Sunday, January 24, 2016

Wreck Me Part 3 (VIXX Ravi)

All righty!  Sorry it took me a week to put up part three.  Things are just...really, really intense IRL right now and it's hard to concentrate.  BUT, I've been working on this bad boy since last weekend.  Again, a lot of words as per usual and a lot more angst than I normally write.  But, I'm very pleased with the way it's turned out and I hope you enjoy the continuing adventures of Wonsik and his soulmate.

And as always, please comment!  It really helps me keep plugging along with feedback.  And I've got it set up where you can leave comments anonymously if you're shy.  :)

I hope y'all enjoy and that this coming week is good to you!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wreck Me Part Two (VIXX Ravi)

All righty!  Here is part two.  I'd planned to have it up this weekend, but I got hit with a stupid bug and spent most of the weekend curled up in a ball feeling sorry for myself.

Can I just say I find it adorable how everyone seems to think Ravi's soulmate is Hongbin?  Because I don't remember saying it was going to be him.  In fact...I don't remember saying anything about his soulmate being a member of VIXX!  *gasps*

I don't normally write flashbacks since I find them to be a rather obnoxious trope.  BUT, in this instance, I felt it had to be done to give you an idea of why Wonsik wasn't thrilled to see his soulmate's name on his wrist. 

That being said, his soulmate WILL be revealed at the end.  And let me just say, if y'all aren't shocked, I cry.  I hope you like this one.  Welcome to the madness.  :)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Wreck Me - Part One (VIXX Ravi)


First off, I want to profusely apologize for not posting recently.  As many of you might have figured out if you follow me on Twitter or Tumblr, 2015 was an absolute nightmare for me.  Sadly, 2016 isn't shaping up to be all that awesome either.

December 24th was my one year anniversary for this blog.  I know it says April 16th, but that's when I had to restart everything.  Though things may not be perfect, I'm very thankful to each and every one of my readers.  Thank you so much for always coming back, even when I don't post for a month.

I'm hoping, as time progresses, that I'll be able to post more often.  I have a lot of plans and a lot of things coming up that I hope will excite you.  That being said, you'll also see that I've removed Surfacing Part One.  I don't plan on removing it forever, but just for now.  I've lost any and all want to continue that story, which makes me sad because it's got so much potential.  I've also deleted my other blog for the time being.  Sadly, the story that I put so much effort in has gotten very little in the way of views and I'm thinking y'all just aren't ready for a story like that by me yet.  I will be bringing it back, but I don't want to do that one thing that drives me crazy.  I refuse to leave unfinished stories up on my blog.

With all that being said, welcome to my new story.  This is going to be a wild ride and poor Wonsik has no idea what's in store for him.  I'm not going to put anything at the beginning, but I hope with the ending, you'll see what I'm trying to do here.  Man, I'm all mysterious and stuff.

All I can say is enjoy and as always, please comment.  Please.  I know it sounds like I'm begging, but honestly, comments are the only thing that make me come back.  And now, let the games begin.