Thursday, January 12, 2017

Saying Goodbye?

Hello, my faithful readers!

I've been thinking a lot lately, about this blog and writing fan fiction in general.  When I started this blog in December of 2014 (originally), I did so with the thought that I wanted to write sex the way it should be written.  I was tired of reading barely credible takes on love, sex and everything else in between.  That anyone actually read my stories boggled my mind.

But, in all honesty, I'm burned out.  I feel like I'm stuck in a rut and it's not fair to my readers.  I want to produce well-written stories that make people come back for more and obviously I haven't done that in awhile.  I came back with my soulmates AU and honestly, as much as I love writing it, I'm beginning to think it isn't worth continuing.

I know fan fiction writing is a fickle business.  There are writers out there that have major followings with people commenting left and right on how much they love their stories.  Then there are writers like me who have absolutely no idea how many readers I have because getting people to interact with me is like pulling teeth.  I've tried keeping the mindset that I write for myself, but when I'm getting no satisfaction out of writing, what's the point?  I did this because I love writing romance, but when I'm lucky to get maybe one comment on my blog, who am I really writing this for?

I don't get paid to write fan fiction.  It's been my dream since I was a child to be a published author and maybe be lucky enough to make a living doing so.  I make absolutely nothing writing these stories and as an unemployed person, that sucks.

So, I've been doing some major soul searching.  I want to write books.  I want my writing to get out into the world.  I want people to read about these characters that I create.  But right now, I'm stuck in a very narrow niche and it's stifling me.  I spent years creating buzz with the pseudonym I chose to write under and these last few years I've found that it isn't getting me anywhere.

Will I write fan fiction again?  Maybe?  Maybe not?  It depends on if I can get back into that mindset or not.  But for right now, I'm going to work on a book.  Something that I actually started on here and found that my usual readers didn't like.  This series is dear to my heart and something I'm passionate about.  Something I've been planning out for years and years.  Now, I'm making it a reality.

I know I have things that are unfinished.  I might take them down.  Maybe bring them back later.  I will not be deleting my previous stories since I know a lot of people like to go back and read them over again.  But I feel like my fan fiction writing days are over for now.  I hope you'll understand.  I'm sure I'm pissing many people off, which sucks, but maybe if you saw it from my perspective, you'd understand.

I've put up a link to my Facebook page.  Bridget is my pseudonym; the name I've chosen to write under.  I'll keep it up to date and give you an opportunity to communicate with me that way.  In the meantime, I'm going to sign off.  Say goodbye for now.  And who knows, maybe you'll see me back sooner than you thought.