Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Welcome to My New Project

Hi, everyone!  Well, it's finally here.  The thing I've been planning, designing, etc. for the last seven months.  If you had told me that I'd be writing a series back when I started this blog, I would have laughed.  And now, here I am. 

This isn't something pretty or fluffy.  It's not sweet.  It's dark, twisted and messed up.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I hope you enjoy! 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Can't Be Friends (VIXX Leo)

All righty!  Well, this one kind of came out of nowhere.  Um...hmm...what do I say?  Be prepared to flail, make awful noises and then get ice water and a fan.  You're welcome.

Also, happy birthday!  Your birthday was last weekend, but I...yeah.  I suck.  I hope you enjoy Taekwoon.  Your BFF is set to kill you.  Just FYI.  :)  

Day 2: So Close

So close

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Day 6...Are You Ready?

So...remember when I told you I had something big to reveal?  Well, this is just a tiny part of it.  I hope y'all enjoy.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

WiFi Sucks

So no post at the moment, but to make up for it I'll be doing a drabble on twitter in about ten minutes. If you're on Twitter, message me! My handle is htjwhs_vixx and I do these when I can't do actual posts. I'm currently typing this on my phone. Hit me up!!!!! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Quick Update

Hello!!! I'm sorry for not posting. I've been working up to 10+ hours a day, my job is super physical and it's been hellishly hot for a few weeks now. So I'm wiped out. BUT this doesn't mean I'm not writing. I'm working on some things that will make you REALLY happy...I hope anyway.

But...I have a question. I am very, very curious how you found my blog. Was it word of mouth? My tweets? Just something random? I would really like to know. If you could comment and tell me, I'd love to know. If you don't feel comfortable revealing your name, do it on anonymous.

I honestly have no idea how many people read my blog. My stats don't give me specifics like who's new or who's reading a story for the millionth time. I have made ways for people to follow my blog but that doesn't seem to work. So I wish I could figure that out. My curiosity is rather persistent.

Lastly, my little timer is counting down! A week from Tuesday, y'all will be getting a huge present. It'll be my birthday and my gift to you is this massive project I've been working on for the last...seven months. Eep! I hope y'all like it. I'll give more details as the time gets closer. Just...anticipate. :)