,” he groaned as he rolled over, pulling his pillow over his head, wishing he could hide from the real world, even if just for a short moment.  

The next morning, as predicted, he stumbled into work, a pronounced limp announcing his previous day’s adventures.  Wonsik looked up from a sketch he was doing, his eyebrow cocked in question, before a smirk crossed his lips.  Sanghyuk shook his head and held up his hand.

“Don’t say it.”

“What?  I wasn’t going to say a word.”


“I was just going to say you look like you had a good time.  That or you got your ass kicked.  But if we’re going by the limp, I’d say you got your brains fucked out.  Am I close?”

“I seriously hate you right now.”

He sat down in his chair, wincing as muscles protested his movements.  

“Mm…this is payback for all your snark when it comes to me and Namjoon.  Payback’s a bitch, isn’t it?”

Sanghyuk let out a sigh and waved his hand.

“He is your soulmate, Wonsik.  I’m allowed to pick on you two.  You’re so saccharinely sweet that you’re nauseating.”

“So, who was he?”

“Does it matter?”

Wonsik got up and walked over to him, his hand coming out to grasp Sanghyuk’s wrist.

“I think it matters more than you thought.”


Wonsik lifted his hand and turned his wrist over.  Clear as day was a name that hadn’t been there the day before, not that he’d noticed anyway.

“Oh, fuck me.”

“I think they already did.”

**To Be Continued**


  1. *FLAILS* *RUNS AROUND SCREAMING* Yes yes YES! Now whatcha gonna do that your cute little ass got the pounding of your life? *squeals with happiness* I can't wait for part two~

  2. My mind wasn't ready for you to dive right into bondage *-* that was simply hot and wild.
    No idea about his soulmate, but whoever he is should be ready to meet a dominant Hyuk soon. ;3

  3. Oh um wow *claps quietly but excitedly* I was not prepared to be thrust into smut so quickly but I honestly wouldn't have had it any other way. Sanghyuk does seem like the type to do something reckless without a second though so I felt like this was a great way to start things off. To be honest, while I was reading I thought you would end it by having him have a great fuck that draws him back to Crimson for more but I did not expect for him to have found his soulmate in one session.

  4. (idk if my phone sent the comment so I'll retype it again lol)
    Omfg. Hyuk? A submissive? Dayum. When Noona Killer killed me, this one wrecked me. I have an idea on who the soulmate might be, but then I'm not so sure. I'll have to read Part II to find out. Whoever this person might be, he sure wrecked Hyuk good ;D
