Monday, June 29, 2015

Love Me Like You Do (VIXX Hongbin)

Wow, this is an epic.  LOL!  I didn't plan on it to go this long, but in the end I'm really happy with it.  I fell in love with Hyuna's character from the moment she was introduced in Pure Devil.  I've wanted to write her story for a long time, but couldn't figure out which one of the VIXX boys would do her justice.  I hope you like this one!  And no, it is not remotely Ramadan safe.  :(  I'm sorry!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Pure Devil Pt. 2 (VIXX N)

So, a ton of you have been asking me for a continuation of Pure Devil because of how I ended it.  I usually don't write sequels to one-shots, but with this one I actually planned to write more.  This time I'm writing from Hakyeon's perspective and I hope you like it.  This is a bit of a prompt & something I saw on Tumblr.  Stupid Tumblr!  *shakes fist*

And yes, I am writing another scenario!  Too many days have gone by since I've written anything & I'm jonesing.  So, enjoy!  This one won't be Ramadan safe.  I apologize.

Also, if you're from Seoul and you've been to Incheon Airport, I'm so sorry if I got details wrong.  I try and do as much research as I can, but I admit I make mistakes.  :(  Hopefully you can forgive said errors & enjoy the story as it was meant to be. :)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Missed Opportunities & Second Chances (VIXX Hongbin)

Hello!  I know, it's a miracle, but I AM alive!  Whoo-hoo!  *happy dance*  I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever be able to write again.  It seemed like the real world was out to get me.  First my WiFi went out & then I got hit with a terrible bug.  *sighs*  Thankfully I'm feeling much better AND I have my WiFi back! 

So, this story is a combination of a request and something I saw on Tumblr.  I couldn't help myself.  The idea was just too cute.  And it's Ramadan safe too!  So, my followers who are fasting and such can read it without worry.  Yay!

Saturday, June 13, 2015


I'm sorry everyone. I hoped to write tonight but this bug is making my life hell right now. I've got a horrible headache & I'm just...ugh! So, don't give up on me! I'm here, I'm alive & I'm really, really wanting to write. I've got two great ideas brewing. Just cross your fingers I feel better tomorrow. *sighs*

Monday, June 8, 2015

Hey All

I had all these grand plans to have at least two stories up this weekend but I'm down for the count with a virus of some sort. My brain is so fuzzy I can't think.