Sunday, February 28, 2016

I'm A Busy Girl

So many things going on in my little world.  Working on the next BTS/VIXX story as well as other things.  And as always, I can't seem to be content with just one thing.  I just posted this to my AO3 account.  I can't not write BTS now.  Oh, the horror.  LOL!

And just so y'all know, I am writing, it's just a long process.  I'm working insane hours lately, so by the time I get home I'm so tired I can't think.  Plus I'm finally getting over a double cold that I've had for three weeks.  So everything has just been a bit chaotic.  Bleh.

But, I am writing!  I'm posting things as fast as I can.  I hope y'all enjoy my new stuff too.  :)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Wreck Me - Finale (VIXX Ravi)

Well, folks, you made it to the end of Namjoon & Wonsik's story.  This isn't the end though.  Far from it.  The next members of VIXX and BTS have a little somethin' somethin' coming up.  All of them will get their happy endings.  Yay!

That being said, I know some of you are upset with me for writing m/m and not writing VIXX/you stories, but in all honesty, I write whatever comes to me.  Sometimes I'm not inspired to write from a woman's POV and write whatever is in my head.  And sometimes that just so happens to be two men falling in love.

BUT...I have plans.  The other members still need love in the CEO VIXX 'verse and I've already started on Jaehwan's.  So, once I'm done finishing this soulmate AU, plan on seeing that one.

I hope y'all enjoy the end of this fun, sweet, sometimes sad journey.  I've had a ton of fun writing Namjoon and Wonsik's adventures and I hope this finale shows just how much.  Thank you to the few who've left me messages.  You made my day.

And, without further ado, the end to their journey begins.  Have fun!

Monday, February 8, 2016

I Apologize

I had hoped to have Part four up this weekend, but I'm extremely sick and my brain isn't working very well at the moment. Just know I AM working on it and will have it up as soon as I can. All I can say is this bug is awful and is making my brain completely fuzzy. Writing is just not working at the moment. It sucks. >__<